General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Tranny went bad…

Message started by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 19:16:50

Title: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 19:16:50

No, not a transmission but yet another mentally ill kid brainwashed by leftist into believing leftist ridiculousness about gender shot up his school. How about releasing a list of the drugs these kids are being given.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/04/24 at 19:38:41

 There are lists but the drugs are also used off-label by hundreds of thousands of people.  We should have at least 120 trans-gender murderers a year if even 1% were causing mass-violence.

 If there was some specific gender-affirming drug that caused violent behavior it isn't being given to a small enough sample size to definitively know.

 I'd look more at the psychology and social interactions.  Are humans engaging in relationships with transitioning humans experiencing more domestic violence?  This is tremendously more common than shooting up schools and the metrics to evaluate are much more readily available.

 The problem I have is that most of it is hormone therapy.  If this was causing mass-shootings we would have known for sure when around 100 million people had taken them since there would be 10 or 12 mass shootings a day.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/24 at 05:47:01

19393B332E395C0 wrote:
 There are lists but the drugs are also used off-label by hundreds of thousands of people.  We should have at least 120 trans-gender murderers a year if even 1% were causing mass-violence.

 If there was some specific gender-affirming drug that caused violent behavior it isn't being given to a small enough sample size to definitively know.

 I'd look more at the psychology and social interactions.  Are humans engaging in relationships with transitioning humans experiencing more domestic violence?  This is tremendously more common than shooting up schools and the metrics to evaluate are much more readily available.

 The problem I have is that most of it is hormone therapy.  If this was causing mass-shootings we would have known for sure when around 100 million people had taken them since there would be 10 or 12 mass shootings a day.

Not correct. Not ever single person taking those drugs picks up a gun and starts shooting schools just like not every person taking viagra gets a 4 hour woody. So you can’t dismiss it by extrapolating math and asking where are the hundred thousand shooters.

But given we’ve had a few cases recently of this happening, something could be going on and is anyone investigating this or are they afraid to given cutting boobs and peckers off is the new black, not to mention paying well.

To be fair, anyone claiming gender disphoria are by definition,mentally ill and are being taken advantage of by deranged therapists who encourage this, but I want to know more what’s going on.

This story has completely dropped out of the news and the stories that do mention it say nothing about his transsexual behavior. They do that 1j because they don’t want to admit there’s something going on and 2) this is a technique to make this just as normal a trait as blond hair, left handed or right eye dominant, but it’s not.o

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/24 at 06:14:43

0B2B29213C2B4E0 wrote:
 There are lists but the drugs are also used off-label by hundreds of thousands of people.  ..."

“… There are lists but the drugs are also used off-label …”

So then the solution, to people using prescribed/legal drugs drugs,  wrongly,
           (By Using Them ‘Off-Label’)
 Which many times can result in undesirable results.
             Is to BAN those drugs ?

After all, the UL, DFI, FDS, Freedom Hating Socialists,
   Continually say the use of a firearm,
          it is to be BANNED,.
Which will stop the,  ‘off use’,  of them.

It must be because;
Drugs are, “…used off-label by hundreds of thousands of people….”
And Guns are used, ‘Off-Label’, by teeny/tiny amount of people.

(Oh, Why, on ALL the 'news' reports, (Non I Saw), EVER said the 'shooter' was  on, legal, drugs which, were “…used off-label...")

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/24 at 10:11:11

Drugs or not... people living with these feelings must have more psychological and social pressures than the rest of us.
That alone could account for any minor statistical anomalies is shooter stats.
Being ugly or dim or unpopular could too.
Life ain't fair... it is what it is.
Best we can do is be accepting.  
If you're not wiling to do that, you're part of the problem.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by zevenenergie on 01/05/24 at 12:18:19

I don't think we are offering a reasonable alternative to people who are having a hard time. the best we can offer them is a life in which they function, because that is the average state in which humans find themselves. In that state there is no real compassion. Acceptance already indicates that something is wrong with the other person.

So someone who does not function and shows destructive behavior is far from attracted to the life of "Normal people".

A therapist will have to go to great lengths to gain the trust of someone like that.
However, most therapists do not have such a healthy upstairs room themselves.
In addition, therapy is a great revenue model that doesn't really work. Unless there is a certain quality involved that is very scarce.

someone who picks up a gun and shoots and then commits suicide. has prepared this in advance in every detail.
These thoughts of doing something like this do not come out of nowhere.
Who doesn't fantasize about these kinds of scenarios, for example when your neighbors do things that you don't like?

When things are going very badly for you and your imaginary world becomes very dominant. then at some point you take these thoughts and start to believe them and think that you are these thoughts.
And face it, that happens to us all day long.

And if there is nothing or no one to get you out of there, the disadvantage of using weapons is that you actually have the option to do this.
I don't really understand what your gender has to do with it and I'm not going to think about it either.
I think most of the problems we have are entirely imaginary.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/24 at 12:49:18

6D7261727972797265707E72170 wrote:
I think most of the problems we have are entirely imaginary.

... and that's your problem


Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/24 at 05:00:31

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
Drugs or not... people living with these feelings must have more psychological and social pressures than the rest of us.
That alone could account for any minor statistical anomalies is shooter stats.
Being ugly or dim or unpopular could too.
Life ain't fair... it is what it is.
Best we can do is be accepting.  
If you're not wiling to do that, you're part of the problem.

Really? Be accepting? You mean accept their delusion?

Did it occur to you if popular society devoted as much energy as they do accepting (and by the way, it’s not accepting of all ideologies, just approved leftist ideology) and instead said “yea, life ain’t fair and some people are mean, but gender disphoria is extremely rare and it’s virtually certain you are not one of those but instead maybe you’re a little too caught up in gaining approval from a narrow social group as well as being prosperous enough that there’s little need for you to focus on gaining what’s needed to survive because it’s handed to you. Perhaps put your phone down and go experience people outside the relatively small circle you find yourself in before you cut your boobs or pecker off because you are a fraction of a way through your life and they don’t grow back, you’ll never ever know what sex is like and you’ll be forever chained to drugs and medical care.”

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/06/24 at 05:10:57

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
[quote author=6D7261727972797265707E72170 link=1704424610/0#5 date=1704485899]
I think most of the problems we have are entirely imaginary.

... and that's your problem


The reality is prosperity and the free time it creates opens the door to young people who’ve not experienced enough of life to gain perspective.

I have a little bit of experience with this since a friend of mine at work had a daughter and her group of friends who decided they were boys instead of girls. Had there been an organization nearby readily excepting payment, some of these girls would have started taking drugs that permanently disfigured them. Some would have taken the next step and had their boobs cut off and what the sex change industry calls bottom surgery. This one particular girl, who started down that path, luckily had a wise mother who expanded her circle of friends and this girl slowly grew away of her friends, grew her hair back, stopped wearing suits and ties and is a beautiful young woman. Under just slightly different circumstances, she be in a living hell right now.

No, acceptance is not the default response.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by zevenenergie on 01/06/24 at 05:14:19

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
[quote author=6D7261727972797265707E72170 link=1704424610/0#5 date=1704485899]
I think most of the problems we have are entirely imaginary.

... and that's your problem


I don,t have a problem  ;)

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/06/24 at 14:44:19

So then the solution, to people using prescribed/legal drugs drugs,  wrongly,
          (By Using Them ‘Off-Label’)
Which many times can result in undesirable results.
            Is to BAN those drugs ?

 Incorrect.  Off-label is not "wrong", but if the intent is to try to compare this to gun control then sure spin it however you want.

 Off label is the term used when a drug is used for a purpose that it was not originally approved for by the FDA.  Since FDA approval takes 12-15 years no drug company seeks approval for every possible use and dosage.

 Anyone that took more than two 500mg Tylenol used it "off-label" but they did not use it wrongly.  

(Oh, Why, on ALL the 'news' reports, (Non I Saw), EVER said the 'shooter' was  on, legal, drugs which, were “…used off-label...")

 Because drugs in general aren't the primary contributor to mass shootings, including transgender shooters.  It would make no sense to say anything like that.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/24 at 11:11:03

Because drugs in general aren't the primary contributor to mass shootings, including transgender shooters.  It would make no sense to say anything like that.

Define primary?

If a man who’s sad because of a break up, drinks until drunk and then kills someone in a crash, would you say alcohol is the primary contributor to the death?

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/24 at 13:03:37

2606040C1106630 wrote:
"Incorrect.  Off-label is not "wrong" ..."

    Yes it is.

In many cases as "... more than two 500mg Tylenol used it "off-label" but they did not use it wrongly..." it is used wrongly, it is just not harmful.

"... if the intent is to try to compare this to ..."
Cover the Azz of the drug company's  
"... then sure spin it however you want..."

Sign says speed limit  55, Could be compared to, '"on-label"  Use !
Someone going 65, could be compared to ,"off-label" Use !

A gun, by a person not in the military, "ON-label" would be shooting something like a target, animal, defense, etc.

A "off-label" use would shooting/killing a innocent person for no reason.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by zevenenergie on 01/07/24 at 13:38:40

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
Because drugs in general aren't the primary contributor to mass shootings, including transgender shooters.  It would make no sense to say anything like that.

Define primary?

If a man who’s sad because of a break up, drinks until drunk and then kills someone in a crash, would you say alcohol is the primary contributor to the death?

I would say yes.

But in mass shootings there is an intent to kill and it does not come from drugs.

However, in both cases there are feelings and emotions involved.

And because someone does not want to feel those emotions (and therefore takes alcohol or drugs or avoids or postpones things), problems and emotional problems are not solved.

And that person no longer comes into situations that have a corrective effect on him. Because pain and fear must be faced so that it can resolve.

Such a person has his head full of thoughts.
And the mind is always anxious.
So he avoids even more situations.
Tis is the stage most people are in.

I think the primary cause of mass shootings is an advanced stage so that you can say this person is insane.
They are no longer in touch with the silence within themselves.

The whole hysteria surrounding the elections is also a distraction from the silence within us. This fascination with the thinking mind is the primary cause of all the problems in the world.

But because everyone has this fascination with the mind, we find it normal.
And we fail to see that mass shooters, for example, only have a slightly worse form of this fascination. With all its consequences.

So if you were to ask me; Define primary.
Then i say: The identification/fascination with the thinking mind.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/07/24 at 16:26:57

Define primary?

If a man who’s sad because of a break up, drinks until drunk and then kills someone in a crash, would you say alcohol is the primary contributor to the death?

 Alcohol was the primary physical factor, and possibly psychological factor since judgement is impaired by alcohol as well.  The evidence that alcohol causes dangerous driving conditions due to physical and psychological impairment is overwhelming.  

 The evidence that hormone therapy causes psychological conditions to cause mass-murder is, at this time, nonexistent.  The physical impact of transgender drugs is not a causation of mass-murder for sure.  The problem then is why aren't, with millions of humans on hormone therapy, more noticeable violence in those communities?


Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/07/24 at 16:37:03

Yes it is.

In many cases as "... more than two 500mg Tylenol used it "off-label" but they did not use it wrongly..." it is used wrongly, it is just not harmful.

 Incorrect This is because "harmful" is not the defining factor for the words "Off" and "Label" when used specifically and in exclusivity to describe drugs used "Off label".    Off-label is not "wrong" it is only the practice of use outside the scope of FDA assessment.  It's too time consuming and costly to approve a drug for every known use.

 Using a drug outside of FDA approval is not "wrong", it is actually "right" to use a drug that is effective.  

"... if the intent is to try to compare this to ..."
Cover the Azz of the drug company's  
"... then sure spin it however you want..."

 They don't need to have their Azz covered since it's not "wrong" to use drug off-label.  It's completely legal.

Sign says speed limit  55, Could be compared to, '"on-label"  Use !
Someone going 65, could be compared to ,"off-label" Use !

 Poor comparison as it is actually against the law, or "wrong" to go 65 in a 55 zone.  Off label use is like saying a person is walking on the sidewalk in a 55mph zone.  Completely legal, not "wrong".

"A gun, by a person not in the military, "ON-label" would be shooting something like a target, animal, defense, etc.

A "off-label" use would shooting/killing a innocent person for no reason."

 Poor comparison because "Off-Label" is not illegal, wrong, bad, unauthorized etc.  It's legal.  "Off label" would be using a legally owned pistol to shoot at a legal authorized target at a long-range.  Perfectly legal, just not what a pistol was made for.

You keep comparing "Off label" to crime.  Its not a crime, its legal, perfectly allowed, accepted.  It's fine to do.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/24 at 17:48:10

The evidence that hormone therapy causes psychological conditions to cause mass-murder is, at this time, nonexistent.

But if in rare cases, it is the deciding factor, shouldn’t we investigate that?

What drugs or perhaps most importantly, was there a combination of drugs and “therapy” common among to the half dozen or so gender-brainwashed shooters ?

Is anyone investigating that? If so, it would need to be the FBI and what level of trust do we have with them?

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/24 at 18:34:38

6C4C4E465B4C290 wrote:
"Off-Label" is not illegal, wrong, bad, unauthorized etc...."  

OK then.
Just change all, ‘off-label’ use of drugs,
And you will stop all crimes, committed because of drugs.

“…Poor comparison…”
Sure just like  banning a red car,
because it was used in a  bank robbery.
Because it will stop  Bank robbery’s !

      Oh BTW,
how is that longest war
the US has, progressing ?

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/24 at 18:45:11

5777757D6077120 wrote:
"...not what a pistol was made for..."

Really ?

Firearms were made for DEFENSE,
    not offense.
Go go back in history.

Oh Wait, the Socialists have REMOVED History !

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/24 at 20:46:34

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
"...   Using a drug outside of FDA approval is not "wrong", it is actually "right" to use a drug that is effective.  ..."  

I seem to remember, a drug was used, ‘off-label’,
And their was a whole bunch of people that said,
        IT was Wrong !
When other people said it was effective.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/07/24 at 21:24:28

But if in rare cases, it is the deciding factor, shouldn’t we investigate that?

 Yes.  Again, that is what is happening.  This is like asking police investigators that have been investigating a crime for 5 years if they should be investigating.  Just because the investigation is not giving an outcome you want to hear doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Is anyone investigating that? If so, it would need to be the FBI and what level of trust do we have with them?

 Yes.  For the most part, what I have seen is chemists, psychologists, medical professionals in different areas including neurologists, and law enforcement.  If it needs to be the FBI, and you don't trust any outcomes from them then just formulate an opinion without data from the FBI, that's what I do.

 The problem again is how do you explain all the humans doing the same thing without going out killing people with guns?  Why is there no noticeable uptick in any other forms of violence?  Is the drug and therapy combination somehow only causing shootings?  How can that be?

 Also what about all the shootings that are not trans?  

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/07/24 at 21:34:04

Really ?

Firearms were made for DEFENSE,
   not offense.
Go go back in history.

Oh Wait, the Socialists have REMOVED History !

 A pistol's geometric design is not for long range shooting like a rifle's.  You are intentionally spinning the obvious comparison specific to the range of the weapon to avoid addressing that you are comparing crimes to a completely legal activity.  Some might call that deflection.
 Off-label is legal, not wrong and has nothing to do with harm.

 So let's say a pistol, used ONLY as defense, is not geometrically designed to defend the defender, in the act of defense, at a long range that a rifle, used in defense, could reach when a defender is defending themselves.  A rifle, used in defense, to defend a defender in the act of defense is not geometrically designed to defend at a close range that a pistol is, when used ONLY as defense.

 A rifle used at close range, to defend, is used off-label.

 A pistol used for long range, to defend, is used off-label.

 None of those are crimes.  All of your "off-label" comparisons are crimes.  You use poor comparison because you insist off-label means wrong, when it only means it is not used specific to it's original FDA purpose.


Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/07/24 at 21:42:25

I seem to remember, a drug was used, ‘off-label’,
And their was a whole bunch of people that said,
       IT was Wrong !
When other people said it was effective.

 Great, does it make sense for me to bring up statements from "a whole bunch of people that said" and argue it as if You said those things?  Or would you consider that deflection?

 Either way, they said the lying claims that it "cured" a disease is wrong.  Why can't a single doctor to this day provide patient actual records of patient outcomes?  Because they lied, and some even admitted it with the large India data (which is conveniently not Observed), and that is "wrong".  If it were true, then it would be just fine to make the claims of successful off-label use.  The lie is the problem, not the off-label use.

 This is totally different than saying it is wrong to use a drug, off-label, then comparing that to crimes.  Off-label is not a crime, it only means a drug not used for it's original FDA approved purpose.

 I'm sure another gun control comparison will deflect away from that fact though.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by WebsterMark on 01/08/24 at 05:29:24

Yes.  For the most part, what I have seen is chemists, psychologists, medical professionals in different areas including neurologists, and law enforcement.

I hate this saying but it fits here: I’m from Missouri so Show Me.

Where is this list of prescriptions from the Nashville shooter for example and convince me this includes any and all prescriptions given to her.

As far as doubting official explanations, pretend I’m an old school journalist, not a modern day political advocate posing as a journalist, and convince me the data you’re getting hasn’t been edited. And I’ll save you the time, you can’t. We’re all at the mercy of suspect information. All we can do is sift what data we can get through our own BS filters and arrive at some version of the truth.

The fact the  Nashville shooter’s writings have been kept secret with only a couple pages leaked should be a concern. If those in charge believe even a redacted version isn’t “appropriate” then how could I possibly believe a list of prescriptions is accurate? We just had the President of Harvard resign because the reality that she was never competent became too hard to hide, but a week ago we were told how amazing, smart and competent she was. And now we’re told it was racial animus that drove her out, and not incompetence.

People in charge lie. They lie to protect themselves, they lie to protect the message, they lie to protect approved speech. They lie. The vast majority of all the information we get is full of certain percentage of lies. That’s the truth.

Call this the law of Webby: The percentage of untruths vs truthful “facts” in a statement or news story is proportional to the potential damage inflicted to the reputation of a liberal talking point.

I’m sure there’s an inversely proportional part to that law as well. I’ll work on solidifying this law and post in its entirety later. I got work to do right now.

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Eegore on 01/08/24 at 05:53:33

As far as doubting official explanations, pretend I’m an old school journalist, not a modern day political advocate posing as a journalist, and convince me the data you’re getting hasn’t been edited. And I’ll save you the time, you can’t. We’re all at the mercy of suspect information. All we can do is sift what data we can get through our own BS filters and arrive at some version of the truth.

 I agree.  But I imagine if the data said hormone therapy was causing mass shootings only in transgender applications you would be more accepting of it as accurate.  But since there isn't enough data that can conclusively say mass shootings are a product of transgender humans taking hormone therapy then there must be some cover-up or removal of information.

 You keep asking if this is being investigated. I keep telling you I am seeing these investigations.  What I am seeing is many, many - hundreds of thousands of humans on the same drugs that aren't more violent.  

 If we look at the same information using alcohol, yes there is much more violence when alcohol is involved across the board.  Alcohol causes violence.  This is measurable and we can see increased general violence due to a specific substance, and the probability of violence increases with the mental instability of the human consuming it.

 What transgender drugs lack in this is a general increase in violence to begin with.  So the issue is most likely the mental instability, not the drugs, since hundreds of thousands of humans are taking the same drugs with zero increase in violence.  

 What I am not understanding is how any drugs can cause more mass shootings, but not other forms of violence.  How is this possible?

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Serowbot on 01/08/24 at 07:40:23

How many people take a baby aspirin daily to ward off heart disease?  Recommended by their doctor BTW
They aren't babies... and they don't have headaches.

Lock'em up!

Title: Re: Tranny went bad…
Post by Serowbot on 01/08/24 at 07:43:24

You gonna' argue with Iron Man?  ;D

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