General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why does CO2 keep going up?

Message started by JOG on 11/24/24 at 12:40:00

Title: Why does CO2 keep going up?
Post by JOG on 11/24/24 at 12:40:00

What are you going to do about about a volcano?

If That thing goes off we will see what Climate Change IS.

Title: Re: Why does CO2 keep going up?
Post by Alzuki on 12/02/24 at 20:09:02

Interesting article. Thanks for posting. Now I think I need to get back to some motorcycle reading!

Title: Re: Why does CO2 keep going up?
Post by TheBabyDerp on 12/03/24 at 04:37:04

I always found it funny that the people preaching about rising coast lines and climate change ride around in private jets, large SUV convoys, and own beach front properties. Seems rather... Hypocritical.

Title: Re: Why does CO2 keep going up?
Post by JOG on 12/03/24 at 13:24:21

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