General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> conflicts

Message started by thumperclone on 02/18/25 at 08:14:11

Title: conflicts
Post by thumperclone on 02/18/25 at 08:14:11

muskrat is going after the FCC because they had fined his company

muskrat is going after the FDA people that are overseeing his brain implant chip  
all you MAGA nuts get your chip yet

Title: Re: conflicts
Post by Serowbot on 02/18/25 at 08:29:47

On the surface, that may seem outrageous,... but if you stop and think...
well, ... it's still outrageous

Imagine if that was George Soros instead of Elon

MAGANuts would be fine with it...
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