General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I know, it's not mainstream media

Message started by JOG on 11/30/24 at 18:06:55

Title: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 11/30/24 at 18:06:55

Excerpt from an article

The Federal Reserve—doubling the money supply during WWI (1914-1919) and creating a boom-bust cycle in the depression of 1920-1921—gladly financed US involvement and entry into World War I. This likely would not have been supported by the American people through taxation, but taxation through inflation—perpetrated by a central bank—conceals the costs of government activities. World War I would simultaneously strengthen the power and centralization of the Fed and the federal government power in general. Wars and central bank inflationism are mutually reinforcing. As summarized by Willis, Theory and Practice of Central Banking, and cited in Rothbard’s Progressive Era,

It was the entry of the United States into the World War that finally cast a decisive vote in favor of a still further degree of high centralization; and that practically guaranteed some measure of fulfillment for the ambitions that had centered around the Federal Reserve Bank of New York…

While the Fed enabled US entry into World War I, and World War I enabled major centralization of American society, the Fed also was the means through which wealth from the war was transferred to US bankers. Wall Street banks and Morgan greatly benefited from the war, acting as financier and mart for war materials for the Allies. John Moody, in his The Masters of Capital (1919), also cited in The Creature from Jekyll Island, explains,

Thus the war had given Wall Street an entirely new role. Hitherto it has been exclusively the headquarters of finance; now it became the greatest
mart the world had ever known. In addition to selling stocks and bonds, financing railroads, and performing the other tasks of a great banking center, Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and the thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution of a great war.

We've been raised seeing the Federal Reserve as just part of the reality of being Americans. That doesn't mean it is supposed to exist. It's the third central bank. Patriots and the American people killed the first two. The end of the fed would be good.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/01/24 at 03:44:58

[quote author The end of the fed would be good.[/quote]

blowing that horn again I see
give up that fascist dream

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 12/01/24 at 04:58:08

I've wondered WTF is wrong with you for a while. But seriously,, WTF dude? You don't have the first clue what you're talking about. Exactly HOW is lookin at the Federal Reserve and questioning its existence somehow a Fascist idea?
Ohh,I can't Wait for the answer. I'm just Sure the words will flow and the eloquent answer will be forthcoming.
The article

The Mises Foundation,, A known fascist organization[ch128514]

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/01/24 at 05:56:27

your president elect wants to control interest rates
any government policy controlled by one man is fascism

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 12/01/24 at 06:07:06

You think Trump had something to do with that article?  You are so lost,it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by ThumperPaul on 12/01/24 at 06:19:39

JOG - Who wrote that article?

I’m not opposed to abolishing the Fed.  They’ve certainly made some mistakes and caused some damage.  But even Ron Paul and Milton Friedman haven’t articulated a superior replacement.

How would abolishing the Fed be “good”?  That was a great unsupported claim/opinion.

Things get thrown around out there like - go back to the gold standard, let free markets work it out, program computers to do it, buy and sell securities to control the money supply…. All interesting ideas, but would it work better than the Fed?  Abolishing the Fed would NOT be good without a superior alternative.  And I have yet to hear anyone articulate an alternative.  And how would transition work without creating complete chaos?

Write me something good or find something to copy and paste.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by MnSpring on 12/01/24 at 07:16:47

786479617C697E6F606362690C0 wrote:
"... give up that fascist dream ..."

Calling a poster here, a FACIST, not a good move.

Just shows,
how IGNORANT you are.

“…no full-fledged fascist movement has existed since World War II…”

Mussolini and Hitler were two notable Fascists, (among a few other less known).
People like Pol Poy, (1976 - 1979)  the leader of Cambodia's Communist movement, (Khmer Rouge), and  other multiple leaders were  dictators, and just plain serial killers, like Jack the Ripper and  Jeffrey Dahmer.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by Eegore on 12/01/24 at 08:07:18

 Eliminating the Federal Reserve would require a better replacement.

 Decentralization is crypto currency, but that's a "scam" according to some so you gotta go back to Trust based centralized currency.

 What is a viable alternative?  And please lets not go back to PG's idea that banks should warehouse actual paper bills.  This is tremendously inefficient and an unreasonable cost for most banks.

 Also backing by Gold standard is essentially the same problem.  You going to go down to a bank and trade in a $20 bill and they pull out a salt shaker of gold dust to sprinkle twenty dollars of gold into an envelope for you?  You gonna carry gold bars around?  Pay freight for gold bars to ship on a train to a bank in another State?

 The Federal Reserve should be examined, but the complexity of a modern economy eliminates most other simpler alternatives as being feasible.  

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/01/24 at 08:18:02

7655684B4952555C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=786479617C697E6F606362690C0 link=1733018815/0#1 date=1733053498] "... give up that fascist dream ..."

Calling a poster here, a FACIST, not a good move.

I said fascist dream
is it ok for him to call me a communist

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by MnSpring on 12/01/24 at 12:52:28

5C405D45584D5A4B4447464D280 wrote:
"... is it ok for him to call me a communist "

From reading your posts,
Sure does look like,
   that shoe fits !

JOG being a 'FASCIST',
    Just don't fit,
ANY, of his shoes !!!

(That would be, my OPINION)

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/02/24 at 06:22:39

Jog and I have been going back and forth for over 15 years he can stand up for himself

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 12/02/24 at 11:24:51

He said what I would have.
Evidence that you are a Marxist, commie exists.
That I have fascist dreams? I'm a frikken libertarian. With a conscience.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by TheBabyDerp on 12/02/24 at 11:42:07

They keep calling me a fascist.... You're right. I am a Christofascist.

Ave Christus Rex!

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/02/24 at 14:00:49

4471627A6166627167030 wrote:
He said what I would have.
Evidence that you are a Marxist, commie exists.
That I have fascist dreams? I'm a frikken libertarian. With a conscience.

wanting one man control IS fascist

I am an unaffiliated conservative liberal with a brain that works
looking forward to the nonexistent proof of my Marxist communism
you have none and your silence will be the proof

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by MnSpring on 12/02/24 at 18:06:24

6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 wrote:
"...  nonexistent proof ..."

Just have to read your drive by's !!!!!

"... conservative liberal ..."

Explain what that is.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by Alzuki on 12/02/24 at 20:00:42

Fascinating posts! I look forward to seeing where it goes. Good on you for trying to define your terms, which is essential to any exchange.

Sadly, an almost universal feature of our time is the muddling and redefining of words and terms to win or to shift the debate, rather than to seek truth. It has become hard to find logical consistency and clear meaning, never mind common ground with even those of good will with whom we disagree.

I look forward to hearing more.

Viva Christo Rey!

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by thumperclone on 12/03/24 at 04:07:50

684B7655574C4B42250 wrote:
[quote author=6F736E766B7E69787774757E1B0 link=1733018815/0#13 date=1733176849]"...  nonexistent proof ..."

Just have to read your drive by's !!!!!

"... conservative liberal ..."

Explain what that is.


not radical ;)

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by TheBabyDerp on 12/03/24 at 04:50:40

4B66707F61630A0 wrote:
Fascinating posts! I look forward to seeing where it goes. Good on you for trying to define your terms, which is essential to any exchange.

Sadly, an almost universal feature of our time is the muddling and redefining of words and terms to win or to shift the debate, rather than to seek truth. It has become hard to find logical consistency and clear meaning, never mind common ground with even those of good will with whom we disagree.

I look forward to hearing more.

Viva Christo Rey!

It's crazy how much "sexist" and "racist" and other terms such as this are thrown around nowadays.

Being a devout Catholic makes me hated by many. Yes, the priesthood is men only, no that isn't sexist. Yes, men and women have separate roles. No, that isn't sexist. Yes, abortion is murder, no that isn't "anti-women".

Don't want millions of unchecked immigrations crossing the border? Racist! It's honestly hilarious.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by Eegore on 12/03/24 at 06:30:18

Yes, the priesthood is men only, no that isn't sexist.

 How is this not sexist by definition?  I have a friend who teaches a womens only yoga class.  That's sexist right?

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by TheBabyDerp on 12/03/24 at 06:53:31

1636343C2136530 wrote:

Yes, the priesthood is men only, no that isn't sexist.

 How is this not sexist by definition?  I have a friend who teaches a womens only yoga class.  That's sexist right?

No, a woman's only yoga class is not sexist. I personally wish gyms were still segregated by gender. I would prefer a male only gym. However, I think the opposite would be more common. Plenty of women would love a women's only gym. It is not sexist.

It is not sexist because men and women are different. It is not sexist to say only women can give birth. It is not sexist to say that only men have a prostate.

Restricting the priesthood to men does not demean women in anyway. The Priest has his role. The husband has his role. The monk has his role. The wife has her role. The religious sister has her role. The consecrated virgin has her role. These are not sexist claims. The claim that Catholicism is sexist is founded in nonsense. Women were the first to see the Risen Jesus. Jesus forgave the prostitute at the well. Jesus stopped some men from stoning an adulterous woman. If that is sexist by your definition, then oh well. I simply won't give a nuts.

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by Eegore on 12/03/24 at 07:58:09

No, a woman's only yoga class is not sexist. I personally wish gyms were still segregated by gender. I would prefer a male only gym. However, I think the opposite would be more common. Plenty of women would love a women's only gym. It is not sexist.

 Ok so it seems you are considering the "prejudice" part of sexist by definition to mean exclusively a negative versus a non-negotiable stance.  That makes sense as by most modern usage of the word sexist, it's exclusively negative.  Maybe a better term for my usage is segregated.

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 12/03/24 at 13:28:22

People should be able to choose their environment. If they prefer men only, that should be okay with everyone. Co-Ed? If that is your choice? Great.
What's all the HubBub,Bub?

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by Alzuki on 12/04/24 at 09:49:09

I am new to this discussion, so please forgive me but here goes:

I would say that both "sexist" and "segregation" are terms used to manipulate reality and justify faddish ideas of how malcontent change agents wish the world to be. Discourse becomes polarized by redefining words, and that's the point. As good as many of their intentions may be, they are literally stealers of meaning.

Take the word "tolerance." Children in school now learn that it means "celebrate difference" but it never meant this. Tolerance is a measurement of error up-with-which we are willing to put! We on this forum are all at least interested in mechanics; am I not right that tolerance, thus contrived, would harm our motorcycles? This is an attempt to turn an error into a good!

Why do we think humans are better off avoiding truth and preferring error? An error we would not accept for our motorcycles? How did we forget what words actually mean? We should question the fads and mantras of our social noisemakers.

What TheBabyDerp is describing is in fact how the world is. Not pejorative or cynical, just true. If true we can either rail against it to our detriment, or we can embrace it with gratitude to our infinite betterment. This is all that the Catholic Church has always tried to teach (until recently! but that's another topic.)

This is just the beginning or a very long road. It may be too much to hope, but I hope this helps making sense out of the cloud of confusion to which we have all become accustomed, largely through no fault of our own, nevertheless to our great detriment! Meaning always comes from truth. Falsehood always hurts people.

Find the truth; conform your life to it!

Title: Re: I know, it's not mainstream media
Post by JOG on 12/07/24 at 18:22:30

Just having a look at threads. Such a well thought out response shouldn't go unrecognized.
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