General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> heel shifter + floor boards

Message started by TheBabyDerp on 11/24/24 at 15:57:11

Title: heel shifter + floor boards
Post by TheBabyDerp on 11/24/24 at 15:57:11

I haven't seen too many threads on this topic.

Anyone know a heel toe shifter that will work on these bikes?

I wouldn't mind floor boards for both rider and passenger if anyone knows some that will work. All good if there's none available.

Title: Re: heel shifter + floor boards
Post by TheBabyDerp on 11/26/24 at 12:02:35

open to any suggestions.

Title: Re: heel shifter + floor boards
Post by Tocsik on 11/27/24 at 12:48:36

copy and paste the following into a browser:

floor boards

The search function on the forum isn't the most useful. That trick above will do ya.

Title: Re: heel shifter + floor boards
Post by TheBabyDerp on 11/27/24 at 14:44:59

I could only find one thread with a recommendation but one guy said it turned out wobbly so not too sure. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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