General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> ABC.  “”news””

Message started by MnSpring on 05/27/24 at 05:42:10

Title: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/24 at 05:42:10

ABC  “”news””
     (15 AZ)

Just saw, a blatant, campaign ad,
DISGUISED as a, ‘news’ feature.

And the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists,
    Still ‘claim’,
ADS for a Candidate, are actually ’news’.

When Stevie Wonder, AND Ray Charles, can see they are not.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by thumperclone on 05/27/24 at 07:08:07


Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Eegore on 05/27/24 at 07:53:31

 Those are pretty common during election season(s).

 I think the first one I saw was around 95/96 for Clinton.  We had it on VHS and analyzed it for DECA.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/28/24 at 09:47:22

The default position for network news has always been left of center. It’s the natural consequence of the nature of people in “the news” business. Rush Limbaugh pulled back the curtain for all to see that more clearly and the result was talk radios, the Fox News, then the development of obvious hard left / right lines we have now. Fox on one side, every one else on the other. They’ve realized they can make money appealing to one side of the political spectrum.

However, Twitter under Musk has changed all that.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/24 at 10:53:14

Journalists, scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, are generally more educated.
The more you know, the lefter you lean

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/28/24 at 12:08:53

I don’t think that means what you think it does.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by LANCER on 05/28/24 at 13:47:36

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
Journalists, scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, are generally more educated.
The more you know, the lefter you lean

This tends to be the case; knowledge of “things” does not equate to Wisdom.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Serowbot on 05/28/24 at 14:50:27

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
I don’t think that means what you think it does.

I know you don't

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by thumperclone on 05/28/24 at 17:12:15

doesn't take wisdom to see the moral depravity of the right wing clowns

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/28/24 at 20:12:03

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
[quote author=5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 link=1716813730/0#5 date=1716923333]
I don’t think that means what you think it does.

I know you don't[/quote]

Well, I know that you think a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh, the son of a well-known local judge, organized gang rape parties where the same girls from a relatively small community of Catholic high schools were repeatedly raped over two summers and nobody knew about it…until…. after Kavanaugh was announced as a Supreme Court Justice nominee, a woman named Christine Ford, a hard-core lefty and ultra democratic partisan, had a recovered memory during a marriage therapy that Kavanaugh had assaulted her at a party in which the witnesses she said were there, didn’t remember anything. Despite that nonsense, you’re one of those people with a “ I believe Christine” bumper sticker!

Now, while I’m aware there are people stupid enough to believe that, it’s not that you’re stupid, it’s just you are infected with TDS which causes you to believe the most ridiculous stories.

My point is, you making any statement that indicates you have some special insight is laughable.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by thumperclone on 05/29/24 at 04:02:37

My point is, you making any statement that indicates you have some special insight is laughable.[/quote]

self incrimination is good for you :-*

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/29/24 at 04:57:59

2F332E362B3E29383734353E5B0 wrote:
My point is, you making any statement that indicates you have some special insight is laughable.

self incrimination is good for you :-*[/quote]

I would ask you to explain, but that would require you to write more than one sentence.

Seriously, no reasonable person believes her story. No one. That’s like a Congressman I saw on the news this week who said he just came from a meeting with Biden and declared him to be the sharpest person he’s ever spoken to. Again, no reasonable person would believe that.

And since Trump has so invaded every cell in the psyche of you leftist and you make everything about him, sure I think it’s highly likely Trump slept with stormy Daniels and then paid her off to keep quiet. I haven’t followed much of the trial, but in the early days one of his attorneys came on, and said this was a standard arrangement he’s made for many celebrities. I’m sure Trump has slept around a lot, probably cheated on his taxes, a little, probably cut some corners on some deals, etc. I’m absolutely positive those things almost happened.

But you leftist clowns refuse to acknowledge the obvious about Pudd’nhead. Your only response is “by Trump, but Trump….”  You’re the non-celebrity version of Robert DeNiro! Completely unhinged.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/24 at 06:47:30

People in cults always think everyone else in the world are crazy
"TDS" is a fail-safe for followers of the Orange Jesus

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/24 at 07:43:41

“People in cults always think everyone else in the world are crazy…”

Excellent description of the  the people in the cult of, ‘Biden Is God’

(Except for  those who, believe in, NOT believing in, any kind of deity)

They just. Have, TDS. !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by thumperclone on 05/29/24 at 08:17:52

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
[quote author=2F332E362B3E29383734353E5B0 link=1716813730/0#10 date=1716980557]

My point is, you making any statement that indicates you have some special insight is laughable.

self incrimination is good for you :-*[/quote]

I would ask you to explain, but that would require you to write more than one sentence.

it only takes me one sentence to get my point across

before we progress with artificial intelligence we need to fix natural stupidity

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/24 at 08:27:29

6274637E66737E65110 wrote:
Journalists, scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, are generally more educated.
The more you know, the lefter you lean

"Journalists, scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, are generally more educated.
The more you know, the lefter you lean"

So that, ‘education’, is one of the reasons for the, DUMBING DOWN of America ?

Where 2+2 can be 3 or 5, depending on how it was done ?

Where the ‘Education/Learning”,  is
 “This party is bad, this other one is good” ????????

Yep, Learn to believe in, what you are TOLD to.
Instead of Learning HOW TO THINK !

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/24 at 09:59:03

Memorial Day

Biden honors fallen American heroes

Trump calls half of America "Human Scum"


Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/29/24 at 13:13:17

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
People in cults always think everyone else in the world are crazy
"TDS" is a fail-safe for followers of the Orange Jesus

So you honestly believe he organized those gang rape parties, but I’m the unreasonable one! Wow….

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Eegore on 05/29/24 at 14:11:29

 Considering these "discussions" are about left vs right and not about actual policy, since it is not referenced, it's pretty clear that all of this is about affiliation and not application.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/24 at 14:28:23

6646444C5146230 wrote:

"... it's pretty clear that all of this is about affiliation and not application."

So you believe that, DUMBING DOWN America,
And teaching WHAT to THINK.
Rather than, teaching, HOW TO THINK.

Is all about a political position,
and nothing to do with,
right or wrong ?

(Regardless of what political party one belongs to)

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/24 at 15:08:54

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
So you honestly believe he organized those gang rape parties, but I’m the unreasonable one! Wow….

The FBI recieved over 4,500 tips from fellow students... They were turned over to the Trump WH.
Nothing was done with them

Because the FBI and Trump's White House Counsel hid the ball on this, we do not know how many of those 4,500 tips were consequential, how many of those tips supported Dr. Ford's testimony, or how many showed that Kavanaugh perjured himself during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee," the lawyers said.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Eegore on 05/29/24 at 16:21:06

So you believe that, DUMBING DOWN America,
And teaching WHAT to THINK.
Rather than, teaching, HOW TO THINK.

 I said nothing about that at all.  You made that up, I never stated a belief in any part of the US education system.

Is all about a political position,
and nothing to do with,
right or wrong ?

(Regardless of what political party one belongs to)

 If we use exclusively the words I typed here and no other words, inference, or unrelated content, we can conclude I am talking about the posts on this forum specific to political party and the absence of actual policy.

 The content of the posts on this forum are typically related to political party preference and not empirical evidence supplied of any party, parties, or individuals actual policy implementations and/or actions.

 For example, the "Left" is this, and the "Right" is that etc.

 Not, policy action X and supporting material A and B present systematic change in the education system by actions 1,2,and 3.  Supporting documents cross referenced with political affiliation of each human voting member -at the time- offer evidence that policy action X was presented, voted on and implemented by a majority "Left/Right" affiliated group of humans.

 Instead we get opinion based off party preference.  No big deal, just what it is.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/24 at 18:41:07

1B3B39312C3B5E0 wrote:
"...   Not, policy action X and supporting material A and B present systematic change in the education system by actions 1,2,and 3.  Supporting documents cross referenced with political affiliation of each human voting member -at the time- offer evidence that policy action X was presented, voted on and implemented by a majority "Left/Right" affiliated group of humans. ..."

Do you believe, 'DUMBING DOWN', in schools, is happening, or not ?

Do you believe, 'DUMBING DOWN', in schools, benefits one political party greatly, or not ?

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Eegore on 05/29/24 at 19:01:02

Do you believe, 'DUMBING DOWN', in schools, is happening, or not ?

 I think we need to better define "DUMBING DOWN".  Your definition most likely differs from mine.  "DUMBING DOWN" to me, means intentionally and measurably less education at all levels of public education, by policy, of subjects relevant to current students engaging in modern activities.

 An example would be reducing the availability of math classes.  Instead of Algebra being available in 8/9th grade it is only available at 11th so that Trig and Calculus can not be learned by high-school students.

  Spending less time in history class discussing WW2 is not "DUMBING DOWN" as the historical relevance reduces with each generation.  History class is less measurable, and will increase in content each year while the hours in a day will remain the same.  History education must change.

[i]Do you believe, 'DUMBING DOWN', in schools, benefits one political party greatly, or not ?[/i]

 I do not.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by WebsterMark on 05/30/24 at 03:35:05

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
[quote author=487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 link=1716813730/15#17 date=1717013597]

So you honestly believe he organized those gang rape parties, but I’m the unreasonable one! Wow….

The FBI recieved over 4,500 tips from fellow students... They were turned over to the Trump WH.
Nothing was done with them

Because the FBI and Trump's White House Counsel hid the ball on this, we do not know how many of those 4,500 tips were consequential, how many of those tips supported Dr. Ford's testimony, or how many showed that Kavanaugh perjured himself during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee," the lawyers said.[/quote]

None of them or those people would have been on network news the very next day.

Your steadfast belief that her story is not only possible but actually true, is no different than talking to a 9/11 conspiracy fool. Logic and common sense mean nothing, only this blood thirsty fever to kill Trump. That’s all that is in your mind. You’re like a mindless zombie!

Seriously dude, you should be more even keel like me. I see the world and people for who they are and what impact they have on me personally and the world.

Regardless, get used to “President Trump”  because while I’m not in favor of him, I put his odds at 60/40 he’ll be president come January 2025.

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 06/03/24 at 11:55:28

0F2F2D25382F4A0 wrote:
."... History class is less measurable, and will increase in content each year while the hours in a day will remain the same.
History education must change...."

Been a long time since I was in School.
Yet I remember a thing called 'Home-Work', 'Study-Hall', and reading 'school books/texts' on weekends. (or snow days for a 1/3 of this nation).

So today, is different ?
No more, 'learning', outside of school ?

And History must be changed ?

"...History education must change..."

Where would the,
'Learn from History,
to not make the same mistake'

come in ?

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 06/03/24 at 12:49:11

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
Memorial Day...
...Trump calls half of America "Human Scum"..."


"Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country,” said Trump, ..."

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by Eegore on 06/03/24 at 14:34:25

Been a long time since I was in School.
Yet I remember a thing called 'Home-Work', 'Study-Hall', and reading 'school books/texts' on weekends. (or snow days for a 1/3 of this nation).

So today, is different ?
No more, 'learning', outside of school ?

 I never said that.  It is not however typical for students to learn calculus outside of school by means of homework or weekend reading.  They are taught calculus by teachers, and homework is the practicing of what was educated by a human teacher in a school, or school-based analogue.  If a student is completely self educated on topics they don't need school and can not be "DUMBED DOWN" by it's policies.

 There is no policy that limits algebra to high-school only so that calculus would be taught at age 22 instead of age 16 for instance.  Thus "DUMBING DOWN" public education by reducing what is "taught" by "teachers" in a school.

And History must be changed ?

"...History education must change..."

Where would the,
'Learn from History,
to not make the same mistake'
come in ?

 The problem with this is that it ignores time.  Students in 1960 didn't learn about 9/11 since it didn't happen yet.  Yet they still had a full History class.

 It is plausible that students today should learn about 9/11 today.  So should they have an additional History class?  Then another, as more human history piles on?  

 Or should history class change, so that applicable history is taught, and not all history exactly as their grandparents learned?  People act like the Nazi's will come back tomorrow if kids don't learn about WW2.  Kinda like how the Chinese will rule the planet if we don't learn about the Genghis Hoards.  

Title: Re: ABC.  “”news””
Post by MnSpring on 06/03/24 at 15:32:13

634341495443260 wrote:
"...Or should history class change, so that applicable history is taught, ..."  

In that case, no need to educate people, about past history, when it come to Hamas/Gaza/Israel, type of, 'history'. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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