General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Spread out

Message started by WebsterMark on 02/15/25 at 04:17:19

Title: Spread out
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/25 at 04:17:19

I saw this fascinating post on Twitter that dug into a statistic all of us know, but maybe never really thought about deeper implications from it.

94% of the votes cast within Washington DC before Kamala Harris. Before that, for Joe Biden, and some more percentages. Why is this important?

If you have been to, DC, there are some really nice, very expensive neighborhoods. I was there for a few days last year and we walked around neighborhoods and it’s been very pleasant. But here’s the key, the people who live there are the lifelong bureaucrats.

The fact that they vote overwhelmingly Democratic, means the infrastructure of the federal government is predisposed to primarily serve the Democratic Party.

I remember Trump mentioning once that the federal government needs to spread out around the country. Department of agriculture in Iowa or Nebraska for example. Health and human resources probably Atlanta. Department of the interior, Denver, Missoula, Montana, Boise, someplace, like that. I certainly hope Trump begins this process next.

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by Eegore on 02/15/25 at 05:08:31

 Not a bad idea as long as they don't do it from their actual home right?

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by WebsterMark on 02/15/25 at 09:31:15

735351594453360 wrote:
 Not a bad idea as long as they don't do it from their actual home right?

Playing Switzerland again?! LOL

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by Serowbot on 02/15/25 at 14:17:28

Was this a pitch from the airlines?

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by Eegore on 02/15/25 at 14:43:20

Playing Switzerland again?! LOL

 No just being reasonable and using facts over blind adherence to a political ideology.

 Consolidation of departments has a cost and time advantage, but with modern technology, like video conferencing over letter writing, it makes sense to examine having Federal Dept. real-estate spread throughout the country.

 Like a modern house of representatives.  The disadvantage of course is choosing to use physical buildings and all the associated cost/liabilities when humans in their own homes typically cost less to employ.

 One of those will in the long term be best for the country, but it has to be tried to know.

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by JOG on 02/16/25 at 06:44:04

I've got no problem with work from home. I would like to know the Job is being done, America first, and they aren't running a side hustle/and Or day trading on inside information While we pay them.
The economic repercussions from the unleased office space will have an impact. Owell.
When the second amendment finally gets reinstituted in all of America there are places where I suspect blood will flow. Unscrewing decades of WrongThink and bad policy will come with negative consequences. After some time, things will get okay.
If a frustrating, time consuming commute can be removed from someone's day and the workday start without being wrung out, I'd expect better results. Getting Home without dodgin bumpers and road ragers  would surely make lives happier. That Could translate to better relationships and happier lives. I'm good with that.

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by WebsterMark on 02/16/25 at 06:57:58

7656545C4156330 wrote:
Playing Switzerland again?! LOL

 No just being reasonable and using facts over blind adherence to a political ideology.

 Consolidation of departments has a cost and time advantage, but with modern technology, like video conferencing over letter writing, it makes sense to examine having Federal Dept. real-estate spread throughout the country.

 Like a modern house of representatives.  The disadvantage of course is choosing to use physical buildings and all the associated cost/liabilities when humans in their own homes typically cost less to employ.

 One of those will in the long term be best for the country, but it has to be tried to know.

1) I was just poking you for a bit of fun and 2) that idea has been proposed in the past.

I’ve always been in favor of that idea, because when I worked in the food industry, I spent a lot of time in Iowa and Nebraska and Kansas City, etc. because that’s where so much food production comes from and where many decisions are made.

It makes sense to spread departments out because as that article pointed out, when all the power is clustered in one area, the supporting bureaucracy consolidates and essentially takes over.

That’s why I’m against term limits. With term limits you could essentially have staff that stay on when congressmen and senators are replaced and then you essentially have a bureaucracy running the legislative branch.

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by JOG on 02/16/25 at 07:09:25

then you essentially have a bureaucracy running the legislative branch.

The change would be alarming. [ch128514][ch128514][ch128514][ch128514]

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by MnSpring on 02/16/25 at 07:13:05

"... when congressmen and senators are replaced and then you essentially have a bureaucracy running the legislative branch. ..."

'Yes Minister'

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by Serowbot on 02/16/25 at 08:05:48

Twitter is X now... he should have just renamed it MAGA  :-?

Title: Re: Spread out
Post by WebsterMark on 02/16/25 at 12:26:11

392F38253D28253E4A0 wrote:
Twitter is X now... he should have just renamed it MAGA  :-?

Just like all the mainstream media outlets should’ve always been known as DPAG, Democratic Party Advocacy Group. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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