General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Looking more and more like…..

Message started by WebsterMark on 01/11/24 at 05:16:20

Title: Looking more and more like…..
Post by WebsterMark on 01/11/24 at 05:16:20

……Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. I flipped back and forth a little between the married couple fighting on CNN (DeSantis and Haley) and Trump on Fox. Trump won both debates easily.

My take is DeSantis is an excellent executive but below average campaigner, but the silly way we elect people doesn’t reward that. We get great campaigners and bad executives like The Donald.

Still, Trump is a better option than any National Democratic and it’s not even close. But I’m stuck on the idea he’s the only one who could lose this time around. If Haley drops out (and I see no reason she would) DeSantis could battle Trump but with DeSantis, Haley and Vivek going at each other, none of those three can gain traction. It’s always been true that Trump attracts all the free energy in a room.

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by Serowbot on 01/11/24 at 06:52:41

The problem is there are a group of Republican "Never Trumpers" and a group of "Only Trumpers"
Ne're the twain shall meet

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by MnSpring on 01/11/24 at 08:10:24

The problem is:

People, (PUPPETS) believing Chicken Noodle News, When they say ‘ALLEGED’.
And the Socialists, C.Y.A'ing

When Stevie Wonder AND Ray Charles can see their SPIN.

Directly form CNN.

“… Federal prosecutors charged Hunter Biden with three crimes — two counts for alleged false statements he made while purchasing the gun and a third count for possessing the gun while addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden’s gun-related legal troubles relate to a firearm he purchased in October 2018. While buying a Colt Cobra revolver at Delaware gun shop, he lied on a federal form when he swore that he was not using, and was not addicted to, any illegal drugs – even though he was struggling with crack cocaine addiction at the time of the purchase. …”

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by thumperclone on 01/11/24 at 08:53:23

6E4D7053514A4D44230 wrote:
The problem is:

People, (PUPPETS) believing Chicken Noodle News, When they say ‘ALLEGED’.
And the Socialists, C.Y.A'ing

When Stevie Wonder AND Ray Charles can see their SPIN.

Directly form CNN.

“… Federal prosecutors charged Hunter Biden with three crimes — two counts for alleged false statements he made while purchasing the gun and a third count for possessing the gun while addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden’s gun-related legal troubles relate to a firearm he purchased in October 2018. While buying a Colt Cobra revolver at Delaware gun shop, he lied on a federal form when he swore that he was not using, and was not addicted to, any illegal drugs – even though he was struggling with crack cocaine addiction at the time of the purchase. …”

Hunter is NOT runing for office

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by MnSpring on 01/11/24 at 09:35:16

3529342C312433222D2E2F24410 wrote:

The, REAL,  problem is,

many people can NOT see the popular Media,

Being under the thumb of,

The UL, FDS, Progressive, Socialists.

Please tell us all, when the SS went out and tried to STEAL the 4473 document, that PROVES Hunter Lied.
It was done for ANY OTHER POTUS !

(Hint, the SS wouldn't do it for Hunter, yet if MUSH FOR BRAINS told them to, they would do it)

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by WebsterMark on 01/11/24 at 10:07:47

The gun charge would irrelevant except government prosecutors who are pursuing Trump with imaginative charges at every turn, offered a sweetheart deal to Hunter.

And there’s the whole thing about Hunter being the point person for the Biden crime family….

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by Serowbot on 01/11/24 at 10:23:35

Trump grifted more in a single day than Hunter is accused of.

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by thumperclone on 01/11/24 at 11:06:39

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
Trump grifted more in a single day than Hunter is accused of.

the TRUMP crime family^
we won't talk about that tho

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by zevenenergie on 01/11/24 at 13:03:51

The Hunter affair could well be a diversion from the crimes of Jo Biden.
I mean, Trump is.

If the Clintons had the Clinon Foundation as a front for their corrupt affairs.
And only 1 university of Biden is known as a cover. Then where is the rest?

Isn't it time we started investigating that?

Biden's revenue model was mainly in the Ukraine, the most corrupt country in the world. That may also be the reason why he wants to keep throwing money there.
His "friends" there, could make tings very uncomfortable for him.

We all know that Biden has a speech impediment. A few years ago this manifested itself as slips of the tongue. As he gets older, he has more and more difficulty lying. To be able to lie credibly you need a very good memory.

It would be good for America if he would resign.

Trump would end the impossible war in Ukraine.
That is why Europe is also afraid that he will become president.
But it is the right step to take.

The Democrats will continue this war until there is nothing left of Ukraine.
And with the money spent there, you could have create an effective Mexican border patrol. Or be able to solve one of the other important domestic issues.

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by Serowbot on 01/11/24 at 13:58:52

233C2F3C373C373C2B3E303C590 wrote:
Trump would end the impossible war in Ukraine.
That is why Europe is also afraid that he will become president.
But it is the right step to take.

Trump would end it by giving Putin the country he attacked
How much would Putin pay for that?

Then on to Poland,... maybe Finland and on

Ending the war that way doesn't end the war... it only relocates it

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by WebsterMark on 01/11/24 at 14:47:11

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
Trump grifted more in a single day than Hunter is accused of.

What is grifted?

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by WebsterMark on 01/11/24 at 15:03:05

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
[quote author=233C2F3C373C373C2B3E303C590 link=1704978980/0#8 date=1705007031]

Trump would end the impossible war in Ukraine.
That is why Europe is also afraid that he will become president.
But it is the right step to take.

Trump would end it by giving Putin the country he attacked
How much would Putin pay for that?

Then on to Poland,... maybe Finland and on

Ending the war that way doesn't end the war... it only relocates it[/quote]

You realize you sound like (Westmoreland?) and the infamous domino theory. If Vietnam falls, then the next and then the next so we gotta act now!

Sorry but Biden’s bank, Ukraine, always should have been someone’s else problem. As far as this idea if someone attacks a NATO country, we’ve got to jump  into a full scale war is BS. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. And if Russia does attack a NATO country, we can talk about it then, but we don’t have to talk about it when it’s Ukraine.  Russia can fight Ukraine, weaken their troops level and then if they want to take on a NATO country, fine, let’s decide to fight back then, but no need now. I’m not watching my nephews die so Puddinhead can pay off his debts to Ukraine.
Fxxk that.

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by Serowbot on 01/12/24 at 06:58:20

172522333425320D21322B400 wrote:
You realize you sound like (Westmoreland?) and the infamous domino theory. If Vietnam falls, then the next and then the next so we gotta act now!

... or Churchill

Title: Re: Looking more and more like…..
Post by MnSpring on 01/12/24 at 06:59:52

If Trump is going to be the Republican nominee.
Will he pick Haley or DeSantis  as VP ?

News this morning on 'Broadcast' TV from Tucson.
(Think her name was KAREN)
A supervisor of Pima County was crying about no money to FIX the border flood.


Remember the POTUS who was RUN OVER by, US hating Countries, in the Middle East.

Then remember a POTUS, who, "PROBABLY SAID";

'You will behave, or you will be a pile of molten glass, Pick One"

Sure will be good to have a POTUS, who is NOT a 'mush for brains, Pudden Head, PUPPET of Socialists.


Perhaps you can think of another reason that happened ?

How do you stop a BULLY in grade school ?
Do you talk to them nicely and say what they are doing is wrong.
 (and they don't listen)
Or, do You do something else ?

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