General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Little Marco

Message started by WebsterMark on 03/13/25 at 04:07:20

Title: Little Marco
Post by WebsterMark on 03/13/25 at 04:07:20

I confess I never paid much attention to Rubio after he was destroyed by worthless Christie during one of those Presidential debates and then Trump’s nickname finished him off.

But, I’ve been impressed so far as Secretary of State and when I saw his response to the question about the scum bag Columbia riot leader, Mahmoud Khalil, I’m even more impressed.

So, I was in Atlanta over the weekend and the first half of this week for a work event. Stayed right downtown by the Olympic park if you know where that is. And the last night, Tuesday night we were having dinner right across the street from the park when a bunch of pro-rape, pro-kidnap, pro-murder Palestinian protesters began to form. Some scumbag was on the microphone screaming about something, but I couldn’t really hear from inside.

Now in work events like these, I lose track of everything that’s going on the world. I hadn’t kept up with the news for four days. I had no idea who this Mahmoud Khalil guy was. But I loathe these pro-rape, pro-kidnap, pro-murder Palestinian protesters so when we come out of the restaurant, I want to walk through the crowd and see what’s going on.

The three other guys with me didn’t want to so I went by myself. I cross the street and walki through this crowd of scumbags who are yelling into a microphone  the usual anti-American BS, (you know, typical current Democratic Party talking points).

So, here I am, some white guy, middle-aged, dressed fairly nice, walking across the street from an expensive restaurant….which makes me public enemy number one. I had a couple of double shots of Woodford reserve so I was feeling pretty loose which is why I did it to begin with. But the hatred directed at me was unbelievable. There was this one girl, maybe 20 years old who was watching me, just staring right at me I assumed, hoping I would say something.  I swear, if I’d had on a red MAGA hat, I would have been attacked.

So I read up on this guy this morning, and I see pictures and videos of him heavily involved in the Columbia protest last year or Jewish students were threatened, attacked and isolated by the pro-rape, pro-kidnap, pro-murder protesters. You remember the ones, the ones the Democratic Party supported.

Now, I’m also reading Trump is cutting grants to Columbia University. Good for him. Yes, this is what I voted for.

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by thumperclone on 03/13/25 at 04:57:59


Now, I’m also reading Trump is cutting grants to Columbia University. Good for him. Yes, this is what I voted for.

anti 1st amendment...

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by MnSpring on 03/13/25 at 07:13:54

5B475A425F4A5D4C4340414A2F0 wrote:
[i]" anti 1st amendment..."[/i]

So, according to you.  The 1st means.
" if I’d had on a red MAGA hat, I would have been attacked."

OK, Got it !

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by thumperclone on 03/13/25 at 08:25:43

0B281536342F2821460 wrote:
[quote author=5B475A425F4A5D4C4340414A2F0 link=1741864040/0#1 date=1741867079] [i]" anti 1st amendment..."[/i]

So, according to you.  The 1st means.
" if I’d had on a red MAGA hat, I would have been attacked."

OK, Got it !

webbys' fear has nothing to do with free speech

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by WebsterMark on 03/13/25 at 09:48:15

514D504855405746494A4B40250 wrote:

Now, I’m also reading Trump is cutting grants to Columbia University. Good for him. Yes, this is what I voted for.

anti 1st amendment...

If you think threatening Jewish students with death if they tried to go to class, you’re beyond out of touch.

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by Eegore on 03/13/25 at 10:49:57

webbys' fear has nothing to do with free speech

 Considering there were documented and verified death threats the 1st Amendment defense goes out the window.

 Columbia did not act on those threats appropriately which is why they are not providing the steps made last year, but have re-opened investigations.

 Another part of the problem is the Trump Administration's borderline careless actions against organizations that do not do exactly what they want.

 Both are wrong here.  Student's should be able to protest without Government interference in their education or funding, and also students should not be threatened.  

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by Serowbot on 03/13/25 at 12:33:08

Little Marco.... he's the one that didn't call Trump America's Hitler
Yeah!   two points!  :-?

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by Serowbot on 03/13/25 at 16:26:42

I remember now,... he's the one that made fun of Trump's tiny tinkle
With friends like that.... :-?

Is there anyone ever involved with DJT that hasn't turned on him?  
Think about it
Think about it
This man has a thousand knives at his back
There's a reason for that
He's the modern day Julius Caesar :-X

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by WebsterMark on 03/13/25 at 18:12:37

18383A322F385D0 wrote:
webbys' fear has nothing to do with free speech

 Considering there were documented and verified death threats the 1st Amendment defense goes out the window.

 Columbia did not act on those threats appropriately which is why they are not providing the steps made last year, but have re-opened investigations.

 Another part of the problem is the Trump Administration's borderline careless actions against organizations that do not do exactly what they want. Careless action? Huh? How do you figure? And they can pursue at their own discretion, elections have consequences.

 Both are wrong here.  Student's should be able to protest advocating violence specifically against Jews is not a “peaceful protest” without Government interference in their education or funding, and also students should not be threatened.  

Title: Re: Little Marco
Post by Eegore on 03/13/25 at 20:01:40

Careless action? Huh? How do you figure? And they can pursue at their own discretion, elections have consequences.

 That's like saying the Biden Administration could just cut off funding to any private company or human that legally made statements Biden did not like.  You know, because elections have consequences.  Addressing violations of law is one thing but I think we all know Trump takes a lot of things very personal, and in many cases there is no room for that in regard to how to use the US Justice System.

 RIF is the legal and established way to eliminate Federal positions.  That process needs to be more efficient - but they literally put an email out saying a lack of response for the 5-bullet points email is considered a resignation.  Not legal, especially since it didn't account for workers that do not work on Mondays (all Federal employees that returned to work on a Tuesday had "resigned" the day before), or have leave, workers comp, or no access to email.  That's careless.  If Biden did this people would be calling out his dementia.


advocating violence specifically against Jews is not a “peaceful protest”

 Agreed, which is why I said Columbia was wrong.  However CSU Boulder had zero complaints or allegations against Jewish or other students but have been informed that allowing Pro-Palestine protests could result in funding elimination.  That's something no college should have to worry about - financial repercussions for not stopping legal peaceful protests.  But then again elections have consequences right? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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