General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What is the truth?

Message started by JOG on 09/12/24 at 04:49:51

Title: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 04:49:51

Are the Haitians actually eating the animals?
Or is it Bullschitt?

I ask because I'm curious about whether or not
It's True
It's Bullschitt

Is divided along political leanings.

I'm definitely in the It's true camp. So,, since I agree with that, and since I'm Wrong about everything, according to some here, does that mean they are in the
That's Bullschitt camp?

Or can we agree on a truth?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 06:01:04

So,, since I agree with that, and since I'm Wrong about everything, according to some here, does that mean they are in the
That's Bullschitt camp?

 That's weird.  Maybe you haven't Observed when people agree with you, like the reactions to the Fryer research module among many other instances.

 To agree on a truth you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.

 Is an article on The Gateway Pundit enough for "proof"?
 Is a police report "proof"?
 Is a statement on Facebook "proof"?

 What do you need for this to be considered "true"?  Also what are your parameters for not accepting information as "true"?  

 Is an article on CNN saying no evidence exits enough "proof"?
 Is zero police reports enough "proof"?
 Is zero social media posts claiming they lost a pet to Haitian culinary skills "proof"?

 For me, I would need to see 10 or more Facebook/Insta/Social media posts with images of claimed missing/eaten animals prior to any statements from Trump/Vance etc. specific to this election cycle.  It is very very unlikely this would happen and people wouldn't mention on their social media.  People post what flavor peanuts they ate 5min ago - they will post pets eaten by other humans.

 I would want to see at least one or more police or animal control reports.  I would accept allegations, have Haitians been accused of this in the past?  Prior to the current claims.

 I would want to see one originating and 4 repost articles, prior to Trump or Vance specific to this election cycle "reporting" on Haitian immigrants consuming pets.  

 I've been to Haiti many times, I've referenced it here multiple times.  They don't eat their own pets there unless you consider livestock to be pets.  Also however it's extremely rare to have a "pet", like a dog or cat.  The logic that they choose to consume pets when there is ample nutritious  food in the US by comparison would typically mean they want to slaughter live animals over eating packaged safe meals.  This would be extremely uncommon even in Haiti.  Tons of people get sick and die from food poisoning there, packaged clean food/water is like gold.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/12/24 at 07:07:10

Reporting now says it was a white US citizen with mental problems in Canton, not Springfield
The story is false

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by MnSpring on 09/12/24 at 07:09:23

1030323A2730550 wrote:
"... The logic that they choose to consume pets when there is ample nutritious  food in the US by comparison would typically mean they want to slaughter live animals over eating packaged safe meals..."

Eating someones pet, Robbins, Bluejays, etc, etc, etc.
Cost CONSIDERABLY Less money, in most cases FREE, VS, 'eating packaged safe meals'.  

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 07:58:02

Eating someones pet, Robbins, Bluejays, etc, etc, etc.
Cost CONSIDERABLY Less money, in most cases FREE, VS, 'eating packaged safe meals'.  

 Agreed.  The question is why not eat the free US packaged food they can get with free US taxpayer money put on free food cards?  Instead they will go hunt down pets, slaughter them and eat them.  

 Could happen, but I need more evidence than Vance saying so.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 08:18:37

That's weird.  Maybe you haven't Observed when people agree with you,

Maybe you could be less literal and notice those who simply don't ever agree.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/12/24 at 08:42:01

1535373F2235500 wrote:
Eating someones pet, Robbins, Bluejays, etc, etc, etc.
Cost CONSIDERABLY Less money, in most cases FREE, VS, 'eating packaged safe meals'.  

 Agreed.  The question is why not eat the free US packaged food they can get with free US taxpayer money put on free food cards?  Instead they will go hunt down pets, slaughter them and eat them.  


Yes, I forgot
These illegals are living the life of Riley on the taxpayers dime. living in mansions, driving Mercedes, eating steak and lobster... why would they stop to eat a cat?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 09:03:22

These illegals are living the life of Riley on the taxpayers dime. living in mansions, driving Mercedes, eating steak and lobster... why would they stop to eat a cat?

Some are. Some aren't. Yeah, if you look around on YouTube there is a sheriff verifying, and people who live in that area.
The sheriff is about a 100 miles from the disappearing cats.
YaKnow, maybe the Haitians would rather kill and eat the good stuff instead of eat what an American calls good.
I saw a pic of one walking with a coupla geese ..and the geese were definitely Not walking.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 09:58:11

Some are. Some aren't. Yeah, if you look around on YouTube there is a sheriff verifying, and people who live in that area.

 There is a Sheriff verifying Haitians are killing pets?  

 To "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.  Otherwise it will be nothing more than your article/video versus someone else's, rinse repeat.  

 What I think is really going on is anti-immigration humans will believe it before pro-immigration humans do.  They will then go look only for the outcome they want to be true.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/12/24 at 10:29:39

It's hard to believe this is being taken seriously

What next? :-/

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 12:11:02

Okay, I got that screwed up. Yeah, a sheriff Does address the situation about the invaders. No, it's not a Hunnert miles, it's about an hour away. He also said Nothing about their Diet.
Shouldn't have tried to say anything about something I saw and then did other things.
I'm just glad I could find it to watch it again.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/12/24 at 12:47:51

It's not what you or I believe
It's that these things are given life by a Presidential candidate and his VP
They should be responsible enough to verify facts and distinguish from silly internet stories
A world leader should not be so easily duped
It's even dangerous

Haitian immigrants in Springfield are now looking over their shoulders in fear because of what they said

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by MnSpring on 09/12/24 at 13:10:00

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
" It's hard to believe this is being taken seriously "

If you are talking about Haitians eating pets, don't have any first hand experience.

YET KNOW it is totally POSSIBLE.

FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE, with several thousand people living in N Mpls/St Paul, and several THOUSAND Hunter's around the State, and Wisc, KNOW, the 70's-early 80's the Hmong, Shot, and ATE anything they could !!!

The UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists showed their total IGNORANCE in not telling them about the different culture where they are going.

Then, Once again, (THEY NEVER LEARNED) did it with Somalians.

Very believable it could happen  with another group of immigrants, because AGAIN, the FDS, DFI's. ... ... ...

 (Oh Wait, could their be another reason ????)

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/12/24 at 13:11:53

It's that these things are given life by a Presidential candidate and his VP
They should be responsible enough to verify facts and distinguish from silly internet stories
A world leader should not be so easily duped

pied piper[s] leading their lemmings off the cliff

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 13:18:16

 I think things like this are pretty simple to assess.

 Maybe think about it from the receiving point of view.  If someone went on the news and claimed You were responsible for missing mailboxes around the area, would it be reasonable to expect all other humans hearing that to take the number of missing mailboxes into account?

 On Jan 1 2024 someone says you are stealing mailboxes.
 On Jan 2 - 6 multiple people come forward saying they heard it too.
 On Jan 7 - 10 a YouTube video of a lady saying her mailbox was stolen surfaces, and 4 people say they have seen you do it before.
 Jan 10 - 13 The video and statements are shared by millions.
 Jan 14 Websites post "Video shows local neighbors lose mailboxes at alarming rate!"

 In 2 weeks, there's "proof" You steal mailboxes by the standards of many.

 None of that proof includes a single police report, insurance claim, or social media post of someone sayin "LOL...Got my mailbox stolen..WTF..SMH.

 Not one piece of evidence exists before the claim of You stealing mailboxes exists.  Would it be reasonable for people looking for the truth to acknowledge that?

 Or would it be more reasonable for them to say they just haven't seen it yet, it was covered up, they haven't seen proof there "isn't evidence pre-Jan 1" and instead go with the social media and websites to decide you are guilty?

 So to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.  

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by MnSpring on 09/12/24 at 13:23:44

475B465E435641505F5C5D56330 wrote:
"It's that these things are given life by a Presidential candidate and his VP..."


The UL, DFI, WOKE FDS, Socialists, ALLOWED/MADE it HAPPEN, with different group of people.

"...They should be responsible enough to verify facts and distinguish from silly internet stories ..."

And you will start doing that with Harris ????

            WHEN. ?????

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 13:27:38

Watch the old lady, listen to the Big gal.. These are residents.

At the end,see Kamala.


Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by ThumperPaul on 09/12/24 at 14:32:47

No matter if it's true or not, it was a stupid thing to say during a debate.  There were 1000s of other ways to make whatever point he was trying to make.  What point was he trying to make?  I have to laugh every time the real message gets lost because of the bizarre delivery of info.

Was his point that ALL illegal immigrants are thieves, murderers, rapist, drug dealers, and now ALSO pet eaters?

Equally bizarre is that the moderators somehow anticipated him bringing this nonsense up during the debate.  Or, maybe they used instant AI to detect pure bullhockey as it hit the floor.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/12/24 at 16:18:22

[quote author=6356455D4641455640240 link=1726141791/15#16 date=1726172858]Watch the old lady, listen to the Big gal.. These are residents.

At the end,see Kamala.


Saw it on u tube must be true :P

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 16:52:53

It's a recording of a City Council meeting. It's what The Citizens are Telling them is happening In their Town. You think they were going in there to tell lies?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/12/24 at 17:25:21

you're right republicans don't lie

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 17:41:16

It's a recording of a City Council meeting. It's what The Citizens are Telling them is happening In their Town. You think they were going in there to tell lies?

 This is a valuable reference.  The issue is obviously excessive volume over time over a specific area.

 I do believe they would kill ducks at a park.  I also definitely believe they can't drive for sh!t.  There are essentially no traffic laws in Haiti.  Why are they even allowed to drive?

 Why has nobody taken a picture of their pet hanging, being butchered?  The issue I have is it is too easy to be pissed about Haitians/any immigrant(s) destroying my neighborhood and just claiming by word of mouth only, that they took my pet and ate it.  Take a darn picture.

 I'd like to see more than this one account of pet murder and consumption.  

 Also, in order to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 17:53:49

Ohh,play with It, BayBee!

See the people? Hear the complaints?

Do you not believe them?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 18:12:32

Ohh,play with It, BayBee!

See the people? Hear the complaints?

Do you not believe them?

 I do for the most part.  However if someone said their US citizen neighbor had their cat hanging from a tree, wouldn't you ask why they never took a picture or reported it?

 If this US citizen killed and ate multiple pets in the neighborhood, what is the likelihood not one human takes an image, or reports it to police?  They just tell a friend and that's it?

 I require more evidence for pet killing and consumption than one person saying another person told them it happened.  If there was supporting evidence I would be ok with it.

 In order to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.  I provided mine.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 18:37:07

In the video of the people in the council meeting, did someone Say a cat was hanging in a tree?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 20:33:25

In the video of the people in the council meeting, did someone Say a cat was hanging in a tree?

 Yes they heard from someone that said they saw a cat in a tree.

 If someone said their US citizen neighbor had their cat hanging from a tree, wouldn't you ask why they never took a picture or reported it?

 I require more evidence for pet killing and consumption than one person saying another person told them it happened.  If there was supporting evidence I would be ok with it.  I outlined what I would need to see in order to agree it is "truth" and not hearsay.  

In order to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.  Otherwise no agreement can be made and it will be nothing more than finding articles and videos on the internet proving what one already decided was true instead of an evidence based approach.  Also known as truth.  I provided my standards, and also answered the other questions I am asked by the way.



Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 20:46:37

Yes they heard from someone that said they saw a cat in a tree.

And You want a picture?
Admittedly NOT the witness To the cat.

You pretend THAT obviates  all the rest of the complaints brought to the government?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/24 at 21:20:26

And You want a picture?
Admittedly NOT the witness To the cat.

 I told you before you ever presented any evidence what my standards are.  You didn't challenge them, or have the courtesy to provide any of your own standards.  You ask questions I answer, then ignore ones asked of you.

 Let's not act like the video shows a direct "witness" to a butchered cat.  No human missing a pet was at the meeting in the video.  It literally shows the words on the screen and it is read aloud to you: "My neighbor informed me that her daughter's friend..."

 Person making statement + neighbor's daughter + friend, that's 3 people.  If somebody said my neighbors daughters friend saw JOG kill her cat, would that be a "witness" to you killing a cat?  Are you ok with that standard?  (See why it's important to set and state your own standards and not just gripe about words on the internet?)

 Or would this statement be the 3rd person in a chain of humans making a claim about you with zero evidence?  Why didn't they report that JOG killed her cat?  Would you report someone butchering your animals?  Would you ask someone accusing you why they never said anything to the police?

You pretend THAT obviates  all the rest of the complaints brought to the government?

 No.  You pretend I do that.  I never said anything like that in any way.  Where did I say any of the statements have less merit or any words synonymous with the words "less" and "merit"?  Nowhere.  I totally agree this is plausible, however I do not agree that one post online is enough to consider it "True".  That's it.  

 In order to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.  You refuse to do that.  So this will be nothing more than a finger pointing gripe-fest about one part of a large issue.


Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/12/24 at 23:15:33

You give every lefty the Out they need.
On a Bullschitt hair splitting game.
The Haitians have absolutely destroyed the day to day life for these people.
And killed a M.I.L., but without a picture of a cat in a Muthafukkin TREE,,


Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/24 at 00:01:58

if this is such a BIG deal go up there and fix it!!!

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/13/24 at 00:29:43

It's Your guy who did it. This is Allll on you lefties. I wish it was in your neighborhood and Rows,,

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/13/24 at 00:32:29

This trainwreck belongs to You. And Row. I wish they were in your neighborhoods.
Then you could understand.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/24 at 01:07:35

you are right again NOT

your lunatic right-wing racists are now threating with bomb scares
or is it a Biden plot to discredit the right wing?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by LANCER on 09/13/24 at 05:01:24

Biden is not cognitive enough to do this, it’s the people behind the curtain who are running the show, coordinating the threats, rioting, burning, killing, assaulting women and little girls, all done through hired rioters and the millions of illegal aliens invited in from all over the world.
All of that is on the head of the dem/lib communist party of the USA.

It’s all designed to tear down the entire US society and bankrupt the country, turning us into a 3rd world country.


Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/24 at 05:37:38

pet eating Haitians B.S. started by the Blood Tribe is a Neo Nazi racist group to stir up hate against the Haitians
those who keep supporting this racist crap are Neo Nazis also

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 05:45:13

You give every lefty the Out they need.
On a Bullschitt hair splitting game.
The Haitians have absolutely destroyed the day to day life for these people.
And killed a M.I.L., but without a picture of a cat in a Muthafukkin TREE,,


 I gave lefty zero "Out".  You act like Haitians need to eat pets in order to be an illegal menace to the country.  

 This is what you sound like:

JOG: Are Haitians eating pets?  Lets have a discussion about it and see if its true.

Eegore: Here's what I would need to see, what do you need to see?  I don't see it so I think its not true yet.

JOG: Oh so you are ok with Haitians raping and murdering people!!

 You want to repeat what a video said to you, go ahead.  I prefer truth, and am actually capable of having an adult discussion about it.  I provided my parameters for something like this to be true.  You refused.  I never said "ONLY" a picture of a cat, I posted multiple parameters, like an actual police report or actual humans with pets claiming it happened.  What we have is a person saying the friend of a neighbor's daughter said...

 I have the courtesy to answer what you ask as you continue to avoid any form of reciprocation.  You don't want a discussion to see if its true Haitians are eating pets, you want people to agree that they are.  Or at a minimum you want to complain about the negative Haitian impacts, which is fine, but you specifically asked us to discuss Haitian pet-eating probability.  

 Instead of admitting a 4th party account isn't a valid source of information, you avoid it by making false claims I am saying no other complaints about Haitians are valid and that I am giving people an Out.  

 You want an adult discussion about the single topic you asked about: Haitians eating pets, is it true?  Then provide your standards.  Talk about it and stop complaining people don't blindly agree with one social media post you saw on a video.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 05:51:46

 We traced the cat in the tree post to a human that has a neighbor in another city in Ohio, Canton.  The house next to them has a police report, and charges for animal cruelty.

 The humans that live in that area, including the pet owner had posted on social media about the cat.

 So did the human that posted Haitians are killing pets move to Springfield and within 40 days encounter another neighbor with the exact same problem?  Did the Springfield residents all remain completely silent about this?  What are those chances?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by ThumperPaul on 09/13/24 at 06:59:40

Perfect!  Instead of paying attention to real issues, the whole country is arguing and being entertained by circus distractions.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 07:09:16

Perfect!  Instead of paying attention to real issues, the whole country is arguing and being entertained by circus distractions.

 Immigration is a real issue, and a sudden influx of 20k Haitians is not good anywhere.  Even Haiti has issues when that happens.  There are expansive problems in Springfield related to Haitian immigrants, however pet-eating doesn't seem to be one of them.  

 It does appear, as usual, some people just can't grasp the idea that unregulated immigration dumps are bad even if those immigrants don't eat pets.  They seem to think if a human doesn't believe Haitians are eating pets, then they are saying Haitians do nothing wrong and all US citizens lie.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/24 at 07:27:13

Not to long ago.
There was a hurricane in Haiti.

A whole lot bunch of people perished in that storm.

The  American Humane Society collected Millions of dollars to go to Haiti and  ‘rescue’ the dogs.

There was no dogs to rescue.

Of the people left, did they eat nothing ?
Or did they eat dogs,
simply because ,
It was a natural thing,
they do ?

(Assistance’ like food banks/etc. did not arrive for a week +/-, same as the Humane Society)

Just like Hmong in Minn, eating everything they could kill.
And the Somalians Shitting on the sidewalk.

(Until they LEARN that it is not something that is accepted, JUST LIKE,  me putting a cigarette but in a empty beer bottle in Denmark in 1971)

Wonder why no  UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialists, EVER TOLD, those immigrant that the protocol, in THIS Nation,  is different !.

Ya know, more and more, it looks like the UL FDS, WOKE, DFIs, Socialists, have NO DESIRE to learn.

(OR - Could they have another Agenda ?)

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/24 at 07:38:42

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
"...  It does appear, as usual, some people just can't grasp the idea that unregulated immigration dumps are bad even if those immigrants don't eat pets.  ..."  

Could it be that the UL, WOKE, FDS, DFI, Socialists, KNOW THIS,  and yet Refuse to Acknowledge it is NOT a good policy.

Are the, ' UL, WOKE, FDS, DFI, Socialists', just to LAZY.

Or perhaps their is ANOTHER reason ??????

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/13/24 at 07:44:15

3A37383533246461560 wrote:
Biden is not cognitive enough to do this, it’s the people behind the curtain who are running the show, coordinating the threats, rioting, burning, killing, assaulting women and little girls, all done through hired rioters and the millions of illegal aliens invited in from all over the world.
All of that is on the head of the dem/lib communist party of the USA.

It’s all designed to tear down the entire US society and bankrupt the country, turning us into a 3rd world country.


You know that. I know that. But the people I'm talking to Believe biden was actually in charge. And thank you for posting that.

designed to tear down the entire US society and bankrupt the country

Clowerd and Piven, it's been a goal for a long time. While the Bilderbergers operate freely and live without fear, the destruction will continue.  

designed to tear down the entire US society and bankrupt the country

And apparently every first world society. They opened the floodgates and imported people from Schitthole countries into societies and have the people who were trying to live their lives suddenly surrounded by filth and violence, and the governments Of their own country giving preference to the invaders over their own citizens.
If this was a good Western movie there would be a line of horses circling town, each dragging a politician through the harshest places on the end of a rope.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 08:06:25

The  American Humane Society collected Millions of dollars to go to Haiti and  ‘rescue’ the dogs.

There was no dogs to rescue.

 Yes there was.  They caged and moved dogs.

Of the people left, did they eat nothing ?
Or did they eat dogs,
simply because ,
It was a natural thing,
they do ?

 It is not a natural thing they do.  It is not typical in Haiti to eat dogs as there are many livestock alternatives.  Goats are everywhere.  They are basically savings accounts because they can't trust the government or the banks to be open there.  Culturally eating a dog there is not much different than eating one here.  I'm sure some social media posts from people that never been there will prove otherwise though.

 The only reason people will insist Haitians eat dogs, and search ad nauseum to make that connection is because Trump said it.  There's way more real problems having undocumented/unregulated Haitian communities in the US than some dog eating.

 The sanitation issues are rampant though.  There certainly is a sanitation and property boundry issue within Springfield.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 08:23:44

 The post in the video JOG referenced actually lives next to a housing complex at the 1100 block of 13th Street SE, Canton.  At that complex police arrested Allexis T. Ferrell at 10:45 p.m. Friday Aug 16. She was charged with prohibitions concerning companion animals and misdemeanor charges of injuring animals along with disorderly conduct.

 Multiple witnesses reported, to the police, they saw her stomp the head of the cat.  Nobody in Springfield, or Canton has reported a cat hanging or butchered, or eaten.  Nobody.

 A body cam video posted as: "Haitian Woman Eats Neighbour’s Cat in Springfield." is actually of the Aug 16 incident of a US citizen.  

 So I am finding a lot of the evidence I said I would want to see in order to find something True.  It however does not point to Haitian immigrants specific to them eating pets.  Some people will say this means other things, but it only means I can't find data that supports Haitians eating pets in Springfield.

 Also, in order to "agree on a truth" you would have to provide the exact parameters of what you will consider true, specific to this event.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/13/24 at 08:35:13

Here's a resident and YouTuber.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/24 at 08:37:03

[quote author=786479617C697E6F606362690C0 link=1726141791/30#32 date=1726214855 is it a Biden plot to discredit the right wing?


Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/24 at 08:40:15

[quote author=39343B3630276762550 link=1726141791/30#33 date=1726228884]Biden is not cognitive enough to do this, it’s the people behind the curtain who are running the show, coordinating the threats, rioting, burning, killing, assaulting women and little girls, all done through hired rioters and the millions of illegal aliens invited in from all over the world.
All of that is on the head of the dem/lib communist party of the USA.

It’s all designed to tear down the entire US society and bankrupt the country, turning us into a 3rd world country.



Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/13/24 at 10:49:07

A little clarity from the mayor of Springfield

After Bomb Threats and Political Vitriol, Ohio Mayor Says Enough

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 15:59:59

Here's a resident and YouTuber.

 All valid points.  Especially the driving, we won't let anyone without special training drive in Haiti, its like a real life GTA game.

 It is missing the part about witnesses to pet consumption, so I would not consider it part of the parameters for the "What is the truth?" portion specific to eating pets like cats and dogs.  Are we just avoiding that part now?



Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/13/24 at 18:37:01

Intellectual pickpocket.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/13/24 at 19:02:12

Intellectual pickpocket.

 You asked to have a discussion about if Haitians eating pets is true.  

 Now you avoid all questions about it and instead deflect to other problems already agreed about.  I have enough respect for you to answer all of yours by the way since I am interested in discussion.  

 So far the only evidence I have seen is a post where a human said their neighbor's daughter's friend said she saw her cat hanging from a tree to be eaten.  That human that made the post lives in Canton.  Any reason we should not Observe this?

 Why you would think Observing this fact means I am saying anyone in town hall meetings is lying is beyond me.  Nobody in the town hall meetings said their pets were eaten, or anyone they know.  

 I think it's obvious that nobody actually saw or reported Haitians eating their pets before any of this, but acknowledging that in your mind appears to mean it reduces the negative impacts of real Haitian activity.  

 Here's what you sound like:

JOG: Do Haitians eat pets?  Lets discuss.
eegore: I can't find anything that supports this.  I agree there are plenty of other problems.
JOG: Here's a video.
eegore: That video says nothing about eating pets.
JOG: Intellectual pickpocket.
eegore:  Are we not discussing pet eating anymore?
JOG:  Intellectual pickpocket!!

 I don't think you ever wanted to agree on a truth, you wanted people to agree with you.  Since evidence doesn't support what you already decided was true, (which is why none is presented), you want to avoid it and bring up other related problems.  That's fine with me but call it what it is.  

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/13/24 at 23:07:47

What is the truth?

It is not explained in the news like this but this is the reality of the moment:
Now that Ukraine seems to be losing the war big time, and NATO wants to attack Russia with long range missiles. The decision for a 3rd world war seems to depend on the elections in America.

The Biden administration cannot afford to lose face by having to negotiate with Russia now about stopping a war that Biden himself caused.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/14/24 at 06:01:48

What is the truth?

It is not explained in the news like this but this is the reality of the moment:
Now that Ukraine seems to be losing the war big time, and NATO wants to attack Russia with long range missiles. The decision for a 3rd world war seems to depend on the elections in America.

The Biden administration cannot afford to lose face by having to negotiate with Russia now about stopping a war that Biden himself caused.

 I guess while we are completely off topic... Why do you think the graphene on a Quantifoil slide is also inside the vaccine?  Why won't you answer that?

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/14/24 at 06:20:47

"It seems we are straying from the original topic of this forum (about asylum seekers eating pets). Regarding your question about graphene in vaccines: the idea that graphene is in vaccines has been extensively researched and there is no scientific evidence that this is the case. Graphene is used in other scientific applications, such as Quantifoil slides in cryo-electron microscopy, but that does not mean it is present in vaccines."

But I went off topic because the world is on fire right now and no one seems to realize it. It could very well be that nuclear weapons will be used by Russia before big pharma admits to tampering or before all pets are eaten by asylum seekers.

I propose that we stop investing energy in political differences and thus contribute to reducing conflict energy in the world.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/14/24 at 07:35:59

I also want to stay on topic for a moment. We men in the Netherlands, but also many women, have a national sport and that is fishing.

We release fish for that in ditches, canals, lakes, etc. That costs a lot of money, but we pay for that through a fishing permit.

The fish are therefore a "kind of pet" for us.

And when we catch them, we throw them back and are also legally obliged to do so. All this to keep the fish stock high so that we do not have to fish for hours to catch something.

When I was a child I caught big fish and sold them to the local Chinese who would give up to 10 euros for a nice carp.

Money keeps the world go round. ;)

But it's the immigrants' fault because they bought the fish and they ate it too. And they fed it to the  origional citizens. ::)
What I also did sometimes was go to the Chinese restaurant with my friends. We’d eat the most random stuff beforehand, like a sandwich, a carrot, and a single sip of milk—just to get that perfect "about to puke" combo brewing.

Then, we'd walk to the window, where people were happily enjoying their noodles and sweet and sour chicken, and I’d go full Oscar-worthy performance: holding my stomach, gagging, and then—BAM!—pretending to throw up like I was in some low-budget horror movie. The timing was perfect. You'd see people drop their chopsticks mid-bite, eyes wide with terror, like they were watching a volcano erupt in slow motion.

The real magic happened when the waiters, who clearly had zero patience for our nonsense, stormed out of the restaurant like action heroes—one of them waving around a massive cleaver like it was a scene from a kung fu movie!

You should’ve seen us run! I swear, we could've qualified for the Olympics with the speed we hit after that.

Man, those were the days... narrowly avoiding being chopped up by a chef with ninja reflexes!

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Eegore on 09/14/24 at 07:46:59

 In theory one could consider the ducks in the park, which I totally believe Haitians would go kill and eat, could be pets.  Pets of the City.  Pets of the People.

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/14/24 at 07:51:29

It was also common knowledge that Chinese restaurants caught cats to cut through the food so it's not that incomprehensible

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/24 at 10:50:55

5A4556454E454E4552474945200 wrote:
It was also common knowledge that Chinese restaurants caught cats to cut through the food so it's not that incomprehensible

Neither is Hannibal Lector

Title: Re: What is the truth?
Post by JOG on 09/14/24 at 13:49:46

4A5546555E555E5542575955300 wrote:
I also want to stay on topic for a moment. We men in the Netherlands, but also many women, have a national sport and that is fishing.

We release fish for that in ditches, canals, lakes, etc. That costs a lot of money, but we pay for that through a fishing permit.

The fish are therefore a "kind of pet" for us.

And when we catch them, we throw them back and are also legally obliged to do so. All this to keep the fish stock high so that we do not have to fish for hours to catch something.

When I was a child I caught big fish and sold them to the local Chinese who would give up to 10 euros for a nice carp.

Money keeps the world go round. ;)

But it's the immigrants' fault because they bought the fish and they ate it too. And they fed it to the  origional citizens. ::)
What I also did sometimes was go to the Chinese restaurant with my friends. We’d eat the most random stuff beforehand, like a sandwich, a carrot, and a single sip of milk—just to get that perfect "about to puke" combo brewing.

Then, we'd walk to the window, where people were happily enjoying their noodles and sweet and sour chicken, and I’d go full Oscar-worthy performance: holding my stomach, gagging, and then—BAM!—pretending to throw up like I was in some low-budget horror movie. The timing was perfect. You'd see people drop their chopsticks mid-bite, eyes wide with terror, like they were watching a volcano erupt in slow motion.

The real magic happened when the waiters, who clearly had zero patience for our nonsense, stormed out of the restaurant like action heroes—one of them waving around a massive cleaver like it was a scene from a kung fu movie!

You should’ve seen us run! I swear, we could've qualified for the Olympics with the speed we hit after that.

Man, those were the days... narrowly avoiding being chopped up by a chef with ninja reflexes!

You EEEVILL little BassTurd! I Never even Thought of that! Dammitt!
All I ever needed to puke was just hearing someone gagging.. And No! I do Not have A Weak Stomach. I can get eight to ten feet out of it, any time. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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