General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> LA

Message started by MnSpring on 08/18/24 at 08:24:50

Title: LA
Post by MnSpring on 08/18/24 at 08:24:50

In 3-3/4 years
the shit hole LA, will be cleaned up.

In 4 years,
 and one day.
LA will be back to a UL, DFI, FDS, Gimmie-Gimmie crime ridden Shit hole.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/19/24 at 14:13:35

YaKnow,, if They hadn't been so fullaschitt about Everything Covid related, the homeless problem would have solved itself. The homeless live in close quarters, in absolute squallor.,,and They told us six feet, masks required, wash hands, and I feel pretty confident that the homeless didn't get that stuff done.
I'll never understand why they weren't getting stacked like cord wood.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 15:55:16

 So the clearly Observable absence of piles of dead bodies applies here?

 Ignoring the lack of dead bodies sounds like a similar and familiar strategy.

 YaKnow,, if They hadn't been so fullaschitt about Everything Vaccine-Death related, the child heart attacks problem would have shown itself. The children by the millions and millions play sports every day.,,and They told us Millions died in 2021 alone, and I feel pretty confident that the local populations, having vaccinated millions and millions of kids would have noticed hundreds of dead kids in their towns.  

 I'll never understand why they weren't getting stacked like cord wood.

Title: Re: LA
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/24 at 16:02:35

I'll never understand why they weren't getting stacked like cord wood.

That just AMAZING !!!!!!!

Homeless living in close quarters, in absolute squalor.
All Over in big cities !

"... drug and alcohol overdoses were the leading cause of fatalities among un-housed people, accounting for nearly a third of all deaths. Overdoses caused 986 deaths per 100,000 ..."

Wonder what the, COVID, death rate was.
(NOT the 'with' COVID rate)
   (The of, Covid rate)

Comparing the death rate of Homeless people from Drug/Booze overdose,  cardiac, infections, etc, etc, etc, ..., ..., ...,

Should not the death rate have gone SKY HIGH ?
Why did no one say anything ?

Or was it a experiment to see how the population could be controlled ?

       (Lotta S-F stories on that)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 19:24:06

 I was homeless in LA and San Diego when I was young.  Being "close" to other homeless was the last thing anyone did.  Even though there was "crowding" it was pretty easy to stay 10 or so feet away, or have barriers like tents etc. This is anecdotal information though.

Wonder what the, COVID, death rate was.
(NOT the 'with' COVID rate)
  (The of, Covid rate)

 I wonder that as well.  I'm also still waiting for all those automobile wrecks listed as dying "From" Covid that nobody can find.  

Title: Re: LA
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/24 at 03:19:41

It would be an interesting and fascinating story to hear how you went from homeless then to where you are today. That’s probably too long of a story for forum like this but I for one would be interested to hear at least a little bit.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 10:08:38

I'd read it.. I've never known a formerly homeless guy who so obviously went on to a better life. It sounds like something that could be more than one post. Start the story, post it and let the replies to that post get done, questions answered, start a new thread and take questions,, and do that until we get to now.

Title: Re: LA
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/24 at 10:15:15

"... ]It would be an interesting and fascinating story to hear how you went from homeless then to where you are today...."

Rags to Riches stories could easily be fabricated.

I am more interested in why a group of people, who had the highest rate of death, BEFORE COVID.

Were Not being reported as having a HUGE Death rate, because they did not do;  'social distancing', Wear Masks, Wash hands, Sanitize, or any of the other things, everyone else was told to do.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/20/24 at 11:01:02

Rags to Riches stories could easily be fabricated.

 Since you claimed I am more than one person, it probably would be hard to know who made up what anyway.  

I am more interested in why a group of people, who had the highest rate of death, BEFORE COVID.

Were Not being reported as having a HUGE Death rate, because they did not do;  'social distancing', Wear Masks, Wash hands, Sanitize, or any of the other things, everyone else was told to do.

 This is a complicated issue, I wonder the same thing.  I know in CO we filled a few mobile morgues (Reefer) with unidentified homeless, and while they were "counted" initially, they were eventually removed from the Covid metrics by the State even though the CDC wanted to keep them in.  

 Tons of homeless got Covid, but its hard to say how many died "From" it, there's such a tremendous lack of data on them already.  Also the metric is within "unknowns" or John/Jane Doe(s) not "homeless" specifically.

 I'm wondering why a lack of dead homeless is Observed but a lack of dead kids is not.  We were told millions were dying.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/20/24 at 11:11:48

It would be an interesting and fascinating story to hear how you went from homeless then to where you are today. That’s probably too long of a story for forum like this but I for one would be interested to hear at least a little bit.

 It's not all that fascinating, one thing is I was homeless young and it's easier to break that cycle then.  My mother was murdered my senior year of high school and I didn't want to remain on the family farm after years of working and going to school on 4-5 hours of sleep a day.

 I still worked where I could, got a cool gig once working on a sailing yacht, I just had no physical structure to live in, and I really didn't trust anyone enough to be on a couch somewhere.  Getting money with odd jobs paid cash was harder than standing around asking for cash, but I just didn't need to do that.

 Once I decided to stop complaining about things, I started spending all my free time getting things done.  I eventually got a small apartment and things went upward from there.

Title: Re: LA
Post by MnSpring on 08/20/24 at 11:25:32

"...Findings  In this cross-sectional study of 64 US jurisdictional health departments, 26[ch8239]349 cases of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness were reported at the state level and 20[ch8239]487 at the local level. The annual incidence rate of COVID-19 was lower among people experiencing homelessness than in the general population at state and local levels...."

   (Oh Oh Oh, wait, that could be a lie)

This one from:
Headline says:
"...Deaths Among America’s Homeless Are Soaring in the Pandemic..."
Sure does sound like it is COVIS's fault.

YET, (in the fine print) "...Only two of the deaths are suspected to be from COVID-19..."  The blame was on the loss of finds to give to homeless.

(Oh Oh Oh, wait, that could most certainly be a lie)

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/20/24 at 11:30:45

(Oh Oh Oh, wait, that could be a lie)

 Interesting you don't acknowledge actual lies, but question this information.

(Oh Oh Oh, wait, that could most certainly be a lie)

 Interesting you won't Observe actual lies, but question this information as well.

 They do both point to similar issues, lack of reliable information and propaganda.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 12:04:27

1131333B2631540 wrote:
It would be an interesting and fascinating story to hear how you went from homeless then to where you are today. That’s probably too long of a story for forum like this but I for one would be interested to hear at least a little bit.

 It's not all that fascinating, one thing is I was homeless young and it's easier to break that cycle then.  My mother was murdered my senior year of high school and I didn't want to remain on the family farm after years of working and going to school on 4-5 hours of sleep a day.

 I still worked where I could, got a cool gig once working on a sailing yacht, I just had no physical structure to live in, and I really didn't trust anyone enough to be on a couch somewhere.  Getting money with odd jobs paid cash was harder than standing around asking for cash, but I just didn't need to do that.

 Once I decided to stop complaining about things, I started spending all my free time getting things done.  I eventually got a small apartment and things went upward from there.

Eegore, I'm moved. I'm old enough to understand that in ways I wouldn't have some years ago. I went to school with a guy who lost his dad as a sophomore and he absolutely spiraled downhill and wound up dead,after being saved by EMTs and Narcan four or five times. If you would rather not drag yourself through your story, I get that. Though, I most assuredly would read it and, now that I know the beginning, I'd be that much more appreciative of your telling it.
You know the questions that everyone has now.
I'm not even going to ask them until I ask if you can talk about it without it causing you to hurt,be upset, you know,, I don't want to be inconsiderate.
If nothing else, the odd jobs ,places you got to go, I think that would be interesting.
How old were you, where was home, where did you go and how did you manage that first coupla weeks? What a trying time,
It might seem trivial, but because I was so small and young looking I had a hard time finding a job even when I was 16 and had a car and drivers license. So, were you a scrawny guy who Might need to shave in ten years? I didn't shave regularly until I was almost thirty. Some guys in eighth grade shaved daily or got sent to the office. Where someone is on the
How close to an adult do you look to be
scale matters. A Lot.
I'm truly sorry about what happened that started you off on your own.

My brother in law and I were transporting a mobile home,decided to stop in a little bar, play a game of pool and have A beer. I had a drivers license, military ID and a wedding ring and my BIL Tellin them I was legal. They put a flashlight behind the license,looking for where I inserted my picture into the license. Same with the military ID.. After about five minutes of absolute frustration they finally agreed to let me have a beer..
Yeah, PHUkkem,, I told them to shove it and we left. I was too pisstawff to enjoy a game of pool and had no intention of letting them make a penny off of me.
Yeah, yeah, I Know,, they have to be able to defend themselves if I'm actually an Alcohol control guy,, but the perfect ID was enough.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/20/24 at 13:55:08

 We should put the Life and Times of Eegore in the Cafe so this thread can stay focused on how $hitty LA will be.  

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 14:57:20

I know it needs its own thread. Said that. But the cafe would make it available to the people who don't come in here,, the TittyBar of the Suzuki forum..

Title: Re: LA
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/24 at 15:45:04

I have an unusual background. We were poor but living in a house. I was a twin born in 1961[very premature) but my brother died after a month. That sent my alcoholic father into a tailspin because it brought back emotions from a previous marriage where he had lost a child. In both cases, he started drinking and couldn’t keep a job.

We bounced from place to place, each one cheaper and worse than the other. We lived for 6 months in a house with no utilities other than water. My mom cooked on one of those old Coleman stoves you had to pump the pressure up. We even lost that house, but in retrospect, maybe we were squatting in it. We ended up in the St Louis getto. I was 8 by then and we  lived an old 4 story house but the top 3 floors were unlivable but to an 8 year old, it was a playground.

But it was a rough place. I saw a guy get shot. The old man behind us died but no one knew for a long time and his dog was eating his body. I was the only white boy in my school. This was 1968 & 69 so think about what was going on in the US then as far as race relations and imagine being the only white boy. I learned how to fight, run and talk my way out of trouble. I went to school with the Spinks brothers, the boxers out of St Louis. I got beat up by a big kid named Leon and I like to think at least I got beat up by the guy who beat Mohammed Ali. Probably wasn’t but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Then, my mom got sick and we took turns staying home from home from school. One day, she was looking right at me and died. I was 9 then. When people say the light goes out of someone’s eyes, I know exactly what they mean. I like to say after that, the only smart thing my dad did was realize he couldn’t possibly keep it together and he gave us four kids to my mom’s older sisters.

So we moved into a decent but small five room house in the Dutch working class neighborhood of South St Louis,( the St Louis equivalent of Boston’s Southie neighborhood) with two ladies who at that point were widows in their 60’s. It’s amazing  that they took us in and basically sacrificed the rest of their lives to give us a chance.

That’s enough for now but all that before I was 9.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/20/24 at 17:07:10

Unusual is Quite the understatement.. Very unsettling to read that. YaKnow,, thinking about what I just read, I seem to always look for the high points. The absolute Biggest blessing was those ladies giving their last years to saving some kids is the Best thing I saw,, but, dude,, it's kinda sucky, but the way I'm seeing it, the high point was ya gotchyer asskikkt by Leon.. THAT Leon..

Title: Re: LA
Post by WebsterMark on 08/21/24 at 14:56:33

It would interesting to hear very brief highlights from others.

And yes Jog, those women saved my life, in every way possible a life could be saved … quote a movie. (Bonus points if you know which one.)

Title: Re: LA
Post by Graybeard on 08/21/24 at 21:13:49

I know a coupla Wizard of Oz lines, and Monty Pythons Run away,run away..
But not your quote.

Title: Re: LA
Post by WebsterMark on 08/22/24 at 03:30:38

The Titanic movie.

Title: Re: LA
Post by Eegore on 08/22/24 at 05:18:31

 I was sure it was from Jurassic Park. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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