/cgi-bin/ General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Enjoy! /cgi-bin/ Message started by JOG on 02/21/25 at 16:59:18 |
Title: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/21/25 at 16:59:18 |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/21/25 at 18:27:39 OH NO Mr BILL !!! Oh wait, it's all Trumps fault !!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/21/25 at 19:15:06 Warp Speed is to a degree Trump's fault. However what the hell can a POTUS do if a company pulls a trail component switch? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/22/25 at 03:59:44 675241594245415244200 wrote:
Wel there,s your proof there is Grafeen in it. ;) |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 05:37:20 Wel there,s your proof there is Grafeen in it. Incorrect, nothing in any of the statements or supporting documents have graphene anywhere other than the slide on the electron microscope. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Serowbot on 02/22/25 at 07:28:16 Justin Leslie, a former Pfizer scientist who became a whistleblower and undercover journalist for Project Veritas Zero credibility, if Project Veritas is involved ZERO |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by WebsterMark on 02/22/25 at 08:51:36 Using your criteria, the entire main stream media has zero credibility. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Serowbot on 02/22/25 at 09:32:17 Veritas includes legally adjudicated fines and jail time No just unfounded BS |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/22/25 at 10:58:52 2606040C1106630 wrote:
Didn't you read: ? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/22/25 at 11:29:33 6C4C4E465B4C290 wrote:
Noting your posts are your opinion. (NOT FACT) Please explain why/how, someone naming a thing, is responsible for that thing, when they had absolutely no hand in, making that thing. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/22/25 at 12:19:56 He didn't just name Warp Speed. He cut the red tape that allowed it. He promoted it. And the jabs. Well After the jabs had shown what dangers they posed. Yeah, Trump did bad there.I want him to admit it and disavow the jabs,condemn them. Yes,Leftards, I do my own thinking. Trump does Not tell me what to believe. That is how you guys operate. Biden good Trump bad |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 12:21:46 Didn't you read: ? I did, and the references. Can you point out where the documentation is that indicates "Graphene" is inside the vaccine? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 12:28:37 Noting your posts are your opinion. (NOT FACT) Please explain why/how, someone naming a thing, is responsible for that thing, when they had absolutely no hand in, making that thing. The following is NOT FACT: A human does not have to have a "hand" in the "making" of a thing in order to be to a degree of fault in the final outcome. Trump doesn't have to be in a laboratory making vaccines to have a degree of responsibility in the development of them. If a human signs paperwork allocating funding to a project, they are to a degree responsible. For instance if a human signs a law funding the construction of a building with the intent of expediting the build by means of utilizing unverified materials monitored by contractors - but doesn't go physically work at the job site. They are to a degree responsible as they funded the project with the knowledge that the project would not undergo full safety measures. Obama never had a "hand" in doing your taxes, but he was to a degree responsible for the tax liabilities. Or no? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/22/25 at 12:32:29 4464666E7364010 wrote:
It,s not in there, I wanted to entice you to read it. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 12:34:29 It,s not in there, I wanted to entice you to read it. I don't comment on things I don't actually look at. It is interesting that vaccines can't be dangerous without graphene being in them. Why do people have such a hard on for graphene? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Serowbot on 02/22/25 at 12:44:11 Fact check: The document shows graphene used to test COVID-19 vaccine, not used as an ingredient Just don't eat the petri dish :P |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/22/25 at 12:49:08 Some things require further investigation. To date, no peer-reviewed studies have been published to confirm or refute Dr. Campra’s findings. The scientific community and health authorities, such as the CDC, have stated that graphene oxide is not an ingredient in the approved COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Campra’s original research has been criticized for methodological limitations and a lack of transparency about the origin of the samples tested. The University of Almería has distanced itself from the report, stressing that it is an “unofficial report” based on an “analysis of a sample of unknown origin with a total absence of traceability.” Given the lack of independent verification and official statements from health authorities, the consensus remains that there is no convincing evidence for the presence of graphene oxide in the current COVID-19 vaccines. I should add that the consensus is among the health authorities such as the CDC, EMA, WHO and FDA. And they work closely with pharmaceutical companies, especially when it comes to the approval and regulation of medicines and vaccines. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are completely independent or completely influenced—the truth probably lies somewhere in between. And that is why the fact that graphene can only be found on a Petri dish is in my eyes an opinion. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/22/25 at 13:38:30 no convincing evidence for the presence of graphene oxide in the current COVID-19 vaccines. Whether it's there or not, the jabs are bad. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/22/25 at 14:29:23 It could still be that there is a tiny litte bit in it. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Serowbot on 02/22/25 at 14:46:59 So there's still hope then? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 15:33:51 Given the lack of independent verification and official statements from health authorities, the consensus remains that there is no convincing evidence for the presence of graphene oxide in the current COVID-19 vaccines. I should add that the consensus is among the health authorities such as the CDC, EMA, WHO and FDA. And they work closely with pharmaceutical companies, especially when it comes to the approval and regulation of medicines and vaccines. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are completely independent or completely influenced—the truth probably lies somewhere in between. And that is why the fact that graphene can only be found on a Petri dish is in my eyes an opinion. It's not even a petri dish. If you read the document it says the graphene is on the slide. You ask "where did the graphene come from?" It came from the company that makes the graphene slides. It's like you can't fathom the vaccine causing problems without graphene being a factor. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/22/25 at 18:39:56 0727252D3027420 wrote:
Well then it is clear BIDEN is at fault for all the The Billions of WASTED tax dollars he gave away to scamming, cheating, lying, people. oh Oh OH. (car 54 where are you) Also the BILLIONS he gave to help continue a war. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/22/25 at 19:20:37 Well then it is clear BIDEN is at fault for all the The Billions of WASTED tax dollars he gave away to scamming, cheating, lying, people. oh Oh OH. (car 54 where are you) Also the BILLIONS he gave to help continue a war. That sounds like your opinion. The following is NOT FACT: Yes, Biden would have a degree of fault even though he did not directly have a "hand" in all things impacted by his actions. For instance he would not have to fly to the Ukraine and shoot a gun to have a degree of fault in the actions there. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/23/25 at 02:14:08 1030323A2730550 wrote:
I think you describe exactly what Biden is guilty of. That is not only my opinion but of many people who have have done research in America's role in destroying Russian influence in Ukraine and installing Zelensky. If you put your opinion about Crimea aside for a moment and look at what historians have to say about Crimea, you will also see that America is largely responsible for the war in Ukraine. America has repeatedly failed to keep to agreements made. Given that Biden spent billions under Obama under the guise of reducing corruption in Ukraine and later continued this policy when he became president, he is the most responsible man. After all, Russia was a growling dog who warned several times and also gave the opportunity to end the "special military mission" in Ukraine. If you don't see that russia had no other option to stop nato/america than to invade crimea and start the war in ukraine, then you are participating in the falsification of history. If you look at the big picture and look into the future, you will see that the war between Russia and America will never end this way. What Trump is trying to do right now is one of the bravest things ever done. He and no one else is changing the course of humanity. And it is desperately needed because we think that human civilization is at a high point because we are highly developed technically. However, the reality is that we are in the darkest period that humanity has ever experienced. What is happening in the world now is described in the Vedas, point by point. And is called the Kali Juga. In short, it says that people have completely forgotten their divinity. And if you look at India, for example, which you can safely call the crown chakra of the world, you will see that there is no real spirituality to be found there either. What that means in practice is that everyone lives from their conditioned thinking, and therefore has automatic reactions. And that is exactly what you see playing out on the world stage. However, because you can recognize automaticity in yourself, and you can transform this, the world is not doomed. In fact, if only a small percentage has a deep awakening, that is enough to awaken the entire world. Because this is not about quantity but about quality. Trump is part of the big shaking. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by WebsterMark on 02/23/25 at 03:13:27 Trump’s thinking outside the box and I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. Ukraine is never going to defeat Russia and while others played a role in the conditions that led to this, (I wouldn’t say Biden is mostly responsible however, there’s a lot of blame to go around) Russian is to 100% to blame for this war. Both those things can be true at the same time. That’s important because it’s the key to stopping this. Yes, at the end of the day, Russia will absolutely take land from Ukraine, who got attacked by someone bigger and stronger and it’s not fair. But the world’s current boundaries are mostly shaped the way they are today for the same reasons. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/23/25 at 05:07:25 6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
Yes there is: Although the concept of graphene functionality within mRNA-lipid nanoparticles is often misinterpreted, one should consider the quantum mechanical implications of [ch960]-[ch960] stacking interactions in bioelectromagnetic response modulation. The intrinsic Van der Waals forces between pseudo-2D carbon substructures and polypeptide intercalations generate a hyperlocal anisotropy that can only be adequately described within a nonlinear tensor field model. This means that extrapolating traditional biopharmaceutical models to a hypothesis of graphene integration within vaccine vectors is an epistemologically incorrect deduction, given the limitations of conventional Fourier transforms in a quasi-static context. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/23/25 at 06:55:22 “… at the end of the day, Russia will absolutely take land from Ukraine, …” Did the Visigoths take land ? Did the Vikings take land ? Did the Romans take land ? Did the English settlers, Take over Native American lands ? Did the USA, Take Hawaii, Florida, Calf, AZ, NM, … ? Wake up. It is GOING to happen. And a Crooked BIDEN giving BILLIONS, (OF YOUR MONEY), just so he and his family do not get their, “KICK-BACKS”, exposed. Will NOT stop it. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 08:56:15 Although the concept of graphene functionality within mRNA-lipid nanoparticles is often misinterpreted, one should consider the quantum mechanical implications of [ch960]-[ch960] stacking interactions in bioelectromagnetic response modulation. The intrinsic Van der Waals forces between pseudo-2D carbon substructures and polypeptide intercalations generate a hyperlocal anisotropy that can only be adequately described within a nonlinear tensor field model. This means that extrapolating traditional biopharmaceutical models to a hypothesis of graphene integration within vaccine vectors is an epistemologically incorrect deduction, given the limitations of conventional Fourier transforms in a quasi-static context. Chat GPT appears to drum up a few different concepts here. Not exactly accurate but I can see where one has to dive into quantum vaccinology to explain why zero graphene is in the documentation Zevengerie provided. Graph-theoretical formulation of the generalized epitope-based vaccine design problems is almost too easy to pull from. Even if we take into account the stacking interaction between Nucleic Acid - both AT and GC base pairs - in DNA/RNA chains, where H-bonds between the base pairs are responsible for the stability and conformational arrangement of nucleic acid chains. But that ignores the fact that the slide is a different physical body created in a different time than the vaccine. While intrinsic Van der Waals forces between pseudo-2D carbon substructures exists, it can not transcend time and space. Graphene is on the slide, not IN the vaccine. Zevengerie asks how it got on the slide and we don't need to dive into quantum theory to understand it was placed onto the slide during manufacture. Years before the vaccine was developed. So one can drum up any double pi stacking interactions specific to bioelectromagnetic response modulation, but it won't reveal any graphene IN the vaccine. If you are going to go the quantum route to explain graphene in the vaccine you are going to have to explain some sort of portal technology that allows for direct transfer of atomic particles through time and space. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by zevenenergie on 02/23/25 at 11:19:33 I refer from the beginning of our graphene discussion to the report "DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES" by Dr. Pablo Campra from November 2021. In this report, Dr. Campra claims to have detected the presence of graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines using micro-Raman spectroscopy. He examined seven random samples from four different brands and in some cases identified structures that he claims are consistent with graphene oxide. Which study are you referring to when you mention slides as the source of the graphene? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 11:32:55 can not transcend time and space Nor does it just get Transported onto a piece of glass in a lab. Slides are not expensive. And to believe that a Scientist would risk contamination of a test by using slides that are not clean? Ojh,,shut it ..You work So Hard protecting the narrative. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/23/25 at 12:14:28 "... Slides are not expensive ..." Especially when Someone Else Pays for them !!!!! |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 13:48:04 Which study are you referring to when you mention slides as the source of the graphene? The one you provided with an image circling the exact section that described the graphene slide. Campra's information has been replicated, in part, in New Zealand, but that's not enough to provide confirmation. I'm interested in the outcomes, but nobody is getting the same results consistently. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 14:00:51 Nor does it just get Transported onto a piece of glass in a lab. Slides are not expensive. And to believe that a Scientist would risk contamination of a test by using slides that are not clean? Ojh,,shut it ..You work So Hard protecting the narrative. What are you even talking about? Obviously you are going to argue, as usual, with someone that read the information for you. The information provided described the graphene slide not the vaccine sample. Graphene is basically the alignment filter used on the electron microscope, it reduces the electron scattering - which is what the information provided by Zev, that he literally called "proof", is describing. A component of an electron microscope. That's not "proof." This is like having a description of the glass the microscope lens is made out of and trying to say that's "proof" that there is glass IN the vaccine. How stupid do you think people are? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 15:26:57 So much gaslighting.. Ffs.. It was On the slide Wel,that is stupid Now it's Part of the microscope. Don't lie to me You got punched in the mouth in the sandbox for pissin other kids off. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 16:14:22 So much gaslighting.. Ffs.. It was On the slide Wel,that is stupid Now it's Part of the microscope. Don't lie to me You got punched in the mouth in the sandbox for pissin other kids off. It was ALWAYS part of the microscope - that's what I've been trying to tell you since day 1. A slide is part of a microscope. Is the seat Part of your motorcycle? Can you use a microscope without a slide? Sure, about as useful as a motorcycle with no seat. The "proof" of graphene IN ... IN the vaccine was a description of graphene on a slide. You want to talk about gaslighting - you are trying to figure out a way to make a graphene slide be part of the vaccine even though the slide was manufactured years prior. The graphene was on the slide, but of course you want to argue with the guy that read it for you. I told you since the first post that it was a description of graphene on a slide. You chose to not read it and decide it was actually talking about the vaccine. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 16:25:39 A SLIDE is Not a part of a microscope. It's what the examined article is Placed upon, then placed on the foot of the microscope, to be VIEWED. You think I've never Used a microscope? Slides are purchased in packages.[/url] [url] Ever watched a Slide Show? The SLIDES are NOT part of the projector, any more than the FILM is a,Part of the projector at the movies,you insufferable Jakkass |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 16:34:52 A SLIDE is Not a part of a microscope. It's what the examined article is Placed upon, then placed on the foot of the microscope, to be VIEWED. You think I've never Used a microscope? Slides are purchased in packages. Ok so what part of that means it is IN the vaccine? How does a graphene slide, used in conjunction with, a microscope provide "Proof" that graphene is IN the vaccine? I've been trying to tell you since day 1 that the circled "proof" was describing the slide. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 17:02:42 Nope.. Read what I said. PissOff |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 17:17:28 Nope.. Read what I said. PissOff What you said doesn't address the "proof", you are ignoring that it was the description of a slide, so your Observed Reality can be that it somehow ended up IN the vaccine. Not possible, the graphene was on the slide years before, and the "proof" wasn't even describing the vaccine, it was describing equipment. For that matter, no I do not think you've ever used an electron microscope or know how graphene slides work in them. The slide never even touches the sample. And you complain when other people argue about things they know nothing about. I imagine that won't be Observed either. So as long as you do not Observe the documentation, Observe how electron microscopes work or Observe time and space as we know it, then the graphene somehow ended up IN the vaccine. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 18:09:39 You are so full of schitt,, A microscope SLIDE holds the sample. Been that way for decades. If you need the Definition of the word Slide To change I'm not interested. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/23/25 at 20:40:14 A microscope SLIDE holds the sample. Been that way for decades. If you need the Definition of the word Slide To change I'm not interested. That's not even remotely true. There are varying degrees of "SLIDEs", and on an Electron microscope a graphene slide is essentially a filter placed between the sample SLIDE and the electron dispersal unit. This is called using an electron transparent support. You have a layer of sample slide between the graphene filter SLIDE. Of course you will refuse to Observe this so you can maintain the graphene IN the vaccine reality. The only way to maintain this stance it to intentionally remain ignorant to how an electron microscope uses slide filters. All those SCIENTISTs using electron microscopes can't know more then you right? I asked one today: When used in an electron microscope, a graphene slide does not physically "touch" the sample, due to its single-atom thickness, graphene acts as a nearly transparent support layer allowing the electron beam to pass through it. There would be no value in a sample and a graphene slide being in contact and yes both devices are known as slides. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by JOG on 02/23/25 at 23:56:27 All those SCIENTISTs using electron microscopes can't know more then you right? I asked one today: Of course They can. You have played little games till I don't trust you. And for the Slow folks I DON'T CARE,if it's In the jabs or NOT. |
Title: Re: question Post by MnSpring on 02/24/25 at 05:26:39 So here is a question. Why are, all the NOVID's, (people who never got the jab) NOT, being asked for a blood sample ? A Significant number of humans never got COVID or any of the jabs. That blood could hold some valuable information which could help in determining what to do in the future. Yet; No Doctors office has requested it. No clinical trial entities has requested it. No CVA/Walgreens/etc has said come in for a blood draw. No 'media' outlets have promoted it. Sure does look like, a 'cure', is not what the goal is. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/24/25 at 10:23:17 And for the Slow folks I DON'T CARE,if it's In the jabs or NOT. I don't either really. But you obviously care enough to argue so much over something you know literally nothing about. The "proof" provided was the description of a graphene slide. Most humans just say "Oh ok I didn't know that." and the discussion moves on to other issues with the vaccine. You are incapable of doing that - you must argue that the information I read for you says something it doesn't. Do you ever ask yourself why? |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/24/25 at 10:28:20 Why are, all the NOVID's, (people who never got the jab) NOT, being asked for a blood sample ? They are. I have provided multiple after being asked. Yet; No Doctors office has requested it. Incorrect, mine has, all primary providers in the SCFM network request it. No clinical trial entities has requested it. Incorrect, I have provided my own samples to 7. No CVA/Walgreens/etc has said come in for a blood draw. They also do not say to come in for a blood draw to vaccinated humans for the purpose of vaccination efficacy assessments. They do however contract Labcorp who does millions of non-vaccinated blood draws. No 'media' outlets have promoted it. Depends on your definition of media outlet as I have seen requests for non-vaccinated humans to provide blood samples - but never from what i would define as mainstream media. Of course if one human does not Observe any of this, it must not be Reality to them. So I can see where all these things i have done myself are not "Really" true. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by thumperclone on 02/24/25 at 11:25:11 You are incapable of doing that - you must argue that the information I read for you says something it doesn't. Do you ever ask yourself why? [/quote] he is eristic he can't help himself a proctologist might be able to help the counsler wasn't able to :D |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/24/25 at 13:21:35 032321293423460 wrote:
Have Observed, The testing of the 'NOVIDs', To gain a fundamental understanding of "WHY". Is Not, even a drop of water in a bucket. It is equivalent to peeing in the Ocean. Again, no reason to. Can't make Billions ! |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/24/25 at 13:27:45 Have Observed, The testing of the 'NOVIDs', To gain a fundamental understanding of "WHY". What is "WHY" referencing? WHY, what? What are you thinking they would do with mass blood draws from humans that are not vaccinated? I know there are comparative sampling by multiple organizations. |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by MnSpring on 02/24/25 at 13:54:28 5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
"... Significant number of humans never got COVID or any of the jabs. That blood could hold some valuable information which could help in determining what to do in the future. Sure does look like, a 'cure', is not what the goal is. ..." You must of missed that ! |
Title: Re: Enjoy! Post by Eegore on 02/24/25 at 14:28:10 You must of missed that ! What are you thinking they would do with mass blood draws from humans that are not vaccinated? There are plenty of those in storage all over the country. I'm going to assume comparative sampling. | » Powered by YaBB 2.2! YaBB © 2000-2007. All Rights Reserved. |