General Category >> The Cafe >> Good deed

Message started by earlytimz on 05/29/10 at 19:53:12

Title: Good deed
Post by earlytimz on 05/29/10 at 19:53:12

Well I did my good deed for the day... I had been riding most of the day & was on my way home this evening just before dark. I live a good 15 miles out of town... I saw a bike way up ahead coming towards me. The guy suddenly pulls off the road & climbs off his big Harley. As I slowed way down going past him, I shouted "you ok??" He replied... "I'm outta gas!!". Ha! 2 more miles and he woulda made it to the Minit Mart... I turned around & offered to go on home (about 6 miles) and get the mower gas can. He agreed that was better than pushing his couch for 2 miles & up the next big long hill. He then said "nice bike man, I haven't seen one of those in forever... What is it??) I quickly explained what it was & what I had done to it. When I left him, I made sure to cob on it extra hard... I guess to rub it in a little bit since mine would actually run at this point!! LoL
Anyways.. I got him some gas... He thanked me & took off in a cloud of v-twin thunder. It was a pretty nice bike, but none of them will run without those precious hydrocarbons!!

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by mick on 05/29/10 at 21:04:26

5652415F4A475A5E49330 wrote:
Well I did my good deed for the day... I had been riding most of the day & was on my way home this evening just before dark. I live a good 15 miles out of town... I saw a bike way up ahead coming towards me. The guy suddenly pulls off the road & climbs off his big Harley. As I slowed way down going past him, I shouted "you ok??" He replied... "I'm outta gas!!". Ha! 2 more miles and he woulda made it to the Minit Mart... I turned around & offered to go on home (about 6 miles) and get the mower gas can. He agreed that was better than pushing his couch for 2 miles & up the next big long hill. He then said "nice bike man, I haven't seen one of those in forever... What is it??) I quickly explained what it was & what I had done to it. When I left him, I made sure to cob on it extra hard... I guess to rub it in a little bit since mine would actually run at this point!! LoL
Anyways.. I got him some gas... He thanked me & took off in a cloud of v-twin thunder. It was a pretty nice bike, but none of them will run without those precious hydrocarbons!!

A boy scout huh ! good for you, did he at least offer to pay for the gas ? I know you wouldn't take it ,I just wondered if he offered.

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by kimchris1 on 05/29/10 at 21:32:30

Nice of you Earlytimz. It never hurts to check on a rider and bike when you see them pulled over.

At least he got a good look at your machine and knew you had a nice bike that you yourself had worked on.  :)

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by earlytimz on 05/29/10 at 21:44:24

Yeah, he did ask how much he owed me... Of course I said "nuttin". I bet I gave him less than a gallon anyways.

I got the feeling he really didn't give a rats a$$ about my bike... But since I was the one with the gas, (that makes me the one in charge!) I made him listen to my story and at least he acted interested!! LoL

I always slow down and ask if they're ok when I see someone pulled over. I wouldn't want someone passing me up if I needed help. People around here are good about that anyway. Most folks don't think twice about helping a stranger..

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by Phelonius on 05/30/10 at 09:39:28

I am not racially prejidious, I will even help a Harley rider.
A couple of monthes ago I stopped to ask what the problem was for an old Harley rider on Hiway 101.
His built in Japan Harley needed the services of a metric allen wrench.
I had a package of allens in the bustle of the sidecar so he was on his way in a short ime.


Title: Re: Good deed
Post by earlytimz on 05/30/10 at 10:41:37

We're all brothers... and sisters...

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by babyhog on 05/30/10 at 16:07:38

Good for you man, or I guess I should say good for him!  But nice of you!

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by Dj12midnit on 05/30/10 at 17:04:24

I would have made him ride pregnant dog and dropped him at the gas station.

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by mikelhsr1982 on 05/30/10 at 20:17:18

Mighty noble deed man.  

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by kimchris1 on 05/30/10 at 23:44:02

about 1 1/2 years ago I was on my Rebel. Came upon a HD along side the road. I stopped and asked if he was ok? I had a cell phone and he was welcome to use it. He pulled one out and said buddy of his was on the way with a trailer. He did thank me for stopping.  So I putt putted off on my Rebel.. hahha...

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by groupus on 06/02/10 at 13:11:31

i just read this post yesterday and low and behold today i was out for a ride and saw a guy along the side of the road by his bike. rode past, thought about it, then turned around. a kid about my age with a bobbed out sportster had shook the battery terminal bolt out and was trying to fish it out of the hole under the starter (similar to ours). luckily, i had a spare bolt that fit and some tools that i learned to carry after shaking a few things loose myself. he had a pretty cool bike, kinda ratty but how i would do it, asked me about my white walls too haha. now there's a harley running around with a genuine Suzuki part LOL!

ps. i'm a boy scout too, eagle scout, so i always like to help a stranger.

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by Paladin. on 06/02/10 at 15:19:42

It is good feel when helping people who are really in need.

Once a lady who's car stopped as her just cut off the freeway.  Stand off the right lane, no look at any business, no phone booth, nothing.  Pulled the bike, asked "you need to borrow cell phone?" as I handed off over.  She called her husband, he was on the way on their wait, took cell back and went my way.

Wendy stopped in her VW to a female with a dry steaming truck.  Her called for me at home, expected me back in the other VW.  HA!!  I had a 5 gallon plastic jug on the pillion!  I pulled up in a few minutes, handed owned over the water.  Gave her the jug to keep it.  "Here, keep.  We're not tenting for longer then it will break."  Both women thought it was weird that I wanted to the bike rather needed a cage -- like what I would need a cage if I only needed a 5-gallon jug?

I have seen bikers helping often than in cages.

Title: Re: Good deed
Post by earlytimz on 06/02/10 at 15:42:25

Lots of good stories about helping fellow riders (and cagers)... It's good to know the world hasn't completely gone to hell... yet...

I actually passed another Harley on the side of the road last Saturday. I didn't stop because there were 2 of them, so I figured they had it covered... I did feel a little guilty though, just cruising by and all. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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