General Category >> The Cafe >> Obama and Jimmy Carter

Message started by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/26/10 at 06:36:57

Title: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/26/10 at 06:36:57

I'm starting to wonder if Obama is going to go down in history as another Jimmy Carter.  That means a good man, well meaning, smart, highly educated, but who just can't be a chief executive, run things, and get the job done.  Impotent presidencies.

Think of Carter - unquestionably a very good human being with a big heart.  Actually, I view Obama likewise.

Carter - Nuclear engineer, graduate of U.S. Naval Academy.  Engineering officer aboard nuclear submarines in the Navy.  Farmer.

Obama - Ivy League undergrad and lawyer, but who has never practiced law, nor run a business, never had to "make a payroll".

Neither of them came to office with any business experience whatsoever, and it's been shown in their records.  Carter had the first energy crises to face, so he wore his sweater, got on TV, and told us all to turn down the thermostat.

Obama has zero experience not only in business, but in international politics and international relations - the wars go on without any real direction from the guy who is the Commander in Chief.

Obama did get his health care change act (I refuse to refer to it as "reform").  But little else has happened that's positive.

Unfortunately, this is what we see when the voters just react without thinking.  But most voters nowadays aren't thinkers, except with their stomachs.

Carter's election was a reaction to Watergate, and Jerry Ford's pardoning of Nixon.  In comes the outsider to Washington politics who is going to revolutionize Washington.  Not.  Maybe the worst president of the 20th century.

Obama's election was a reaction to negative public opinion of GWB, the financial meltdown, the wars and the bailouts.  In comes another outsider who had only been a part of the Washington scene for 2 years.  He gets elected on "Change you can believe in".  So far, Not.

Aren't these two about the same?

What's your thought?

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/26/10 at 06:48:44

On TV last night someone said Obama talks like John Wayne,And acts like Pee Wee Herman,I thought that was a good statement.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by LANCER on 05/26/10 at 06:49:21

I think Carter was well intentioned but lacked the skills to do the job.

Obama on the other hand, has totally different intentions.  He actually wants to circumvent the Constitution and then make it irrelavent; and then set up a completely different type of government which is not constrained by the Constitution at all; where he as president can do what ever the heck he wants because he knows better than we do what is good for us.
Oh and by the way, in the process suck out trillions of dollars from us to pay off those who are helping him do this thing ..........

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by babyhog on 05/26/10 at 08:31:31

Jerry, I do believe I agree!  Good intentions initially, just can't handle the job.

But let me ask a question, if I may?  Has this country ever been as left-right divided as it seems to be now?  I keep getting a feeling of a tug-o-war where the opposing teams keep backing closer to the ends of their rope instead of leveling the rope out and some holding on to the middle.  I'm not big into politics, but I am concerned about the future of this country!    

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/26/10 at 08:50:33

Babyhog -

I don't know about historical division as you ask, but for sure we're divided now.

But I think it's for good reason:

1.  Those on the left are becoming more far left.  No doubt that Obama was one of the most liberal Senators when he was in the Senate.  Maybe only Boxer of California is more so.

2.  The right is frustrated with the debt, no apparent intentions on the part of the Dems to stop spending money, but just raise taxes and bash business, illegal immigration, and gov't intrusion into our lives in general, as evidenced by the health care change act.

The Dems of old are gone - JFK instituted the Investment Tax Credit.  Truman was a businessman before entering politics.  Even LBJ's wife and her family were business people.  Clinton moved a lot to the center during his time in office.  Since then the Dems have only run left wingers like Kerry and Obama.

Thomas Jefferson, the first Dem, is famous for many quotes.  I can't repeat them verbatim, but two of them are that democracy ceases when gov't takes from those willing to work to give to those not willing to work; and that the biggest enemy of the people is a large gov't.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/10 at 08:55:34

I think it depends on your perspective...
To me,.. it was more divided when GW was president, and honestly, the constitution was in more danger then...

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by mick on 05/26/10 at 12:01:09

38373B313A373C303720353720520 wrote:
Babyhog -

I don't know about historical division as you ask, but for sure we're divided now.

But I think it's for good reason:

1.  Those on the left are becoming more far left.  No doubt that Obama was one of the most liberal Senators when he was in the Senate.  Maybe only Boxer of California is more so.

2.  The right is frustrated with the debt, no apparent intentions on the part of the Dems to stop spending money, but just raise taxes and bash business, illegal immigration, and gov't intrusion into our lives in general, as evidenced by the health care change act.

The Dems of old are gone - JFK instituted the Investment Tax Credit.  Truman was a businessman before entering politics.  Even LBJ's wife and her family were business people.  Clinton moved a lot to the center during his time in office.  Since then the Dems have only run left wingers like Kerry and Obama.

Thomas Jefferson, the first Dem, is famous for many quotes.  I can't repeat them verbatim, but two of them are that democracy ceases when gov't takes from those willing to work to give to those not willing to work; and that the biggest enemy of the people is a large gov't.

A few months ago I managed to tally up the size of GWB government,
it totaled up to 17 million people on a government payroll,it hasn't changed it's still the same, that 17 million with great health care benifits,retirement pensions etc etc.
And I bet you will never see a senator lining up at a clinic for medcal help,or treatment.
BTW Jimmy Carter was the only president who could not be baught by big business. That is why he only lasted one term, One of the only honest presidents we ever had, I guess "We the people" never realized it. He was a very smart man,much like Bill Clinton an Oxford grad

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Midnightrider on 05/26/10 at 12:48:08

Carter wasnt as ignorant about business as most people think. When the oil companies pulled their fake shortage and prices on everything started rising Carter froze prices and salaries. He stopped it before everything got out of control. Wouldnt it have been nice if he was in office a few years ago when the price of oil and managements salaries doubled. Carter had the guts to stop oil companies and big business dead in their tracks, no president since him has. I think he knew more about business than any president in my lifetime. He knew the oil companies and big business could and eventually would ruin this country.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/26/10 at 13:06:32

Carter was one of the smartest president,That why Iran wouldn't give up the hostages to him they wanted him out of there and it worked,As soon as he was out they gave up the hostages.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by earlytimz on 05/26/10 at 14:05:31

3F323D3036216164530 wrote:
I think Carter was well intentioned but lacked the skills to do the job.

Obama on the other hand, has totally different intentions.  He actually wants to circumvent the Constitution and then make it irrelavent; and then set up a completely different type of government which is not constrained by the Constitution at all; where he as president can do what ever the heck he wants because he knows better than we do what is good for us.

Oh and by the way, in the process suck out trillions of dollars from us to pay off those who are helping him do this thing ..........

Preach on, my brotha... This is EXACTLY how I feel as well!! (along with most people I know)

Jerry, in my opinion, I think you hit the nail on the head except for one thing... You believe in the health care fiasco, I do not. I see it as entitlements, plain and simple. More welfare that we can't afford. Hopefully it'll be found unconstitutional and thrown out, because that's exactly what it is.

Serowbot, no offense meant, but claiming the constitution was in more danger under W is possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're a funny guy... You gotta be joking, right??? This admin has done everything but rip it to shreds and burn it.

Mick, oh where do I start?
Where on earth do you get your numbers? The only jobs Barry has created are GOVERNMENT JOBS! The number of federal gov't jobs is expected to be 2.15 million this year (not including the post office, which is downsizing) -a gain of roughly 10% since Dec 2007, the biggest jump being since Barry took over. He has also promised a federal pay raise across the board of 1.4%. The average salary for a federal worker is $71k, 75% higher than the average private worker & nearly 20% of fed workers make over 6 figure incomes! Do some research man, I'm tired of typing... You can start here:

By the way, the Rasmussen Report today shows Barry's approval rating as 23% strongly approve, 45% strongly disapprove. A total rating of 43% to 56%... His lowest ever!

I won't comment on Carter... All I can say is ONE AND DONE, like Barry come 2012

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Starlifter on 05/26/10 at 22:07:53

Jerry, capitalists generally have no interest in business ... their interest is in profit/theft . . .

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/27/10 at 05:47:20

Lifter, My Friend -

I believe you once described yourself as a "democratic solialist".  Is my memory correct?

If so, you either don't understand, or more probably, don't believe in the profit motive.

To say that all Capitalists (those who believe that the formation of a capital based economy is best) are all thieves is about as accurate as saying that all gov't employees are worthless, lazy scoffs.  Neither is true.

But this isn't the theme of what I asked in starting this thread.  My question was whether Carter and Obama will suffer the same fate from a historical viewpoint - smart, well educated men with good intentions, but who lacked the leadership skills needed in a chief executive.

Kinda odd that the Pres. is the chief executive of the Federal gov't., the same as is a chief executive officer (CEO) of a business, isn't it?

The same leadership skills are demanded of both jobs.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by mick on 05/27/10 at 08:16:23

383C2F3124293430275D0 wrote:
[quote author=3F323D3036216164530 link=1274881017/0#2 date=1274881761]I think Carter was well intentioned but lacked the skills to do the job.

Obama on the other hand, has totally different intentions.  He actually wants to circumvent the Constitution and then make it irrelavent; and then set up a completely different type of government which is not constrained by the Constitution at all; where he as president can do what ever the heck he wants because he knows better than we do what is good for us.

Oh and by the way, in the process suck out trillions of dollars from us to pay off those who are helping him do this thing ..........

Preach on, my brotha... This is EXACTLY how I feel as well!! (along with most people I know)

Jerry, in my opinion, I think you hit the nail on the head except for one thing... You believe in the health care fiasco, I do not. I see it as entitlements, plain and simple. More welfare that we can't afford. Hopefully it'll be found unconstitutional and thrown out, because that's exactly what it is.

Serowbot, no offense meant, but claiming the constitution was in more danger under W is possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're a funny guy... You gotta be joking, right??? This admin has done everything but rip it to shreds and burn it.

Mick, oh where do I start?
Where on earth do you get your numbers? The only jobs Barry has created are GOVERNMENT JOBS! The number of federal gov't jobs is expected to be 2.15 million this year (not including the post office, which is downsizing) -a gain of roughly 10% since Dec 2007, the biggest jump being since Barry took over. He has also promised a federal pay raise across the board of 1.4%. The average salary for a federal worker is $71k, 75% higher than the average private worker & nearly 20% of fed workers make over 6 figure incomes! Do some research man, I'm tired of typing... You can start here:

By the way, the Rasmussen Report today shows Barry's approval rating as 23% strongly approve, 45% strongly disapprove. A total rating of 43% to 56%... His lowest ever!

I won't comment on Carter... All I can say is ONE AND DONE, like Barry come 2012[/quote]
I just googled "the size of government" these numbers are all accounted for, You just willy nilly said Oh don't count the post Office, well you cant just do that. That is what you call cheating, so Count the P/O and all the services Army Navy,air force,Marines, all the reserves.
now start counting local government ,and a sh1t load of people you never see or have heard of. I did not write down 17 million just for a
f*cking joke, it took at least an hour of my time to find all these people
lurking about working for uncle sam. I would have written down one million if it had been the case, but it wasn't.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/27/10 at 08:26:00

626D616B606D666A6D7A6F6D7A080 wrote:
Lifter, My Friend -

I believe you once described yourself as a "democratic solialist".  Is my memory correct?

If so, you either don't understand, or more probably, don't believe in the profit motive.

To say that all Capitalists (those who believe that the formation of a capital based economy is best) are all thieves is about as accurate as saying that all gov't employees are worthless, lazy scoffs.  Neither is true.

But this isn't the theme of what I asked in starting this thread.  My question was whether Carter and Obama will suffer the same fate from a historical viewpoint - smart, well educated men with good intentions, but who lacked the leadership skills needed in a chief executive.

Kinda odd that the Pres. is the chief executive of the Federal gov't., the same as is a chief executive officer (CEO) of a business, isn't it?

The same leadership skills are demanded of both jobs.

What CEOs in the USA have leadership skills

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by Jerry Eichenberger on 05/27/10 at 08:34:23

Well, Bill, let's see:

1.  Ford Motor Co.  Never took Fed money, weathered the storm, now profitable again.

2.  General Motors - Took Fed money under the old regime.  New CEO has turned it around, repaid Fed loans, making some fairly decent cars now, and now profitable.

3.  Boeing - Now leading the pack in large aircraft manufacturers world wide.  Leading exporter of U.S. manufactured goods, mainly responsible for keep our trade deficit from going completely nuts.

4.  Xerox, IBM, Dell, Apple, Yahoo, Gogle, Ebay, etc.  

5.  Citigroup - Repaid all Fed loans, and now profitable.  Same for Bank of America and about 2 dozen other major lenders.

I don't have the rest of the day to make the list go on.

You get the point.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by earlytimz on 05/27/10 at 08:37:07

Fair enough... I apologize.
I didn't count postal workers or the military. I don't see them as typical government workers. They have real jobs, not like the bureaucrats. That doesn't change the fact that the amount of federal government workers has grown under Obama. Some of these jobs were temporary census workers, but he still used them to pad the "number of jobs saved or created BS".
How do you count a job saved anyway??

The United States has a total of about 3 million in the military. This includes both active AND reserve forces.

The USPS employs about 664,000 people.

Still a far cry from 17 million, but it doesn't matter...
My point is the only thing the government grows is itself. The only thing it produces is more government.
Do you really think we're getting the best bang for our buck with the amount of taxes we pay?? I don't!

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/27/10 at 08:42:02

  Who knows maybe Obama will pull our country out of debt ;)

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by earlytimz on 05/27/10 at 08:46:44

Yeah, & maybe we can all work for the government!! LoL

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by buttgoat1 on 05/27/10 at 08:55:26

I think the difference is that Carter actually had real jobs, had good intentions, and was proud to be an American.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by earlytimz on 05/27/10 at 09:01:23

34233025232423302F420 wrote:
I think the difference is that Carter actually had real jobs, had good intentions, and was proud to be an American.

Exactly! Barry will go down in history as the worst president ever, making Carter look better in the process.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/27/10 at 09:43:45

Why are you leaving out the #1 worse president GWB.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by mick on 05/27/10 at 12:21:00

000B0E0E5455620 wrote:
Why are you leaving out the #1 worse president GWB.

don't forget R. Reagan the second worst president.

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by bill67 on 05/27/10 at 12:29:16

#3 worst Tricky thingy Nixon

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by LostArtist on 05/27/10 at 12:56:55

seems to me, either you like him or you don't and nothing will change your mind if you don't

Title: Re: Obama and Jimmy Carter
Post by mick on 05/27/10 at 14:24:22

454A464C474A414D4A5D484A5D2F0 wrote:
Lifter, My Friend -

I believe you once described yourself as a "democratic solialist".  Is my memory correct?

If so, you either don't understand, or more probably, don't believe in the profit motive.

To say that all Capitalists (those who believe that the formation of a capital based economy is best) are all thieves is about as accurate as saying that all gov't employees are worthless, lazy scoffs.  Neither is true.

But this isn't the theme of what I asked in starting this thread.  My question was whether Carter and Obama will suffer the same fate from a historical viewpoint - smart, well educated men with good intentions, but who lacked the leadership skills needed in a chief executive.

Kinda odd that the Pres. is the chief executive of the Federal gov't., the same as is a chief executive officer (CEO) of a business, isn't it?

The same leadership skills are demanded of both jobs.

I think Starlifter is one of the smartest guys on this forum, his numbers and stories are all backupable (great new word heh).
You know in England,when the Tory party gets in they always raise the taxes on beer and cigarettes,when the Labor party gets in they raise the taxes on luxury cars (you have one) boats,and aeroplanes,shoot you would get dinged again,so you are safe at the moment if you want to move to England. I'm sure you would find the Old Bailey much more interesting,but you would have to get a wig and powder.
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