General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 90% increase in Government staff

Message started by Eegore on 03/14/25 at 07:42:30

Title: 90% increase in Government staff
Post by Eegore on 03/14/25 at 07:42:30

 So with a claimed 90% of Federal workers working from home it should be expected that with the agencies where remote work has stopped we would see close to a 90% or at least 80% increase in staff at Federal workplaces.

 I just got back from a proving ground in NM and they had a 2% increase in staffing since zero are allowed to work from home now.  Given that supposedly 90% work from home that means they lost 88% of their workforce - yet almost every position was filled.

 Two staff maintained gate-access - so with the 90% working from home there should have been 18 more staff returning to work, just for gate access.  This did not happen.  There were about 100 staff working before the work from home was eliminated, so there should have been about 900 staff the month after.  Not even close to 900 staff work there, or ever have.  So maybe 90% "work from home" is a complete lie.

Title: Re: 90% increase in Government staff
Post by Serowbot on 03/14/25 at 08:33:34

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