General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If wishes were horses

Message started by Serowbot on 01/03/24 at 12:00:36

Title: If wishes were horses
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/24 at 12:00:36

Biden Could Kill Donald Trump And Not Be Prosecuted, Under Trump's Own Legal Theory

Lawyers, including special counsel Jack Smith, warn that Trump’s theory of "presidential immunity" would allow presidents to be unaccountable tyrants.

President Joe Biden could, in theory, have Donald Trump abducted from his Mar-a-Lago home, spirited off to St. Helena in the faraway South Atlantic, and secretly kept there indefinitely, or even straight-up killed, without ever having to worry about criminal charges.

Or so says Donald Trump’s logic.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/03/24 at 12:07:57

the wanna be king is in panic mode

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/04/24 at 03:43:19

more brain worm logic:

'I could stand in the middle of fifth ave and shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/04/24 at 04:05:37

I think Trump is being vilified here again. Let me explain why.

You've probably heard of the patriot act.
The Patriot Act is a legislation in the United States that fully stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001". It was signed by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

This law gave extensive powers to U.S. government agencies, such as the FBI and the CIA, to strengthen counterterrorism. It included provisions related to surveillance, intelligence gathering, border security, and the exchange of information between government agencies for the purpose of identifying and stopping potential terrorist threats.

However, the Patriot Act has extensive powers granted to the government without strict checks and balances.
To the extent that anyone in America and beyond can be locked up without any form of prosecution.

Even simply having physical gold is a violation of this law.

So it is simply another hypocritical way to neutralize Trump before the elections.
Trump is right that a president needs some form of protection. This is also evident from this politically oriented hex hunt for Trump.

Why actually? I can tell you that too.
Trump is at the top in the real polls, not what you read in the mains team media.
He would be elected with a large majority.

So it is the world upside down. It is the Democrats and the people in power who illegally and corruptly take power.

The patriot act was a preparation for the social control system that the globalists want to introduce.
Because that control system requires that the population loses all its rights.
Trump is a huge thorn in that regard. He did not conform to the existing power. After all, he is not a politician.

He is politically incorrect.

I said before that the political institute has collapsed.
This year, NGOs such as the IMF and WHO will gain even more power.

America will be wise not to go to the polls this year. This sends the signal that you see what is going on.

Or you can vote for Trump.

Voting for Biden is giving up your power.
In 4 years there won't even be a semblance of a democracy anymore.

Just look at what kind of power the WHO had over the president during Covid times.Also in Europe
NGO,s rule the world.

The new world order is here, right under your nose.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by LANCER on 01/04/24 at 04:45:12


If Trump wins the vote I would not be surprised if he is taken out by the establishment.
If not, and he fights back against the Ru, Ch & Ir triad we will be in WW3.
Regardless of who wins it’s a sure bet that of the millions who are invading our country there are hundreds of thousands of them who are an invading army of terrorists who will rise up and destroy everything.  We will be fighting on our doorsteps.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 05:20:00

Lancer, I don’t think they are an organized and established invading army. However, I do think that if some event happens and is publicized along the lines of George Floyd, Rodney King, the “gentle giant”, from my town of St. Louis, something like that, those hundreds of thousands of questionable, illegal aliens, let into our country as part of the Democratic get out thevote program, could unite and start violent protests that would make the George Floyd protest look like a walk in the park. The media, seeing an opportunity to damage Republicans and help Democrats, would publicize the event, and throw gasoline on the fire. That would be a serious problem for this country. We’ve already seen it to a small degree.

Think about the Palestinian protest. Who knew there were so many Hamas supporters in the country? We had a protest, not far from where I live in suburban St. Louis, and everyone around here was totally shocked that there were that many willing to block a major street to support killing and raping Jews.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/04/24 at 05:35:28

Sometimes you wish life were simple again.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by MnSpring on 01/04/24 at 07:17:17

5A57585553440401360 wrote:
"...Regardless of who wins it’s a sure bet that of the millions who are invading our country there are hundreds of thousands of them who are an invading army of terrorists who will rise up and destroy everything.  We will be fighting on our doorsteps. ..."

Totally agree.

All Because a bunch of Ultra Liberal, Fairy Dust Sprinkling Dumb F ucken  Idiots decided it was a good idea to FLOOD the borders, and  take ALL THE TEETH OUT OF, entering this Nation.

JUST to get illegal votes.

Add to the LACK of punishment for REAL crime. Like the NY kids that surround cars then beat on them. Or the people threatening/killing Judges.  Or jumping at them in the court room to do damage. Allowing, ‘protesters’ to Steal, Maim, Destroy, Kill, etc, etc, etc.

YET, put people in jail, give them serious fines, for taking Selfies in the Capital, AFTER they were LET IN !

Yep, if another Weak, Puppet, Mush for brains, POTUS is elected.

It will be a very, VERY, rough ride.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by MnSpring on 01/04/24 at 07:35:55

"...Sometimes you wish life were simple again..."

It’s not a simple life.
People that want that, do it,
by being in various places,
or certain lifestyles.

Was is missing is, the fact that now,
3 generations of people have been TAUGHT,
   their is NO Responsibly, for their actions!

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/04/24 at 07:38:12

the do nothing right winger congress will not give the funds needed to fix the border problem.
if they did it would take away one of their fear mongering talking points for the upcoming election

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by MnSpring on 01/04/24 at 08:07:39

3B273A223F2A3D2C2320212A4F0 wrote:
"... right winger congress will not give the funds needed to fix the border problem..."


Please explain, WHEN and WHO, and WHY.
The Southern Boarder was OPENED and allowed EVERYBODY that wanted to, to enter.

Please explain who, CHAMPIONED, opening/keeping porous/allowing,  when someone else said tighten it up !

But, NOW, it a problem ?????????????????

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 09:02:58

5D4251424942494255404E42270 wrote:
Sometimes you wish life were simple again.

No. You could die or be disabled by a relatively simple injury or disease.

I’ll choose our modern lifestyles but could do without leftist.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 09:21:33

I heard that worthless Alejandro Mayorkas this morning parroting talking points that Republicans are to blame for “withholding funds and a bi-partisan resolution to fix the broken immigration system blah, blah, blah…”

Nonsense. It doesn’t cost much to announce the border is closed. No asylum will be granted. Announce this as widely as possible and find leverage that would force Mexico to turn people around coming from south of them. Yea, it will be ugly for a whole but this Democratic-get-out-the-vote program is over. 17 million is enough. Asylum hearings 7 years in the future is beyond ridiculous.

Not just impeach Mayorkas but try him for treason.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/04/24 at 10:33:40

A healthy person indicates his limits.

And if you allow someone to cross your boundary, then that person does not cross your boundary, then you cross your boundary yourself.

You can then push your boundaries to solve the problem, but then you will soon reach another boundary you have to push.

So actually you can't blame the Mexicans. They're just messing with the system. That's not a problem at all.

The problem is that you don't say no.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/04/24 at 11:28:38

0D2E133032292E27400 wrote:
[quote author=3B273A223F2A3D2C2320212A4F0 link=1704312036/0#9 date=1704382692]"... right winger congress will not give the funds needed to fix the border problem..."


Please explain, WHEN and WHO, and WHY.
The Southern Boarder was OPENED and allowed EVERYBODY that wanted to, to enter.

Please explain who, CHAMPIONED, opening/keeping porous/allowing,  when someone else said tighten it up !

But, NOW, it a problem ?????????????????

I will build a wall and make mexico pay for it

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by LANCER on 01/04/24 at 11:41:38

3C203D25382D3A2B2427262D480 wrote:
the do nothing right winger congress will not give the funds needed to fix the border problem.
if they did it would take away one of their fear mongering talking points for the upcoming election

Really ? ?
This current administration has DONE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to insure our country is flooded with millions of ILLEGAL ALIENS, of which 95%+ are military age males, most of which steal, kill and destroy, and they are being scattered to every part of the nation.  
Go back 100 years and look at the list of things the communist party laid down as goals to take over the country.  We are seeing the fruition of this right now.

Our “leader” (that’s a real joke…who is actually running the country ?) has made sure that every decision he makes is beneficial to China, Russia and Iran.  It’s every single one he has made.  He should be tried for treason, along with everyone working for him.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/24 at 12:16:08

"White House for sale": Report reveals Trump made over $6M from China and Saudi Arabia in office

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/04/24 at 13:48:45

The Salon...

Is that where you get your fackt,s?

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 14:38:04

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
"White House for sale": Report reveals Trump made over $6M from China and Saudi Arabia in office

I don’t know what you’re concerned about because you’ve made it abundantly clear or you don’t care if your president gets money by any means necessary from China. Save the electricity required to create that post.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/24 at 14:38:57

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
[quote author=7E687F627A6F62790D0 link=1704312036/15#16 date=1704399368]"White House for sale": Report reveals Trump made over $6M from China and Saudi Arabia in office

I don’t know what you’re concerned about because you’ve made it abundantly clear or you don’t care if your president gets money by any means necessary from China. Save the electricity required to create that post. [/quote]

Ask yourself the reverse
That was the point of my posting it

Plus... this was the President, not his son who did not hold office
Trump was President and Jared and Ivanka were WH staff
Supposedly they worked for us  :P

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/24 at 15:05:37

ABC News

Trump's businesses received millions from foreign entities during his presidency, House report says

You waiting for a Faux News report?

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by Eegore on 01/04/24 at 16:26:31

The Salon...

Is that where you get your fackt,s?

 This coming from the guy that posted "proof" even going as far as to provide an image of the proof-component being circled in the documentation just to turn around and claim the proof must be somewhere else when challenged by someone who actually read the information for him.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by LANCER on 01/04/24 at 18:57:17

It’s interesting that the payments mentioned in the article were all made to hotels. Seems that hotels rent rooms to folks as their normal business.  That is a large part of Trumps business.  Nothing was said whether these dollar amounts were one off lump sum payments that had nothing to do with rooms or some service the hotel provided for the customers, nor was there any mention whether these payments was a total for hotel services provided over a period of time to customers.
There was a lot of important information left out of this article.
The article consisted of suggestions, assumptions and an attempt to manipulate a few numbers when no evidence was provided that would factually show what the payments were for or what the period of time was that the payments were made.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by Eegore on 01/04/24 at 19:09:31

There was a lot of important information left out of this article.
The article consisted of suggestions, assumptions and an attempt to manipulate a few numbers when no evidence was provided that would factually show what the payments were for or what the period of time was that the payments were made.

 Agreed, this could use a lot more detail.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/24 at 19:11:03

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
ABC News

Trump's businesses received millions from foreign entities during his presidency, House report says

You waiting for a Faux News report?

No, but I’ve busy tonight, I’ll read up on this later.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/05/24 at 02:12:20

6573647961747962160 wrote:
ABC News

Trump's businesses received millions from foreign entities during his presidency, House report says

You waiting for a Faux News report?

I see it as more negative propaganda. Trump has previously been in the news with a company that does business with China. I don't see a problem with that.

When Trump was just president, France went about his business and charged him high taxes. Trump did not allow himself to be blackmailed. he threatened to increase taxes on French wine by 100% and the matter was resolved.

My experience in business is that a large part of the money earned is not always from services or products. A large part is earned in court. Judges often tend to move towards the middle in a dispute.
This is abused more than once.
One is often threatened with it. If someone takes you to court you lose money.

But sometimes there are real rats among them who have set all kinds of legal traps to get you into court.

At construction companies it is standard that there are lawsuits at the end of a project.

It is a good time to release this kind of news, it is a negative PR battle against Trump.
I would like to see how this is handled by a judge who is not a democrat, left-oriented and hates Trump.

In our country we have a motto: Having your right and getting your right are two different things.
But in America it is more a matter of whoever can exert the most influence wins. And one judge is not the same as the other.

I must say that this news has my attention.
But I also know that the game will become dirtier and dirtier.

Trump is a business man. If you dig into his past you will find things that are morally unacceptable but are legal.

It's very simple to use it against a presidential candidate.

Politicians, are people who are at the root of all corruption in the world. If that were not the case, we would only have laws that benefit humanity.

The entire Epstein case revolves around maintaining control of high-ranking officials through blackmail.It is not surprising that Epstijn is now back in the news. And Trump's photo is there again.
The Epstein case is just one branch of a much larger, very powerful, how should I put it...umbrella organization.

There will come a time when people will admit that they have been blackmailed.

We are in a period where everything will come to the surface and it stinks worse than your nose can tolerate.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/05/24 at 14:16:03

[quote author=3538373A3C2B6B6E590 link=1704312036/15#22 date=1704423437]It’s interesting that the payments mentioned in the article were all made to hotels. Seems that hotels rent rooms to folks as their normal business.  That is a large part of Trumps business.  Nothing was said whether these dollar amounts were one off lump sum payments that had nothing to do with rooms or some service the hotel provided for the customers, nor was there any mention whether these payments was a total for hotel services provided over a period of time to customers.
There was a lot of important information left out of this article.
The article consisted of suggestions, assumptions and an attempt to manipulate a few numbers when no evidence was provided that would factually show what the payments were for or what the period of time was that the payments were made.

if I purchase from Lancers' performance parts do you not benefit?

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/05/24 at 14:28:18

Under US law, a president is not prohibited from receiving income from companies he owns or invests in. However, there are ethical and legal restrictions to avoid conflicts of interest.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/05/24 at 14:30:21

786774676C676C6770656B67020 wrote:
Under US law, a president is not prohibited from receiving income from companies he owns or invests in. However, there are ethical and legal restrictions to avoid conflicts of interest.

It is important to note that in practice there are different opinions and interpretations about what is and is not acceptable in terms of financial interests and ethics for a sitting president.

So it is that easy to influence public opinion. You're already talking shame without knowing what's going on.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by thumperclone on 01/05/24 at 15:00:53

what do you know ?
after tiptoeing through the tulips stick a finger in the d**e

clean your own house!!

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by LANCER on 01/05/24 at 19:39:35

1408150D100512030C0F0E05600 wrote:
[quote author=3538373A3C2B6B6E590 link=1704312036/15#22 date=1704423437]It’s interesting that the payments mentioned in the article were all made to hotels. Seems that hotels rent rooms to folks as their normal business.  That is a large part of Trumps business.  Nothing was said whether these dollar amounts were one off lump sum payments that had nothing to do with rooms or some service the hotel provided for the customers, nor was there any mention whether these payments was a total for hotel services provided over a period of time to customers.
There was a lot of important information left out of this article.
The article consisted of suggestions, assumptions and an attempt to manipulate a few numbers when no evidence was provided that would factually show what the payments were for or what the period of time was that the payments were made.

if I purchase from Lancers' performance parts do you not benefit?

Of course I benefit, it’s not much but I do make a little profit.  Anyone who wants to sell something must make a profit or else you go broke.  Simple enough isn’t it ?
That is the purchase of a desired product, it is not a bribe.

Title: Re: If wishes were horses
Post by zevenenergie on 01/06/24 at 02:18:14

7D617C64796C7B6A6566676C090 wrote:
what do you know ?
after tiptoeing through the tulips stick a finger in the d**e

clean your own house!!

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