General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> trumpism

Message started by thumperclone on 06/23/24 at 09:39:04

Title: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/23/24 at 09:39:04

never having to say you're sorry for being stupid
just one example:
China will pay for tariffs...
never in the history of American tariffs has a foreign country for tariffs imposed on their goods
the cost is passed on to the consumer that's you and me  

Mexico will pay for the wall
how did that work out?? ::)

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/24/24 at 04:06:53

Why don't you look at Biden and his administration if you want to be critical?

What kind of power does a thoroughly corrupt president have?
Real is way more powerful than fake.
Why? Becourse fake is not grounded in reality.
There is noting real about Biden.

Goodluck whit that.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/24/24 at 07:08:10

what corruption?

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/24/24 at 09:40:31

Don,t you know that Biden was active in Ukraine, (the world’s most corrupt country) from 2009 to 2017?

The theft of the election was also a case of corruption.
And weaponizing the judiciary against trump is also corruption.

How dangerous Biden was is evident from the fact that during the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump in 2019, it became clear that there was no substantial evidence of corruption by Joe Biden. Trump was accused of pressuring Ukraine to open an investigation into the Bidens in exchange for military aid. This resulted in Trump's first impeachment.

There was never an open investigation into Biden's corruption.

And there never will be.

Only when he tried to protect his son during the Burisma affair did some of his corruption become apparent.

Oh yeah and then there's that laptop and something about China Town.

And there is this:

In 1991, Biden led the Senate committee investigating allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas, which was controversial and led to criticism of his treatment of Anita Hill.

In 2019-20, Tara Reade, a former aide, accused Biden of sexual harassment and assault in 1993. Biden has emphatically denied the allegations. Several investigations and interviews with people close to Reade have failed to produce compelling evidence to support the allegations, although they have received some media attention.

There have been some reports and videos of Biden behaving in ways that some people find uncomfortable, such as kissing on the forehead or touching the shoulder. Biden has responded by saying that he likes to approach people personally and that he would change his behavior if people find it inappropriate.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/24 at 11:39:45

445B485B505B505B4C59575B3E0 wrote:
There have been some reports and videos of Biden behaving in ways that some people find uncomfortable, such as kissing on the forehead or touching the shoulder. Biden has responded by saying that he likes to approach people personally and that he would change his behavior if people find it inappropriate.

Has Trump ever said that?
Not even after a $90.000,000 judgement  The only ***** that's off limits for him is Melania's

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/24/24 at 12:06:39

not analogous to 6 bankruptcies, 2 impeachments,
convicted felon, 20 lies a day as president, convicted sex offender and so on.
even if any of what you state is ever proven there is no comparison between the integrity of Joe and Don

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/24/24 at 13:39:00

The war in Ukraine has the signature of Jo Biden. The war in the Middle East is getting out of hand now that Hezbollah is stirring. The Red Sea is in the hands of the Houthis. China claims about 90 percent of the South China Sea. Iran has nuclear weapons. Need I go on?
Biden is the worst president ever. And the Democrats can't put forward a reasonable candidate. Things are that bad there.
And all of that under Biden.

And you're going to vote for him?
O dear...

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/24/24 at 15:19:04

The war in Ukraine has the signature of Jo Biden. The war in the Middle East is getting out of hand now that Hezbollah is stirring.

Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014

the radical Arabs have been a thorn the sides of the world for decades(1940s?)
I don't want a twice impeached sex offender felon WORST PRESIDENT EVER with access to the nuke football

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/24/24 at 16:19:18

He already had. And he dit not put his finger down. [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/24/24 at 18:53:13

425E435B465344555A595853360 wrote:
never having to say you're sorry for being stupid
just one example:
China will pay for tariffs...
never in the history of American tariffs has a foreign country for tariffs imposed on their goods
the cost is passed on to the consumer that's you and me  

Mexico will pay for the wall
how did that work out?? ::)

modified 6/24
more Trumpisms
Milwaukee is a horrible city
I love Milwaukee

Fulton county tortured me
they took my fingerprints and mug shot

I've been indicted more than Al Capone

stay tuned for more as they appear

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/25/24 at 01:17:23

Don't you love it that Trump is a little goofy?
Compare that with how the world is suffering from the war in Ukraine.

Biden has a social side to him but it is so shallow. Who likes superficial? I don,t.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/25/24 at 06:08:39


arrogant conceited egotistic deviated evasive deceitful
lying sack of carp

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/25/24 at 09:48:35

You give strange nicknames, but luckily you love him too.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/25/24 at 14:48:25

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
George Carlon

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/26/24 at 01:47:41

Probably if the old idiot takes a turd out of his pants and shows it to George Carlon the democrats will not wake up.

George will use it as a microphone to tell the american people how morally superior the democrats are and you will swallow it like candy.

The rest of the world sees what is actually happening.
But can hardly believe their eyes.

Thas how much of an idiot you are.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/26/24 at 03:50:27

thank you for your corroboration

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/26/24 at 05:23:56

You forgot the capital letter and the period. (Why am I not surprised)

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by thumperclone on 06/26/24 at 05:35:31

anal retentive?

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by zevenenergie on 06/26/24 at 13:58:20

I'm not a doctor but there's something really wrong with him.

Title: Re: trumpism
Post by Serowbot on 06/26/24 at 14:41:40

Getting a bit into the realm of personal insults here, but I'm letting it go because you both seem to be enjoying it and no one else is listening.
Knock yourselves out
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