General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Shooting

Message started by MnSpring on 07/13/24 at 20:34:00

Title: Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/24 at 20:34:00

Na, could NOT be a,  
TDS infected, UL, DFI FDS Socialist.
    Just could not be.

After all they do not, have a gun !!!!!!!

(According to them)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 07/13/24 at 20:41:33

And this will be totally Forgot.
Just like, Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist with a record of domestic violence

"... On June 14, 2017, a mass shooting occurred during a practice session for the annual Congressional Baseball Game in Alexandria, Virginia. 66-year-old James Hodgkinson shot six people ..."

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/14/24 at 00:09:23

Have you seen the reporting? Trump removed by SS following loud popping sounds..?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/14/24 at 00:24:42

Looking Good!

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/14/24 at 03:43:32

He is not the Trump assassin.
He is not a pro otherwise he would have fatally hit Trump from 150 meters away.
And he is also a victim of the whole hype around Trump.
That makes 2 dead and 1 injured.
Appoint someone responsible? We are all responsible.
It is collective madness that makes someone do this.

I wonder how the relatives are doing.
Death always brings a certain perspective.
Let us be with them in our thoughts.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/14/24 at 04:13:03

The left will try to turn this into a gun issue, but it’s not about guns. It’s about the left’s unhinged hatred toward Trump. Constantly calling him Hitler. And after all, who wouldn’t kill Hitler given the chance.

As we’ve seen before during Trump‘s first inauguration and throughout his presidency, the left is extremely violent. We have representatives from the left on here that are absolutely unhinged in their hatred toward Trump. I laugh at Biden but I don’t have the burning hatred that many of you have against Trump. And that’s what it is, it’s an absolute burning, unnatural and unhinged hatred.

But there is a man dead, apparently his brains were blown out. And there are a couple of other people wounded and maybe disabled for the rest of their entire lives.

We don’t really know anything about the 20 year-old shooter yet but no one who is stable tries to kill someone, so clearly he had issues. Was he radicalized by the constant references to Trump as Hitler and as someone who would destroy democracy? And if a mentally deranged person really believed that his nation was about to be destroyed and come to an end because of the BS nonsense pushed by the left and by our media, seems easy to push him over the edge. We’ve seen this plenty of times before and certainly recently with the transgender mass shooters. It’s a good guess but we don’t know yet.

So I for one will back out of these conversations on here for a while. Like I said, we’ve got people on here who are absolutely lunatics in their hatred for Donald Trump. Absolute lunatics. Trump is not Hitler, Trump is not going to be a dictator, Trump is not going to destroy democracy as we know it, which is a common phrase the Left loves to repeat. None of those things are true. Stop it.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 07/14/24 at 05:42:04

I have posted my hatred for the orange felon many times because of his violent rhetoric and inability to speak truth
I would never  wish killing him but would like to see him exiled on a remote island where he could rule over his MAGA nut minions
BTW the shooter was a registered republican>>>go figure

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/24 at 08:37:03

Why did he have to get his shoes?
Did the bullet nick his ear so hard his shoes blew off?
That's weird

I had hopes that he would have a "Come to Jesus" moment and decide to reduce the violent rhetoric
Then he did fist pumps and mouthed "Fight, fight, fight"

This is the America we live in now

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/14/24 at 09:43:40

Bloody ear fist pump NFT's available tomorrow for $39.99 + shipping

Waddaya' wanna' bet?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/14/24 at 12:38:19

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Why did he have to get his shoes?
Did the bullet nick his ear so hard his shoes blew off?
That's weird

I had hopes that he would have a "Come to Jesus" moment and decide to reduce the violent rhetoric
Then he did fist pumps and mouthed "Fight, fight, fight"

This is the America we live in now

I want to see what happens if you get shot in the ear.

I don't think you're strong enuf to command the guards in a way that overwhelms them and force your will on them, completely against their years of training.

I think you would p00p your pants.
Just a eazy as you give a sh1t post on a bike frorum.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 07/14/24 at 13:54:10

Just a eazy as you give a sh1t post on a bike frorum.

so says the king  of sheet!

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/14/24 at 14:57:32

At least he doesn't look Too retarded.

A registered Republican, who donates to a lefty organization.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/14/24 at 19:38:48

They wouldn't clear him to take the shot...

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/14/24 at 21:19:24

 That comment sounds like something a guy that never worked in law enforcement, but saw a bunch of cop flicks would say to get people riled up.  3 minutes?  

 I don't think they can just take the shot based off suspicion alone.  It's not like anyone can post anything they want on X without it being verified though so this must be true.  In the movies they "request" to kill someone but real life is not the same.  

 3 minutes is a really long time to have a "perp" in your sights and not "take the shot" if he is an actual active threat.  So basically this officer is claiming he thought this guy was a threat and based off that suspicion the "Head" of the Secret Service didn't let him kill a human that appeared suspicious.  I wonder why that is.

 I doubt the "Head" of the SS was even on the line.  This officer guessed and was right and now wants to claim he could have saved people if only he was cleared to kill someone... for 3 minutes.  I doubt any officer ever actually said any of this.

  So should they clear kill shots for anyone appearing to be a threat for 3 minutes?  5 minutes?  1 minute?  What's the acceptable timeframe for cops to murder people that look suspicious?  You know, clear them to be killed "before" they try anything.


Title: Re: Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 07/15/24 at 03:39:03

[quote author=6356455D4641455640240 link=1720928040/0#11 date=1720994252]At least he doesn't look Too retarded.

A registered Republican, who donates to a lefty organization.

check the time line
he made the donation before he was old enough to vote...

he was bullied in school
he took revenge out on a bully

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by thumperclone on 07/15/24 at 03:41:56

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
Bloody ear fist pump NFT's available tomorrow for $39.99 + shipping

Waddaya' wanna' bet?

complete with caption:

when you incite bloodshed, you end up shedding your own blood

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/15/24 at 06:50:58

The shooter has be seen in a Blackrock commercial in 2023. (


That doesn't say anything, because blackrock has no motive to interfere in political affairs.

And that in the cabinet of president Joe Biden there are several people who held high positions at BlackRock is of course nonsense.

Top economic advisors of both president Biden and the vice president come from BlackRock. No of course not.

The Democrats who hold democracy in high regard would never allow an NGO with enough money to run the world into government.

It's all coincidence.  

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/15/24 at 07:43:49

776B766E736671606F6C6D66030 wrote:
[quote author=7066716C74616C77030 link=1720928040/0#8 date=1720975420]Bloody ear fist pump NFT's available tomorrow for $39.99 + shipping

Waddaya' wanna' bet?

complete with caption:

when you incite bloodshed, you end up shedding your own blood

Just an honest question...
Are you just posting nuts posts because you don't feel like delving into a subject or are you just plane stupid?

Which is totally okay of course and then I'll leave you alone.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/15/24 at 07:49:18

"check the time line
he made the donation before he was old enough to vote...

 Time and space as we know it has never applied here.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/24 at 07:51:04

5F4053404B404B4057424C40250 wrote:
Just an honest question...
Are you just posting nuts posts because you don't feel like delving into a subject or are you just plane stupid?

We will see

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/15/24 at 08:03:30

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
[quote author=5F4053404B404B4057424C40250 link=1720928040/15#17 date=1721054629]

Just an honest question...
Are you just posting nuts posts because you don't feel like delving into a subject or are you just plane stupid?

We will see[/quote]

We could also let him answer the question and see if we can raise the bar.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/15/24 at 09:23:34

How is the security failure not attempted murder now that we know NGO Black Rock had absolutely nothing to do with the case?

American politics is a puppet show and a front for a organization that uses a divide them and conquer 2 party system.

In conspiracy circles this was of course known.

If someone undermines this system, then we all find it unlikely that the secret service will take someone out.

let's be a good citizen, let's vote, for the most fake moral party. so that we hear morally responsible political sounds. Just to feel save.

Face it... You do not have a democracy.

Why is demented biden still president? Because he has to iron this out.
And 50% of americans swallow it hook, line and sinker.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/15/24 at 10:19:11

The violent rhetoric from the left, put him in the crosshairs, gonna hafta put a bullet in him, lefty support for violence has been The Norm.. He's an Existential THREAT to Ahhr Dmokrucee.. Over and over,, He's HITLER!! And they act like They didn't incite it. And look at the MurFugginAssholes reporting what happened, just Barely able to speak the words without having an orgasm.. Yeah, FJB and EVERY POS alive who supports him.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/24 at 11:40:59

The violent rhetoric from Trump had no effect at all

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/15/24 at 12:31:14

Once again

Use your big boy words


Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/15/24 at 12:50:36

"It"   ????

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/15/24 at 13:11:26

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
"It"   ????

The democrats have given every reason to fight. And you whine about it. That's kicking a tiger and being surprised that it bites your leg off. And then an attempted murder and you still whine that there is fighting

Come to jesus democrat you are on the wrong track.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by ThumperPaul on 07/15/24 at 13:26:54

Already T-shirts out there with his new ear piercing image and the caption is "Nice Try Brandon".

He was just a dazed and confused kid.  Registered Republican, but he's only 20 and couldn't even vote in the last election in 2020.  But some time between 18 to 20, he registered as a Republican BUT then made a $15 donation to some democratic candidate for something.  Clearly, he was a confused individual and quick to act on impulses.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/15/24 at 15:26:43

 All I know is it is someone else's fault.

 This kid is obviously violent because the political spectrum I do not like did things to make that kid shoot.  

 My political affiliations and preferences are correct, altruistic and not at all contributing to any negative outcomes of any kind.  The political affiliations I disagree with are at fault, and I will offer some of the millions and millions of internet articles or social media posts to prove it.

 Trump made the kid violent by his violent rhetoric.

 "Leftists" made the kid violent with their anti-Trump thetoric.

 No crime is in itself the fault of the human that did it, by means of their own perverted, inaccurate, and selfish interpretations of the world around them.



Title: Re: Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 07/15/24 at 16:31:46

7D415C44594C5B79485C45290 wrote:
"... some time between 18 to 20, he registered as a Republican ..."

Which means nothing.

One does NOT need to be, 'registered', as a party member to vote in the general election. Even if they are, they can vote for anyone they want.

A person needs to be 'registered', to be a Delegate of a party.

And it is well known tactic that people will, 'register' as a 'party member', just to spoil the vote of the true party members.

Exactly why he did, what he did, no one will ever know.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/15/24 at 19:44:31

 The Secret Service and the Butler Police Department say they have no agents, officers or employees with the name of the person claiming to be the sharpshooter that had the assassin in his sights for "3 minutes".

 Of the multiple video's showing the timeline of events, where exactly was this sniper that had view for that long?

 The overhead map clearly shows no line of sight, unless the assassin was on the actual roof for 3 minutes.  According to witness accounts and video footage the warning calls and the time for the real life (not made up) officer to confront the shooter was less than 3 minutes.  I noticed one of the SS sniper's removes his visual orientation from the scope to free-look, then the rifle is canted downward significantly.  My assessment is that counter sniper was sighted in much further away initially given that 25x scope and that multiple teams oriented the same direction.  
 The assassin was most likely not in their sector-sketch vector.

 I still want to know how this supposed law enforcement officer with a 3 minute look at this guy had a direct line to the "Head" of the SS.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/15/24 at 21:42:29

So,today, Trump goes golfing. Too bad strong,sharp as a tack,vigorous biden doesn't golf. He could give Trump a real run for it.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/16/24 at 07:11:40

Why was the little prikk registered Republican?
C'mon, you guys know this.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/16/24 at 07:58:49

'Cause he was a Republican?  :-?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 07/16/24 at 08:54:46


382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
'Cause he was a Republican?  

ThumperPaul wrote on Yesterday at 3:26pm:
"... some time between 18 to 20, he registered as a Republican ..."

Which means nothing.

One does NOT need to be, 'registered', as a party member to vote in the general election. Even if they are, they can vote for anyone they want.

A person needs to be 'registered', to be a Delegate of a party.

And it is well known tactic that people will, 'register' as a 'party member', just to spoil the vote of the true party members.

Exactly why he did, what he did, no one will ever know.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/16/24 at 18:55:12

I Think it's so he could vote in the primaries and vote For the shittiest Republican. It's a tactic to screw up elections for the enemy.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/24 at 07:20:11

A lot of denial happening here  :-?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/17/24 at 09:12:02

There comes a time you,are strong enough to face it.

http:// http://

I,s completely understandable that you are having a hard time.
That is normal at first.

It's actually good that you realize it.
Stay in reality.
That's, the art of living.


Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/17/24 at 10:06:17

5543544951444952260 wrote:
A lot of denial happening here  :-?

Implying? Try explaining what you're talking about, Williss..
Or do you really think that antifa looking idiot,who has made one political donation to act blue ,is Really a republican and tried to kill Trump? That would be like you trying to get biden.

Pa,closed primary..

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/24 at 12:59:24

At some point you're gonna' have to admit that a registered Republican gun nut with pro Trump signs in his yard that wore MAGA and other conservative t-shirts to school and argued Right Wing POV's with fellow students was a Right Winger

The $15 donation was probably an attempt to impress a girl or something but it's the only thread you have to cling to

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/17/24 at 13:20:53

thomas crooks argued for right wing at school


Argued right wing at school

Wore camo

Tried out for the rifle team Instructor told him never come back. He didn't just Miss the target, he missed the back wall. He shot a side wall. But if Trump hadn't moved, he would have made that 130 yard, outside, in the breeze, shot. He put the bullet on target, the target moved, just enough to not get killed.

Was he bullied? Some say regularly, some say no.  
No social media? A guy that age,with such strong convictions that he is willing to kill and Nothing online? Nothing left behind?   Mom and dad social worker,, yeah,, that's the kinda home a radical right wing guy comes from.

Antifa wore maga on j6..

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/17/24 at 14:36:09

7A6C7B667E6B667D090 wrote:
At some point you're gonna' have to admit that a registered Republican gun nut with pro Trump signs in his yard that wore MAGA and other conservative t-shirts to school and argued Right Wing POV's with fellow students was a Right Winger

The $15 donation was probably an attempt to impress a girl or something but it's the only thread you have to cling to

It was an unstable kid, why else would you donate $15 to the Democrats.(thats the best I can do)

The kid was on the roof for 3 whole min. People were shouting "there is a man on the roof". The man in black all had beer bellys. They did everything wrong.
One down, two injured
And they don't want to update the security.

To give it another try?

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by MnSpring on 07/17/24 at 14:36:42

5442554850454853270 wrote:
At some point you're gonna' have to admit ...
... was a Right Winger ..."

Please enlighten everybody what bona-fide proof you used to determine:
- gun nut -
- Trump signs in yard -
- Wore MAGA shirts -
- Argued Right Wing POV's -

Or are you repeating what you were TOLD to say.

"...gun nut with pro Trump signs in his yard that wore MAGA and other conservative t-shirts to school and argued Right Wing POV's with fellow students was a Right Winger..."

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/17/24 at 14:44:00

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

 Seems to be a pattern in general.

They wouldn't clear him to take the shot...

"'Cause he was a Republican?"


Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Graybeard on 07/17/24 at 19:16:58

I'm Not perfect. I didn't just make shitup. My batting average is Way better than his and yours combined. The jabs are still KILlin people. And Trump should have reversed course after we saw so many people fall dead on live TV.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/17/24 at 20:42:38

I'm Not perfect. I didn't just make shitup. My batting average is Way better than his and yours combined. The jabs are still KILlin people. And Trump should have reversed course after we saw so many people fall dead on live TV.

 When you ignore that your reference is a video where most of the people dying on live TV were before 2019 then sure I imagine your batting average will be sky high in your own brain.  The rest of us that can tell time aren't fooled.

 The list of "D.E.A.D." athletes you provided was mostly filled with living athletes.  So much so the source actually admitted they lied, but if you refuse to Observe it, your batting average stays high.

 What you do is post anything you think is true, argue even if it's proven false, then later you say your batting average is high.  It of course will be high when you ignore anytime the information is blatantly false and just go pull up more information online where literally anything can be found because anyone can post whatever they please without evidence.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/17/24 at 20:47:18

 So a preliminary report from the SS indicates they noticed the shooter on the roof, with a rangefinder, 20 minutes prior.

 This is interesting as the video showing the shooter crawling on the roof is not that far in advance.  This indicates, possibly that he ranged the shot, then crawled back from LOS, or down, prepared the rifle and went back.  

 I can't imagine there is any reason for the SS to have let Trump on that stage before the "person of interest" with a rangefinder was found, or at a minimum the roof was cleared.

 Also completely neglecting a post on that water tower is odd.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by zevenenergie on 07/18/24 at 02:29:02


The AGR International building in Butler was designated to temporarily house local agents during the rally.
How convenient... when you have to get an unstable local kid whit a covid mask in army clothes and a bag whit a weapon on a roof in a "secure" environment.

It screams inside job...

Place some bombs to make the "story" more plausible.
Two classmates who talk about how he was always bullied at school.
A few facts that contradict each other.
Together with the extreem power of denial.
Biden, the fake president to iron it out.
And they get away wiht it, like they always do.


Title: Re: Shooting
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/24 at 05:22:15

There’s a reason why it’s not wise to make absolute statements early after an event like this. I remember the constant drumbeat that a police officer was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher on Jan 6 when it turned out he died of a stroke the next day. The Columbine shooters were labeled trench coat mafia when that was not true. This pattern of misinformation repeats itself every time.

The NY Times published a timeline below which sounds the most accurate after these past few days. See link.

It seems the most likely scenario is the kid wasn’t political in the sense he analyzed positions and selected a political party that aligned with his ideology. To call him a Republican is of course ridiculous. If that’s the case, then our Nashville school shooter is a Democratic child killer.

Again, let’s wait a little longer before claiming we know how a disturbed kid’s mind worked and lead him to murder one person, injure two others and perhaps alter a Presidential election.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/18/24 at 07:39:31

It seems the most likely scenario is the kid wasn’t political in the sense he analyzed positions and selected a political party that aligned with his ideology. To call him a Republican is of course ridiculous. If that’s the case, then our Nashville school shooter is a Democratic child killer.

 Also none of that matters.  The reason people want to define this kid as a Democrat or Republican is so they can say the "other side" is responsible.

 See this assassin, he's not from My political party, so it's Your fault, not mine.  When in reality any human can be influenced by any political affiliation when it comes down to having severe mental health issues like this kid had.  This kid is at fault, not US politics.

Title: Re: Shooting
Post by Eegore on 07/20/24 at 11:20:51

 Turns out the rangefinder report was made about a man on the ground near the metal detectors, not on a roof.  Looking at his pathway back into the crowd and around the buildings and trees, there's no way a sniper had sights on him the whole time.

 Looking at multiple sector mock-ups, it is reasonable that a local LE agency would have oversight of the parking lot sides of the building he shot from.  I'm thinking the shooter might have used the AC units to jump on the shed roof then onto the connected building's roof. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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