General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I get by with a little help from my friends…

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/16/24 at 11:02:54

Title: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by WebsterMark on 08/16/24 at 11:02:54

The doctors that gave the drugs to that Friends star who died have been arrested and charged. See the article below. Up to 179! I would arrest and prosecute everyone involved in those surgeries.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/24 at 11:51:05

6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 wrote:
The doctors that gave the drugs to that Friends star who died have been arrested and charged.

See the article below. Up to 179! I would arrest and prosecute everyone involved in those surgeries.

What does it matter.
Just a walk down the path to MORE Socialism.
Walz has ALREADY made Minn a, 'safe' place to get titts or d icks cut off.
If a kid can get their, they can do what ever they want !!!!!!

"...In August 2023, however, researchers from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Southern California found that 3,678 minors received "gender-affirming surgery."..."

"...An October 2022 study led by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine — published in JAMA Network — found that there were only 489 top surgeries performed on adolescents in 2019. ..."

"... Leor Sapir, PhD, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute whose areas of research include pediatric gender medicine, shared that anywhere from 5,288 to 6,294 double mastectomies were performed on girls under age 18 between 2017 and 2023 — and that 50 to 179 of those girls were just 12 years old or younger...."

"...Taking puberty-blocking drugs has been shown to cause mental health issues in trans children, according to a recent analysis from the University of Essex..."

"...The actual numbers could be higher, the Manhattan Institute claims, because researchers did not include patients who paid for the procedure themselves without submitting an insurance claim...."

"... ‘Gender-affirming’ treatments don’t benefit youth, says pediatricians group: ‘Irreversible consequences’
Doctors call for mental health support before ‘invasive’ puberty blockers, hormones or surgery ..."

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/16/24 at 13:36:14

 How is cosmetic surgery socialism?

 If it were paid for by tax payers, I could see it, but isn't letting private surgeons gain wealth by altering private citizen's bodies a closer definition of Capitalism?


Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/24 at 14:56:07

123230382532570 wrote:
" How is cosmetic surgery socialism? "  

Guessing you missed this !

Walz has enacted legislation making Minnesota a refuge for children from other states who can come here to receive on-demand puberty blockers, hormone therapies and irreversible sex-change surgeries — even over the objections of a parent.

Walz  has ordered state officials not to cooperate with subpoenas and other legal requests from elsewhere in the nation seeking to penalize gender-affirming care.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by thumperclone on 08/16/24 at 18:26:16

785B6645475C5B52350 wrote:
[quote author=6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 link=1723831374/0#0 date=1723831374]The doctors that gave the drugs to that Friends star who died have been arrested and charged.

See the article below. Up to 179! I would arrest and prosecute everyone involved in those surgeries.

What does it matter.
Just a walk down the path to MORE Socialism.
Walz has ALREADY made Minn a, 'safe' place to get titts or d icks cut off.
If a kid can get their, they can do what ever they want !!!!!!

"...In August 2023, however, researchers from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Southern California found that 3,678 minors received "gender-affirming surgery."..."

"...An October 2022 study led by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine — published in JAMA Network — found that there were only 489 top surgeries performed on adolescents in 2019. ..."

"... Leor Sapir, PhD, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute whose areas of research include pediatric gender medicine, shared that anywhere from 5,288 to 6,294 double mastectomies were performed on girls under age 18 between 2017 and 2023 — and that 50 to 179 of those girls were just 12 years old or younger...."

"...Taking puberty-blocking drugs has been shown to cause mental health issues in trans children, according to a recent analysis from the University of Essex..."

"...The actual numbers could be higher, the Manhattan Institute claims, because researchers did not include patients who paid for the procedure themselves without submitting an insurance claim...."

"... ‘Gender-affirming’ treatments don’t benefit youth, says pediatricians group: ‘Irreversible consequences’
Doctors call for mental health support before ‘invasive’ puberty blockers, hormones or surgery ..."


psyco babble

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/16/24 at 19:59:06

Guessing you missed this !

 I did!

 It's borderline in my book but closer to the Socialism side.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/24 at 07:08:56

6646444C5146230 wrote:
 It's borderline in my book ..."


Good to know, you believe,
not adults, teens and younger.
Who, can not vote, drive, buy Beer.

Are allowed to do what ever they, want, when they get to Minn.

IS a, “…borderline…”, Socialist/Communist move.

All  because a incredibly outrageous Socialist/Communist Governor.
Who is now running for VP.
Said their PARENTS, have NOTHING to say.
AND have ‘ordered’ the State to ignore any out of State subpoenas and  legal requests, regarding THEIR CHILDREN.

(not sure that would hold up in a court)

Gosh, wonder if that could turn into a, “vote for me”, like giving several thousand dollars to a person who, (times several THOUSANDS of people) KEEPS the benefits of the borrowed money, yet does NOT have to repay it.

   (People that received NO Benefit, get to PAY)

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/24 at 11:44:36

This has nothing to do with socialism, this has to do with “doctors “ butchering children. They should know better.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/17/24 at 13:29:10

This has nothing to do with socialism, this has to do with “doctors “ butchering children. They should know better.

 That's what I am thinking, but it seems idiots can't just be idiots, they also have to be something in addition.  Like racist, or Communist, or whatever.

(not sure that would hold up in a court)

 The fact it can go to court is what makes it borderline.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Graybeard on 08/19/24 at 06:42:18

Genitals don't define gender, but cutting them off does.
Lefties can't describe a woman.
But they want one for president.
Funny thing,, walls don't work.
Dems building wall for DNC.
Where the left are running things ,things suck.
Lefties demand they run Everything.
The cackling moron has Zero votes.
Installed, because reasons
Saving Dmokrucee..

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 07:06:09

 Walls don't work everywhere.  

 They work fine for securing a small area, but less fine for thousands of miles through water and over mountains.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 07:10:00

Good to know, you believe,
not adults, teens and younger.
Who, can not vote, drive, buy Beer.

Are allowed to do what ever they, want, when they get to Minn.

IS a, “…borderline…”, Socialist/Communist move.

 If it were Communist the decision would be made for them instead of them having the ability to choose for themselves.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/24 at 08:15:55

0035263E2522263523470 wrote:
The cackling moron has Zero votes.
Installed, because reasons
Saving Dmokrucee..

When she wins the election, you're all set to deny it

That's the plan you're a part of

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/24 at 08:38:42

6E4E4C44594E2B0 wrote:
"   If it were Communist the decision would be made for them instead of them having the ability to choose for themselves."

It is ALSO, 'Socialist/Communist', to have a Governor of a State,
  (Making A Political Decree)
saying ANYONE, under 18,
(medical Consent age in MN)

Can do whatever they want, and it will be PROTECTED and DEFENDED by said governor.

To the point of 'enacting legislation making Minnesota a refuge for children from other states who can come here to receive on-demand puberty blockers, hormone therapies and irreversible sex-change surgeries — even over the objections of a parent'

state officials not to cooperate with subpoenas and other legal requests from elsewhere in the nation seeking to penalize gender-affirming care.

But hey, ya want a Power Hungry, RUN and HIDE, Bully,
as the VP, go for it !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Just think, a 14 year old boy or girl, 'decided', they want something CUT OFF,
And a State Governor, (running for VP) is 'Decreeing' they can do what ever they want.
Parents,etc from having any say.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 10:36:45

Just think, a 14 year old boy or girl, 'decided', they want something CUT OFF,
And a State Governor, (running for VP) is 'Decreeing' they can do what ever they want.
Parents,etc from having any say.

 That's not true, there's nothing in law that says that, but that probably wont matter because truth is fluid when you don't like the guy that signed it.  It will be more about what people say the law says and not what the written law actually really says.  This works because people will just parrot what they are TOLD to say.

 People say kids can choose without a parent but leave out details, like there has to be evidence of prohibited or unlawful behavior.  Like abuse or neglect, where MN would already, by laws in place for decades, allows for them to remove parental decision making.

 Of course kids can abuse it, but I'd rather acknowledge the truthful, real, existing in reality problems, not made up nonsense that doesn't really exist.  I wonder why no lawsuits exist challenging this.  Maybe because no court can accept challenges to something that doesn't exist.  Of course one can refuse to Observe all these laws in writing so they can just keep repeating that MN has a law that lets doctors cut off genitals without parental consent.

 I would say the law that was actually singed, and not the lies told to me, are borderline socialism.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/24 at 12:06:26

First ULR simply describes what 'abuse and neglect' are.
Next ULR is about a child's 'Protection' from Abuse.
Next ULR I get "Hrm. The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL."
 When I follow the, suggested ULR I get; "No URL has been captured for this URL prefix.

"On the last ULR, below is in a nutshell what it says:


(a) No subpoena shall be issued and no foreign subpoena shall be recognized in this state in a criminal or civil matter if the subpoena is related to a violation of another state's laws when the other state's laws are designed to interfere with an individual's right to receive gender-affirming health care. Failure to comply with a subpoena seeking information related to a person or entity allowing or assisting a child or an adult to receive gender-affirming health care when the information is being requested to enforce another state's laws that allow a civil or criminal action to be brought against a person for allowing or providing gender-affirming health care must not be the basis for contempt under section 588.01.

(b) "Gender-affirming health care" means medically necessary health care or mental health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and that may include but is not limited to:

(1) interventions to suppress the development of endogenous secondary sex

(2) interventions to align the patient's appearance or physical body with the patient's gender identity;

(3) interventions to alleviate the patient's symptoms of clinically significant distress resulting from gender dysphoria as defined in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; and

(4) developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of the patient's gender identity, reduction of the patient's distress, adaptive coping, and strategies to increase family acceptance of the patient's gender identity...."

Like the old saw said;

"If ya can't Wow em with Wonderment,
Ya Baffle em with Bullshit"

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 13:18:12

First ULR simply describes what 'abuse and neglect' are.

 Yes.  This outlines what MN can actually begin removing parental rights for.

Next ULR is about a child's 'Protection' from Abuse.

 Yes, this is where the first URL gets it's guidelines from specific to removing parental care.

Next ULR I get "Hrm. The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL."

 Incorrect link.

On the last ULR, below is in a nutshell what it says:

 And what part of that allows children to have gender surgery/care without parental consent?  Where is the text stating MN is ordering medical staff to act without informing parents, "And BLOCKING, Parents,etc from having any say".

 The claim, as presented on this forum, that kids can go to MN and get medical gender-affirming care without parental consent is a lie.  It heavily implies this applies universally and is contained within the new law.  Nothing in the new law does this.  You were lied to.

 I prefer to discuss the implication of the law as written.  I'd prefer truth over the misrepresentations of people repeating what they were TOLD to say.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/24 at 15:26:35

725250584552370 wrote:
"...  what part of that allows children to have gender surgery/care without parental consent?..."

This from NPR (Well Known Army of the UL, DFI, FDS, Woke Socialists) says

"...This year, at least 12 states have passed legislation to limit or ban gender-affirming health care for young people, ..."

At the same time, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico and Minnesota have passed bills designed to shield transgender health care through legal protections, health care coverage and access. Friday, the Minnesota legislature passed protections for youth and parents who seek health care and for the providers that give it. Gov. Tim Walz, who championed the bill, says he will sign it...."

More from ''

"...“Forced detransition is a violence against my community that I can barely begin to imagine. That is what is happening in states across America,” bill author Rep. Leigh Finke, DFL-St. Paul, said. “To all those families across the United States that are afraid and wondering where they can go for help, Minnesota is saying we see you, we love you, and you belong here.”

"...Gov. Tim Walz earlier this month issued an executive order directing state agencies and officials not to comply with other state’s efforts to penalize out-of-state patients who travel to Minnesota to pursue gender-affirming care. ..."

"... Major health care providers (What about, 'Minor', health care providers ?) do not operate on people under 18. One bill signed into law protects youth access to those services discussed in broad terms, but doesn't address a specific age. (Huh, no age mentions, golly gee Wally)

"...such care is not limited to surgeries and includes many other treatments such as mental health services, puberty blockers and hormone therapies..."

"...  “would make Minnesota into a trans refuge state by protecting trans people, their families and medical practitioners from the legal repercussions of traveling to Minnesota to receive gender affirming care,” Finke said...."

"... Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, signed legislation allowing Minnesota courts to take “temporary emergency jurisdiction” in a child custody case involving “gender-affirming” care...."

"...The law defines gender-affirming care as “medically necessary” care that can include aligning “the patient’s appearance … with the patient’s gender identity ..."

"... The law enables Minnesota to take temporary jurisdiction in a child custody dispute between parents in another state if one wants a child to obtain gender-affirming care in Minnesota ..."

Here is even more from;

"...Vice President Kamala Harris’ newly announced running mate — Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — signed a bill in April of 2023 allowing the state to make custody determinations if a child is denied access to sex-change procedures..."

"...The “Trans Refuge Bill” allows for “temporary emergency jurisdiction” if a parent denies their child sex-change procedures, according to the bill’s text. The bill defines the interventions, which include sex-changes, hormone replacement and cosmetic surgeries, as “medically necessary” so long as it “respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined” by the child...."

"... “In this state, hate has no home,” Walz said at the bill signing. “In this state, love and acceptance is what we preach.”   ..."

The legal description.

"Gender-affirming health care" means medically necessary health care or mental health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and that may include but is not limited to:

(1) interventions to suppress the development of endogenous secondary sex

(2) interventions to align the patient's appearance or physical body with the patient's gender identity;

(3) interventions to alleviate the patient's symptoms of clinically significant distress resulting from gender dysphoria as defined in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; and

(4) developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of the patient's gender identity, reduction of the patient's distress, adaptive coping, and strategies to increase family acceptance of the patient's gender identity...."

0D2D2F273A2D480 wrote:
"... You were lied to ..."

So, all these ULTRA Liberal 'sites',

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/19/24 at 16:16:12

So, all these ULTRA Liberal 'sites',

 No, they are claiming families as in children and the parents of those children can leave the State that bans gender affirming care and a child, with parental consent, can go to MN and get care.

 Nothing in the MN law allows for any additional freedoms to children in exclusivity as you claimed.  Nothing.  MN has parameters for assuming power of attorney (medical decisions) and those apply to all medical care, not just gender care, and nothing in the law expands the already established MN laws for revoking parental input and giving the decision making-solely to the child.

At the same time, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico and Minnesota have passed bills designed to shield transgender health care through legal protections, health care coverage and access. Friday, the Minnesota legislature passed protections for youth and parents who seek health care and for the providers that give it. Gov. Tim Walz, who championed the bill, says he will sign it...."

 Youth and Parents, not Youth and NO parents.

Major health care providers (What about, 'Minor', health care providers ?) do not operate on people under 18. One bill signed into law protects youth access to those services discussed in broad terms, but doesn't address a specific age. (Huh, no age mentions, golly gee Wally)

 Huh, also doesn't mention taking parental authority away, golly gee Wally.

"...  “would make Minnesota into a trans refuge state by protecting trans people, their families and medical practitioners from the legal repercussions of traveling to Minnesota to receive gender affirming care,” Finke said...."

 Nothing about removing parental authority.  I wonder who "families" are.

... The law enables Minnesota to take temporary jurisdiction in a child custody dispute between parents in another state if one wants a child to obtain gender-affirming care in Minnesota ..."

 This is the same temporary jurisdiction as the other standards, this is true and should be discussed.  It doesn't as you claimed, enact a process of BLOCKING, Parents,etc from having any say.

 That's not true, and not one of the sources you list here claim it to be true either.  This whole thing can be bad policy without adding in lies about kids going to MN and getting care while parents are BLOCKED.  That garbage doesn't need to be added in.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/24 at 20:42:59

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"...  This whole thing can be bad policy without adding in lies about kids going to MN and getting care while parents are BLOCKED ..."

You do You, so well.

Walz is a UL, DFI, FDS, Socialist,
who will do anything he is told to do.
Then RUNS and HIDES from any confrontation.

Walz, has made Minn a Sanctuary State, for KIDS (who are NOT old enough to Vote, buy beer) that want their Tits/Dicks cut off.

And he has MANDATED, no out-state interference.

So play your game.
Don't care.

Title: Re: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Post by Eegore on 08/20/24 at 05:52:23

You do You, so well.

 You must mean acknowledging when I am being lied to.  You claim parents are BLOCKED from transgender care decisions and the child gets to make the decisions.  This is a lie.  


Walz is a UL, DFI, FDS, Socialist,
who will do anything he is told to do.
Then RUNS and HIDES from any confrontation.

Walz, has made Minn a Sanctuary State, for KIDS (who are NOT old enough to Vote, buy beer) that want their Tits/Dicks cut off.

And he has MANDATED, no out-state interference.

 This I agree with.

 Where's the part about parents being BLOCKED in the last assessment?
 No child gets to make independent gender-care decisions in MN.  That doesn't have to be added in, the policy is bad enough as it is.  

 As for no out of state interference, what is wrong with that part?  If MN made a law banning youth transgender care, and mandated that no other State can interfere, wouldn't that be reasonable?  

 A kid comes from WA to MN for summer camp with friends and is getting hormone therapy. WA states they can not deny him care, parents agree.  Would it be reasonable for MN doctors to be protected from such medical directives? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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