General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Re: Coincidence or not?

Message started by zevenenergie on 01/16/24 at 05:40:14

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/16/24 at 05:40:14

716E7D6E656E656E796C626E0B0 wrote:
Is it not a coincidence that the Covid vaccine, despite claims that it could not penetrate the DNA, did so and thus affected the repair mechanism of our DNA in the nucleus of the cell. And thus we increase the risk of cancer.

And that Pfizer, the inventor of the Covid vaccine, is now shocking the medical world by investing 43 billion in the takeover of Seagen, a small pharmaceutical company that produces drugs against turbo cancer.

Cancer becomes Pfizer,s new revenue model.
While they caused it themselves.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by MnSpring on 01/16/24 at 06:26:16

Ya think that a company.
Who makes a thing.
Who want more people to use/take that thing.

Would even think about giving the left hand Dollar,
To someone who can
     ‘sway’ or ‘force’
the use of that thing ?

Oh Golly Gee Wally !!!!!!
   Say it ain’t so !

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/16/24 at 07:09:07

Phizer claims that they expect 33% of the population to develop cancer.

It is explained by NGO,s by nano particles that we ingest.

But because almost all research is done by NGOs and they also make legislative recommendations that are unthinkingly adopted by governments, there is no longer a healthy mechanism that can control abuses.

These people are impossible to stop.

And we see from the prices of insulin, for example, how unscrupulously big pharma works.

For example, I saw a CEO lecture where they talked about how the vaccination was successfully implemented because of the fear of the population and also because they had called it a vaccine instead of a Gene Transfection, because people were much more inclined to accept it like this.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/16/24 at 14:00:48

Is it not a coincidence that the Covid vaccine, despite claims that it could not penetrate the DNA, did so and thus affected the repair mechanism of our DNA in the nucleus of the cell. And thus we increase the risk of cancer.

 There is still no evidence of this.  Youtube videos that anyone can make, and documents with circles around them saying something totally different than what is claimed is not evidence.

 Where are the patients with these outcomes?  Oh I bet Pfizer is covering it up right?  

 It's totally feasible for a company to create demand, even Pfizer.  It is also feasible that people will lie and make sh!t up like that mRNA is altering DNA.  It's much easier for people to just make up nonsense from thin air though, and apparently even easier for people to blindly accept it as truth.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/16/24 at 14:15:43

What is the difference between conspiracy theories and reality?

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Serowbot on 01/16/24 at 14:47:05

7D6271626962696275606E62070 wrote:
What is the difference between conspiracy theories and reality?

The answer is in your question

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 01:29:44

No, it is not, but if you make your money in the medical world you obviously don't want to be too critical.

The answer is, a few years.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/17/24 at 04:13:12

46594A59525952594E5B55593C0 wrote:
What is the difference between conspiracy theories and reality?

That answer is simple: time.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by WebsterMark on 01/17/24 at 04:22:28

I answered before seeing Z’s response but we agree.

But I also agree with E. There are conspiracy theories that are just that; nonsense.

It’s unreasonable to think Pfizer executives would pursue this as the known unintended consequences would be too great. After all, pursuing that method would likely infect close family members with cancer and I doubt a group would get together and agree with that.

But just look at what we’ve been told was nonsense that t8me has shown to be absolutely true.

One absolute truism is that truth is rarely the motive behind a news story.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 05:31:26

534C5F4C474C474C5B4E404C290 wrote:
We are talking about Pfizer here. We all know that the initially nice stories about vaccines have not aged well.

The J&J vaccines quickly disappeared due to the side effects.

The research that the vaccines entered the nuclius came from a renowned Swiss university. later the investigation was withdrawn. We all know where universities get their money from.

Pfizer has made enormous profits that it secured by avoiding accountability.
But a huge amount of research has been done that was financed with tax money. What did citizens see in return?
Pfizer is now a very powerful player thanks to the taxpayers.

It wouldn't surprise me if they diagnosed cancer as an epidemic and you were required to take their "vaccines".

All this is one of the conspiracy theories that critical people saw coming years ago. No control over your own body and a government that adjusts legislation to take power away from the citizen.

All this fits with the goals of the globalist movement.

You will no longer possess anything, but you will be happy.
There are only a few players that currently offer AI.
they are all members of the globalist movement.

Elite is a term that has been ridiculed, but it is now painfully clear that there are indeed NGO,s that literally dictad everything.
And they are so powerful that there is no way to deal with them.

It won't stop if we don't say no en masse for example if they come up with another vaccination round.

Covid was an obedience training.
You could also have left the choice to the population.
But look closely at what happened.

And it is already a hint that policy decisions are being made that no longer arise from society. It is imposed from above from theories that are not realistic to us and harm society.
These are the first symptoms of a totalitarian system.

And there is nothing strange or conspiratorial about saying this. This is the reality of today.

Just look at wat the do to the farmers in Europe.
They want control over food prodution  :P :P

They literally come together to make decisions about what humanity will look like in the coming years.
Hence the emigration policy.

It gets really scary when I tell you that thinning the world's population is literally an agenda item at their meetings.

I am not a conspiracy theorist but I know that that community warned 30 years ago about what is happening now. And where it's going.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 06:09:29

The research that the vaccines entered the nuclius came from a renowned Swiss university. later the investigation was withdrawn. We all know where universities get their money from.

 Research results are redacted all the time.  This is not unusual, especially when it is wrong.

 The problem is Billions of people have taken the vaccine and miraculously not one person has come forward with altered DNA that gave them cancer.  Not one lab, out of thousands and thousands paid to prove mRNA alters DNA has provided any information.

 People accept a YouTube video as evidence but don't question why there's no patients or patient families having these problems. There should be millions of altered DNA cases by now.  This is no different than JoG's claims that children are dying all over the place, yet not one school has had a decrease in enrollment, no youth athletic programs have less enrollment, no increase in school yearbook memorials, no posts on Facebook from families of the deceased, not one funeral home processing more dead kids.  Why is all the supporting evidence missing?

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 06:47:42

As far as I know, things have changed since Covid.
Doctors who organized themselves against the ban on what was considered life-saving treatment were dismissed from their positions.

Comercial parties that interfered with government policy. And even leading viroleologists who dictated policies that openly promoted brands.

Mullis, the inventor of PCR testing, repeatedly emphasized that the PCR technique is not intended for diagnostic purposes and that it is not suitable for determining whether someone is ill or contagious. He believed that the PCR test is sensitive enough to detect small amounts of genetic material, even in people who may not be sick or contagious.

So on and on.

So there is a watertight system, the manufacturers work together with the corrupt government, who in turn use the corrupt media.

The entire medical world is enormously hierarchical. Universities are far from independent, and the university hospitals are not independent and it is unrealistic to assume that research results have not been manipulated.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 08:06:59


 If 1% of vaccinated humans had their DNA altered then 135,000,000 would be waling the earth right now.

 I don't think any system is so "water tight" that we would not have one, not one, human with measurable altered DNA.

 Again, anyone can say this and that, but why is all the supporting evidence missing?  If millions of humans had altered DNA, and Pfizer was prepped to make money treating their cancer, wouldn't actual patients be needed for that?  Diagnosis, cancer centers with patients, lab results maybe?

 Where are they?  Why can't any of these labs paid by watchdog groups, etc. find the altered DNA bloodwork?  Let me guess, it's delayed reaction DNA mutations so we just haven't seen it yet.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by MnSpring on 01/17/24 at 08:28:14

Eegore wrote on Today at 8:09am:
" Research results are redacted all the time.  
This is not unusual,
especially when it is wrong. ..."

Who decides, the research is 'wrong' ?

Would it be people like Fauci ?

Would it be people/companies that don't like what the research is?

Would it be people/companies that want the research to only go in a certain direction ?

    Or is it:  'Who ya know, and Who ya Blow ?

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 08:42:57

2404060E1304610 wrote:

 If 1% of vaccinated humans had their DNA altered then 135,000,000 would be waling the earth right now.

 I don't think any system is so "water tight" that we would not have one, not one, human with measurable altered DNA.

 Again, anyone can say this and that, but why is all the supporting evidence missing?  If millions of humans had altered DNA, and Pfizer was prepped to make money treating their cancer, wouldn't actual patients be needed for that?  Diagnosis, cancer centers with patients, lab results maybe?

 Where are they?  Why can't any of these labs paid by watchdog groups, etc. find the altered DNA bloodwork?  Let me guess, it's delayed reaction DNA mutations so we just haven't seen it yet.

These are the institutes that conduct research and they are all not independent.

None of them have done any serious research into cancer caused by the vaccine.

   World Health Organization (WHO):
   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
   European Medicines Agency (EMA):
   National Institutes of Health (NIH):

   Pharmaceutical companies:
   Like pfizer

Mistakes are constantly made in the nucleus where DNA is made. There is a built-in mechanism that corrects those errors. The vaccine affects that mechanism when it is in the body. The cell reproduces with damaged DNA. And hoppa... cancer cells.

It is impossible to find out how they are formed, when the vaccine is no longer in the body.
And that's what the Swiss study was about.

Life-threatening material for Phizer because they claimed that it was impossible for the vaccine to enter the nucleus of the cell.

Because if this had been known in advance, no one would have accepted the "vaccine"

Remarkable, but something not many people know the whole RNA thing has its origins in entire experiments where changing the DNA was central.  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

For example, they were able to use the RNA technique to manipulate bacteria in such a way that they could carry image material. I am talking here about a bacterium as an image carrier.
It is also possible to create night vision in soldiers by means of an injection.
Of course Pfifer and all research agencies know about this.

But has this been discussed publicly?

No, of course they don't want that,  because when you put all the puzzle pieces together you can smell how much it all stinks.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Serowbot on 01/17/24 at 09:07:42

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
[quote author=46594A59525952594E5B55593C0 link=1705412200/0#4 date=1705443343]What is the difference between conspiracy theories and reality?

That answer is simple: time.

Spoken like a pair of true believers

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 09:41:25

Who decides, the research is 'wrong' ?

 If it is redacted, the context of this post, the humans that redacted their own research paper.

Would it be people like Fauci ?

 No.  It would be the humans that redacted their own research paper.

Would it be people/companies that don't like what the research is?

 No.  It would be the humans that redacted their own research paper.

Would it be people/companies that want the research to only go in a certain direction ?

 No.  It would be the humans that redacted their own research paper.

   Or is it:  'Who ya know, and Who ya Blow ?

 It can be, but in this case they redacted their own research data due to inaccuracies.  It turned out the DNA evidence was fabricated, the lab could not produce any material evidence.  

 I'm sure people that never read it, know where it was, or who did it etc. know more about this though and their conclusion with no evidence that it is a cover up is more accurate than anyone else, especially those wanting material measurable evidence like actual human patients.

 If the data said something you disagreed with then it would just simply be wrong.  But since its information you do not agree with, it's a who ya Blow situation.  No evidence needed.

Like actual mutated DNA in humans.  Who needs that to believe DNA is mutated?

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 09:51:40

Mistakes are constantly made in the nucleus where DNA is made. There is a built-in mechanism that corrects those errors. The vaccine affects that mechanism when it is in the body. The cell reproduces with damaged DNA. And hoppa... cancer cells.

 But nobody can do anything but say that.  Where is the evidence?  A redacted research paper does not remove all other forms of supporting evidence.  This is nothing more than words.

It is impossible to find out how they are formed, when the vaccine is no longer in the body.
And that's what the Swiss study was about.

 Convenient they can have a study with conclusive outcomes while having an "impossible to find out" material topic.  I can also have a study that makes claims as long as the evidence is impossible to see.

 How did the redacted study get rid of the millions of impacted humans?  I find it impossible for all affected humans to simply have DNA that is impossible to detect as altered.  There should be millions, where are they?

For example, they were able to use the RNA technique to manipulate bacteria in such a way that they could carry image material. I am talking here about a bacterium as an image carrier.
It is also possible to create night vision in soldiers by means of an injection.

 Ahh so you will just beleive anything.  This explains a lot.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by MnSpring on 01/17/24 at 10:20:04

022220283522470 wrote:
"If it is redacted, the context of this post, the humans that redacted their own research paper..."

So in the one case, of the one place, that did that one, research/study/paper/analysis/etc.
That one place, reacted the information.
Got it.

How about all the rest ?
Like who gets money and for what ?

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 10:28:17

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
Mistakes are constantly made in the nucleus where DNA is made. There is a built-in mechanism that corrects those errors. The vaccine affects that mechanism when it is in the body. The cell reproduces with damaged DNA. And hoppa... cancer cells.

 But nobody can do anything but say that.  Where is the evidence?  A redacted research paper does not remove all other forms of supporting evidence.  This is nothing more than words.

It is impossible to find out how they are formed, when the vaccine is no longer in the body.
And that's what the Swiss study was about.

 Convenient they can have a study with conclusive outcomes while having an "impossible to find out" material topic.  I can also have a study that makes claims as long as the evidence is impossible to see.

 How did the redacted study get rid of the millions of impacted humans?  I find it impossible for all affected humans to simply have DNA that is impossible to detect as altered.  There should be millions, where are they?

For example, they were able to use the RNA technique to manipulate bacteria in such a way that they could carry image material. I am talking here about a bacterium as an image carrier.
It is also possible to create night vision in soldiers by means of an injection.

 Ahh so you will just beleive anything.  This explains a lot.

It is good that we are having this discussion because I discovered that you know nothing about the Swiss research and that you also know very little about the RNA science from which the vaccine was developed.

With other words you only know what the top of the hierarchy wants to flow to lower in Hierarchy. That's how it goes in medical culture.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Serowbot on 01/17/24 at 11:06:43

Who is Trump blowin' to keep this election fraud myth going?
Virginia just found an error of 4,000 votes to Biden's favour.
Republicans found them

Irony  ;D

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 11:17:13

So in the one case, of the one place, that did that one, research/study/paper/analysis/etc.
That one place, reacted the information.
Got it.

How about all the rest ?
Like who gets money and for what ?

 Each one is different.  Millions of studies, millions of different reasons.  The one referenced as evidence of mutated DNA, the topic, was redacted because it was found that the DNA evidence can never be evaluated.  So the "proof" is basically a nonexistent unprovable thing.

 All other known research papers in existence are not referenced as evidence on this topic so I don't consider their information to be relevant.  Just as bringing up all other gun crime is not pertinent to the discussion of one specific gun crime.  If a human defending themselves with a gun is prosecuted they can not bring up all other humans illegally using guns as evidence.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 11:20:18

Oh you're going to lose and you know it  :D

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 11:20:21

It is good that we are having this discussion because I discovered that you know nothing about the Swiss research and that you also know very little about the RNA science from which the vaccine was developed.

 What I do know is that your reference is not available and the subject matter is impossible to detect, and that no known human has the symptoms, and no known lab anywhere on the planet can provide material evidence.

With other words you only know what the top of the hierarchy wants to flow to lower in Hierarchy. That's how it goes in medical culture.

 Great, another YouTube video, than anyone can make, that still does not account for all the missing, millions, of humans with altered DNA.  Where is the altered DNA?  Billions are vaccinated, there should be millions of cases.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 11:21:05

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
Who is Trump blowin' to keep this election fraud myth going?
Virginia just found an error of 4,000 votes to Biden's favour.
Republicans found them

Irony  ;D

Oh you're going to lose and you know it  :D

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 11:26:59

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
It is good that we are having this discussion because I discovered that you know nothing about the Swiss research and that you also know very little about the RNA science from which the vaccine was developed.

 What I do know is that your reference is not available and the subject matter is impossible to detect, and that no known human has the symptoms, and no known lab anywhere on the planet can provide material evidence.

With other words you only know what the top of the hierarchy wants to flow to lower in Hierarchy. That's how it goes in medical culture.

 Great, another YouTube video, than anyone can make, that still does not account for all the missing, millions, of humans with altered DNA.  Where is the altered DNA?  Billions are vaccinated, there should be millions of cases.

Show me one official study on cancer caused by the vaccine from the institutes I listed above and I will take everything back. No research is being done in that direction.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 11:39:37

Show me one official study on cancer caused by the vaccine from the institutes I listed above and I will take everything back. No research is being done in that direction.

 I agree there is no substantial research being done to prove mRNA causes cancer specific to the vaccine.  

 This in itself does not prove mRNA mutates DNA.

 To me it makes sense that no research exists because there aren't any patients presenting with those symptoms.  None.

 You want actual evidence, that exists and not just another YouTube video claiming it exists, of cancer research.  I want evidence that exists, not just another YouTube video claiming it exists, of mRNA altering DNA.

 So it looks like you are claiming mRNA alters DNA, without evidence to support it.  I am claiming specific research is not present, because evidence does not exist to support it.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by zevenenergie on 01/17/24 at 12:00:20

I have posted the link to the Swiss study here twice before. (there was the proof) if you don't mind I won't look it up again.

Furthermore, no official research is being done by anyone in the specified list that could have a negative outcome.

Title: Re: Coincidence or not?
Post by Eegore on 01/17/24 at 13:48:09

I have posted the link to the Swiss study here twice before. (there was the proof) if you don't mind I won't look it up again.

 I know that, and they still can't provide proof.  None.  None of their sources actually have samples of altered human DNA.  

 There also are no humans documented, out of billions vaccinated, that present those symptoms.  None.



Furthermore, no official research is being done by anyone in the specified list that could have a negative outcome.

 I disagree there is no research about negative outcomes.  I have personally linked ones about specific demographics and heart issues.  This would be research dedicated to negative outcomes.  A YouTube video saying otherwise should not be considered evidence over actual real evidence where real humans have real health issues.

 If you mean altered DNA and only altered DNA, this is expected since no humans have these issues.  None. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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