/cgi-bin/ General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Republicans are racist. /cgi-bin/ Message started by JOG on 12/25/24 at 06:39:56 |
Title: Republicans are racist. Post by JOG on 12/25/24 at 06:39:56 Don't believe me? Ask a lefty. The 38th district was created in 2022. Congressman Wesley Hunt represents that district. The demographic composition of Texas's 38th District is 51% Non-Hispanic White, 24% Hispanic, 13% Black, and 11% Asian. In the 2020 Presidential election, Donald Trump won this district with a margin of 18%, and in the 2022 House election,Hunt secured victory with a margin of 27%. He's a veteran. The introduction he got said he was a helicopter pilot. Some goofy lefty woman, also in Congress was complaining that the influx of people whose presence in Texas is what created the need for the new district And the demographics Of the influx was,in her words, was a majority POCs,and her big whine was the 2 seats went to white men. How frikken Stupid.. For anyone keeping score,she was wrong twice And It's a majority white district, and they elected a black guy.. So she's terribly offended by All the racism, And now she's Wrong three times. | » Powered by YaBB 2.2! YaBB © 2000-2007. All Rights Reserved. |