/cgi-bin/ General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! /cgi-bin/ Message started by JOG on 01/09/25 at 02:04:39 |
Title: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by JOG on 01/09/25 at 02:04:39 More DEI stupidass thinking. And who Pays? And WHY, after Decades of fires,have the policies of Clearing dead brush, creating fire breaks, why must we continue with this FAILED policy? Is stupid not just incurable? Is it necessarily multi generational? |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by LANCER on 01/09/25 at 03:51:53 5461726A7176726177130 wrote:
It’s not stupidity, it’s purposeful. Purposeful destruction. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by WebsterMark on 01/09/25 at 05:13:51 I don’t think it’s purposeful, and I don’t think it’s stupidity. It might be even worse. It’s the desire to win, to support your team at all cost. It’s stripping down and painting your teams logo on your chest and going to a game that you know you have zero chance to win when it’s below freezing outside. Sacrificing your home, your children, your family, anything for social media, accolades, or a mention in the newspaper, or an invite to an exclusive party. Southern California is regularly racked with wildfires and has been since people start living there. It seems if I’m the governor or mayor I overestimate equipment and water needed. How they weren’t over prepared is beyond me. Did they send needed equipment off to Ukraine? I don’t know but it would not surprise me one little bit. Did they drain water to help out in endangered fish? Wouldn’t surprise me either. We have law-enforcement searching the military for this imagined wave of white supremacists all the while it’s Muslim fanatics and young kids likely on gender transforming drugs, who shoot up places and run people over with cars. Why are we wasting an ounce of energy on this imagined “existential: most important threat against American democracy” as Biden says white supremacists are and why aren’t we going after genuine threats like criminal illegal immigrants? Again, it’s because the blue political team has staked out a position and people in power have to support the team at all cost regardless of what is sacrificed. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by LANCER on 01/09/25 at 06:38:01 The ultra liberals of the D party are communists & radical Islamic’s whose sole purpose is to destroy our society and bankrupt the country. Go back 100 years and look at the communist party’s list of goals to bring down the US, almost all of those goals have been completed, and Obama started the final thrust and is still behind of all that’s gone on since then. He was raised in and taught Islam as he grew up in Indonesia (his mom moved them there from Hawaii when he was very young; why do you think he bowed to the king of Sadia Arabia ?) Thats why the open border to allow every deviant into the country to rape, kill and destroy, and to spend trillions on anything and everything, driving inflation and killing small businesses, and all the woke junk to turn our society inside out. Look a Biden during these last days of his presidency, he is putting as many road blocks in Trumps way as can be done. They have not been able to destroy Trump so they interfere in every way possible. It’s been a 9 year criminal conspiracy against Trump, plus the 8 years of Obama. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by MnSpring on 01/09/25 at 07:39:34 "... Bass cut fire department funding by $17.6M, ... focused on homeless spending ..." Clearly some people need help. (Not the LAZY who just work the system) Yet, reducing the ability for some to pay taxes, In favor of, people that will never pay any taxes. Not a good move. Yet a totally typical move, for a UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by Serowbot on 01/09/25 at 08:21:53 If only we had raked California like all the Right Wing states do. :-? Trump knew Why didn't he rake California while he was President? Why didn't he rake America? RAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN :P |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by JOG on 01/09/25 at 09:19:22 Unreachable, unteachable. It's Trump's fault. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by Serowbot on 01/09/25 at 10:06:04 It's everybody except Trump's fault |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by zevenenergie on 01/09/25 at 11:31:56 Sometimes you only have a small opening and that opening is there now. So don't work against it. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by thumperclone on 01/09/25 at 12:33:19 5F525D5056410104330 wrote:
^high octane Kool aide ^ your boy doesn't: demonize opponents attack objective truth attack mainstream media reject international norms attack domestic democratic processes proclaim unchecked power it's all Obamas' and Bidens' fault |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by zevenenergie on 01/09/25 at 13:00:05 Trump goes down in history as the best American president ever. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by thumperclone on 01/09/25 at 13:38:14 524D5E4D464D464D5A4F414D280 wrote:
best convicted FELON lying sack of fecal matter PIG |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by JOG on 01/09/25 at 14:04:07 Biden pardoned the judge who was being paid to Wrongly sentence juveniles to a prison For Money. There IS no lower Lying Piece of Schitt PIG. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by Eegore on 01/09/25 at 14:56:31 It has not been my experience that State owned "surplus" or "extra" inventory or any English word synonymous with the words "surplus" or "extra" associated with inventory or items of any kind similar to inventory have been mandated or otherwise forced by the US Government to be handed over to another country. I have however seen incentives, like additional funding, or replacement/upgraded items. So in the case of CO emergency response equipment I have seen surplus items removed from inventory to be donated to another country as part of an agreement to have that inventory upgraded by means of physical replacement or funding. Maybe CA gave up items they think they would not need for the funzies, to clear out space, to look good to the media, or to get some incentive funding, or by force. Who knows. I do think if it were forced, they would definitely be bringing it up now. |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by thumperclone on 01/09/25 at 15:44:51 0134273F2423273422460 wrote:
just one the orange FELON |
Title: Re: It was Extra Stuff,, ship it! Post by JOG on 01/09/25 at 19:59:11 http:// It requires a brainwashed moron to believe That stupid crap | » Powered by YaBB 2.2! YaBB © 2000-2007. All Rights Reserved. |