General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Natural Immunity

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 05:18:43

Title: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 05:18:43

Unlike the ridiculous leftist I see crying (literally) that scotus has destroyed Democracy by putting Trump above the law, I actually read the Supreme Court’s decision and would encourage you to do the same, at least the relatively short syllabus. Spoiler alert: they did nothing of the sort.

On the key question about criminal immunity from official acts, the president has complete immunity, that’s nothing new. Think of it is natural immunity. That includes Trump’s interaction with the Attorney General and Vice President. They sent the case back to the district court to decide on the other issues regarding his interactions with state officials and the public.

There’s been a lot of garbage written about this, but the Wall Street Journal publish the editorial below, which seems to be perfect summary of what they did and most importantly, what they didn’t do.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/24 at 07:24:45

Can you have your political opponent assassinated if you deem it to be in the national interest?
Yes you can

tRump better watch his back

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 08:01:46

No, of course not. And I’m willing to bet you didn’t read the actual decision, but just listened to MSNBC or CNN.

And had the decision gone the other way, and should Trump win, he could certainly have his Attorney General bring Biden up on charges.

Nobody wants that. This decision goes hand-in-hand with the Chevron decision.

And this is a good litmus test. Anyone going psycho and saying ridiculous stuff like seal team six assassinating people, is clearly totally infected with TDS they have zero ability to reason.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 08:12:02

Do you want Obama to be prosecuted for murdering a US citizen? I don’t, I’m fine with collateral damage when taking out a terrorist.

Do you want Biden to be sued civilly by the families of the 13 soldiers killed when he pulled out of Afghanistan, despite objections from some of his military people? I don’t, that seems unnecessary.

That’s the whole point of presidential immunity. Just because you have TDS and are blind, you can’t have these things going on otherwise future presidents will be completely paralyzed. That’s the whole point and you should be able to see that.

If you had read anything on your own, instead of just listen to lunatics on MSNBC, you’d understand that the Supreme Court sent this back to the lower court to determine if the actions Trump took when dealing with people, other than those directly related to the executive branch, such as the vice president and Attorney General, were official or unofficial. If unofficial, the supreme court stated absolutely that there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/24 at 08:24:36

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
And this is a good litmus test. Anyone going psycho and saying ridiculous stuff like seal team six assassinating people, is clearly totally infected with TDS they have zero ability to reason.

Give that test to Trump

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by thumperclone on 07/02/24 at 08:48:37

it breaks down to "official acts"
the orange felon is already claiming that in the hush money trial
he wasn't the president then
good reason for Scotus to kick back to lower courts for those type of decisions
beware project 2025 if he gets elected

btw my TDS is fine thank you

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 09:49:40

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
[quote author=7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 link=1719922723/0#2 date=1719932506]
And this is a good litmus test. Anyone going psycho and saying ridiculous stuff like seal team six assassinating people, is clearly totally infected with TDS they have zero ability to reason.

Give that test to Trump[/quote]

If he fails, does that means you’re both crazy?

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 09:58:31

5F435E465B4E59484744454E2B0 wrote:
it breaks down to "official acts"
the orange felon is already claiming that in the hush money trial
he wasn't the president then
good reason for Scotus to kick back to lower courts for those type of decisions
beware project 2025 if he gets elected

btw my TDS is fine thank you

Lawyers are doing with lawyers do. Throwing spaghetti against the wall, hoping something sticks. Of course I don’t agree anything having to do with stormy Daniels had anything to do with article 2 duties. It’s just lawyers trying to find a way out by hoping the prosecutors who dramatically overreached anyway would realize they’re getting their hand slapped would pull back and drop the whole thing.

And if Trump gets elected, nothing different is going to happen with regards to Presidential immunity.

No kidding your TDS is fine. Your symptoms of being unable to process information related to President Donald Trump logically and with even a few points of intelligence quotient are obvious.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/24 at 10:16:34

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
If he fails, does that means you’re both crazy?

He's already said what he plans to do, and that includes assorted vengeances against domestic enemies including Cheney, Pelosi, Biden, Milley, liberal media, and liberals in general and others

Mn often says we're not a monarchy
Now we are

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/24 at 10:35:18

This is because she opposed him... him... not America
Cheney is as Conservative as they get

Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by thumperclone on 07/02/24 at 12:39:26

No kidding your TDS is fine. Your symptoms of being unable to process information related to President Donald Trump logically and with even a few points of intelligence quotient are obvious.

my thought process is fine I HATE TRUMP!!

there is nothing logical that can be said about the orange felons' actions   or words let alone intelligent

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by zevenenergie on 07/02/24 at 12:50:44

That Trump is now biting back in every possible way is a logical reaction.
And even that is what the Democrats are whining about.

I saw a bumper sticker today and I thought it was a nice solution for the democratic convulsions.


The problem with drug users is that they don't solve their problems. And their problem becomes society's problem.

Hate doesn't solve anything either.
It only adds to the misery of others.

the democrats are on the wrong track. and if they were smart they would use trump as a stepping stone to improve themselves.

No, use drugs to get back up.
That's smart.
Go find yourself in other candidate.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 14:10:05

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
[quote author=536166777061764965766F040 link=1719922723/0#6 date=1719938980]
If he fails, does that means you’re both crazy?

He's already said what he plans to do, and that includes assorted vengeances against domestic enemies including Cheney, Pelosi, Biden, Milley, liberal media, and liberals in general and others

Mn often says we're not a monarchy
Now we are[/quote]

You mean like what Biden did to him and other Republicans?

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 14:14:15

They are going to have to go with Kamala. A few cycles ago, Bob Dole was the Republican candidate because it was essentially his turn. There was no way he was going to win.

Biden can’t possibly be the nominee and they can’t dump her so they’re stuck with her. They should go ahead and start circling the wagons around her, send that old man out for a long nap and get started.

She might surprise everyone. And of course the media is going to back her and support her like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by zevenenergie on 07/02/24 at 15:12:04

She might, but she was there to support Biden's honest and moral image.

That's what I mean by fake, "it has no basis in reality".
There is no good candidate in the Democrats because the whole thing there has been about image.

It is visible now, but it is not sinking in yet.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/02/24 at 16:00:29

6E7162717A717A7166737D71140 wrote:
She might, but she was there to support Biden's honest and moral image.

That's what I mean by fake, "it has no basis in reality".
There is no good candidate in the Democrats because the whole thing there has been about image.

It is visible now, but it is not sinking in yet.

She was there because most people thought she was African American.

And remember, Republicans are not running against the Democrats, they’re running against the enormous entity of the media and entertainment culture. It used to be the media was a subset of The Democratic Party but now The Democratic Party is a subset of the media.

Obama got elected despite accomplishing absolutely nothing. Granted, he was way more likable and a smooth talker. Camilla is very unlikable so they got their work cut out for them but I’m not betting against her at this point.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/02/24 at 16:24:43

7D6271626962696275606E62070 wrote:
There is no good candidate in the Democrats because the whole thing there has been about image.

Trump's about substance... and it's in a diaper

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by zevenenergie on 07/03/24 at 00:49:50

Don't talk nuts, It never wins you a debate.

You have to admit that there is no successor to Biden. And that is really the Biden administration's fault.

We have now also had to get rid of a president due to total unsuitability (although his self-created image was fantastic)
There is no other quality to be found within his party. And the country is in disarray. It has already been calculated that we need at least 25 jear perfect policie to recover from this man's visionless administration.

The bad thing is that such a person now becomes chairman of NATO.
That tells me that there is much more wrong at top management level than we assume.
And that's what Trump is fighting against. So don't talk nuts to me.

The time when you could have a charity as a cover for criminal activities is over.
Let's see that suitable candidate who can implement these qualities which they always wave.
Everything there is based on image and there is no ethical or morally superior policy being pursued by the Democrats.

The entire fight against Trump shows just the opposite.

Biden doesn't even respect the supreme court.
Who is the Dictator in the making here?
And because there is no longer any voter integrity, fair elections are no longer possible.

It's like a mad max movie.
At the end everyone is dead or injured.

It's like a heatrap on a rusty or poorly welded exhaust.
You travel with it, but you know that everything is rotting underneath.

It's like sawdust in a gearbox.
You pay too much and you don't get far.

Democracy is in urgent need of maintenance.

Otherwise the crankshaft will break in November and the clutch will no longer be driven.

Then you have to have parts made in China because they are no longer  in stock, then Russia and Iran will come and spit in your crankcase.
North Korea then shits on your saddle.
Nobody wants to drive with you for a while, because everywhere you sit it sinks.

If your president looks like nuts you, look like nuts.

I think I made my point.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/24 at 07:35:21

554A594A414A414A5D48464A2F0 wrote:
If your president looks like nuts you, look like nuts.

Excellent point


Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/03/24 at 08:12:15

Go ahead, vote for the old guy. Just have the courage to say you know he’s not capable of even remotely functioning in a manner that makes him qualified for the job and the fact his administration will be run by shadow, behind the scenes committee who’s members are unknown is more preferable to  you than Trump. Have the balls to say that because I can think of a dozen Republicans I’d rather have than Trump but Trump is better than the best Democratic alternative. I live in Realsville, not Fantasyland.

Grow a pair.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/24 at 10:11:19

Maybe Michelle Obama should run...

Trump's worst nightmare

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/24 at 10:28:59

Twice impeached, 34 felony convictions - facing more, Sexual molester, and fetishizes his own daughter
Obsessed with sharks... thinks planes need sunlight to fly, and magnets don't work in water
Windmills cause cancer, and boats with batteries sink
Hannibal Lector is a real person
.. and you need ID to buy bread

Sleepy Joe looks pretty dang good

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Eegore on 07/03/24 at 11:13:42

 I'd actually be ok with a single 4 year term and only one single four year term in exclusivity with the exemption of all other mathematical calculations, where there is no acting POTUS.

 I'd also like to try eliminating the House of Representatives and instead let AI read proposals and create simple breakdowns that the general population can vote on in a series of bi-annual votes.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/24 at 12:59:51

How 'bout we put all registered voters names in a hat (a very big hat) and pick a President from that
Like jury duty  ;D

Note... Trump's won't be in it... he's a convicted felon and not allowed to vote

Funny but, he won't be allowed in Canada, or England, or Australia,... or a bunch of other countries because he's a felon.
Can a President be functional with those restrictions?

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by zevenenergie on 07/03/24 at 15:29:50

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
Maybe Michelle Obama should run...

There you go, That was not so hard was it.

And she would be a good precisdent indeed.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by zevenenergie on 07/03/24 at 23:40:27

4355425F47525F44300 wrote:
Twice impeached, 34 felony convictions - facing more, Sexual molester, and fetishizes his own daughter
Obsessed with sharks... thinks planes need sunlight to fly, and magnets don't work in water
Windmills cause cancer, and boats with batteries sink
Hannibal Lector is a real person
.. and you need ID to buy bread

What can be     is unburdened by what has been.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by Serowbot on 07/04/24 at 07:30:52

Did you just make that up?
Because it's nonsense

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by WebsterMark on 07/04/24 at 08:21:43

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
Did you just make that up?
Because it's nonsense

I feel like that’s a quote from the woman who’ll you most like will be casting your vote for to be President.

Title: Re: Natural Immunity
Post by MnSpring on 07/04/24 at 14:32:11

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Maybe Michelle Obama should run... "

 Biden is a Puppet,
yet still TRYING to disguise it.

Michelle wouldn't even attempt.
She would just turn things over to Barack.

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