General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> This is Fiiine....

Message started by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 16:50:01

Title: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 16:50:01

Our election is about understanding the importan[/url]ce of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” she told supporters.  “As a democracy, we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact. What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, and their freedom. Incredibly strong. And incredibly fragile.”

And surely it was all unburdened by what has been.

I can't get Rumble so I can get a link.

Ohh,yeah,, the audio is fine..
Protecting our WHAT? Can't Protect much while you are importing people from all over, including people whose religion tells them that they are to convert people to their religion
Or,if they won't convert
Kill them.

Reee! It's THEIR religion.
We are not a democracy. I wish everyone would stop sayin that. Trump says it and it chapsMyAss.
Of course our friends on the other side have no criticism for anyone on their side.

The video that has her supposedly sayin this is in this report.


I'm not finished trying.. I want to see if I can understand what she is trying to say.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/24 at 21:19:18

"...  I want to see if I can understand what she is trying to say.  ..."

Good luck with that !!!!!

I see only truly IGNORANT people,
actually believing
  she is actually
     saying something.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/22/24 at 08:36:32

[quote author=785B6645475C5B52350 link=1724197801/0#1 date=1724213958]"...  I want to see if I can understand what she is trying to say.  ..."

Good luck with that !!!!!

I see only truly IGNORANT people,
actually believing
  she is actually
     saying something.
your foil hat is cutting of blood to your brain :D

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/22/24 at 15:43:53

I see only truly IGNORANT people,
actually believing
 she is actually
    saying something..

What? Her face is flapping but she's not actually talking? You Do know Who that is, right? She's talking.. But, you're right
She's not saying anything.

That is exactly what I see every time she opens her mouth.
The only intelligent thing to come out of her mouth was when she said what Trump said about tips.
And only Stewpid people failed to grasp
What is Stopping Her Now?
How is it she's Promising to Do Something
But Only IF she is Put in a Position of Authority,, so she can,,


I know you have a good answer.

Ohh,, and she WAS talking,, so,, you stepped on a rake,again.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/22/24 at 20:14:03

huffin the swamp gas again I see

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/24 at 06:48:48

When is the last time you got a knock at your door selling you religion?
I get one every month or two
Always Christian evangelical
Never Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or... Satan
Yer' barking up the wrong tree

Besides that,... most of the immigrants you rage against coming from south of the border are Christian Catholic
..but they don't evangelize

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/24 at 09:16:52

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
When is the last time you got a knock at your door selling you religion?
I get one every month or two
Always Christian evangelical
Never Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or... Satan
Yer' barking up the wrong tree

Besides that,... most of the immigrants you rage against coming from south of the border are Christian Catholic
..but they don't evangelize

And what does that tell you?

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/23/24 at 09:18:50

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
When is the last time you got a knock at your door selling you religion?
I get one every month or two
Always Christian evangelical
Never Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or... Satan
Yer' barking up the wrong tree

Besides that,... most of the immigrants you rage against coming from south of the border are Christian Catholic
..but they don't evangelize

And my second point to that is “Alex, I’ll take ‘Things that never happened’ for $500.”

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Serowbot on 08/23/24 at 12:31:41

Give me nonsense for a $1,000

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/24/24 at 07:45:05

I don't Give a Fukk what religion they are, Row. The country is being wrecked by this insanity.
Now,the Muslims,, I DO have a real problem with people whose Religion STATES
They are to Convert or Kill everyone else.
You poor sap..

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Serowbot on 08/24/24 at 09:46:49

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Eegore on 08/24/24 at 10:23:25

 You forgot the part about killing anyone that doesn't accept the teaching of the Bible, and for that specific and only reason.  

 For that matter, nobody is pointing to an -in context - version of the Qu'ran that says it either.  Cherry picked half-quotes don't count unless we can use the same tactics for the Holy Bible too.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/24/24 at 11:30:22

is there a religion that hasn't been bacterized by nut jobs?

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by MnSpring on 08/24/24 at 17:26:09

2234233E26333E25510 wrote:
"... most of the immigrants you rage against coming from south of the border are Christian Catholic ..but they don't evangelize ..."

Exactly what does that have to do with.
Killing US Citizens,
Selling Drugs,
Stealing by doing jobs for cash and not paying any Taxes.
Receiving all sorts of things/goods, paid for by people paying taxes.
Getting into a car accident, Then Running Away, because they have no insurance. Then the owner says,
'I Don't know, someone must have stole it'.

And Harris/Walsh, Allowing the Illegal entry.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/24/24 at 19:51:20

2E322F372A3F28393635343F5A0 wrote:
is there a religion that hasn't been bacterized by nut jobs?

The Religion of Climate Change has been over run with nut jobs.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 01:32:02

climate change is fact not religion

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/25/24 at 04:28:19

Yes, Climate change is a fact. If you had a Time Machine and wanted to visit the Great Lakes before they were developed with cities like Chicago, Cleveland etc and went back in time a fraction of a second ago on the earth’s geology clock, 15,000 years, they would not be there. The area was under hundreds of feet of ice. A fraction of a second ago.

The questions have always been what’s the actual increase in temperature, what percentage of that temp is attributable to humans emissions and depending on those answers, what is the proper course of action.

No one is 100%  sure of the answers to the first two questions. No one. There are guesses, some better than others, but they’re guesses.

Use your curiosity for a moment.

Ask yourself this: Why was the realization that cigarettes were harmful to your health fought over the economic realities instead of on political ideology grounds?  I recall the arguments that damaging the livelihood of millions were the basis of downplaying health effects, I don’t recall any left/right ideological division.

Yet the response to climate change is practically a litmus test. Why? Replace climate change with LBGTQ, Covid response, illegal immigration and a host of others.


Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 07:32:57

that's a question for the petro chemical industry

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/25/24 at 07:35:16

No, those are questions for you. For all of us.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 09:04:12

6356455D4641455640240 wrote:
I see only truly IGNORANT people,
actually believing
 she is actually
    saying something..

The above is what he said, I hit Quote,

What? Her face is flapping but she's not actually talking? You Do know Who that is, right? She's talking.. But, you're right
She's not saying anything.

That is exactly what I see every time she opens her mouth.
The only intelligent thing to come out of her mouth was when she said what Trump said about tips.
And only Stewpid people failed to grasp
What is Stopping Her Now?
How is it she's Promising to Do Something
But Only IF she is Put in a Position of Authority,, so she can,,


I know you have a good answer.

Ohh,, and she WAS talking,, so,, you stepped on a rake,again.

And his well thought out response?

huffin the swamp gas again I see

He doesn't actually analyze anything. He just accepts what The Left says about everything and pretends it is real.
He seems to believe
huffin the swamp gas again I see
Is a rebuttal. It's just a childish refusal to address the Points.
If you're waiting for any of them to stop and THINK about the history of the earth and the climate that has, in recent centuries, been so much more survivable than so much of Earth's history has been, and notice that where it's warm is where life thrives,you are going to wait a long time.

Don't forget,, he considers the idea that free people should be free to protect themselves is,ohh,, what Were his exact words?? I'm not remembering the Exact phrasing, but according to him, the idea that we should be FREE to protect ourselves is
Authoritarian Rhetoric..
How anyone can conflate Freedom from Authoritarian Mandates that limit or eliminate our natural Rights to defend ourselves with Authoritarianism is beyond me and a glowing example of how twisted the minds of lefties are. Up is down, the Science is Settled,, regarding climate, when we know so little, actually,, YET, the Science of Men and Women is Completely Not Settled.. After all the people of the world were BORN from a Woman, impregnated by a MAN. Somehow lefties are able to be confused by that.

Hell, you know they still support gun control, while decades of data proves it is not just a failure, but actually makes it worse. I'll spell it out..

Gun control not only Does Not decrease the problem..
It Makes it Worse.

The people of Texas, free to carry OPENLY do not feel the freedom to do that is a problem. And we aren't seeing the National Headlines announcing

Twenty seven shot in Anytown, Texas over the weekend.
Where Gun Control IS? That is where the shootings are.

But can THEY put that together? Nope! Just dismiss the Very Idea as

Nobody is MAKING anyone carry. That Would be authoritarian.
Stopping people from being able to defend themselves?
That IS Authoritarian..

But you won't get him to see that.

And Still Unanswered...


They don't seem to understand exactly what the
Promises to Make Everything Better when I'm Elected
are actually saying.
Those are Admissions that everything is screwed up.
She's gonna Fix the economy!!
But,but,,I Thought it was Great!!??

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 09:30:42

any point you are trying to make is pure BS

any time the orange felon opens his mouth you are guaranteed its a lie

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 09:46:40

1408150D100512030C0F0E05600 wrote:
any point you are trying to make is pure BS

any time the orange felon opens his mouth you are guaranteed its a lie

You can't articulate an argument to support any ideas. You just declare what you want to be true As If it's true.

You won't explain why Kamala, who is IN A POSITION TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING about taxing tips RIGHT FUKKING NOW, isn't doing anything.
Why does she need to be president to initiate gettin a few congress critters together and get them to put the legislation together and put it out?
That is not a complicated question.
Can you answer it?
I'm in a hurry, so I'll answer it for you.

NOTHING, not one thing is stopping her from getting a coalition of a few people to put the proposal together and get it to a vote.
Absolutely NOTHING is stopping her from Doing NOW what she is Promising to do
IF she is made president.

So, she's just lying. She has no intention of doing it, or she would be

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 10:21:24

trying to make issues where there are none
your crystal ball tells you what she is going to do

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/24 at 11:12:48

Yup, things were different when Pence was in charge

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 11:17:20

Aaand there it is. Confirmation of everything I said. Completely unable to formulate a cogent rebuttal, relying on dismissing what I said as if that actually defeats my points.
I wonder what it feels like, being led around by the nose, having ones opinions and concerns Given to them.
You can't explain WHY she is not doing anything about what she Says she cares about
And she IS in a position to take action to accomplish what she SAYS she WILL DO,,
She COULD be Doin it NOW,
She is LYING,,
Or, she would Do it NOW

Because Doing it NOW
Would make her very popular with the people who Get Tips..

It would get a buncha votes.

She is Lying, or she would be doing it NOW.

Use your Big Boy words. Make sentences. Put them together in a manner that creates a logical pathway to a reasonable conclusion.

Unless you just can't..

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 11:31:00

non issue
you got nada so you make sheet up

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/24 at 11:50:25

2C302D35283D2A3B3437363D580 wrote:
"any point you are trying to make is pure BS ..."

A-Yep !!!!!

Par for the course !!!!!!!!!!

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 12:05:48

716D706875607766696A6B60050 wrote:
non issue
you got nada so you make sheet up

Are you saying she DIDN'T say she would end taxes on tips?

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 12:16:45

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
 You forgot the part about killing anyone that doesn't accept the teaching of the Bible, and for that specific and only reason.  

 For that matter, nobody is pointing to an -in context - version of the Qu'ran that says it either.  Cherry picked half-quotes don't count unless we can use the same tactics for the Holy Bible too.

Get with it! Show me, in the New Testament, where Christians are to KILL'EM if they don't accept Christianity.

I don't Need a Koran. I'm watching Muslims STAB, Rape,Kill non-muslims.
No other religion TODAY supports killing people if they won't convert.
They don't even Try to get them to convert. They just commit their violent crimes and holler Hallelujah Snackbar..

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 13:18:54

0134273F2423273422460 wrote:
[quote author=716D706875607766696A6B60050 link=1724197801/15#25 date=1724610660]non issue
you got nada so you make sheet up

Are you saying she DIDN'T say she would end taxes on tips?

asV.P. she has no constutinal powers to issue an executive order

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 14:11:41

And NOWHERE did I suggest That was the answer. I EXPLAINED a mechanism that would allow her to move toward accomplishing protecting tip from being taxed.
She Said she Would,, and EOs are Not legislation. She could ask a Congress critter to write the proposal and get it up for a vote. A phone call. That is all it would take. She Is popular, she has allies, and Anyone who was a part of that legislation being passed would be appreciated by the voters who rely on tips.

So, why is she doing NOTHING to accomplish that?

Because she is LYING.
She wants TAXES, lots and lots of taxes, because the government knows better than The People how to spend their money.
She wants people to pay taxes on the increased, on paper, value of their homes.
Whether you own or rent, if that happens, the cost of a roof over our heads goes Way Up.

Let's not split hairs on EOs. She has an easy avenue to move Forward on protecting Tips from being taxed.
So, the obvious question is
Why isn't she?

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 15:23:26

goes nowhere in this obstructionist congress

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 16:28:42

Ohh, well, THAT explains Not Trying, which IF she did would at least show the voters she tried. And how is it You are so certain that the people in DC wouldn't See how passing that would get Them some approval ratings?
It almost sounds like you think she's afraid to try.
YaKnow, I'm starting to think your answers are just lame excuses. Because earlier my points were based in Nothing, but I kept on making logical arguments and you just couldn't pretend they aren't, so now you're dancing around,, started with
Well, she can't write an Executive Order,,
I destroyed that..
Now it's
Obstructionist Congress..
As IF,the left can't get a bill passed..
This one would be Popular with About Everyone.

Hell, Trump is using it in his campaign. She glommed onto it.
You said

Good policy is Good policy..

So, support from both sides of the aisle Should be expected.

So, why is she Not Trying?

Because SHE, unlike Trump, has No Intention of Actually Doing it.

Or she would get started on it And do it Very publicly and with great fanfare.
She's absolutely Missing an opportunity here.
She should have it on paper and promote it at her next press conference.
She should have the people who wrote it and got it set up for debate and voting on ,on stage with her. If it gets blocked, meh, she looks like a good guy, the people who blocked it look like AssHoes..
It's a Win for her, either way..

But,, apparently her handlers are too short sighted to see that.
Or,maybe they aren't worried about making The People happy and securing their votes.
Maybe they aren't trying to get any Undecided voters to decide that She Cares about them and get those votes.

Because they don't see the Need for those votes.

There Is no reason for her to not use this. But she isn't doing anything with it. It's a popular idea and she could score points, whether it passes or not.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/24 at 16:30:19

"... I'm watching Muslims STAB, Rape, Kill non-muslims..."

In Omar's conclave, where ballot harvesting is the only thing that keeps her in office.
The 'elders' just throw people off buildings. Then "claim" they just fell, and everything is now perfect.

(she fled Somalia immigrating to the U.S. in 1995)

Oh, do you know, St Paul MN, has the SECOND largest population of Somalians in the World.
The largest population, in the World, is in the Country of Somalia !!!!!

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by thumperclone on 08/25/24 at 17:21:28

she has a campaign to run
there will be time later

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/24 at 18:02:14

7E627F677A6F78696665646F0A0 wrote:
there will be time later"

To totally IGNORE, what ever she 'said' she would do, (Er LIED) !!!!!!

But it won't matter, her, free concert goers, will see right through her 'word salads'


Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/25/24 at 18:19:06

3E223F273A2F38292625242F4A0 wrote:
she has a campaign to run
there will be time later

She's missing a PR Moment that would aid her.
Because she is Lying and has No interest in helping the people on the bottom of earnings scale. She could generate some real approval and likely move some voters who are undecided. Surely you can see that, right? It would be good for her to publicly take action on this. Plus,, she could deprive Trump of that move.

Plenty of time later,, that's rich.

Letting people keep their earnings is a little bit authoritarian, like allowing people to exercise their  2A rights without requiring a license.

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Eegore on 08/26/24 at 12:51:55

Get with it! Show me, in the New Testament, where Christians are to KILL'EM if they don't accept Christianity.

 Follow your own demands:

Get with it! Show me, in the Quran, where Muslims are to KILL'EM if they don't accept Islam.

 Use actual context and text, not cherry picked sentences.

I don't Need a Koran. I'm watching Muslims STAB, Rape,Kill non-muslims.
No other religion TODAY supports killing people if they won't convert.
They don't even Try to get them to convert. They just commit their violent crimes and holler Hallelujah Snackbar..

 So go ahead and show me in the Quran where the "Religion STATES They are to Convert or Kill everyone else." as you claim.

 Use your Big Boy words. Make sentences. Put them together in a manner that creates a logical pathway to a reasonable conclusion.

 My response to Serow was that neither of them have official text that actually state to kill non-believers for that reason alone.  

Title: Re: This is Fiiine....
Post by Graybeard on 08/26/24 at 22:44:40

The Muslims ARE killing people. Just like
She never Was the border czar, Bullschitt lies,
Muslims are murdering and raping. It's common knowledge that they believe they have a mission. Convert them or kill them. No other religion does that TODAY. But,our government imports them. Using OUR money. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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