General Category >> The Marketplace >> WTB 1998 LR Signal, Drag Bars

Message started by stewmills on 03/11/25 at 10:28:21

Title: WTB 1998 LR Signal, Drag Bars
Post by stewmills on 03/11/25 at 10:28:21

Suzuki Friends,

I am rehabbing a 1998.

a) Need a decent, working and unbroken Left Rear turn signal (some sources say a 1986-2002 are compatible but I am not the expert on that).

b) Bike has buckhorn bars and I may convert it to drag bars as my other bike has drag bars and I prefer that style.

Hoping someone here has a take-offs of the above from a build they can offer up for shipping to 36879 plus a little $$ for your trouble. It's not worth it to me to pay silly prices or fleabay prices, just looking for a fair deal amongst friends here  8-)

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