General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Lone Star

Message started by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 05:44:23

Title: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 05:44:23

State….good for them. I hope the governor has the brass ones to see this through

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Serowbot on 01/25/24 at 07:30:01

Texas buys and installs razorwire and Fed's take it down

That's government efficiency you got there

Welcome to the Right Wing political circle jerk

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 08:05:41

4452455840555843370 wrote:
Texas buys and installs razorwire and Fed's take it down

That's government efficiency you got there

Welcome to the Right Wing political circle jerk

I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Why would the federal government purposely make it easier for illegal immigrants to flood the state of Texas? In fact, why would they go to the extent of removing a barricade, the state of Texas put up which did in fact stop the illegal immigrants from coming into the state for a few days. Does the state have a right to protect its borders from illegal immigrants?

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Eegore on 01/25/24 at 09:58:00

 The Feds are supposed to have access to 25 miles of border land.  The wire put up was supposed to be allowed unless an emergency occurred such as an illegal immigrant drowning or suffering heat exhaustion.

 Below is an example and there are a few others where the Border Patrol was unable to enter an area due to the razor wire.  The SCOTUS ruled these incidents, among others, warranted the removal of the wire.

The Justice Department told the Supreme Court this month that additional barriers the state erected had effectively prevented the Border Patrol from being able to determine whether a migrant in that area needed emergency aid.

 Soon after that claim, a migrant woman and her two children died trying to cross the Rio Grande near a park in Eagle Pass where state officials have blocked access to federal Border Patrol officers. The park contains a staging area for the Border Patrol and the boat ramp from which patrol boats are launched.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 10:12:26

Wasn’t that particular issue handled by Mexican authorities and US wasn’t informed until 30 minutes after the bodies were found meaning the US couldn’t have done anything anyway?  

And the feds are supposed to have access to a lot of things. For example, when an illegal alien is arrested and it’s determined he’s in the country illegally isn’t he supposed to be turned over to ICE? But some states are refusing to do so. What’s the difference between Texas refusing to follow federal guidelines by putting up razor wire and other states refusing to handover illegal aliens to ICE?

There really isn’t a difference is there? Both states have decided to pick and choose what federal laws or guidelines regarding citizens or non-citizens in their state that they’re going to follow. One state disregards law and refuses to hand it illegal aliens to ice, another state refuses to allow illegals to flow across their border by putting up barricades. They’re both essentially doing the exact same thing.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Eegore on 01/25/24 at 10:25:38

 Sure but the issue about the wire was brought to court.  The other was not.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Serowbot on 01/25/24 at 11:06:13

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
There really isn’t a difference is there? Both states have decided to pick and choose what federal laws or guidelines regarding citizens or non-citizens in their state that they’re going to follow. One state disregards law and refuses to hand it illegal aliens to ice, another state refuses to allow illegals to flow across their border by putting up barricades. They’re both essentially doing the exact same thing.

One costs lives

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 11:44:56

Really? Do you want me to find the new stories about illegal immigrants murdering American citizens and then tell me which one saves lives?

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 11:46:25

4767656D7067020 wrote:
 Sure but the issue about the wire was brought to court.  The other was not.

But the logic is correct, wouldn’t you agree? Both are ignoring federal law or at the very least federal guidelines.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by zevenenergie on 01/25/24 at 12:14:00

We have a similar problem, we have 17.5 million inhabitants and we have a house shortage of 1 million. The population has overwhelmingly voted against immigration, but the previous government adopted a law from Europe (the globalists) and the population is being supplemented with immigrants, up to 24 million inhabitants. Of the 1 million houses they wanted to build per year, only 90,000 were built due to lack of land and environmental regulations (nitrogen).
The left-wing parties still find it very bad that poor people abroad are having a bad time and want to give them a human existence in our country, but they are okay with 6.5 million people being homeless, including their own population.
That is a 4th of the population  :P

I wish we had a Trump to put things in order because the way the country is being managed now, we as a population are sitting ducks and the government is worse than a dictator.

I'm all for democracy, but unfortunately we don't have one.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Serowbot on 01/25/24 at 12:20:12

685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 wrote:
Really? Do you want me to find the new stories about illegal immigrants murdering American citizens and then tell me which one saves lives?

I can finds thousands of stories about Americans killing Americans
Statistically, immigrants kill fewer

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Eegore on 01/25/24 at 13:46:13

But the logic is correct, wouldn’t you agree? Both are ignoring federal law or at the very least federal guidelines.


Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 14:56:15

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
[quote author=685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 link=1706190263/0#7 date=1706211896]Really? Do you want me to find the new stories about illegal immigrants murdering American citizens and then tell me which one saves lives?

I can finds thousands of stories about Americans killing Americans
Statistically, immigrants kill fewer[/quote]

Well, that really doesn’t freaking matter to the surviving family members of the ones that were killed now does it?…..

And that really doesn’t matter given the topic we’re talking about now does it?

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 15:04:16

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
[quote author=685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 link=1706190263/0#7 date=1706211896]Really? Do you want me to find the new stories about illegal immigrants murdering American citizens and then tell me which one saves lives?

I can finds thousands of stories about Americans killing Americans
Statistically, immigrants kill fewer[/quote]

And statistically, do you have comparisons of Americans who leave their country and break into other countries and kill people versus Mexicans or other south Americans who leave their country break into the US and kill people? Is that the statistic you’re citing?

A better question is there anything you won’t accept just to get a few extra voters?

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by zevenenergie on 01/25/24 at 15:32:07

That barbed wire is there for a reason. It means no access. I am completely in favor of rescuing people in need, but I also think that you can hang up a sign that says that if you have passed this line, then you are completely on your own, because we cannot get through either. Then you can still do it. helping people, but under the same conditions that they were willing to violate. You can be gentle, but then you shouldn't complain that there is an immigration problem.
Then you should indeed say that we are going to receive the imigrants, provide them with a job, train them, give them a house, provide them with a good pension scheme and then build better roads to accommodate the influx of imigrants.

Where do you draw the line?

I'll just put it down because I see that it doesn't work for us. We have taken in a lot of refugees here, to a point where we can say more is not possible without causing problems, but we are forced by the government to take in immigrants than we can,t handle. I'm not going to work on that.

My question then is who benefits from this? The government, who doesn't want to make difficult decisions?

I have always wanted to stay out of these types of discussions, but for how long can that be? Isn't there something seriously wrong if you have to wonder? And doesn't that call for serious measures?
Is doing nothing an option? Or is that a decision that you give up.
I think there are no humane solutions to immigration problems if you fail as a government.

I am therefore in favor of electing a government that combats immigration at all costs. Because that kind of violence is already starting to emerge, but in a different way.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/25/24 at 18:34:50

My question then is who benefits from this? The government, who doesn't want to make difficult decisions?

The Democratic Party. These illegals are future voters, legal or not. That’s all this is, a get-out-the-vote program.

If illegals were chanting Trump instead of Biden when they came across, the Democrats would shoot them.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by zevenenergie on 01/26/24 at 00:30:03

I think politicians are the worst kind of people out there, why do we let them run the country? Or should I say why do we let them ruin the country?

I think it would be a good idea to have certain matters, such as immigration, not arranged by the government but by an organization that is not eligible. Then they do not have to worry about losing their jobs if they make the right decisions.

I think drug control should also be part of that.
Because I think the right thing to do is to make drugs ourselves and start selling them. you take the drug trade away from criminals. and then you use that money to build good addiction care.

As much as I like Donald, abortion should be legal. It solves many social problems for which we do not yet have a good solution.

It's a good idea to have an opinion, but if that becomes an obstacle, we should turn it into a dildo and....

It's a shame that I'm making such an uncivil comment again, but I would really like to see us moving in the right direction on certain matters.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by WebsterMark on 01/26/24 at 05:04:48

Here’s a challenge for my leftist friends: make the case for mass illegal immigration. Explain to me why it’s a good idea for somewhere between seven and 10 million people come up through South America and from many countries from overseas into our country? By their sheer numbers, they overwhelm the systems in place that normally control immigration. They now know they’ll get court dates years in advance. They also know if they just go to a city, the local government subsidies will find them places to live far better than where they came from.

And by their sheer numbers, this is changing American society. Good or bad? You tell me. Explain to me how what’s happening is good for the future of our American children.

Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by Serowbot on 01/26/24 at 07:13:45

Trump is encouraging Republicans to vote against illegal immigration bill so that Biden won't get a win and Trump can continue to use the issue as a cudgel.
He's also hoping for an economic crash

What a guy

Meanwhile the economy is booming, wages are up, inflation is down,we have tons of jobs, and the markets set records.
Gas production is highest ever


Title: Re: The Lone Star
Post by zevenenergie on 01/26/24 at 08:21:40

So you can see that the mere expectation that Trump will win is good for America.

What a guy indeed. ;) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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