General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Is it true?

Message started by JOG on 08/28/24 at 13:00:33

Title: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/28/24 at 13:00:33

I'm seeing reports that Kamala is ready to Build the Wall.. Ohh, tell me it's true!
I also heard she is trying to grant amnesty to everyone already here.. So, if we vote for the Wall, we give them amnesty.
If true, I say No wall
Enforce the law,close the border with manpower and Force. As in,bullets ,if that is what it takes.

If it Saves just One Life,, we must control the border.

And how many are dead in the desert? Dead,in the back of a semi truck trailer? Over thirty died last week,, How many Americans are dead because of the invaders?
I wish pain and suffering on every open borders supporter.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/24 at 13:03:17

7D485B43585F5B485E3A0 wrote:
If it Saves just One Life,, we must control the border.

Is your world literally in black and white?

How many Americans died from a bullet today alone?
Probably more than a year of illegal immigrant crime
Immigrants statistically commit less crimes than US born citizens
That makes sense because they don't want to be deported for causing any trouble

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/24 at 13:22:56

Newsweek Says:
"... Rates of homicides committed by illegal migrants in the United States have increased overall during the Biden administration ..."

(Oh Wait, it must be a lie)
(Oh Wait, is Newsweek D or R ?)
 (Oh Wait, ... ... ... )

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/24 at 13:42:48

7462756870656873070 wrote:
"... How many Americans died from a bullet today  ..."

How many died from MORE Illegal Drugs brought in ?

"... Immigrants statistically commit less crimes than US born citizens..."

Great !
How many do you have living with you, which you feed, give them health care, educate them, and live in your house?

Who are NOT Citizens and have NO desire to be one. And are willing to work for CASH, paying NO taxes, (You do that), to have good infrastructure.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Serowbot on 08/28/24 at 15:53:18

The truth is fuzzy at best
Probably a wash  overall
Which makes it a non-issue really

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime?

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/28/24 at 17:08:34

The negative consequences of the invasion are not even fully felt yet. They are being given money. Veterans are seeing resources meant for them diverted to illegal aliens. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a single report of an illegal stopping a crime in progress,
They have increased crime. Full stop.
They are hurting the economy. Period. No dancing, they are Not building up America.
The people who came here and settled the country didn't get phones. They got hard work, some died. And IF they were unhealthy, they didn't get in.
You lefties believe All Americans need to take The Jabs.
Illegals? Come on In! No medical exam to see what you're bringing in.
The Jabs? For You? Our honored Guests? Naah,, you Good,Baayybbeee.. Come on in!
Everyone else will help you. I'm not opening My door,, someone else will have to do That,,

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/24 at 17:40:48

Bot, you and I pay taxes,
(Same % considering whatever the situations are)
we are both Citizens.

I believe the money left over from infrastructure, etc, should be spent on CITIZENS of this Nation.
Helping those who are living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

It sure seems like you, want that money spent on, NON CITIZENS, who LIED, to get into this country. Who NEVER will be Citizens, and NEVER want to be Citizens. Who get paid in UN-TAXED money and NEVER paying income tax. To get, free Food, Free Medical, Free Education, and Free Housing.

One way is the mindset of a fair, CONSERVATIVE person, helping people that actually deserve it.

One way is an Ultra Liberal, giving money to someone that is; to LAZY to work, working the system, saying Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.

This fundamental attitude, of mine, comes from a Democrat Base !
I grew up in a household with loving parents, Stay at home Mom, Dad worked hard to Provide. Both hard core Democrats.
(Minn, Remember it was called, “Farmer Labor Democrats”)

When I was 6-11?  I remember Mom buying things that were NEVER on our table.
It was YEARS later when I learned a group of Moms, in the small town we were in, BOUGHT extra things, put them in a brown paper bags. Then those bags mysteriously appeared on the door step of a family that really needed the food.

Key word here, NEEDED THE FOOD !!!!!!!!!

ALL of those people, who received the bags of free food, were to proud to take the newly started, ‘WELFARE’, which was ONLY for the totally GIMMIE/LAZY people.

So my attitude is simple.
Help people that need it.

Do NOT help people that, LIE, Cheat, Steal, and are to LAZY to work.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/28/24 at 17:55:16

Do NOT help people that, LIE, Cheat, Steal, and have no respect or love for the country and don't care about the citizens Of this country. All that talk about Colonizers,, and absolutely No grasp of what is happening. We are Paying to import colonizers. No other word applies. They have no desire to Become Americans in their ways. They want to bring Their ways into America and Force Americans to accept their laws.

Some day, someone will log in and tell us that Row has Given them his house and moved to a culvert.. And I'm going to Laaff and Laaff and Laaff.. And welcome them to America.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/24 at 18:11:44

1D283B23383F3B283E5A0 wrote:
"... Some day, someone will log in and tell us that Row has Given them his house and moved to a culvert..."

Will never happen. Especially from someone who says they have a gun,
and others should not have a gun.

BOT giving up his house to ILLEGALS,
          Not a Chance. !!!!!

It's just, 'WOKE' talk,
cause he was told,
he should say it.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/24 at 18:53:34

"...and don't care about the citizens Of this country...."
Being in AZ for the last 4 and 1/5 years.
(Mostly AJO then N. Phoenix)

The Mexican/Indian residents,
do not have any comradery, or community ties to anything.
That is ANYTHING !
That does not, Directly affect them !

Case in point:
In AJO, their is a plot of land which  is owned by a group of people from Calf, which on some weekends go out in the Desert, looking for Bones, so they can record the DNA and inform the relatives.

There was a HUGE wind storm. Couple of buildings build on this land were blowen over. I happened to be driving down the road and met some of the people coming out. I asked, "You Need Help righting those buildings", I was told, by several, (In a very heavy accent), "Not My Problem"

WOW !!!!!

So If one, comes in ILLEGALLY, LIES/CHEATS, and NEVER wants to be a Citizen of the USA.

Not My Problem !


(Forgot, Observed Reality, is not real)

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/28/24 at 20:33:56

42615C7F7D6661680F0 wrote:
[quote author=1D283B23383F3B283E5A0 link=1724875233/0#7 date=1724892916] "... Some day, someone will log in and tell us that Row has Given them his house and moved to a culvert..."

Will never happen. Especially from someone who says they have a gun,
and others should not have a gun.

BOT giving up his house to ILLEGALS,
          Not a Chance. !!!!!

It's just, 'WOKE' talk,
cause he was told,
he should say it.


Check your PMs,,

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/29/24 at 05:44:40

Not My Problem !


(Forgot, Observed Reality, is not real)

 If one refuses to Observe something it is not their reality.  For instance if the dates on MRI scans from pre-2019 are not Observed one can complain that the scans aren't evidence of causation in an event that happened years later.  Time and space no longer exist in their Reality, so how real can it be?

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/24 at 07:51:26

Any “fact“ that proposes illegal immigrants do not increase crime or are proportionally less likely to commit crime is simply false. It’s a lie. It’s a manipulation of statistics.

Any comparison of crime rates followed by the argument “well, so what? Americans kill 16,000 people year with guns”…mind is ignorant, and ridiculous. That’s not the point.

The simple fact of the matter is an a certain number of Americans, no one quite knows how many, but it doesn’t really matter, it’s more than one, have been killed by illegal aliens, and for no reason other than Democrats want potential future voters. That’s all. End of discussion.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/29/24 at 08:44:53

You just don't understand. It's Okay if people who have no right to be here kill and rape some of us, because some of the citizens of America kill and rape some of us.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/29/24 at 09:57:42

5E7E7C74697E1B0 wrote:
"  If one refuses to Observe something it is not their reality...
... so how real can it be?

'Observed' reality, is simply reality, that is observed.

5E7E7C74697E1B0 wrote:
. "... If one refuses to Observe something it is not their reality...."

Don't care if it is not their 'reality', because they did not observe it first hand.

It is STILL Reality.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/29/24 at 10:31:19

You just don't understand. It's Okay if people who have no right to be here kill and rape some of us, because some of the citizens of America kill and rape some of us.

 Obviously.  Since immigrants kill fewer Americans than Americans do, we will have less crime if we deport Americans and bring in more immigrants.  So we should probably go that route.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/29/24 at 10:38:48

'Observed' reality, is simply reality, that is observed.

 Unless one refuses to Observe something, then to them, it is not reality.  If I do not Observe I was lied to about something I can keep claiming it to be true.


Don't care if it is not their 'reality', because they did not observe it first hand.

It is STILL Reality.

 I agree.  Refusing to Observe something does not erase it from objective reality for others, it only removes it for the human that refuses to Observe something.  So if that human selectively Observes only what they want, how real can what they assess really be?  

 Millions of dead athletes Observed.  Not one major sports team missing players, not Observed.  Vaccine kills athletes.

 Petty gun crime Observed.  Petty gun crime where the populace is armed, not Observed.  Guns cause crime.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by MnSpring on 08/29/24 at 10:44:56

7555575F4255300 wrote:
"... Since immigrants kill fewer Americans than Americans do, we will have less crime if we deport Americans and bring in more immigrants.  ..."

What is the %, of US Citizens
What is the %, of Non Citizen ILLEGALS

What is the %, of US Citizens killing, US Citizens ?
What is the % of Non Citizen ILLEGALS, killing, US Citizens ?

Now do the math of , 'x amount per every x amount.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/29/24 at 16:29:52

0121232B3621440 wrote:
You just don't understand. It's Okay if people who have no right to be here kill and rape some of us, because some of the citizens of America kill and rape some of us.

 Obviously.  Since immigrants kill fewer Americans than Americans do, we will have less crime if we deport Americans and bring in more immigrants.  So we should probably go that route.

What a pack of lies.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/29/24 at 17:08:40

What a pack of lies.

 It seems mathematically sound to me.  Americans obviously kill more Americans than illegal immigrants do.  If you reduce the number of Americans inside America there will be no other possible outcome than a reduction in crime on actual Americans.  

 This will increase Immigrant on Immigrant crime, there is no other mathematically plausible outcome.  Once Immigrant on Immigrant crime rises enough they can then be deported.  The question is what is the acceptable ratio of crime?

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/29/24 at 20:47:29

This is part of your game. Intellectual Pickpocket,, divert stuff to frustrating riddicullum.
Mumble to yourself,

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/24 at 05:48:27

This is part of your game. Intellectual Pickpocket,, divert stuff to frustrating riddicullum.
Mumble to yourself,

 Show me where I am lying.  Serowbot's argument is immigrants kill fewer Americans than Americans.  

 Removing Americans from America would resolve that, so he just needs to  provide the acceptable percentage of immigrant on American crime to justify his argument.

 Explain to me where the lies are in that.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by JOG on 08/30/24 at 17:11:33

You Know
I'm not going to engage.

Title: Re: Is it true?
Post by Eegore on 08/30/24 at 21:37:20

You Know
I'm not going to engage.

 That is engaging.

 The hint means nothing to me.  What part of deporting Americans to reduce crime on Americans in America is a lie?  How mathematically is that untruthful?

 Serowbot provides an unreasonable logic for maintaining immigration levels as they are.  My math presents an equally unreasonable solution.
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