General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Harris says !

Message started by MnSpring on 07/25/24 at 14:36:24

Title: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/25/24 at 14:36:24

Harris constantly mentions she is for, ‘freedom”

What she does NOT say,
   it is, the freedom
to do, what she tells you to do !!!!!

“…When she was still vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, California senator Kamala Harris proposed a series of executive actions that would have made way for stricter gun control measures…”

“…While campaigning for the presidential nomination, Harris said she would enact multiple executive orders on gun control…”

“…The new office of gun violence prevention will be led by Vice President Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor whose experience is perfect for this effort, Biden said. The office’s goals include ensuring a bipartisan gun safety law passed last year is fully implemented nationwide along with Biden’s executive actions to stop gun violence…”

“…Harris publicly committed to a host of executive actions that she would have undertaken if elected to the Oval Office, including mandating universal background checks, revoking the licenses of (and possibly prosecuting) gun manufacturers who break the law, closing a legal loophole in order to prevent those convicted of domestic violence from purchasing a firearm, and banning AR-15-style assault weapons from being imported into the country…”

“…Sen. Kamala Harris says if she is elected President, she will give Congress 100 days "to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action…”

“…will seek to find new actions the White House can take unilaterally as further congressional support for gun safety laws seems slim..;.”

“…HARRIS: When I was speaking with these young leaders, before I walked in here, they were talking about, hey, shouldn't we be looking at people's backgrounds before they can buy a gun? Yes, young leaders, I said to them. You are absolutely right…”

“…Harris emphasized the need for stricter gun control measures, including universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. She pledged to work towards ending gun violence and keeping communities safe…”

"We will finally pass red flag laws, universal background checks, and an assault weapons ban," Harris said...."

“…Harris’ voting record in the Senate is certainly one of the most liberal…”

“…After six years as California’s attorney general, Harris was elected to the US Senate in 2016. Since then, she has co-sponsored bills aligned with several liberal causes including expanding gun control measures and passing “Medicare for All.”

“…And specifically what I will do is put in place a requirement that for anyone who sells more than five guns a year, they are required to do background checks when they sell those guns. I will require that for any gun dealer that breaks the law, the ATF take their license…”

Guess she doesn't KNOW, red flag laws, universal background checks, firearm bans, breaking BATFE law, ALREADY are in play !!!!

Well, it is to be expected as she does not have a clue what a Illegal alien is, as she believes, all non Citizens should receive, a stipend, provided by the Forced Saving plan, ALL Working CITIZENS

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/24 at 15:38:41

It's all about da' guns

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by WebsterMark on 07/25/24 at 16:33:33

Harris was the most liberal Senator in her time there and is a classic socialist at heart. “Equity for thee, but not for me” is probably a tattoo she should consider.
Harris is an existential threat to our Democracy and must be stopped.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Graybeard on 07/25/24 at 16:38:45

A law contradictory to the constitution is no law at all. Pointing out laws that are unconstitutional and enforced and the people allowing it doesn't make what I said wrong.
Marbury vs. Madison.
There is a thing called
Color of law.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/25/24 at 18:59:19

Well, it is to be expected as she does not have a clue what a Illegal alien is, as she believes, all non Citizens should receive, a stipend, provided by the Forced Saving plan, ALL Working CITIZENS PAID INTO.

 So this isn't true because, as we discussed before, SSR is not where those funds come from.  That doesn't mean I support these financial allocations, it only means I will acknowledge the fact that SSI and SSR are two different funds that gain assets by different means.

 The number of people that think their SSR benefits will be gone because disabled/immigrant/inmates/people that never worked etc. are getting the money is ridiculous.  

Forced general fund contributions are however given away inappropriately in many cases.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Graybeard on 07/25/24 at 19:06:38

Forced general fund contributions are however given away inappropriately in many cases.
As They warn us about it going broke.
But,no worries! THEY are looking for a solution.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/25/24 at 23:47:54

 SSDI, is predicted to last until 2098 although most people will read into the 2035 "if not a dime is added" calculations and claim it will all go away in 10 years.  "THEY" is probably not the SSA but some other nonsense, similar to those "reports" lying about people that never work still get retirement benefits.

 I specifically recall being told in 5th grade to save up because Social Security will be gone in 10 years.  If they were the same thing, and they are not no matter how good it feels to pretend and complain about it, it would still be a calculation that's 30 years late with at least 30 more to go.


Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/24 at 07:17:27

5171737B6671140 wrote:
" So this isn't true because, as we discussed before, SSR is not where those funds come from.  ..."

Where would the money come from?
And exactly who would be covered ?

So in the case of Cal Care in California.
(From CalCare Ads)
      (Which FAILED)

YET HARRIS STILL wants to !!!!!!!

' have to pass it to see what is in it...'
' can keep the plan you have...'

1. What would CalCare do?
CalCare would establish a state insurance plan that would,
cover all California residents
regardless of,
employment, income,

health status, marital status
or documentation status.

4. How would CalCare be financed?
CalCare would be financed by a public Trust Fund, which would be funded by monies from federal and state government agencies along with additional revenue sources, like a wealth tax, to be determined by the California State Legislature.

The, ‘improved’ version of Bernie's bill.
TAKES, money from people that WORK,
And GIVE it to those who do NOT !

"...Sanders says his - making "Medicare-for-all" will cost less. But the proposals to pay for it would be maybe a tax increase on employers to replace what they're now paying for health insurance premiums like a Social Security tax or maybe a tax increase on personal income tax. And then there are always proposals to increase tax rates on the wealthy high-earners and reduce their deductions...."

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/26/24 at 09:12:01

Where would the money come from?

 General fund.  It is taxes but it is inaccurate to claim it is: "provided by the Forced Saving plan, ALL Working CITIZENS PAID INTO" which heavily implies it is from SSRI income taxes, as you have directly claimed before.

And exactly who would be covered ?

 Humans who qualify for SSDI.

So in the case of Cal Care in California.

 Cal Care is not funded by a Forced Saving plan, ALL Working CITIZENS PAID INTO, so it doesn't apply to my assessment.  It does exactly what I said, it uses a general fund, or as you describe it here a Public Trust Fund.  

 Would it be accurate for me to claim that Cal Care is funded by "the" Forced Saving plan, ALL Working CITIZENS PAID INTO, when it is actually paid into by multiple tax revenues and does not take tax revenue from any other fund?

 It would not.  No more accurate than claiming illegals and "people that never had a job" get paid from "My" social security retirement benefits.  The few people that get paid from SSRI qualify based off being married to a single income-earner over decades, and its extremely rare.  

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/24 at 09:26:42

California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants

“…About 700,000 adults between ages 26 and 49 will be eligible as of Jan. 1 …”

“…California will welcome the new year by becoming the first state to offer health insurance for all undocumented immigrants…”

“…Starting Jan. 1, all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age, will qualify for Medi-Cal, California's version of the federal Medicaid program for people with low incomes…”

“…will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage,…”

“…"It will cost the state over $6.5 billion annually to provide Medi-Cal to all undocumented immigrants,…”

Wonder if any, Citizens , who WORK and PAY TAXES, fund the, 'free' healthcare. And where it comes from.

Just another example of Democrat's SOCIALISM !

(Which we all know, SOCIALISM, is one very short step from COMMUNISM)

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/26/24 at 12:55:33

Wonder if any, Citizens , who WORK and PAY TAXES, fund the, 'free' healthcare. And where it comes from.

 They outline exactly where it comes from, and you already stated it.  What we can say for sure is it does not come from SSRI.  It does come from taxes so humans that PAY TAXES will partially fund it.


Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/24 at 14:19:55

6747454D5047220 wrote:
"...   They outline exactly where it comes from  ..."   

So when, CalTeck, SAYS:
"...public Trust Fund, which would be funded by monies from federal and state government agencies along with additional revenue sources ..."

Who funds the: ' public Trust Fund '
Who pays the monies to: ' federal and state government agencies '
What are, and who PAYS the: ' additional revenue sources '

Please explain: "Benefits may be taxed depending on one's income and tax filing status."
 (Regarding Social Security info)

Then explain where those TAXES go.

Again the POINT is.
Hard working Citizen, Taxpayer Money,
    FUNDS !
ILLEGAL Non Citizens,
Who never have,
pay one cent.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/26/24 at 16:36:56

Who funds the: ' public Trust Fund '

 Its outlined in the financial allocations breakdown.  Typically the public funds public trust funds so that should be no surprise.

Who pays the monies to: ' federal and state government agencies '

 Millions of people.  Specifically what appropriated fund sections are you wanting to know about.  In CA alone that would be about 900 pages of info.  How would you like that broken down?

What are, and who PAYS the: ' additional revenue sources '

 This is broken down in the financial allocations section.  What part of that is not clear?

Please explain: "Benefits may be taxed depending on one's income and tax filing status."
(Regarding Social Security info)

 It means funds paid out can be taxed depending on a human's income and their filing status when paying taxes.  How else would that be explained?  What part of that sentence doesn't make sense to you?

Then explain where those TAXES go.

 We would have to look at each human individually to explain where each humans specific tax allocations go.  If anyone from CA wants to volunteer all of their financial records we could break it down.

Again the POINT is.
Hard working Citizen, Taxpayer Money,
   FUNDS !

ILLEGAL Non Citizens,
Who never have,
pay one cent.

 Agreed.  But not the SSRI funds as was directly stated before and heavily implied here.  It should be clear from past discussions that saying something was "implied" is equal to claiming it as absolute fact where the human who actually posted the words is not to have input on the perception.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/24 at 17:20:19

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
"... It means funds paid out can be taxed depending on a human's income and their filing status when paying taxes. ..."

So a employee is FORCED to pay into a, 'security' account.
A employer is FORCED to pay into a,  'security' account.

Now that money is taxed, please explain,
"...What part of that sentence doesn't make sense to you?..."

When it is said;
Citizen Taxpayers,
are paying
For NON Citizen, ILLEGALS.

(And Cameltoe thinks it is wonderful)

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/26/24 at 23:44:27

So a employee is FORCED to pay into a, 'security' account.
A employer is FORCED to pay into a,  'security' account.

Now that money is taxed, please explain,
"...What part of that sentence doesn't make sense to you?..."

 You want me to explain that I asked what part doesn't make sense to you?

 What part of that sentence doesn't make sense?  Some humans will be taxed on the benefits.  Who those humans are depends on their income and filing status.  I'm not sure why you need that explained, and then need me to explain that I asked you what needs explained.

When it is said;
Citizen Taxpayers,
are paying
For NON Citizen, ILLEGALS.

(And Cameltoe thinks it is wonderful)

 Yeah.  None of those funds are coming from SSRI.  That's all I said.  Implying that it does is inaccurate.  

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/24 at 10:08:00

68484A425F482D0 wrote:
 "...  None of those funds are coming from SSRI.  That's all I said.  Implying that it does is inaccurate. "  

The proof comes from the same government that says;
 “You have to pass it to see what is in it". ??????????

‘ Teddy was not drunk when he drove over a bridge ‘
‘ Committed Suicide just before testimony ‘
‘ Recovered non-human "biologic ‘
Just a few from a long list of, ‘thing’s’ to be proven.

A list of things, PROVEN, that this government LIED.
(Keep going back in time, their are hundreds)

War in Vietnam,
J. Edgar Hoover
BCCI bank
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
CIA Mind-Control Project
Operation Snow White
CIA Assassinations
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Paperclip
Operation Northwoods
Bohemian Club
Teapot Dome Scandal
Lee Harvey Oswald
Warren Commission report
Pedophile Priests
Philadelphia Experiment
Bill Clinton and  Monica Lewinsky/Paula Jones

OK, Got it.
You believe EVERY thing the Government, tells you to believe.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/27/24 at 14:14:25

The proof comes from the same government that says;
“You have to pass it to see what is in it". ??????????

 Ahh the whole I can't be wrong because you can't prove the Government isn't lying routine.  So basically you have the same level of proof for your argument, none.  I used the documentation you provided, so I will consider your points invalid as well since the source material is government information.  You must believe everything the government tells you.

 No problem though, you can prove they are lying about SSRI not being taxable income in CA, (millions get it, someone should have noticed it being State taxed) then show me where Federally taxed SSRI is moved from non-appropriated funds to appropriated state trusts.  

 Until then, I will not claim SSRI is being given to people that never worked and illegals in CA medical welfare.  I will instead believe the millions of CA residents on SSRI that have never noticed it being State taxed.

 Why can't this program be a terrible choice and also not be using SSRI funds?  Is it so important that there be a claim of using SSRI funds that there will be no limit to the mental gymnastics and Spin to claim it is?

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/24 at 14:27:33

1E3E3C34293E5B0 wrote:
"... I will consider your points invalid as well since the source material is government information.  ..." 

The Proof is the GOVERNMENT LIED.
And they were Caught !
By, 'non Government', people/organizations.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/27/24 at 14:43:41

The Proof is the GOVERNMENT LIED.
And they were Caught !
By, 'non Government', people/organizations.

 Yeah I never said the government didn't lie.  I said that claiming, or implying that SSRI is part of the funds given to humans that never worked, or are illegals (that never worked) is incorrect.  There is no evidence of that.

The information I used to gain this knowledge was government information provided by You.  Therefore using your logic: You believe EVERY thing the Government, tells you to believe.  

 Until I see otherwise, I will still say that claiming SSRI is used for these programs is incorrect as millions and millions of CA residents over decades and decades, (this of course is not government information) have not noticed their SSRI being State taxed.  

 So the only one option left is that this one program will use non-appropriated funds laundered into state appropriated funds in secret.

 Why can't these programs just be incredibly poor use of funds without using SSRI to do it?

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/24 at 15:21:54

Trump alone told more than 30,000 lies while in office

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/24 at 16:12:53

5777757D6077120 wrote:
"...   Until I see otherwise, I will still say that claiming SSRI is used for these programs is incorrect  ..."

So you believe the FORCED ’saving’ account, is only used for good.
After all, it is Minuscule, put up against the other LIES !
So just keep believing what some in the Government tell you to Believe.

Remember in the early 70’s, several forms of the famous phrase were made.
   Yet Reagan made it popular.
‘Trust Me, I am from the Government’

“…Gary Webb, a writer for the San Jose Mercury News, published a series of articles known as “Dark Alliance.” The articles detailed how the CIA turned a blind eye as Nicaraguan drug traffickers sold and distributed crack cocaine in Los Angeles throughout the 1980s. … he was found dead with two gunshot wounds to the head. The official cause of death was considered suicide …”

“… Daniel Ellsberg disclosed the Pentagon Papers and confirmed what many US citizens had suspected for decades: the government lied about its actions and involvement in the Vietnam War through four consecutive presidential administrations. … as the research grew more extensive, those involved realized the government had repeatedly lied to its people. Daniel Ellsberg, a military analyst, worked on the study and became fed up with the dishonesty, subterfuge, and seemingly endless war. …  Ellsberg’s whistleblowing earned him and Russo a front row seat in front of a Los Angeles grand jury. They were charged with espionage, conspiracy, and theft, but the case was declared a mistrial when it was discovered the government illegally tapped Ellsberg’s communications . . .”

“… the gig at the Apple store was likely a relief for Drake, considering he was once being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and facing 35 years in prison. He came into the government’s crosshairs after disclosing unclassified information about Trailblazer, a $1.2 billion dollar NSA program that infringed on people’s right to privacy… The government initially designed Trailblazer as a method of sifting through the increasing amounts of electronic communications created by the Internet, cell phones, and elsewhere….”

“… The US government’s cozy relationship with the oilfield services company Halliburton has frequently roused suspicion. Things looked even worse in 2003 when Bunny Greenhouse, the chief contracting officer at the US Army Corp of Engineers, came forward saying the government showed favoritism to Halliburton and granted them a contract to rebuild the oilfield facilities in Iraq.US Army Private Bradley Manning is responsible for what some have called the biggest leak of secret military data ever. His actions also helped put WikiLeaks on the map, as he provided the organization with hundreds of thousands of classified documents. So, what was the problem with the contract? It was a no-bid arrangement, which means no other company had the opportunity to offer a price for the work. The Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR) was simply pushed through the usually cumbersome bureaucratic channels with no competition and given a seven billion dollar five-year contract. It was Greenhouse’s job to monitor and approve such contracts, and she argued through the whole process that the arrangement was unjust. How was she rewarded for doing her job and trying to save the US money? She received poor performance reviews, demoted, and stripped of her top secret clearance.  After feeling discouraged and increasingly harassed, Greenhouse went public with the information while also revealing that Halliburton frequently overcharged the Pentagon, and Donald Rumsfeld’s office controlled all aspects of the shady arrangement. …”

“… Two of his superiors even advised not sending Manning to Iraq (where he eventually accessed the secret documents), because he was considered a “risk to himself and possibly others.” However, Manning was one of the few qualified intelligence analysts available, and evidently the Army thought his skills were worth the risk. Obviously, their gamble didn’t pay off. … • A secret video, nicknamed “collateral murder” that showed US air crew laughing after killing dozens of people (including reporters and civilians) in an air strike.[ch8232]• Detailed records of the civilian death toll in Iraq (even though the military repeatedly said there was no record). Out of 109,000 deaths logged in a six year period, 66,081 were unarmed civilians.[ch8232]• US Soldiers committed horrific acts of torture on Iraqi prisoners, and despite hundreds of filed complaints, authorities never investigated.[ch8232]• US defense contractor DynCorp was involved in child trafficking. Currently Manning is being imprisoned by the military and is facing 21 charges, including “aiding the enemy,” which comes with a life sentence. Yes . . . Manning is in jail for exposing the US government paying a company that sold child slaves. …”

“… Immediately after the September 11th tragedy, Americans were dumbfounded and wondering how a primitive group of terrorists could unleash an attack on US soil without drawing suspicion from any of the country’s intelligence agencies. It seemed impossible, and it was.
While government agencies feigned utter surprise, FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley immediately came forward explaining that her Minneapolis field office knew Zacarias Moussaoui (one of the 9/11 conspirators) had paid eight thousand dollars in cash for Boeing 747 flying lessons and was planning a suicide hijacking. However, her requests to search Moussaoui’s room and computer were denied by her superiors. …”

“… Besides illegally wiretapping and eavesdropping on ordinary citizens, it seems US intelligence agencies are especially curious about the goings on of journalists. Tice says he personally witnessed communications channels of journalists being recorded 24/7 and, although he’s not sure what they did with the info, he’s confident it’s digitized and in a database somewhere. In June 2013, Tice also divulged that the NSA even conducted unconstitutional domestic spying on judges, military officials, members of congress, and more. Perhaps most shocking was the revelation that, back in 2004, his office was given the task of wiretapping a “40-something-year-old wannabe senator” from Illinois. Five years later the wannabe senator became president of the United States. And now he’s listening in on you!  Tice was labeled “paranoid” by the NSA, demoted, and finally fired. …”

“… Edward Snowden worked as a technical contractor for the NSA, and is currently making headlines for disclosing info on warrantless mass surveillance programs conducted by the US and British governments. Essentially he is whistleblowing about the same types of things Russ Tice did in 2005, but for whatever reason, it’s awoken the sleeping masses this time around. People everywhere are wondering why and to what extent the government is intruding into their private lives. … Although some on the left regard him as a traitor, most view Snowden’s disclosures as the most important in American history. Even Daniel Ellsberg said there has never been a more crucial leak (including his own Pentagon Papers). On his blog he wrote, “Snowden’s whistleblowing gives us the possibility to roll back a key part of what has amounted to an ‘executive coup’ against the US constitution.” Change we can believe in? Well it sure is a change from the days when every US citizen wasn’t spied on by their government! …”

 "...Therefore using your logic: You believe EVERY thing the Government, tells you to believe..."  

Perhaps you need to read the posts again.

"... claiming, or implying that SSRI is part of the funds given to humans that never worked, ...  There is no evidence of that..."

Just like all the EXPOSED LIES, before they were exposed.
  'Not Yet'

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/27/24 at 16:40:11

So you believe the FORCED ’saving’ account, is only used for good.
After all, it is Minuscule, put up against the other LIES !
So just keep believing what some in the Government tell you to Believe.

 I never said anything close to that.  You made that up.  This is nothing more than a hyper-defensive over reactive response.  This is what that sounds like:  "Suzuki made pink factory tanks for the Savage"  "There's no evidence of that."  "Oh so you only ride Harleys and think Suzuki never made gas tanks."

 I said there is no evidence that SSRI is allocated funding for "people that never worked" or the CA medical welfare nonsense.  That is all.  That's it.  Everything else is you totally making up statements I never said.

 Nothing you provide here offers any evidence that SSRI is used in the way you claimed directly and later implied.  Instead of just admitting there is no evidence, you spin words and try to get out of that simple fact by using the blanket - Cant trust anything the government says - catch all.  Sure, we can't prove the government is not doing what you claimed just as you can not prove they are.  Your response is nothing more than saying: Look I have completely different situations where the government lied so nothing you assess about the government is true, and that means you believe everything the government tells you.

 You provide information.
 I am using the information You referenced.  
 That information is government information.  
 If I use information from the government, the information You provided, that means I believe everything they tell me.
 What does it mean that You originally provided that information as being factual then?

Just like all the EXPOSED LIES, before they were exposed.
 'Not Yet'

 Sure.  Millions of CA resident haven't noticed they are being taxed on their SSRI for decades...yet.  It could happen, but what we can say is that there is no current evidence of it.   Why can't the CA medical welfare nonsense be poor funding allocation without using SSRI to do it?  What's so hard to accept about that?

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/27/24 at 18:05:02

4C6C6E667B6C090 wrote:
So you believe the FORCED ’saving’ account, is only used for good.
After all, it is Minuscule, put up against the other LIES !
So just keep believing what some in the Government tell you to Believe.

 I never said anything close to that.

WOW the MASTER of the SPIN & TWIST !!!!!
          Never said you did !!!!!!!

Here is the POINT.

YOU, believe the government, when it says what it does with SS.
  I do not.

Yet you will, (cause you want to so bad), and I will let you,
Get The Last Word In on this topic.

So SPIN & TWIST away !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Eegore on 07/27/24 at 21:07:40

WOW the MASTER of the SPIN & TWIST !!!!!
         Never said you did !!!!!!!

 I never said you said I did.  You indicated my stance is I believe the FORCED ’saving’ account, is only used for good.  I said nothing like that.  You made that up out of thin air, none of my words support that assessment.  

YOU, believe the government, when it says what it does with SS.
 I do not.

 I'm not using government information here, you are.  I am going with the fact that not one CA resident has ever claimed their SSRI is being State taxed.  That's not "the government" it is millions of CITIZENS over decades either being ignorant to taxation of their benefits, or an indication taxation of that benefit doesn't exist.

 There is far more evidence that SSRI is not taxed in CA than evidence that it secretly is somehow.  Why can't the CA medical welfare nonsense be poor funding allocation without using SSRI to do it?  What's so hard to accept about that?


Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/24 at 03:00:19

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
Trump alone told more than 30,000 lies while in office

That is a lie.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/24 at 03:04:46

I just spent a week in California for work. Yeah there’s a lot of homeless encampments around especially on the side of the highways. I get back home and read that Newsom is going to clear the homeless camps. I’m not exactly sure how he’s going to do that, but good luck buddy.

He’s doing it to help is Democratic candidate win. It’s like the Biden Harris administration saying they taken control of the border after 3 1/2 years. It’s also that them saying the Republicans voted down border security bill when allowing thousands and thousands of illegals to cross over daily until you reach a certain point, is not a border security bill. It’s another version of “you can steal up to $500 before we prosecute you at all”.

Progressive/liberals are the biggest idiots on the planet and unfortunately, like JD says about cat-ladies, they find themselves in possession of power.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Serowbot on 07/28/24 at 06:22:06

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
[quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1721943384/15#19 date=1722118914]Trump alone told more than 30,000 lies while in office

That is a lie. [/quote]

Ok,... how many then?
If you say none... my muppet head may explode  :-?

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Graybeard on 07/28/24 at 06:25:04

To MnSpring..
That post up there is The best post I've seen in a long time. I would add
Donald Rumsfeld’s  was asked about how did Halliburton, having been caught engaging in child trafficking continue to get government contracts. His answer was
They spent their time in the penalty box.
He didn't Deny they were guilty. Nobody Went to the Penalty Box.
Rumsfeld also used his position to get the FDA to approve aspartame. The FDA had declined to approve it because it caused brain tumors and cancer.

They're wiretapping me..

Ohh,,what hogwash,ehh?

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/24 at 15:50:38

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
[quote author=142621303726310E223128430 link=1721943384/15#24 date=1722160819][quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1721943384/15#19 date=1722118914]Trump alone told more than 30,000 lies while in office

That is a lie. [/quote]

Ok,... how many then?
If you say none... my muppet head may explode  :-?

No more than Biden.

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/24 at 20:15:53

"... They're wiretapping me  ..."

 Be Verrryuy Carfile"

    (said in German accent SNL 'voice')

Could be a Wolf in Sheep's clothing listening !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/24 at 21:55:40

697F68756D78756E1A0 wrote:
"If you say none... my muppet head may explode"

None !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/24 at 22:26:05

Not knowing the degree of Liberty a individual human expects to have considering the constitution, and how it relates to all the factions of a government which means to control the populous of the people within it’s constraints and powers to be under control of said government.  

Considering Freedom is not a part of liberty, it cannot be an authentic experience only an appearance of a presence  of manifestation of a person’s point of view.

This is regarding only Citizens of this Nation, who are not voting, yet can vote, if they wish they cannot vote.

Therefore, a person can do and say what ever the hell she wants to. Because the UL, Socialist Medea will WHITEWASH what ever she says, and whatever she has done !

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by MnSpring on 08/01/24 at 11:21:23

White Jamaicans
Chinese Jamaicans

The Indigenous Arawak and Taino people were the initial inhabitants of Jamaica.

Arawak, American Indians of the Greater Antilles and South America.

The FACT is: Harris said in another 2017 speech: “Look at my own life, where a daughter of a South Asian mother and a Jamaican father concluded her own interfaith wedding with her husband breaking a glass and everyone yelling, ‘Mazel tov.’”
(Provided by the UL, FDS, Socialist, Chicken Noodle News)

So, background of her Grandparents, and great parents would be in order to provide more info.

Again, really does not matter, Harris has said she was, what ever color/ethnicity, served her purpose, at that time.

Suggestion, if you think Harris will win, buy Gold/Silver/Etc NOW, cause it is gonna go UP !!!!!!

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Serowbot on 08/01/24 at 11:34:50

You need more Kool-aid... this batch is stale

Trump goes to black journalists forum and insults black people
Gets booed off an hour slot in 35 minutes
JD has a cat lady fetish and just can't stop himself

They're just vomiting votes every time they open their mouths
Just hoping to win on make-up and hairspray alone

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Graybeard on 08/03/24 at 08:03:32

You should watch it again. The audience sounds like they are enjoying it. He said what needs said. He knew it was not going to be nice, but went. That is typical Trump balls level stuff. I thought he handled the rudeness well. And answered questions as nicely as the situation made possible.
Snugging the lid,  ?? My Man!!

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/24 at 08:25:09

Trump's base grows smaller every day
A new concept in campaigning
Offend everyone

Then scream election fraud

Title: Re: Harris says !
Post by Graybeard on 08/03/24 at 16:47:24

Good grief, look at the throngs of people who show up where he is. Look at bidens Best.
Funny how everyone pointing to bidens obvious decline was just being hateful until that debate and then the support dwindled.. From next to nothing To nothing. Suddenly Kamala is being hoisted up,the stain of The Complete Failure of Border Czar tongue washed away by the lapdog media,, but I'm Baad for noticing. Pretend whatever,,

Wheww! I'll bet she's glad to be black. At least she's got that going for her Now.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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