General Category >> Technical Documents/Reference >> Decoding the VIN

Message started by verslagen1 on 04/23/09 at 23:06:36

Title: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 04/23/09 at 23:06:36

From an excellent article on another forum... thanks to DanClarke for finding it.

Digits 1,2,3 are World, Manufacturer, Identifier
Digits 4,5,6,7,8 are Vehicle descriptor Section
Digit 9 is the check digit
Digit 10 is the Year code
Digit 11 is the Factory code
Digits 12,13,14,15,16,17 are the Vehicle Identification Sequence

A very shortened version:JS1NP4119G1xxxxxx
digit-description (code)
1-Japan (J),
2-Suzuki (S),
3-Motorcycle (1 or A),
4-Single cylinder sport/street (N),
5-600-699cc (P),
6-4 stroke single (4),
7-model version first version uses 1,
8-model version first version uses 1,
9-accuracy check digit, verifying the previous VIN numbers
10-Year Code
  86(G), 87(H), 88(J), 89(K),
  90(L), 91(M), 92(N), 93(P), 94(R), 95(S), 96(T), 97(V), 98(W), 99(X),
  00(Y), 01(K1), 02(K2), 03(K3), 04(K4), 05(K5), 06(K6), 07(K7), 08(K8 ), 09(K9),
  10(A), 11(B), 12(C), 13(D), 14(E), 15(F)
11-Factory Code
12 thru 17-Serial Number

Some engine numbers...

1995.....p401 131xxx

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Mario Verasso on 03/18/12 at 18:19:41

I have a 1999 made for 2000 and the Vin#'s look different.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Kris01 on 03/18/12 at 19:42:07

I don't see anything wrong with that VIN.

J = Japan
S = Suzuki
1 = Motorcycle
N = Single cylinder sport/street
P = 600-699cc
4 = 4 stroke single
1 = Design sequence 1
A = 10th version
1 = Check digit
Y = 2000 model year
2 = Mfr plant
100165 = Consecutive unit number

Title: Decoding the VIN
Post by Kris01 on 02/10/14 at 15:58:55

I've seen a few engines for sale and thought it might be helpful for those out there looking for a new engine to have a little extra information to help them out.

See this thread:

It currently stops at 2002.  I thought it might be a nice idea for everyone to add to this.

My '08 has engine number P401-175xxx.  At least this way everyone will have at least a small idea of what they're buying (plus, it makes a nice reference).

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 04/19/14 at 10:26:57

200E1707110F030C620 wrote:
(BTW...the frame number/VIN scheme also seems to differ on the EU bikes, making it almost impossible to date the bike. Our frame numbers seem to begin with the model code, and some numbers are omitted, IIRC, but that´s not important)


Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Sarge on 04/21/14 at 11:08:35

I have a 2003 Savage and the VIN does not comply with the example. The VIN has a "32" instead of  "K3" in it to designate the 2003 model year. Am I reading the example wrong?   :(


Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 04/21/14 at 11:46:44

J = Japan
S = Suzuki
1 = Motorcycle
N = Single cylinder sport/street
P = 600-699cc
4 = 4 stroke single
1 = Design sequence 1
A = 10th version
6 = Check digit
3 = 2003 model year
2 = Mfr plant
100798 = Consecutive unit number

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Sarge on 04/23/14 at 08:20:48

I have the answer to my issue with the date code for my 2003. Found the following on the web for Suzuki motorcycles:

Tenth digit - Year Code
80(A), 81(B), 82(C), 83(D), 84(E), 85(F), 86(G), 87(H), 88(J), 89(K),
90(L), 91(M), 92(N), 93(P), 94(R), 95(S), 96(T), 97(V), 98(W), 99(X),
00(Y), 01(1)_ 02(2), 03(3), 04(4), 05(5), 06(6), 07(7), 08(8 ), 09(9)
( Don't know what happens after that )

My VIN doesn't have a typo after all.  :)

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 04/23/14 at 08:51:38

0B392A3F3D580 wrote:
( Don't know what happens after that )

The code should repeat

Tenth digit - Year Code
10(A), 11(B), 12(C), 13(D), 14(E), 15(F), 16(G), 17(H), 18(J), 19(K),

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Bluesman on 04/23/14 at 12:16:20

..and the EU VIN numbers are totally screwed up - see pics, one is a -97, one is a -94 IIRC - compared to the official decoding system. We simply have to trust the importer/import papers. Uncool. Wonder if my engine number gives a clue. Not that it would help, the engine number isn´t required on the registration papers any longer. And not checked/verified at inspections. Ah well...

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Bluesman on 04/26/14 at 07:08:23

My (1997) engine number is P402-118856....

I wonder if they side-stepped the entire coding scheme for EU models..

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Steddy58 on 11/11/15 at 14:54:57

my VIN is NP41A - XXXXXX  which is 6 numbers, so how do I read this as I am looking for a spare and the guy from the shop wants my VIN and cant find my 11 digit one and he wants 17 digits off me but I'm six short - oh woe is me !

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 11/11/15 at 15:08:15

7A5D4C59416D290 wrote:
my VIN is NP41A - XXXXXX  which is 6 numbers, so how do I read this as I am looking for a spare and the guy from the shop wants my VIN and cant find my 11 digit one and he wants 17 digits off me but I'm six short - oh woe is me !

As far as I know the EU VIN is what you've got.
You're gonna have to convince him to go by the year.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Steddy58 on 11/12/15 at 20:43:04

He has now informed me that he has found my bike just using the 11 digits - hurrah!  :) something to do with the suzuki site not playing the game earlier

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Kris01 on 06/21/16 at 18:03:19

Found a few more engine numbers...

1995.....P401 131xxx

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Lino on 07/21/16 at 15:02:07

Hi from Perth, Australia.

So I have scoured this thread to figure out my VIN number details but still confused.

I bought my bike yesterday and it was initially advertised online as a 1988 LS650. When I received the registration papers it was listed as a 1987. The VIN number only has 11 digits and not 17. And finally, on the way home, I noticed it has 5 gears and not 4 as stipulated in specs (for 1988) that I checked online before purchasing the bike.

I have attached an image of the VIN number. I hope one of you awesome gurus is able to help.


Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 07/21/16 at 15:07:43

22312627383533313A65540 wrote:
[quote author=7A5D4C59416D290 link=1240553196/0#11 date=1447282497]my VIN is NP41A - XXXXXX  which is 6 numbers, so how do I read this as I am looking for a spare and the guy from the shop wants my VIN and cant find my 11 digit one and he wants 17 digits off me but I'm six short - oh woe is me !

As far as I know the EU VIN is what you've got.
You're gonna have to convince him to go by the year.[/quote]

604756435B77330 wrote:
He has now informed me that he has found my bike just using the 11 digits - hurrah!  :) something to do with the suzuki site not playing the game earlier

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Kris01 on 07/21/16 at 18:36:22

123730312D14312B2C303B275E0 wrote:
Hi There

Just bought a Suzuki Savage LS650. It is registered in Western Australia as a 1987 model but was advertised as a 1988. It was imported from Japan by a local Suzuki dealer. I can’t seem to match my engine number or vin number to anything on here or the Suzuki Savage website. Can anyone help?

Engine No. P401 – 112537
Vin No. NP41A – 102450



It's an '87.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by diesa135 on 09/18/17 at 02:57:12

Hello guys!! I need your help please!!!! My VIN is NP41B115150 and the number that is written on the engine is the P402115116. Has the previous owner changed the engine??

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by JustineWatson on 10/27/17 at 18:01:53

I have an old LS400 that I rescued from a junk pile and have lovingly brought back to life. It does not have a VIN plate and hope you can help .. The chassis number is NK41A-102510 and the engine number is K402-102586 ..I am in New-Zealand

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by JLC on 12/08/17 at 08:04:09

2015 engine number: P401-184xxx

To add to the table on page 1 of this thread.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 12/08/17 at 09:26:07

724B504A0908390 wrote:
Found a few more engine numbers...


7A7C73300 wrote:
2015 engine number: P401-184xxx

To add to the table on page 1 of this thread.

thanks for the info

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Northwood on 01/15/18 at 09:38:57

Hi there.

Im just purchased a LS650 from a seeler who didnt know exactly when the bike is from. Maybe 92-93.
I have done many searches but in vain. It seems the US and EU nomenclature is very different.
The VIN is different and the engine no too.

VIN: NP41B-113760
En no: P402-113761

The tach says 19,000 km  ::)

Any suggestions?
Any visible changes from year to year?


Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 01/15/18 at 10:00:47

5574696F736C74747F1B0 wrote:
The VIN is different and the engine no too.

This is normal... for us and this bike anyway.

VIN: NP41B-113760
En no: P402-113761

Pretty sure the P402 means it's a 400cc... not a 650cc

Most of our engine data is US and 650cc based, we're not going to be much help to you.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Northwood on 01/16/18 at 09:38:00

Thx verslagen.
Its no doubt a 650 cc. The engine and the official registration documents agree :)
Theres no way of telling the production year by manufactor modification details on frame or engine?

7B687F7E616C6A68633C0D0 wrote:
[quote author=5574696F736C74747F1B0 link=1240553196/15#22 date=1516037937]
The VIN is different and the engine no too.

This is normal... for us and this bike anyway.

VIN: NP41B-113760
En no: P402-113761

Pretty sure the P402 means it's a 400cc... not a 650cc

Most of our engine data is US and 650cc based, we're not going to be much help to you.[/quote]

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Wild1OR on 08/21/20 at 22:44:15

Were the VINs sequential all the way through the end of the run?

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Nikthegreek on 12/23/23 at 07:24:39

Hello guys I bought an intruder 800 but I can't what year is my bike so I know is a savage forum but I wanted to find help also from you guys. Because I can't figure out my chassis vin is 11 digits not 17 also is European not American so it's harder to decide the vin or vds for the European so I read all the sites didn't really figure out so if somebody know how to decode European 11 digits chassis code I will be very happy if he helps me
My engine code is s505 and chassis codes is vs52c

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by verslagen1 on 12/23/23 at 08:10:20,Union%20and%20the%20United%20States.

From the wiki... it appears the EU doesn't care about year so it's not in the code.  So you're SOL.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Nikthegreek on 12/23/23 at 08:45:25

2E3D2A2B34393F3D3669580 wrote:,Union%20and%20the%20United%20States.

From the wiki... it appears the EU doesn't care about year so it's not in the code.  So you're SOL.

So there is no wayyy that I can find?
I hope maybe I find from the engine code numbers or some parts

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Nikthegreek on 12/23/23 at 08:45:51

I only know that it was imported 1999 [ch128514]

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by Mervk on 12/26/24 at 19:19:38

Another couple of numbers for the record. Australian delivered bike. 1986, located Brisbane, Qld.
Vin # NP41A100072
Engine # P401100340

Might be the earliest listed?
Cheers, Merv.

Title: Re: Decoding the VIN
Post by blod on 01/08/25 at 08:03:49

Decode this..

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