General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Horn

Message started by blod on 12/31/24 at 08:03:51

Title: Horn
Post by blod on 12/31/24 at 08:03:51

About planning ahead, does anyone have experience with this type of horn set up.  I'm seriously considering getting one for my Savage.

Title: Re: 2025 Rides
Post by ThumperPaul on 12/31/24 at 09:44:41

202E2D26420 wrote:
About planning ahead, does anyone have experience with this type of horn set up.  I'm seriously considering getting one for my Savage.

Mount that bazooka on the back of the sidecar and hook it up to a deep cycle battery!  Have fun with that!  lol.

Title: Re: 2025 Rides
Post by blod on 12/31/24 at 10:53:29

5C607D65786D7A58697D64080 wrote:
[quote author=202E2D26420 link=1731958160/30#40 date=1735661031]About planning ahead, does anyone have experience with this type of horn set up.  I'm seriously considering getting one for my Savage.

Mount that bazooka on the back of the sidecar and hook it up to a deep cycle battery!  Have fun with that!  lol.

I was thinking of putting the air tank in the trunk and the horns underneath the sidecar.      

Title: Re: Horn
Post by Tocsik on 01/04/25 at 13:12:01

The WOLO Bad Boy horn is pretty popular and loud. I have the FIAMM El Grande twin horns on my bike and they are plenty loud and sound like a big car.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by DragBikeMike on 01/04/25 at 13:50:54

Hey Tocsik, pretty cool.  Can you provide any additional info.

Where did you get the horn set?

Did you have to install a horn relay or can the stock switch & wiring handle the extra load?

Got any more pics of your install?

Title: Re: Horn
Post by Tocsik on 01/04/25 at 14:55:50

DBM - that horn set is currently $23 on Amazon.
They're 128 dB and there's a snail horn for $35 that's 150dB, but I'm not sure how that one would mount. I liked the El Grande horns since one mounts on each side of the bike and makes it look balanced.

I mounted them using the reflector mounting locations on the bike, using the little brackets that come with the horns. My thread lost all its images when Photobucket started the extortion.

They draw more power than stock, but since they only get used occasionally the factory relay seems to be fine.

Here's a pic from the side.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by Tocsik on 01/04/25 at 14:56:12

a little closer

Title: Re: Horn
Post by LANCER on 01/04/25 at 14:57:10

I’ve used Bad Boys for years, and get them from auto parts stores.
They work well, dual horn frequencies and plenty loud.

I’ve also have an OOGGAA horn but have not found where to mount yet.
Need a mount.
It’s a big horn, quart jar size.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by blod on 01/05/25 at 04:12:51

6A67686563743431060 wrote:
I’ve also have an OOGGAA horn but have not found where to mount yet.
Need a mount.
It’s a big horn, quart jar size.

I have used those horns on a couple of bikes, but both of them had sidecars attached.  I don't think you will find a decent place to mount one one a solo bike.  They are very good horns though, loud and anoying.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by ohiomoto on 01/05/25 at 06:15:52

I don't mind the stock horn.  I find it surprisingly effective.  Mine gets used often and it's enough to get someone to look my way if I think they are about to pull out in front of me.  

I also "bob and weave" to be more visible.  Maybe that helps.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by DragBikeMike on 01/05/25 at 09:02:34

Thanks Tocsik.

“They draw more power than stock, but since they only get used occasionally the factory relay seems to be fine”

Do you mean that you just hooked the factory wires on the Suzuki directly to the terminals on the horns, or did you use the relay that comes with the horn kit?

The stock Savage doesn’t utilize a relay.  I want to know if you had to install a relay.  When you say “factory relay” do you mean the relay that comes with the horns?  Did you use that relay or just hook the horns up to the existing Suzuki wires?

Title: Re: Horn
Post by Tocsik on 01/05/25 at 10:43:49

Well now you're just testing my memory! Yes, I would have used the supplied relay.
Apologies for muddying the waters. I installed the horns in 2015, so it's ancient history! And I only know it was 2015 b/c Amazon shows that as the order date.
I keep records for the bike, but didn't include installing these horns in those records. Probably would have been a good idea in case electrical issues reared up. Knocks wood.

Title: Re: Horn
Post by DragBikeMike on 01/06/25 at 11:35:04

Thanks Tocsik, I think I’m gonna order a set of these horns. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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