General Category >> The Cafe >> He makes it look easy

Message started by JOG on 11/20/24 at 23:47:25

Title: He makes it look easy
Post by JOG on 11/20/24 at 23:47:25

Dude changes a tire using rope.

Title: Re: He makes it look easy
Post by Ruttly on 11/21/24 at 08:47:05

I use a sawsall !

Title: Re: He makes it look easy
Post by zevenenergie on 11/21/24 at 12:43:18

I used to have a blacksmithshop and got into a heated argument with the neighbors, a tire company, about parking cars in my driveway. The owner had just put a rim on one of those tire machines. He looked at me and with his bare hands he pushed the tire in one go around the rim to intimidate me.

I pushed him aside and with my bare hands I did the second part.
I have never seen bigger eyes.

Title: Re: He makes it look easy
Post by JOG on 11/22/24 at 11:36:39

You were in their shop, the owner of the company was changing a tire, and you showed him you could do that too?
My eyes would have been big when he shoved the tire on the rim.
Then you shove the other side, which isn't tapered and radiused as is the first side, on the rim,, now I'm pulling an eyelid muscle and getting eyeball juice on my glasses..

Motorcycle tires are a bit different. Especially the rear tires. Waaay stiffer. But the rope trick looks like a Possible. If I can save the $30.00ish dollars with a piece of rope,,mehh, I'll give it a shot. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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