General Category >> The Marketplace >> WTB Shot cylinder head

Message started by FinnHammer on 03/11/25 at 05:55:32

Title: WTB Shot cylinder head
Post by FinnHammer on 03/11/25 at 05:55:32

I have a porting job inn the works, one that could potentially transform the head into a doorstop.
It would be a shame to use a serviceable head for this experiment.
So I would like to buy one of those heads that have shot camshaft bearings, there should be many of those around.

Cheers, Finn Hammer

Title: Re: WTB Shot cylinder head
Post by ThumperPaul on 03/11/25 at 06:23:42

If I had one, I’d gladly donate it to science.

Title: Re: WTB Shot cylinder head
Post by stewmills on 03/11/25 at 10:10:53

I have what I think is a 98ish engine that imploded because of a failed cam chain tensioner, and it is all in parts (previous owner took it apart). But, it seems you are not in the USA and shipping costs would probably be ridiculous.

Title: Re: WTB Shot cylinder head
Post by FinnHammer on 03/12/25 at 01:41:39

Shipping costs probably not prohibitively excessive.
I have sent you a PM

Cheers,Finn Hammer » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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