General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How is that America First?

Message started by JOG on 12/28/24 at 06:14:57

Title: How is that America First?
Post by JOG on 12/28/24 at 06:14:57

I understand the need, but unlimited green cards in tech is not what I was expecting. Right now I don't agree, at all. I'm not totally against some coming in, but why not bring some in and let them teach some of our people? Our schools are failures, but Some students have managed to rise above. The ones who have but aren't quite Up to Speed could be taught..
Let's get the illegals out first before we flood another labor market.
Trump is getting a big No on this idea.

Ohh,,I'm supposed to just Agree with everything that comes out of his mouth though,,
What ever will I do?

Title: Re: How is that America First?
Post by MnSpring on 12/28/24 at 08:11:16


It ONLY took 5 YEARS, for the Mung to LEARN,
In this Nation, one does NOT EAT, ANYTHING They Want, at ANY TIME,

And it ONLY took the Somalians
3 years to LEARN NOT TO
SHIT AND PISS in the Sidewalk.  
(Yet they still throw people off a roof,
(if they have a alternate life style)
 and saying they, 'just', fell off.

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