General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Random boggin out - will not start for a while

Message started by Björn Meier on 03/21/25 at 15:00:16

Title: Random boggin out - will not start for a while
Post by Björn Meier on 03/21/25 at 15:00:16

Hi guys - I need your help ...

Im so sad i cant help my son with this - his Savage has this weird problemthat after driving for a while it suddenly stalls (like if out of gas or no ignition) however - it will not start again until maybe one hour later ...

I thought it was his coil that failed when hot and it measured 39k ohm and the one from my savage was around 19k - so we swapped ... and yeaaahhh all good - he drove around for like 2-3 hours - was in the gym and after 3km it died ....

Im really totally blank to what to look for ...if it was fuel related why would it start perfectly fine later and run for random period...

I guess ill check if valves are within specs - did replace camchain etc last year ..

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