General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Simple things Trump don't know

Message started by Serowbot on 09/13/24 at 13:39:00

Title: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/24 at 13:39:00

Tariffs are not paid by other countries, they're paid by US consumers

Asylum seekers are not seeking mental asylums

Being a "strongman" leader is not a compliment to your masculinity

NATO members do not pay dues, members are required to try to meet their NATO Capability Targets of 2% investment in defense spending.  
Trump thinks they pay him

Haitians aren't eating pets

Windmills don't make noises that cause cancer, and they don't kill birds any more than any other obstructive object.
Windows do
So do oil spills
Ask any bird

It is possible to lose
You don't do it well, but you do it often

Oh yeah,.. I forgot the biggest one
He thinks children are being forced to get sex reassignment surgery in schools without parent permission

For God's sake... how can you not see what a ridiculous man this is?

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/24 at 16:00:27

and Trump just won't shut up about it

Bomb threats rattle Springfield for 2nd day as Ohio city finds itself at center of latest Trump controversy

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by JOG on 09/14/24 at 12:12:48

A tariff is a tax. The Bottom Line  of a company is affected the Same Way.
But you just can't see how taxing corporations puts Exactly That Cost on the Consumer...

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/24 at 12:29:31

Then wtf do you think I'm saying?

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by JOG on 09/14/24 at 13:42:15

You Totes GET IT about tariffs costing the consumer.
Do you get it that taxing corporations does the same thing?
The difference is, when the American people continue to Pay for the import that is expensive because of a tariff, that shows the entrepreneurs that a market exists Even at an almost prohibitive price for the product.
Well, now! Might be time to make that Here!
I know, Trump is a dictator, tyrant, Hitler re-imagined,, but America not only survived him, America prospered.
Manufacturing in America increased.
Jobs increased.
Minority unemployment fell to record lows.
The jobs that have been Created have been a loadofSchitt.
The numbers have been revised down.
Not by Trump,
I think corporations, Based In America, selling what is Made In America, IN AMERICA, should not pay income tax on Those products.
Importing the major sub-assemblies ,bolting them together and Calling it Made in America will not do. Import a pickup and bolt the bed on it? NOPE..
BUILD the whole MoFo HERE,,

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by MnSpring on 09/14/24 at 17:01:46

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
"...Tariffs are not paid by other countries, they're paid by US consumers..." ... ... ... ...

Yep, they are !

"...Asylum seekers are not seeking mental asylums..."

Yep, they are not.
They are seeking free food, free housing, free medical, free transportation.

... NATO members do not pay dues,...
Yep, you are correct.
YOU pay the dues/fees/expenses, just like YOU pay the same for the UN.

"... Haitians aren't eating pets ..."

Don't know on that.
DO know another group DID for 10-12 years, and another Shit and Pissed on sidewalks.

"... Windmills don't make noises that cause cancer, and they don't kill birds..."

Must have been CNN that said "Windmills make noises that cause cancer"
As far as killing birds, a Windmill, that ts functional, (that is the blade is moving) Kills many more birds than the same size, not moving, object.

"... thinks children are being forced to get sex reassignment surgery in schools without parent permission ..."

Was that PBS that told you to say that ?
It is, children are getting sex reassignment surgery, and drugs, without parent permission.

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Eegore on 09/14/24 at 17:25:13

Was that PBS that told you to say that ?
It is, children are getting sex reassignment surgery, and drugs, without parent permission.

 Well this is up for debate as it heavily implies children are making these decisions for themselves and parents with full custody are being denied input.  This is not true.  It's like saying the State is letting kids stay in houses and going to churches without parent permission but leaving out that the child was abused and is in foster care.  The parents aren't giving permission, but they also aren't in control of the child at all due to abuse.

 There's no record of a child, with no parental consent getting sex reassignment surgery.

 Acknowledging that fact does not mean I think all things transgender is good and kids should be giving themselves and other kids hormone blockers, surgeries, and visiting clinics while their parents are locked outside.

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by MnSpring on 09/14/24 at 19:54:13

7454565E4354310 wrote:
"... this is up for debate as it heavily implies children are making these decisions for themselves ..."

Page 8, line 38
  (a) "Protected individual" means:
Page 9, Line 4.
  A minor who may obtain health care without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, pursuant to state or federal law.

"Still, Georgia’s bill does not outlaw irreversible gender-related surgeries on all kids. In fact, if the bill becomes law, Georgia will become one of several states to pass laws backing pediatric sex-related surgeries that have been condemned by the United Nations for more than a decade: those for people born intersex."

"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice, and some surgeries done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. The group acknowledged potential risks but said it is unethical and harmful to withhold early treatment. "

(California) "It bans courts from enforcing subpoenas from other states regarding minors seeking that care. It prohibits health care providers from releasing medical information."
(Rather the same as the DFI, Lying Scaredey Cat Bully did)

"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice, and some surgeries done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. The group acknowledged potential risks but said it is unethical and harmful to withhold early treatment. "

"Sanctuary states protect access to gender-affirming care for residents of that state. Plus, they are a safe haven for trans and nonbinary people from other states. These states will not enforce penalties from another state relating to gender-affirming care:"

“Lifting the age restriction will greatly increase access to care for transgender adolescents, but will also result in the need for parental consent for surgeries before doctors would likely perform them,”

 (On the, "Lifting the age restriction", to preempt the spin/deflection, notice the words: "would likely perform them".
NOW what do the words, "will also result in the need for parental consent" Mean ???????????????  

"Longstanding Oregon law gives children age 15 and up the right to make their own decisions about a range of medical treatments, including gender-affirming care, "

"the legislation granted Minnesota courts jurisdiction over custody matters if the child was present in the state, including if the child had arrived in Minnesota for the purpose of seeking gender-affirming health care. The mechanism of "temporary emergency jurisdiction" already existed, but the new legislation amended it to include cases where the child had been unable to obtain gender-affirming care."

"Young people in Washington state can’t legally buy cigarettes or vaping products until they’re 21 years old – but teens as young as 13 can now pursue gender reassignment medical procedures now that a Democrat-backed law has taken effect."

"Access to gender-affirming care is endangered by legislative efforts to interfere with the delivery of that care,"

"Transgender medical treatment for children and teens is increasingly under attack in many states, labeled child abuse and subject to criminalizing bans. But it has been available in the United States for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations."

They go on and on and on ...

But hey, it's OK to cut off Dicks and Titts, cause the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialists said it is !!!!!

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by zevenenergie on 09/14/24 at 23:48:53

5E485F425A4F42592D0 wrote:
Tariffs are not paid by other countries, they're paid by US consumers

Asylum seekers are not seeking mental asylums

Being a "strongman" leader is not a compliment to your masculinity

NATO members do not pay dues, members are required to try to meet their NATO Capability Targets of 2% investment in defense spending.  
Trump thinks they pay him

Haitians aren't eating pets

Windmills don't make noises that cause cancer, and they don't kill birds any more than any other obstructive object.
Windows do
So do oil spills
Ask any bird

It is possible to lose
You don't do it well, but you do it often

Oh yeah,.. I forgot the biggest one
He thinks children are being forced to get sex reassignment surgery in schools without parent permission

For God's sake... how can you not see what a ridiculous man this is?

Imagion;   Wat can be,     unburdent,      by what has been.

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by zevenenergie on 09/15/24 at 00:22:13

Use your ears;



Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Eegore on 09/15/24 at 06:50:25

Page 8, line 38
 (a) "Protected individual" means:
Page 9, Line 4.
 A minor who may obtain health care without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, pursuant to state or federal law.

 Yes.  This is not "All minors" this means "A" minor "who may" "pursuant to state or federal law." - Like a minor who has been emancipated.  That reference does not mean any kid can go have surgery without parental consent.  It means care can be provided to humans under age 18 that do not need parental consent for anything.  It also applies to minors who are pregnant and getting care for the unborn child specifically.


(On the, "Lifting the age restriction", to preempt the spin/deflection, notice the words: "would likely perform them".
NOW what do the words, "will also result in the need for parental consent" Mean ???????????????  

 It means it will also result in the need for parental consent for surgeries that are currently prohibited on minors that currently have parental consent.

They go on and on and on ...

 And none of them say kids can go get surgeries without parental/guardian consent.  If a kid at age 16 is emancipated, or have other legal reasons, and can make decisions for themselves, healthcare is not an exception.  They can't deny care based exclusively on age.  That's what all those are saying in different ways.

 As for the enforcing other State laws, why would they?  If CO makes a law that pistols are no longer legal, and a human in CO goes to WY and shoots legal to have pistols there, should WY enforce CO law and prohibit the shooting of pistols in WY, but just for CO residents?

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by MnSpring on 09/15/24 at 11:47:33

6F4F4D45584F2A0 wrote:
"... does not mean any kid can go have surgery without parental consent ..."

Musta missed this:
"Longstanding Oregon law gives children age 15 and up the right to make their own decisions about a range of medical treatments, including gender-affirming care, "

And of course, a 15 year is NOT a 'KID".
And at 15 years old, it is perfectly all right to explore 'fads'.

As to:
"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice,"

It MEANS, "CHANGING the Age Restriction to 2 years YOUNGER'

   (Which has not happened.  Yet)

Rather interesting you say you are absolutely correct.

Yet in many cases, one person says, 'You are wrong, I am right", and the other says, 'You are wrong, I am right".

And they are both looking at the same Laws, information, books, studies, rulings, OPINIONS.

6444464E5344210 wrote:
"... none of them say kids can go get surgeries without parental/guardian consent. ..."

Your, OPINION, is that 15 years old is a ????

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by JOG on 09/15/24 at 13:22:43

Eegore wrote on Today at 06:50:25:
"... none of them say kids can go get surgeries without parental/guardian consent

Mehhh,, notsoPhast there.
I've Seen the articles about the State removing a child from their parents because the parents opposed the Trans ideology.
Ohh, show me where the surgery comes in!
Uhh, if they will remove a child from the parents because the parents won't play along with the insanity of the trans movement, YEAH, they are going to give the kid the drugs and then the surgery.

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by thumperclone on 09/15/24 at 13:34:49

transgender inclinations are not insane they are biological

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by thumperclone on 09/15/24 at 13:35:12

transgender inclinations are not insane they are biological

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Eegore on 09/15/24 at 15:17:26

Rather interesting you say you are absolutely correct.

 Rather interesting that there is no such comment to be found anywhere on this forum from me.  Don't get too dizzy from all that spin.

 I don't know why you are on this OPINION thing all the sudden.  I never said my comments were not opinions.  

 Do I need to go back to providing a disclaimer on my posts assuring all readers that they are opinions, or will you just do it for me?

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by Eegore on 09/15/24 at 15:29:41

Mehhh,, notsoPhast there.
I've Seen the articles about the State removing a child from their parents because the parents opposed the Trans ideology.

 Yes the Cox family in Indiana were the first to go all the way to the Supreme Court over it.  No healthcare law allowed this to happen by saying 15 year old kids can go get surgeries.

Ohh, show me where the surgery comes in!
Uhh, if they will remove a child from the parents because the parents won't play along with the insanity of the trans movement, YEAH, they are going to give the kid the drugs and then the surgery.

 And you think the healthcare law does this?  Its the custody and care laws that allow the State to take custody and block parental consent on all issues, not just transgender care.  Parents aren't blocked by the healthcare laws, which is what is claimed.  

 I absolutely think the issue of some Social Worker/Counselor providing "guidance" to the State to endorse underage gender surgeries needs to be addressed.  So while some humans are griping about the healthcare laws that don't exist, other humans will work to block organizations like DCS from having an inappropriate level of authority.

Title: Re: Simple things Trump don't know
Post by MnSpring on 09/15/24 at 20:53:15

6141434B5641240 wrote:
"... or will you just do it for me?

Don't be so Silly,
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