General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Five Eyes

Message started by Serowbot on 03/15/25 at 11:37:54

Title: Five Eyes
Post by Serowbot on 03/15/25 at 11:37:54

MAGAnuts try to make Trump sound normal, accusing detractors of "TDS" like every idiot motion he makes or notion he has is nothing unusual
Five Eyes is an alliance intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States that began during WWII
Our partners are reconsidering

That's not normal
You may be OK with that because under Trump you're OK with everything but the world is being restructured around you
No matter your tit-for-tat arguments, the world is adjusting to insanity
They no longer look to America as a leader of the free world
Our century of leadership is over
5 eyes, NATO, EU, USAid, WHO,
I'm sure the Pentagon is hiding the trigger on the nuclear football
Our President is no longer a trusted leader
US influence is gone
....but that's OK because..... Trump


Title: Re: Five Eyes
Post by MnSpring on 03/15/25 at 17:45:54

2432253820353823570 wrote:

"...  the world is adjusting to insanity ..."

      Proud and Strong.

While the Fairy Dust WOKE Sprinklers,
are raping the other Nations.
Remember the, '1984' ?
"...  a reference to George Orwell's noted 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised "Big Brother". ..."

Don't likle the FREEDOM the USA has ?

Simple, go to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and you will be happy, because you will have NO FREEDOM.  (Well unless you do exactly what YOU ARE TOLD to do !.

Title: Re: Five Eyes
Post by Eegore on 03/15/25 at 19:18:52

Simple, go to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and you will be happy, because you will have NO FREEDOM.  (Well unless you do exactly what YOU ARE TOLD to do !.

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