General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Will Covid be the end….

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/18/24 at 16:36:14

Title: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/24 at 16:36:14

….for Puddinhead? Seems a distinct possibility. It’s a good excuse.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/18/24 at 17:12:24

 The vaccine would do it but you have to be playing live sports.  Doesn't matter what year even.

 He is in pretty much the only higher risk category left so why not.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/18/24 at 22:47:31

I wonder how many of those
You can't get it if you've had the shot
He's had?
But,HEY! I forgot about how the minds of lefties work..
He Doesn't have it..

He's got it Again
And that is totally different.
Poor Jill,Hadda scurry across the stage to grab his arm,as he's starting the Lean In on some woman who he was apparently a little curious about.. Probably just gonna sniff her hair..

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/19/24 at 03:54:42

Biden is a thief, a crook, a corrupt and lying politician his entire life. His incompetence has gotten people killed in the military, and he has really damaged the American economy and emboldened evil leaders around the world to take action, which in turn got hundreds of Israelis murdered and raped.

But anyone who has watched an elderly relative wind down can’t help but be a little bit sad watching this old man try to walk down Air Force One steps yesterday. The people encouraging him to stay in power are the ones that need him in power. It’s pathetic. They desperately need him to stay cognitive long enough to issue the pardons they’re going to need to stay out of jail because eventually the Biden crime family antics are going to be on full display.

He needs to withdraw this weekend and start the Kamala era which will hopefully be only 4 months long.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/24 at 07:42:54

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
Biden is a thief, a crook, a corrupt and lying politician his entire life.

That is pure textbook projection

I do think he'll step down now.  Too much opposition

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by thumperclone on 07/19/24 at 09:00:39

[quote author=5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 link=1721345774/0#3 date=1721386482]Biden is a thief, a crook, a corrupt and lying politician his entire life. His incompetence has gotten people killed in the military, and he has really damaged the American economy and emboldened evil leaders around the world to take action, which in turn got hundreds of Israelis murdered and raped.

"a tale told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing"

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 09:10:45

If the allegations that are made against biden were made against Trump, Trump would be guilty in every left's mind. The laptop that the left were Sure was Russian misinformation, based on 51 proven liars saying so,has been accepted by the courts as Real. The Big Guy references are real. Who is so stupid and dishonest that they don't know who that is?
I'm TOLD that I agree with Anything Trump says, because I'm brainwashed. Yet I criticize Trump. Ask where to Prove you don't read. The walls are closing in, the Dossier is the end of Trump!
Proven in court, buncha lies. Foreign agents Paid by the left,, Hillary, to produce it.
No accountability. FJB may be the biggest crook to ever be in the WH. Bush would be the biggest competition. That whole family is nothing but crooks.
I don't expect honesty from the people who still believe that kid who ran, got caught, shot three, the courts couldn't convict,because Self defense is a thing,
Yet,lefty world says
He's guilty of murder.
Why should anyone argue anything with a lefty while they won't even admit The Obvious?

Until you lefties admit that gun control will not ever work, when
The Science that proves it is a failure is and has been clearly proven for years?
Biden is a traitor. He opened up the border. Disease, violence, economic burden that hurts everyone, absolutely the most insane policy,. Do these people have any grasp of world history?
The idea that diversity is somehow Strength is ridiculous.

If anyone believes that, FFS, EXPLAIN HOW.

Projection,, Hell,, every time a lefty starts running their mouth I can hear the film clattering through the gears..

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/24 at 10:04:32

261300180304001305610 wrote:
Until you lefties admit that gun control will not ever work, when
The Science that proves it is a failure is and has been clearly proven for years?

Works everywhere but America
That's strange that is

What is this "science" you speak of?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 11:51:25

The statistics that prove where Americans are free to defend themselves the criminals stop doing that crap.
73,Louisiana was carjack city. People dying, finally the Governor came out and said
If you want to defend yourself, get a gun.
Coupla weeks later, after several valedictorians lay flopping,bleeding, screaming, gutshot,, that game stopped being popular. That you pretend it's not obvious says it all.
Works everywhere else,, ohh,fuukmee,, seriously? You can't even carry a GODDAM KNIFE in England now.. Because people who are violent can't be stopped by RULES. Only when they fear the victim will they stop.
Just because they aren't Shot doesn't make them any less Dead.
Self defense is a natural right.
Or maybe you believe it's okay for someone to kill you?
If you Don't think it's okay for someone to kill you, then what? YaKnow, not everyone Needs a gun or knife to kill someone. I'm old. Can't run,can't fight..
But if someone thinks that means I'm defenseless,, they could be dead wrong.

So you don't mind not being able to defend yourself against a person who
Has killed
Likes killing
And has decided
You're next?

Good. You can do that.
But you don't decide to make Me more vulnerable than I already am.

How's it going? The places lefties have been in control of, the gun control,, how Is that working?

Ohh,Do the
But the guns come from where they have lots of guns!

Aaand those places aren't in the news on Monday with the
80 shot, 14 dead reports.

We ARE in America.. It's not working. Like
Gun free zones..

You ever figure out that
People who are intent on killing as many people as they can before they are killed

DON'T GIVEASCHITT about your stupid rule?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/19/24 at 13:02:03

 Graybeard is correct that general petty/violent crime is lower in areas where the populace is allowed to carry their own firearms.  

 It should be pretty simple to understand that if a criminal has a choice of shooting humans that are unarmed, or humans who may be armed, the criminal will almost always choose the unarmed humans.

 The real problem is "gun control" is a broad topic and not clearly defined in most arguments.  I don't know anyone that thinks signs stop crime, even people who are adamantly pro-gun control.  So when a human says they want to limit the availability of new firearms available to the general populace, they are countered with "gun free zones don't stop shootings".  That's two totally different arguments.

 We all know signs won't stop crime.  We all also know that a magazine capacity of 7 will have a reduced the murder rate per minute than a 30 round magazine.  But will gun-free-zone humans admit that those zones won't reduce gun crime, and will 2nd Amendment humans admit 30 rounds kill more than 7 x 4 in the same timeframe?  Probably not.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 13:09:58

I'm well able to understand that more ammo equals more self defense. Killing is the Idea. That is what the gun is for. It's Who Dies that matters. And 2A isn't about hunting. It's about defense. From criminals, be they street thugs or whatever. Understanding what the Founding Fathers said, which has proven more difficult to teach lefties than teaching Stevie Wonder to see, is crucial.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/19/24 at 14:09:46

I'm well able to understand that more ammo equals more self defense. Killing is the Idea. That is what the gun is for. It's Who Dies that matters. And 2A isn't about hunting. It's about defense. From criminals, be they street thugs or whatever. Understanding what the Founding Fathers said, which has proven more difficult to teach lefties than teaching Stevie Wonder to see, is crucial.

 More ammo also means more murders in a crowded area.  The question is will the average 2A human having a discussion (versus a complaint session) admit that a 30 round magazine will provide a criminal the ability to kill more humans in less time than multiple 7 round magazines.  Most likely not.  Instead they deflect and maintain that the problem is not capacity.

 That's true, capacity is not the problem, but it facilitates best the one who acts first.  If nightclubs had redundant entries, armed staff and sufficient cover, we could go the more-guns-means-more-safety route.  

 On the other side pro-gun control is typically not willing to admit that gun-free zones literally do nothing advantageous in relation specifically to mass-shootings or general gun related crime.  They do however reduce spontaneous firearm related incidents from intoxicated patrons.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 15:07:00

Oopsies,, too bad [ch128547],don't care. I'm going to have whatever magazines I want. It's my life. I'll defend myself and any innocents I can. If people don't want to be victims, they need to prepare accordingly. People who are set on killing don't CARE ABOUT RULES..

Hey,Ralph,, we still on for shooting up the theater tonight?
Uhh,no maayunn,, I'm not gonna be able to make that. I should get my seven round magazineS in two days. All I have are 12 rounders. And you know it's illegal to carry more than seven..

UhHuhh, I can see it now.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/19/24 at 15:28:52

 Right, so as I said, very few 2A humans will actually admit that 30 round magazines will facilitate a criminal killing more humans per minute than multiple 7 round magazines.  It's not a discussion, it's statements and complaints.

 Just like pro-gun control won't admit gun-free zones do not do anything to address the actual concerns of humans shooting other humans.

 So instead of discussion it's complain, complain, complain, and tell the "other side" how they are wrong.  

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 15:46:20

Why Should I Discuss it? Like I said
I don't CARE about magazine capacity. Just one more game,right?
Lefties won't admit gun control Has Failed. It's never going to work. It didn't stop murders,it changed how they died. Until the left admit the obvious
Why would I bother with another argument? If The Obvious Truth escapes them, then anything less than obvious will never penetrate their skulls.
Go ahead,, play your
Let's Define gun control card..

Everything that is in opposition to Constitutional Carry is gun control.
IT'S STUPID and, while it violates the rights of the people,, it also fails to Do . The People are giving up freedom for.. It doesn't even make them safe.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/19/24 at 16:06:38

The Second Amendment wasn't about hunting, or self defense, it was about forming a well regulated militia to defend against enemies such as Britain, France, Spain or whoever might want to claim sovereignty.
America couldn't afford a standing army so this was their best solution at the time.

We now spend five times more than any other country on defense
Militia has come to mean US citizens rebelling against their own, or what they perceive as those that are different among us.
It's not unique to America, but we have the guns that other countries don't, making it much more deadly.

Crime may be lower in gun states, but so is accidental shootings
You are more likely to be killed by a family member than a criminal, and a gun in a house is more likely to kill a family member than a criminal
That's science too

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/19/24 at 16:53:44

Why Should I Discuss it?

 Nobody said you Should.

Like I said
I don't CARE about magazine capacity. Just one more game,right?

 Or a discussion topic related to gun violence data.  Since I prefer to discuss the topic, I will see it as viable information.  The argument is sound from a numbers point of view.  It is unsound from an accessibility point of view.  

Lefties won't admit gun control Has Failed. It's never going to work. It didn't stop murders,it changed how they died. Until the left admit the obvious
Why would I bother with another argument?

 No idea, you choose to post, you are the only one that knows that answer.  My point was that when someone says they want fewer guns or lower capacity magazines, complaining about no-gun signage sounds like deflection since nobody said signs worked.  Nobody thinks no-gun signs stop shootings.  Typically in that argument the human won't admit that higher capacity magazines will allow a criminal to kill more people per-minute.  

 This thread further supports that assessment.

If The Obvious Truth escapes them, then anything less than obvious will never penetrate their skulls.
Go ahead,, play your
Let's Define gun control card..

 Defining what part of "gun control" is being discussed will help in a discussion because it is an expansive topic.  Saying no gun zones don't stop shootings should be a defense when a human actually says they do.  

Everything that is in opposition to Constitutional Carry is gun control.
IT'S STUPID and, while it violates the rights of the people,, it also fails to Do what The People are giving up FreeTime for.. It doesn't even make them safe.

 I mostly agree, however I do think that limiting some guns is a good idea.  After using the latest USMC replacement for the SAW, I can't imagine how much damage one human could do to a crowd of people with the drum extensions and exploding rounds.  I was able to cut a car in half, literally, in about 9-11 seconds.  The only thing that would reduce the carnage is barrel heat.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 17:19:32

We don't NEED no Steenkeenk Discussion!

Let's do an Experiment!

Howzatt sound?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/19/24 at 19:23:16

634341495443260 wrote:
"...   More ammo also means more murders in a crowded area.  ..."

Yet what the Fairy Dust Sprinkling anti Gun Socialists, do NOT realize.
The CRIMINAL doesn't care one bit, if the law said, ' can only have 10 rounds in a semi auto handgun..."

          will do

While a Law abiding Citizen
will follow the law.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 20:43:01

No,bot,read the founders words. They fought the tyranny of Their Government for freedom. The second amendment is for The People, not some military exercise. But,hey,you don't understand, why? FukkifIKnow..
The Right of the People to keep AND BEAR arms Shall NOT be infringed.
It stands on its own.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/19/24 at 20:44:28

Nobody wants an experiment?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/19/24 at 23:58:51

Yet what the Fairy Dust Sprinkling anti Gun Socialists, do NOT realize.
The CRIMINAL doesn't care one bit, if the law said, ' can only have 10 rounds in a semi auto handgun..."

         will do

While a Law abiding Citizen
will follow the law.

 I believe most realize that.  My experience has been that they have an unreasonable assessment of how accessible guns and accessories are.  It's the general logic that most of these shooters have used legally purchased weapons, so if maybe those weapons were not legal, they might not have had access to one and instead chose a less lethal weapon.

 That is a sound argument.  Reducing availability will reduce the specific use of that one weapon.  But is it reduced enough to have measurable impact especially given the magnitude of alternatives.  I say no.

 The same argument exists for magazine capacity.  The intent is not to stop the shooter, but to maybe increase the survivability rate for the victims during multiple reloads.  There are cases where this would be true, but is it measurable?  

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 00:07:45

"Nobody wants an experiment?"

 Propose the parameters and volunteer to take part in both outcomes as anyone willing to run an experiment would certainly do.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/24 at 08:22:10

032321293423460 wrote:
" I believe most realize that. ..." 

The VAST majority, of the UL, DFI, FDS, DFL,Socialists, do NOT believe that.
AND they REFUSE to believe the FACTS.

A Great number of the Gun Hating, UL, FDS, DFL DFI's, Do not realize that.

A Small number of DFL supporters, DO, realize that.
YET, they will not speak up, in fear of what the majority says, or they just say, 'What They Are TOLD TO SAY"

"... Reducing availability will reduce the specific use of that one weapon..."

Yep, and the GOAL, is NOT to make things safer, the GOAL is to remove all guns. (One Gun type at a time, Just keep sliding ! )

 "... But is it reduced enough to have measurable impact especially given the magnitude of alternatives.  
I say no..."

Again, that is NOT THE GOAL

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/20/24 at 08:40:36

Howzabout we pass laws that make having guns either very difficult or totally illegal in some places and very lax laws against guns, including No License, Open Carry in others and just SEE what happens??

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 11:03:00

The VAST majority, of the UL, DFI, FDS, DFL,Socialists, do NOT believe that.
AND they REFUSE to believe the FACTS.

 I disagree.  I actually have never heard anyone that is pro-gun control say they think criminals will follow the law.  If a gun is illegal, they do not think a human that is engaging in an illegal activity will choose only legally authorized guns.  They typically think the criminal will choose a different gun than the one they want to use whether it is legal or not.

 I hear this because I will have a discussion, instead of a gripe and moan session where I am calling them names and telling them how right I am.  My experience when challenging the idea of gun restrictions is that criminals will adapt, but there is a lack of knowledge in regard to weapon similarities, accessories and underground purchase from humans wanting to make certain weapons illegal.

 I have never heard anybody say if an AR is illegal a criminal will not shoot anyone.  I do however think the slow elimination of many weapons is a commonly accepted strategy.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/20/24 at 11:47:20

7144574F5453574452360 wrote:
The Right of the People to keep AND BEAR arms Shall NOT be infringed.
It stands on its own.

It stands on it's own if you ignore the first half of the sentence
That, is hardly standing on it's own
You have to parse the sentence to make it support your view

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now it reads completely different

PS   I don't know how we got this topic from the question of Covid standing Biden down
I do think he's done
Prepare for chaos  ;D

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/20/24 at 16:10:59

No,it doesn't.. Unless you believe they wrote a Self Contradictory amendment.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/24 at 17:39:10

"Now it reads completely different..."

What are you talking ABOUT ?

It is absolutely clear what the 2nd says.

(That is for intelligent people. Who can understand, 'GAY', once meant a very happy person, which know means something COMPLETELY different.  Is the SAME as something written when this part of the North America Content became a NATION. Some words, NOW, may have a different meaning than, THEN.  Doesn't mean the, THEN, is no longer valid)

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 17:40:52

 Too bad removing the phrase, literally every successful gun control action has used: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" is not a viable option over re-educating each human individually.

 I guess it's best to try to get millions of individuals to change their minds, you know, instead of removing the very thing they use as leverage overnight.

 I know I get things done by having the same argument over and over for years instead of just removing the opposing factors entirely.  

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/20/24 at 18:05:22

How about the experiment?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/24 at 18:08:10

6747454D5047220 wrote:
 "I disagree.  
I actually have never heard
anyone that is pro-gun control
say they think criminals will follow the law. ..."

So what is the reason you think they want to BAN guns ?
Very clear it's not, 'safety' !!!!!!!!

"... I will have a discussion, instead of a gripe and moan session ..."

So when someone states a different POV, it is, 'gripe and moan', yet when you state a different position, it perfectly OK.

"...  I do however think the slow elimination of many weapons is a commonly accepted strategy..."

That is the ENTIRE POINT, eliminate guns from the HONEST Citizens, and only CRIMINALS will have guns.

And again,
You disagree with my POV, it is, "'gripe and moan'", yet your opinion is totally correct !!!!!!!

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/24 at 18:17:42

0C392A32292E2A392F4B0 wrote:
How about the experiment?

It will NEVER happen.

Simple reason, the Gun Banners will SEE, the gun carrying people will have LESS Crime.

And the gang banger/drug selling/car stealing/looting/and on and on and on people the numbers will be astronomical !

Nope, Can't have the TRUTH,
that a Armed society,
is a polite society.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 20:10:51

So what is the reason you think they want to BAN guns ?
Very clear it's not, 'safety' !!!!!!!!

 There are multiple reasons depending on the human and their position in society a the time.

So when someone states a different POV, it is, 'gripe and moan', yet when you state a different position, it perfectly OK.

 Incorrect.  A different position stated as a contribution to a discussion is different than a complaint.  Saying people are idiots if they want to ban guns can be a discussion, but when asked "What part of their proposal is inaccurate" and the response is: "Whogivesashitt???!!" then its just complaining.

 This forum for instance is mostly complaining as any questions about a topic are met with hyper-defensive response or name calling.

That is the ENTIRE POINT, eliminate guns from the HONEST Citizens, and only CRIMINALS will have guns.

 I have agreed with you about this for years.  I don't typically agree however on the efficiency or legitimacy of many of those proposed methods.  

And again,
You disagree with my POV, it is, "'gripe and moan'", yet your opinion is totally correct !!!!!!!

 Incorrect.  First, I agree most of the time on the general concept, you typically won't Observe that.  Second, a different opinion is not a complaint.  How a human responds to questions, challenges or requests for clarification can reduce it to complaining.  

Biden sux.  
All you UL, DFI, JKLMNOP's want to see the country destroyed!!!!  

 That's complaining.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/24 at 20:32:28

2505070F1205600 wrote:
"...All you UL, DFI, JKLMNOP's want to see the country destroyed!!!!    That's complaining.

So every time, a 'person', says they want to BAN GUNS, (and saying they have one themselves). And I call them a Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist.

I am complaining ?

OK, Got it !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 22:21:30

So every time, a 'person', says they want to BAN GUNS, (and saying they have one themselves). And I call them a Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist.

I am complaining ?

OK, Got it !

 You got it incorrect.  I never said anything close to "every time", that is a blatant over reaction.  I stated that  "Saying people are idiots if they want to ban guns can be a discussion".  It CAN be a discussion.

 Calling someone an Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist, for any reason, can also be a discussion.  Your reaction to people challenging, questioning or requesting clarification can devolve that opinion/discussion into complaining.  Name calling is typically something I would consider complaining, or just lazy, but in some cases it has merit.  

 Over reacting to a simple assessment is also along the lines of complaining since one could also just ask why calling someone an Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist is interpreted as complaining, every time.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/24 at 05:04:49

Back to the topic…..I can’t believe this charade will go on. Joe’s gotta go and he’s going to come to that conclusion sooner rather than later. Someone’s got to convince him that he stole the diamonds and got away with it so get out while the getting good. He’ll have plenty of lame duck time to issue pardons and do a few last minute Presidental Executive Orders aka dictatorship orders, before he goes to sit on the beach full time.

A Harris/Buttiplug ticket is a possibility and it’s no absolute certainty Trump wins against that. An incompetent woman of color and an incompetent queer sounds like a perfect couple for leftist, but they’ll lose some yellow dog actual Democrats.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/21/24 at 05:41:10

Back to the topic…..I can’t believe this charade will go on.

 I agree.  There is considerable delusion in regard to Biden's reputation.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/24 at 07:12:31

His withdrawal is inevitable. There is an almost a zero chance he’ll win the general election.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/21/24 at 07:14:27

 I would like to think so.  I am just wondering what the excuse will be.  Maybe Super Covid.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/21/24 at 08:25:23

Covid. He can use it as an excuse and find some way to blame Trump. Don’t know if it will resonate with anyone but might make him feel better about it.
I feel like his wife might be the one to step in and stop it.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/21/24 at 14:25:39

You WILL HAVE the Experiment..

It's already done.
The Lab has been run.

Results are in.

Gun control has never and will never work. Fiat currency has NEVER Worked.
Socialism has NEVER Worked. But these Marxist MoFo's  who stand united against sanity apparently don't understand history. Regardless, doesn't matter what History says, they are So Arrogant that They have become the arbiters of Reality.
Men can get pregnant now. I wonder exactly How Many of the idiots who say that and pretend it's true would have agreed with that idiocy in 1970, who is That STEWPID? And just Open the Border? Have you lost your Mind? How does that benefit any city or America?. Dafuq's wrong with you?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/22/24 at 00:32:58

 I'd say that since many consider 1971 as the introduction of US Fiat currency the country has done quite well given it NEVER works.

 54 years and we are still waiting for it to collapse and have gold come back as the tangible backing.  Can't wait for my local bank to need warehouses upon warehouses of gold and physical paper bills just to handle the weekly amounts.  

 I'm sure no fees will be added when they need to drop millions into warehousing cash over acres of land.  I assume tellers will have salt-shakers with gold dust to cash out the tangibles under $500.  Don't sneeze.



Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/22/24 at 04:16:43

I don't care what You think about it. History is the arbiter. Not you. It's never worked.
You satisfied? I remember PROSPERITY. I watched it get crushed. We work longer,harder,for less now. It's just a simple fact. You know, like
Where idiots run things,things suck.
See large democrat run cities.
See where the gun control laws are the most numerous?

Yeah, that is where the most people are getting shot.


Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/22/24 at 07:54:07

I don't care what You think about it. History is the arbiter. Not you. It's never worked.
You satisfied?

 I also see hypocrisy of humans claiming "the younger generation" is lazy and don't have a work ethic, combined with the consistent advancement of technology and economy.  Trump had record economic growth.

 People work from home, have more PTO than ever, humans have literally complained about how the younger generation doesn't work as hard, has no work ethic etc. yet we still seem to have a country using fiat currency.  I know high school kids that make hundreds of dollars a week just mentioning local businesses on their gaming podcasts.  Prosperity exists, you just can't do the same jobs your grandparents had or you will be left behind.

 The main thing for me and fiat currency is where the hell are we supposed to put all this tangible backing?  Back when PG indicated banks should hold physical cash I did an estimate on how much space just the local Credit Union would need.  They would need either a 14 story city block high rise, or 12 warehouses out at the Industrial Park... but then they wouldn't have "cash on hand".

 That's just one small bank.  I do think all fiat currency will fail eventually, but I think holding tangible resource will fail much much faster.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/22/24 at 09:27:17

I don't blame the kids for not wanting to bust theyz asses for meager returns.
IDK how enthused I'd be today, looking at the way things are. If ya don't have reasonable expectations of getting ahead in life, where's the motivation? And watching people goad nuclear capable people to war isn't that inspiring, either. At least when I was working 48 hrs a week three weeks and forty,(taking Sunday off) one week, in school 25 hours a week, so, Busy kid, I could see a chance for me to be okay. Today? I'm just sad for the young people who don't see a path forward.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/24 at 11:53:43

1E3E3C34293E5B0 wrote:
 "...  the introduction of US Fiat currency the country has done quite well  ..."  

Yea, it works, Today.
And it works because fundamentally, backing up paper with tangible's, (Gold/Silver/Platinum/etc) is a physically daunting task.

And it, CAN, continue to work, as long as people in charge of, 'Printing the paper', Understand what a total, catastrophic, event would occur, if to much, 'paper' was printed.

Fiat currency is like Booze.
Perfectly OK to have some, now and then, here and their.
But when it gets in the way of everyday life, gonna be a problem.

Big time problem !

So far, the Biden PUPPET MASTERS, and Trump, and the POTUS's up to early 70's. Understood.

Their may, (most probably will), come a time when a a total D.F.I. becomes POTUS, and totaly crashes this Nation.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/24 at 15:00:54

Harris brought in $80M since Biden stepped down

$50M from grassroots donors

He's calling her "Laughing Kamala."

Oooooh scathing dig  

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/24 at 19:49:39

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:
"Harris brought in $80M since Biden stepped down..." 

Wonder what her commercials will be ?

' I F ucked & Sucked to get where I am today'

' I totally blew it on the 'Charge of the Boarder Crossing', 'thing''

' I totally annihilated all of my staff which was their to help me'

' I Ramble on, not knowing what I am saying, cause it makes me sound good'

I have been in AZ for 4.5 years now.
I have a Minn Phone #.
I have now had in the last 20  Hours
BEGGING for money !

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by thumperclone on 07/23/24 at 00:50:16

7D5E634042595E57300 wrote:
[quote author=1006110C14010C17630 link=1721345774/45#47 date=1721685654]"Harris brought in $80M since Biden stepped down..." 

Wonder what her commercials will be ?

' I F ucked & Sucked to get where I am today'

' I totally blew it on the 'Charge of the Boarder Crossing', 'thing''

' I totally annihilated all of my staff which was their to help me'

' I Ramble on, not knowing what I am saying, cause it makes me sound good'

largest single day donations in history!!!

why are you so scared of Harris, if you weren't you wouldn't be spreading hateful sexist lies..

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/23/24 at 03:38:27

Scared!?? Not me! I'm Terrified!! America won't survive another idiot running things. Not that The Idiots are actually Running things. No, the globalists who want to destroy America own the idiot puppets. They know We know the Leaders are idiots and are not surprised when they Enact IDIOTIC policies.. Like open borders. The globalists USE the known stupidity of The Leaders to disguise their intentional sabotage as stupidity.
Stupidity is only cover for sabotage for so long.
Eventually, that it's all intentional becomes obvious.
Well, for people who aren't stupid.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/23/24 at 04:28:15

0424262E3324410 wrote:
So every time, a 'person', says they want to BAN GUNS, (and saying they have one themselves). And I call them a Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist.

I am complaining ?

OK, Got it !

 You got it incorrect.  I never said anything close to "every time", that is a blatant over reaction.  I stated that  "Saying people are idiots if they want to ban guns can be a discussion".  It CAN be a discussion.

 Calling someone an Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist, for any reason, can also be a discussion.  Your reaction to people challenging, questioning or requesting clarification can devolve that opinion/discussion into complaining.  Name calling is typically something I would consider complaining, or just lazy, but in some cases it has merit.  

 Over reacting to a simple assessment is also along the lines of complaining since one could also just ask why calling someone an Ultra Liberal, Dumb F ucking idiotic, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist is interpreted as complaining, every time.

After years of idiocy,demanding that The Signs make the kids safe and arming teachers is a baad idea because Adding Guns to the equation is Obviously a bad idea,, Call the Cops, ( who do what? Oh, they add guns to the equation) let The Professional people fix it.
We lost patience with having a conversation with people who are unwilling to admit The Obvious Truth.

How many people Simply Would Not Admit that cigarettes and cancer were linked?
Did the people who argued that they were get frustrated with the idiots and liars? Bet on it.
We,the ones who are eventually proven correct, over and over, are tired of arguing with people who will not admit the obvious.
Calling them what they are is gonna happen.
Using That as The Affront that shields them from having to hear the message is just another dodge.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/24 at 05:34:38

Back to my original question, the answer is yes.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/23/24 at 11:18:51

After years of idiocy,demanding that The Signs make the kids safe

 Again, I have never heard any human say a Sign will stop a mass-shooting, or any firearms related crime with intent.  If you have any reference of a human actually saying the signs stop gun crime I would love to see it.  When people present gun-control measures, complaining about signs does absolutely nothing.  This is how it sounds:

 I want lower capacity magazines.
No guns signs won't help!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Here is some data and signed petition.
You idiots and your gun-free-zone signs!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Here is our proposal for a law change.
Signs won't stop crime!!!!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Thank you for passing the law.

We lost patience with having a conversation with people who are unwilling to admit The Obvious Truth.

 Makes sense.  Are you willing to admit that 30 rounds, used by a criminal human committing crimes specific to murdering other humans, can kill more than 7 x 4 in the same timeframe?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/23/24 at 13:08:50

273B263E233621303F3C3D36530 wrote:
"... why are you so scared of Harris ..."

Not at all, just stating FACTS.

Three confirmed every time A TV/Radio/Web page was turned on.

One comes from many, MANY, reports about her past, from MANY people !

Like I said before, Hope it is Cameltoe and Butplug, cause Donald Duck could beat them.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/23/24 at 14:03:31

69494B435E492C0 wrote:
After years of idiocy,demanding that The Signs make the kids safe

 Again, I have never heard any human say a Sign will stop a mass-shooting, or any firearms related crime with intent.  If you have any reference of a human actually saying the signs stop gun crime I would love to see it.  When people present gun-control measures, complaining about signs does absolutely nothing.  This is how it sounds:

 I want lower capacity magazines.
No guns signs won't help!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Here is some data and signed petition.
You idiots and your gun-free-zone signs!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Here is our proposal for a law change.
Signs won't stop crime!!!!
 I want lower capacity magazines.  Thank you for passing the law.

We lost patience with having a conversation with people who are unwilling to admit The Obvious Truth.

 Makes sense.  Are you willing to admit that 30 rounds, used by a criminal human committing crimes specific to murdering other humans, can kill more than 7 x 4 in the same timeframe?

You sure Did watch the arguments here as we,the reasoning, argued against the signs.
They were defended. That was EXACTLY why the laws against weapons near schools
were passed. Feel Good measures. The signs were erected in honor of those laws passed By idiots, to appease idiots,and defended By idiots. The same who argued against allowing teachers to maintain their rights to self defense on school grounds.
I all for magazines. Big ones, if you want. I didn't argue. Rare choosing to pretend I did. So,, piss off. Don't you do that crap with me. The 2A is all about killing people. Defending yourself is not wrong. And a buncha bullets can be the difference between survival and death. It's just the same argument as having a gun.
You are aware that The Government has declared that illegal aliens have a right to be armed? And trying to make it easy for them to vote, too.. You can stop trying your crap with me.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/24 at 15:29:18

Here's the deal with "Gun Free" zones
If you are an open carry or concealed carry person and are carrying in public, the law should assume you to be law abiding in an unmarked area, but if you carry in a gun free zone, you are a already a law breaker and police should consider you a danger to the public
This gives them rights to question your motives and ask you to leave or even arrest you

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/23/24 at 15:52:56

You've learned a new twist..

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/24 at 16:23:48

No, I think you have

This "twist" is the same one that the pro gun right have ignored in forever

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by thumperclone on 07/23/24 at 16:32:33

795A6744465D5A53340 wrote:
[quote author=273B263E233621303F3C3D36530 link=1721345774/45#49 date=1721721016]"... why are you so scared of Harris ..."

Not at all, just stating FACTS.

Three confirmed every time A TV/Radio/Web page was turned on.

One comes from many, MANY, reports about her past, from MANY people !

Like I said before, Hope it is Cameltoe and Butplug, cause Donald Duck could beat them.

fantasy island

many many

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/23/24 at 20:31:55

You sure Did watch the arguments here as we,the reasoning, argued against the signs.
They were defended. That was EXACTLY why the laws against weapons near schools
were passed. Feel Good measures. The signs were erected in honor of those laws passed By idiots, to appease idiots,and defended By idiots. The same who argued against allowing teachers to maintain their rights to self defense on school grounds.
I all for magazines. Big ones, if you want. I didn't argue. Rare choosing to pretend I did. So,, piss off. Don't you do that crap with me. The 2A is all about killing people. Defending yourself is not wrong. And a buncha bullets can be the difference between survival and death. It's just the same argument as having a gun.
You are aware that The Government has declared that illegal aliens have a right to be armed? And trying to make it easy for them to vote, too.. You can stop trying your crap with me.

 This further supports my assessment that some 2A supporters will not admit that higher capacity magazines allow criminals to have a higher murder-rate-per-minute.  What's so bad about admitting that?

 You want discussion, compromise.  If you want unreasonable gun control measures to stop, you have to admit to facts and stop using the same ignore and deflect strategies that allow them to continue getting the upper hand.  How many failures do people need to see before they realize their "signs don't work" argument falls on deaf ears because nobody ever said they did.

 I know this because we recalled multiple politicians based exclusively on high-capacity magazine bans.  The first steps to success were to have people stop ignoring math and deflecting to nonsense like claiming people said signs stop crime.  But why should people argue with success when they can keep complaining?

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end…
Post by WebsterMark on 07/24/24 at 04:29:28

Of course higher capacity magazines carry a higher risk of misuse. That can’t be logically argued against. What can be argued does a law against high capacity magazines violate our individual freedoms to live our lives as we deem necessary to pursue life, liberty and happiness?

On one hand, I think we all agree speed limits on highways are necessary to protect us collectively from unnecessary accidents. We’ve established certain speed limits, for example 70 mph, knowing that if the speed limit was 30 miles an hour we would reduce fatalities and injuries even further, but we leave the speed limit at 70 because, whether we understand this or not, we agreed the loss of life at 70 miles an hour is acceptable compared to the inconvenience of driving 30 miles an hour on the freeway. That’s the truth.

Is a 30 round clip acceptable? In my mind yes. There’s absolutely zero risk to the public from me having a 30 round clip. Zero. Living in a free republic carries certain risk, and that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I am not, however willing to accept a law for example that says someone convicted of using a gun in a crime is allowed to own another gun. I would be against that as it seems an unacceptable risk to me.

Others disagree and don’t believe I should have the right to own a 30 round clip. I respect their opinion but I disagree with it and I support politicians running for office who agree with my opinion.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/24/24 at 06:33:22

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
You sure Did watch the arguments here as we,the reasoning, argued against the signs.
They were defended. That was EXACTLY why the laws against weapons near schools
were passed. Feel Good measures. The signs were erected in honor of those laws passed By idiots, to appease idiots,and defended By idiots. The same who argued against allowing teachers to maintain their rights to self defense on school grounds.
I all for magazines. Big ones, if you want. I didn't argue. Rare choosing to pretend I did. So,, piss off. Don't you do that crap with me. The 2A is all about killing people. Defending yourself is not wrong. And a buncha bullets can be the difference between survival and death. It's just the same argument as having a gun.
You are aware that The Government has declared that illegal aliens have a right to be armed? And trying to make it easy for them to vote, too.. You can stop trying your crap with me.

 This further supports my assessment that some 2A supporters will not admit that higher capacity magazines allow criminals to have a higher murder-rate-per-minute.  What's so bad about admitting that?

 You want discussion, compromise.  If you want unreasonable gun control measures to stop, you have to admit to facts and stop using the same ignore and deflect strategies that allow them to continue getting the upper hand.  How many failures do people need to see before they realize their "signs don't work" argument falls on deaf ears because nobody ever said they did.

 I know this because we recalled multiple politicians based exclusively on high-capacity magazine bans.  The first steps to success were to have people stop ignoring math and deflecting to nonsense like claiming people said signs stop crime.  But why should people argue with success when they can keep complaining?

This further supports my assessment that some 2A supporters will not admit that higher capacity magazines allow criminals to have a higher murder-rate-per-minute.  What's so bad about admitting that?


Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/24/24 at 06:34:15

Compromise? No.
Compromises on Principle are what got us here.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/24/24 at 07:56:03

Of course higher capacity magazines carry a higher risk of misuse. That can’t be logically argued against. What can be argued does a law against high capacity magazines violate our individual freedoms to live our lives as we deem necessary to pursue life, liberty and happiness?

 This is pretty much what I've been saying.  Arguing that our Freedoms that we have right to are being obstructed gets us so much further than arguing that signs don't stop crime.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/24/24 at 08:03:05


 Ok I get what you are saying.  Also however when someone asks "Do higher capacity mags mean a higher murder rate per minute?" and the response is "I get as many bullets as they do." I have experienced, in court, two reasonings:

1: This guy is deflecting, and they ask them to answer the question.
2: If he gets as many bullets as they do, lets limit bullets for both.

 Reasoning 2 is flawed, but unfortunately it works in court.  Especially if the argument is perceived as deflection.  Signs add to that because nobody said signs stop gun crime.

Compromise? No.
Compromises on Principle are what got us here.

 Compromise in discussion.  Like answering the question asked instead of yelling about how stupid you think the question is.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/24/24 at 08:37:09

I Agreed that more bullets in the gun equals more dead faster.
Now stop saying I didn't.
I don't even have time to dig up the unanswered IMPORTANT questions you and the lefties choose to ignore.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Eegore on 07/24/24 at 09:23:34

 Maybe you mean this where I already agreed with you previously:

Graybeard is correct that general petty/violent crime is lower in areas where the populace is allowed to carry their own firearms.  

It should be pretty simple to understand that if a criminal has a choice of shooting humans that are unarmed, or humans who may be armed, the criminal will almost always choose the unarmed humans.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/25/24 at 16:44:38

And where gun control laws make it hard to be legally armed, the law abiding go unarmed. The more the law is against being armed, the more people are vulnerable. The criminals don't care about the law.
The experiment has been run. The results of the lab are in.
The science is clear.
Gun control is a failure.

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by MnSpring on 07/25/24 at 18:20:50

182D3E263D3A3E2D3B5F0 wrote:
"...gun control laws
make it hard to be legally armed,
the law abiding go unarmed. ...
...more people are vulnerable. ...
... Gun control is a failure.

A- YEP !!!

And more 'gun control',
results in less people owning/using guns.
And MORE gun crime...

Well, just have to have,
(according to cameltoe)

Vote Cameltoe,
she will make you 'safe' !!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Will Covid be the end….
Post by Graybeard on 07/25/24 at 19:03:18

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