General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why

Message started by MnSpring on 12/23/23 at 08:19:47

Title: Why
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/23 at 08:19:47

Why ?

“As migrant workers, you have rights and resources to support you regardless of your immigration status. The U.S. Department of Labor is here to help ...”
           Why does the Government SUPPORT legal Immigrants ?

“…Authorities are apprehending record levels of migrants at the US southern border on a daily basis, stretching already overwhelmed resources….”
“…Last month, border authorities apprehended about 192,000 migrants between ports of entry,…”
“… over recent days, more than 10,000 migrants have unlawfully crossed the US-Mexico border daily …”

Why,  does a well known Ultra Liberal 'news' company, continually LIE saying 'Migrants', NOT. 'Illegal Migrants' ?

“… The surge, according to border officials, is being driven by pseudo-legitimate travel agencies and organized transportation networks that are advertising travel to the US southern border and ultimately connecting migrants to smugglers.
This week, there were more than 26,000 migrants in US Customs and Border Protection custody – nearly 10,000 people over capacity.

(From the same UL site)

Why should the Citizens of the US, who pay taxes, be concerned ?

" Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting "

"...Thousands of migrants have crossed into the United States in recent days, from California to Texas, with many more still arriving by bus and cargo trains to Mexican border towns on the heels of record migration flows further south...."
"But a recent uptick in arrivals at the border, combined with vastly higher numbers of people on their way north across Central and South America and riding dangerous cargo trains through Mexico, suggest the early deterrent effect is wearing off."
"Experts say the U.S. lacks the capacity to detain and process migrants at the border, often making it impossible for the administration to carry out the harsh penalties it announced in May."
" As a result, some asylum seekers who cross illegally are being released into the U.S. with a future court date, rather than being deported - becoming success stories repeated back to migrants still en route."
"But not everyone wants to wait."
"My wife's family, and other people who came to Mexico with us, say they crossed (without an appointment) and nothing happened,"
"He said he preferred to try the same strategy rather than wait on CBP One to obtain an appointment."

    (And More)

Why is this a problem ?

According to the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE. Specialists,
it used to NOT be a problem !

"They are glossing this over, they are trying to make nice and they're not addressing the real issue because they are afraid of their radical progressive base,''

Why is the Gov of AZ afraid, of the base that elected her ???????

"...Democratic governor to shift $23 million in already-approved border security funding to other border uses -- including earmarking $8 million to continue busing migrants released by federal agents away from Arizona border communities..."

Why does the Gov of AZ, think that is a solution ?

""It's pretty clear that Republicans would rather perpetuate the crisis at the border for political purposes rather than take direct action or work together to address the problem,"
(Rep. Lupe Contreras, who leads House Democrats, said in a statement released after the meeting)

Again, WHY, is that, now, a problem ?

Could it be that there is a 'crack', in the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialist blanket ?
That they have been, TOLD,
to throw over their head,
    and their is some LIGHT
getting through ???

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/23/23 at 12:51:43

Because this is a Democratic get out the vote program.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/23 at 13:21:12

How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall that Trump built with Mexico's money?

Title: Re: Why
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/23 at 14:03:18

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:
How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall ..."

They are not, 'getting over'.
They are just waking through.
Because the UL, WOKE, FDS, DFI, Socialists,
Help them and Encourage them,
when they cut the holes !!!!!!

Have you dropped off your cards, with your address on them, at the border yet ?

In so many photos on the web and broadcast, 'news', of the hordes coming across the border.

WHY, some are always covering their face ???????

WHO are they Hiding From ????
      And WHY ?

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/23/23 at 14:18:32

Probably you

Title: Re: Why
Post by Eegore on 12/23/23 at 16:31:38

Why does the Government SUPPORT legal Immigrants ?

 It would make sense for the US Government to honor and uphold laws it made to allow for legal immigration status.  Why would they refuse to support legal Immigrants?

Why,  does a well known Ultra Liberal 'news' company, continually LIE saying 'Migrants', NOT. 'Illegal Migrants' ?

 It's easier on the sensitive ears of the viewers, and the term is typically reserved for immigrant.  

Title: Re: Why
Post by MnSpring on 12/23/23 at 17:42:26

0B281536342F2821460 wrote:
[quote author=5C7C7E766B7C190 link=1703348387/0#5 date=1703377898]"...  Why would they refuse to support legal Immigrants? ..."

The word Should be ILLEGAL.
(Must be spell check LOL)

Totally understand why Legal.

  Don't get, ILLEGAL !


Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/24/23 at 05:26:51

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
How in world are they getting over that giant impenetrable wall that Trump built with Mexico's money?

They walk around it (and get a home because of the Democratic Party’s get out the vote program ) because he never built it yet millions think he will next time. I say BS to that. Trump could have been thought of as another Lincoln 75 years from now, but as my wife says, the best qualities about a person are, at the same time, the worst qualities. Trump fits that perfectly. Rather than stay focused on the goals that got him elected and ignore people who didn’t matter, he picked fights for no worthwhile reason and lost the advantage. He could have been great and could have turned the nation back on a prosperous path. Instead, we have Joe Biden, perhaps the most corrupt lifelong politician ever.

I can only hope DeSantis rises to the top or near enough to the top that the idea of joining a personal crusade for Presidential revenge, which is what Trump’s campaign is essentially all about, becomes clear to people and Trump fades away.

But you idiotic TDS infected leftist are going to get him re-elected. Celebrate the nonsense Colorado decision and the 91 ridiculous indictments all you want but all you’re doing is opening the eyes of millions to the corruption rampant in government, bureaucrats and mostly the media. That’s what got him elected in the first place.

Trump served the country well for about 2 1/2 years. Now please Donald, fade into history.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/24/23 at 06:40:20

695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 wrote:
Now please Donald, fade into history.

A Christmas wish for all

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/24/23 at 16:49:31

So unrealistic again.

Perhaps not with you, but with a very large part of the population, Trump is more popular than ever.

However, this time the elections will be even more unfair than the previous ones to ensure the outcome. That's just the way the cards are stacked now.

We can never look into the future, it will be very nice if the country is well governed, but that will not be the case.

People are longing for reconciliation and peace, but the position of the planets will be different in 2024.

After all, the Democrats do not have a credible candidate or a credible political strategy. They themselves have destroyed that illusion.
All the Americans know is that they are stuck with a thoroughly corrupt political system.

In that sense, Trump has shown himself to be a truth serum.
Stability is no longer possible. The entire institution of Politics has collapsed.
It will take some time before this will dawn on everyone.
2024 will be a very strange year, almost accopoliptic.

People will have to find their way back, never before has the situation been as critical as it is now. Integrity is the key word. Spoken words once had power. Hearts were pure.

Now everyone is just talking nuts.
And it is welcomed when someone is removed in a corrupt manner.
We have become too weak.

We have lost Divine intimacy.


That's why all of this is taking place right now.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/25/23 at 06:38:22

Do you ever ask yourself, "Is it just me?"
Because I think it is  :-?

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/25/23 at 09:48:59

Of course it's not just you.
It's everyone.

Title: Re: Why
Post by thumperclone on 12/26/23 at 12:06:35

trump is a truth serum?

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/26/23 at 15:30:19

The Democrats once had an image that they were reliable, humane and democracy-loving people who were not corrupt.
Until Trump was injected (by life) into politics. Then nothing, absolutely nothing, of that image remained.

Only pure self-preservation remained standing.

With someone at the helm who, if he applied for a job, would not be hired anywhere for any job.

Title: Re: Why
Post by MnSpring on 12/27/23 at 11:31:07

Have the Ultra Liberal,
Fairy Dust Sprinkling,
Dumb f ucking Idiot, woke,
sprinklers learned yet ??????

Two MAJOR National broadcast, ‘news’ stations.
The Phoenix & Tucson, ’News” stations.

Are ALL up in arms,
about the FLOOD, of Illegals.
“… no place to put them…”
“…to costly…”
“…Running out of funds…”
“… need help…”

NA, they haven’t,
Cause it’s all Trumps fault !

(According to the Trump Hating, DFI, FDS, Socialists)

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/27/23 at 15:20:43

One thing is certain, while Biden is being embalmed for his re-election, the situation in the Middle East is escalating.

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/28/23 at 06:04:39

If Trump is surprised in the primaries with losses and fades away, Biden will drop out. He all but said so. I still think it’s a strong possibility that regardless of what happens with Republicans, Biden won’t run. Florida just fixed it so there will be no voting in the Democratic primary because they don’t want to face the obvious which is no one wants Biden except his family members who need pardons.

Regarding the Middle East, I’m not sure what happens next. Hamas won’t surrender and Israel won’t stop. Israel will eventually kill every member of Hamas, but then what?

The only way peace was possible after World War II when Germany and Japan were completely devastated, was because the Americans, British,  etc. got together and rebuilt those countries. (Set aside the Russians in East Germany) That’s why any of us can fly to Berlin or Tokyo today. The difference now is, the entire world is using the Palestinians in Gaza as pawns which is different than back in 1945. Even if Israel rebuilt Garza, and occupied it in order to create an honest and prosperous society, ( as was done with Germany and Japan) outside forces would keep moving those pawns to start another war.

I think it’s possible Israel goes to war with Iran.

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/28/23 at 12:14:37

A new world Order.
That term is probably familiar to you.

China and the rest of the world did not like that.

They are no longer raving Chinamen. 70% of young people in China go to university, for every dollar the Chinese buy 5 times as much army as America. They control all non-Western countries. They control all the resources in the world.
China, Russia and Iran work closely together in military strategic areas.

And on top of that, they have all leading Western political leaders firmly by the balls, be it through economic blackmail or actual bribery.

Their goal was world dominance and in the battle for Taiwan this will also be achieved in the military field.

Israel is already as good as defeated, the eastern alliance was never about Gaza or the cause of the Palestinians. It's about ending Western dominance in the world.

Just look what's happening in the Red Sea Your ships are being attacked by African natives (With modern weapons)
Of course not, this is Russia, Iran and China attacking the American and western ships.

Slowly but surely the West is being driven out without NATO being able to intervene. From Ukraine, From Israel, From Africa, And soon also from Taiwan.

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/28/23 at 14:41:57

The West will not go quietly into the night and Israel is far from defeated.
Yes, liberalism has feminized some of American’s men but not all by any means. I would not bet against us quite yet.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/28/23 at 15:05:25

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
The West will not go quietly into the night and Israel is far from defeated.
Yes, liberalism has feminized some of American’s men but not all by any means. I would not bet against us quite yet.

I read that as a movie trailer voice-over
"In A World Where..."


Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/29/23 at 02:27:15

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
The West will not go quietly into the night and Israel is far from defeated.
Yes, liberalism has feminized some of American’s men but not all by any means. I would not bet against us quite yet.

With the two aircraft carriers near Israel, America hopes to save what can be saved. Please note that the ships are there for political reasons.

If America still had balls there would be 4 aircraft carriers near Taiwan. There it makes sense to send a clear message.

Taiwan has become a leader in IT and is a powerhouse in the production of microchips, the building blocks of electronics without which computers, satellites, cars, planes and washing machines do not work. A huge share of this is produced by Taiwanese companies and due to the rapidly increasing demand, there is a worldwide shortage of microchips, which is causing car factories to come to a standstill.

What can you get in Israel?

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/29/23 at 04:27:54

With the two aircraft carriers near Israel, America hopes to save what can be saved. Please note that the ships are there for political reasons.
By definition, the military is political.

Israel is a functioning, prosperous society governed by the consent of the people which makes it a rarity in that part of the world. I have no issues with a certain level of military action against Middle East regimes.

I do have an issue with direct military action against China over Taiwan.  If the two biggest kids on the block are going to fight over something, I’d rather it not be over Taiwan. We can build our own microchips.

The EU gets their computer hardware from Taiwan, how come they aren’t sending their fleet? Why is it always us?

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/29/23 at 04:28:31

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
[quote author=744641505746516E425148230 link=1703348387/15#18 date=1703803317]The West will not go quietly into the night and Israel is far from defeated.
Yes, liberalism has feminized some of American’s men but not all by any means. I would not bet against us quite yet.

I read that as a movie trailer voice-over
"In A World Where..."


I’ll bet it was a good movie! But, was it a movie or a documentary?

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/29/23 at 05:45:22

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
With the two aircraft carriers near Israel, America hopes to save what can be saved. Please note that the ships are there for political reasons.
By definition, the military is political.

Israel is a functioning, prosperous society governed by the consent of the people which makes it a rarity in that part of the world. I have no issues with a certain level of military action against Middle East regimes.

I do have an issue with direct military action against China over Taiwan.  If the two biggest kids on the block are going to fight over something, I’d rather it not be over Taiwan. We can build our own microchips.

The EU gets their computer hardware from Taiwan, how come they aren’t sending their fleet? Why is it always us?

I wonder why it's always you guys.
We make the best and most advanced chip making machines in the world. We have been given an export ban to China by you, under penalty of economic sanctions.

Why aren't we there? We did not want to take over Ukraine through the so-called elimination of corruption in Ukraine. We wanted to maintain the balance we had with Putin.
It is Europe that runs all the risk of escalation here, not America.
The war in Ukraine was forced upon us by you.

We have been against the oppression and slaughter of the Palestinians for many years.

Most people in Europe see Amirika as an extremely warlike country whose sole motivation is to protect the petrol dollar and the associated highly profitable arms industry.

And we see your NGOs as a serious threat to our democracy or what is left of it. And we see the culture of your mega-large companies bringing very undesirable changes to important social structures in our country.

Your ambassador here, intervenes when we introduce laws that go against American interests. For example, we are not allowed to downsize our airport, which causes enormous inconvenience throughout the country, and we have recently been obliged to purchase liquid gas from you, with all the billions in costs for the associated infrastructure.
We don't even experience that much pressure from China.

However, you think that we still embrace you as our savior.

Not that we weren't grateful to you for that. To this day, the burial sites of fallen American soldiers are kept in tip-top condition, with flowers and all.
We are also very realistic in that regard.

But what has come from America in recent decades and also what you are doing on the world stage is not appreciated here in Europe. And then I express myself mildly.

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/29/23 at 06:00:03

455A495A515A515A4D58565A3F0 wrote:
[quote author=467473626574635C70637A110 link=1703348387/15#21 date=1703852874]With the two aircraft carriers near Israel, America hopes to save what can be saved. Please note that the ships are there for political reasons.
By definition, the military is political.

Israel is a functioning, prosperous society governed by the consent of the people which makes it a rarity in that part of the world. I have no issues with a certain level of military action against Middle East regimes.

I do have an issue with direct military action against China over Taiwan.  If the two biggest kids on the block are going to fight over something, I’d rather it not be over Taiwan. We can build our own microchips.

The EU gets their computer hardware from Taiwan, how come they aren’t sending their fleet? Why is it always us?

I wonder why it's always you guys.
We make the best and most advanced chip making machines in the world. We have been given an export ban to China by you, under penalty of economic sanctions.

Why aren't we there? We did not want to take over Ukraine through the so-called elimination of corruption in Ukraine. We wanted to maintain the balance we had with Putin.
It is Europe that runs all the risk of escalation here, not America.
The war in Ukraine was forced upon us by you.

We have been against the oppression and slaughter of the Palestinians for many years.

Most people in Europe see Amirika as an extremely warlike country whose sole motivation is to protect the petrol dollar and the associated highly profitable arms industry.

And I haven't even mentioned the disruptive effect of refugees entering Europe en masse as a result of the conflicts you are causing all over the world.

And we see your NGOs as a serious threat to our democracy or what is left of it. And we see the culture of your mega-large companies bringing very undesirable changes to important social structures in our country.

Your ambassador here, intervenes when we introduce laws that go against American interests. For example, we are not allowed to downsize our airport, which causes enormous inconvenience throughout the country, and we have recently been obliged to purchase liquid gas from you, with all the billions in costs for the associated infrastructure.
We don't even experience that much pressure from China.

However, you think that we still embrace you as our savior.

Not that we weren't grateful to you for that. To this day, the burial sites of fallen American soldiers are kept in tip-top condition, with flowers and all.
We are also very realistic in that regard.

But what has come from America in recent decades and also what you are doing on the world stage is not appreciated here in Europe. And then I express myself mildly.[/quote]

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/30/23 at 06:28:58

796675666D666D6671646A66030 wrote:
[quote author=455A495A515A515A4D58565A3F0 link=1703348387/15#23 date=1703857522][quote author=467473626574635C70637A110 link=1703348387/15#21 date=1703852874]With the two aircraft carriers near Israel, America hopes to save what can be saved. Please note that the ships are there for political reasons.
By definition, the military is political.

Israel is a functioning, prosperous society governed by the consent of the people which makes it a rarity in that part of the world. I have no issues with a certain level of military action against Middle East regimes.

I do have an issue with direct military action against China over Taiwan.  If the two biggest kids on the block are going to fight over something, I’d rather it not be over Taiwan. We can build our own microchips.

The EU gets their computer hardware from Taiwan, how come they aren’t sending their fleet? Why is it always us?

I wonder why it's always you guys.
We make the best and most advanced chip making machines in the world. We have been given an export ban to China by you, under penalty of economic sanctions.

So don’t obey. Sell your machines to the Chinese. Just don’t cry about the consequences.

Why aren't we there? We did not want to take over Ukraine through the so-called elimination of corruption in Ukraine. We wanted to maintain the balance we had with Putin.
It is Europe that runs all the risk of escalation here, not America.
The war in Ukraine was forced upon us by you.

Then do something about it. By maintaining the balance you mean accept whatever the big guys force on you.

We have been against the oppression and slaughter of the Palestinians for many years.

[color=#ff0000]You’ve been against imagined oppression and slaughter of  Palestinians as long as you imagine it is from Israel. When any other entity actually does slaughter Palestinians to keep them in their place, you don’t care because you want to “maintain “ the balance.[/color]

Most people in Europe see Amirika as an extremely warlike country whose sole motivation is to protect the petrol dollar and the associated highly profitable arms industry.

I know a lot of Europeans and have not heard that but without our “warlike country”, you could be wiped out in a couple of weeks.

And I haven't even mentioned the disruptive effect of refugees entering Europe en masse as a result of the conflicts you are causing all over the world.

They’re entering because, like the Biden Administration, you’re foolish enough to let them.

And we see your NGOs as a serious threat to our democracy or what is left of it. And we see the culture of your mega-large companies bringing very undesirable changes to important social structures in our country.

I’m not aware of the specifics but I’d be surprised if anyone cared that much about what’s going on in The Netherlands.

Your ambassador here, intervenes when we introduce laws that go against American interests. For example, we are not allowed to downsize our airport, which causes enormous inconvenience throughout the country, and we have recently been obliged to purchase liquid gas from you, with all the billions in costs for the associated infrastructure.
We don't even experience that much pressure from China.

Again, man up and say no.

However, you think that we still embrace you as our savior.

That’s because no one else would come to your aid.

Not that we weren't grateful to you for that. To this day, the burial sites of fallen American soldiers are kept in tip-top condition, with flowers and all.
We are also very realistic in that regard.

And we appreciate that.

But what has come from America in recent decades and also what you are doing on the world stage is not appreciated here in Europe. And then I express myself mildly.[/quote]

I can defend everything we’ve done, but would you rather China or Russia be the unopposed?

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/30/23 at 10:32:04

I can defend everything we’ve done, but would you rather China or Russia be the unopposed?

I think it's a good question.

And if you look at the current situation, I think that Amirika is on a ram course that no longer has anything to do with reality.
The Middle East had relative peace and that would have remained the case if you had called Israel back in time. But you don't want that peace there because your power is a war power.

You can say whatever you want about China, but it wants peaceful relations with business partners, which is deeply ingrained in their culture.

I think that if you had docked your aircraft carriers off the coast of Taiwan with the message that you are moving the entire Chinese tenogogy sector to America and that China can then get its province back, you would have commanded respect everywhere in the world, because it is understandable politics.

You are now sending out the message with Ukraine, Israel and soon also with Taiwan; we are prepared to kill millions of people and destroy the entire country. (What's left of Ukraine and Gaza)?

That doesn't make you popular with your allies either.
Europeans are working hard to get rid of corrupt governments. That will also have consequences for America.
By bringing and promoting Democracy you will no longer sell it. With Gaza all eyes have been opened.

The Monster wakes up in Taiwan. What will be left of the opposition?

If the West does not want the situation in the world to escalate, we will have to end the war in Ukraine. We will now have to save the Palestinians. And provide very good aftercare.

If you pump in more billions, I won't have to explain what the future will look like.

We don't realize that everything and everyone is connected. And if we continue like this, we will destroy the human experiment once and for all. And while it is possible to live together in abundance.

Did you know that we brought the Western banking system to China?
The cancerous tumor that is growing there, has been growing in our area for much longer.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/30/23 at 11:27:15

You seem to forget... It was Russia that attacked Ukraine and it was Hamas that attacked Israel.
I side with the innocent

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/30/23 at 13:32:13

Why do I have to think of Alec Baldwin now.
Apparently innocence is a difficult concept.

I always thought that we in the Netherlands received pure information. That our view on all matter was correct. Until I got a little older and saw that our national news channel (the NOS) was nothing more than a state channel. And that the media also dictated to us how we should think.
We are dealing with pure conditioning here.

So you never take a position yourself, but always from your conditioned mind. Ait that stupid?

I cannot understand.
People who were expelled from their land about 70 years ago and were systematically oppressed, evicted and abused.
And now, men, women and children who have nowhere to go.

I see anyone who supports that violence as seriously confused.

We are talking about genocide here.

And the Jews react from their trauma, I know that
but as an outside world you then have to intervene.

What America is doing is supporting this genocide.
And that's why I say Amirika is a warlike country, worse than any country in the world.Why worse? Because America claims to be morally superior.

Putin is a saint compared to American presidents of the past 70 years. And Putin has warned. But America wouldn't listen. So who started the war?
You voted for Biden. I said it again, and again, don't do it. Vote for Trump. That could have saved millions of lives, but no, you knew better...
And now Ukraine is in ruins, Gaza is in ruins. Everyone around the world is worse off. Soon the war in Taiwan will probably show the same picture.
Three times the charm, we say in Holland. Now you're not going to get away unscathed.

I'm going to enjoy it this time. Even if it has consequences for us too.


And it will be fun, because you won't get far with a president who you have to carbon date to see how old he is.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Eegore on 12/31/23 at 00:34:21

Most people in Europe see Amirika as an extremely warlike country whose sole motivation is to protect the petrol dollar and the associated highly profitable arms industry.

And I haven't even mentioned the disruptive effect of refugees entering Europe en masse as a result of the conflicts you are causing all over the world.

 Having spent multiple weeks in locations where people are unaware I am American I can definitely confirm this to be accurate in the small sample size I have.  The US is "all about the oil" and our past decades of "destabilization" actions on foreign governments causing refugee camps/regions.  our international policy is most definitely not seen as meant to help anyone but the US.

 We do have policies that seem good from a US citizen perspective, that seem like unwarranted aggression to humans more directly impacted.

 As for Israel / Palestine, this whole idea that the US should support Palestine at this point is ridiculous.  Decades of peace-talks was our support.  Refusing to compromise at any useful degree for decades, then launching an attack is no way to garner US support.  

 If I let my squabbling neighbors use my Living-room to talk out property claims for 60 years, feeding them both lunch every week with my money, then one neighbor kills the children of another, I am not going to go support the murdering neighbor because my great great grandfather helped build a house on the wrong property.  Should I support the child murderer because he was oppressed and my grandfather helped lay the groundwork for that oppression?

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/31/23 at 05:27:50

The Middle East had relative peace and that would have remained the case if you had called Israel back in time.

Relative peace? The Oct 7th attack was planned for many months. Children were butchered in front of their parents, babies beheaded. Did you see the clip in the early days of the woman being let out of the back of an SUV and into the backseat? She was limping because, those relatively peaceful Palestinians, cut her Achilles tendon so she wouldn’t run away. She had blood all down the front of her crotch and in the back because they had raped her over and over again. Perhaps thankfully, they found the woman’s head so she didn’t have to endure that much longer.

Israel is not committing genocide. That’s a ridiculous statement. If Israel wanted to commit genocide, this war would’ve been over on October 10 or 11th.

It’s been said antisemitism is the original hate. I didn’t understand that until recently but now I’m beginning to believe it that’s true.

Israel is doing what the Allied powers during World War II. Had there been social media and prosperous people living in comfort thousand miles away from the war like you, there would’ve been calls for cease-fire and Hitler and the Nazis would’ve survived to fight another day. Hamas must be completely and entirely destroyed. Yes, there are civilian casualties, but remember the raped and beheaded woman I mentioned? There was another woman they brutally tortured and raped. They threw her body in the back of a pick up truck and paraded her around the streets. One of the scenes I always remember was a little Palestinian boy, maybe 10 or 11 years old, ran up to the back of the pick up truck and spit on her body, along with the other men. Yeah, relative peace.

You’re not seeing the world clearly.

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/31/23 at 05:40:13

Eegore said: Having spent multiple weeks in locations where people are unaware I am American I can definitely confirm this to be accurate in the small sample size I have.

I think our experience is different because my visits to Europe and talks to Europeans weekly revolve around business, but if I recall correctly, yours not so much. The people I deal with are forced from the competitive market to take a comprehensive view in the sense they can easily and quickly change goals to maintain income. Again, if I recall correctly, the people you deal with are forced by circumstances to have a narrower focus.

Or maybe, I’m just lucky and deal with nicer people!

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 12/31/23 at 05:41:24

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
You seem to forget... It was Russia that attacked Ukraine and it was Hamas that attacked Israel.
I side with the innocent

I’m not sure how this bodes for 2024, but how the hell did we end up on the same side?….

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/31/23 at 06:09:06

1737353D2037520 wrote:
Most people in Europe see Amirika as an extremely warlike country whose sole motivation is to protect the petrol dollar and the associated highly profitable arms industry.

And I haven't even mentioned the disruptive effect of refugees entering Europe en masse as a result of the conflicts you are causing all over the world.

Sorry, it took me an hour to respond, but I accidentally deleted the message. And I don't feel like doing it again.
 Having spent multiple weeks in locations where people are unaware I am American I can definitely confirm this to be accurate in the small sample size I have.  The US is "all about the oil" and our past decades of "destabilization" actions on foreign governments causing refugee camps/regions.  our international policy is most definitely not seen as meant to help anyone but the US.

 We do have policies that seem good from a US citizen perspective, that seem like unwarranted aggression to humans more directly impacted.

 As for Israel / Palestine, this whole idea that the US should support Palestine at this point is ridiculous.  Decades of peace-talks was our support.  Refusing to compromise at any useful degree for decades, then launching an attack is no way to garner US support.  

 If I let my squabbling neighbors use my Living-room to talk out property claims for 60 years, feeding them both lunch every week with my money, then one neighbor kills the children of another, I am not going to go support the murdering neighbor because my great great grandfather helped build a house on the wrong property.  Should I support the child murderer because he was oppressed and my grandfather helped lay the groundwork for that oppression?

Sorry Eegore I spent an hour trying to respond but I accidentally deleted the message. And I don't feel like doing it again.

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/31/23 at 06:11:23

556760717667704F637069020 wrote:
[quote author=5244534E56434E55210 link=1703348387/15#27 date=1703964435]You seem to forget... It was Russia that attacked Ukraine and it was Hamas that attacked Israel.
I side with the innocent

I’m not sure how this bodes for 2024, but how the hell did we end up on the same side?….[/quote]

Some dinosaurs will never evolve into something more subtle.

Title: Re: Why
Post by MnSpring on 12/31/23 at 08:23:57

Eegore: “…I can definitely confirm this to be accurate…”
   (Regarding ‘…Amirika as an extremely warlike…’)

WM: “… our experience is different …”

When a person, is interacting with another person, and that person does not know the ‘position’, of the person interacting with them, the very, VERY, subtle Hints given, are used to communicate.  
   (Often extremely subliminal clues)

     Ask any successful Poker Player, Salesman, Politician.

So WM and Eegore, interacting with the same people/group, will have two completely different experience’s.

“…If I let my squabbling neighbors use my Living-room to talk out property claims for 60 years, feeding them both lunch every week with my money, then one neighbor kills the children of another, I am not going to go support the murdering neighbor because my great great grandfather helped build a house on the wrong property….”

Totally agree.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Eegore on 12/31/23 at 08:57:26

"Again, if I recall correctly, the people you deal with are forced by circumstances to have a narrower focus."

 I guess it depends on the job.  Right now we are working with about 200 AI specialists from all over the planet.  Typically it's small teams of sociologists, psychologists, intelligence analysts, software engineers and ethicists.  

 I'm not sure what circumstances would force a narrower focus, but I can imagine there are plenty.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/31/23 at 09:40:44

I do feel for the innocent Palestinian people, and I believe Israel should be supplying trucks of food and water at the least during this purge,... but the Palestinians allow Hamas to exist within their borders and that is not tolerable.  If they had policed their own, Israel's incursion would not be necessary.
You can't have a two state solution if one state allows terrorists.

Israel should occupy this postage stamp size territory,.. and if possible, buy a postage stamp piece of Egypt to move the Palestinians onto.  Build them homes and infrastructure there and leave them to their own devices.  Sink or swim.
Cheaper in the long run.

Get this over with.

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 12/31/23 at 11:02:28

People are strange creatures.

I'm leaving my little village tonight, and going to visit friends who live in the City. It's New Year's Eve. The city, but especially the neighborhood I am visiting, is traditionally known for turning into a war zone on New Year's Eve.

And I don't just mean big fires in the street, but also cars that are driven into them. The intention is to increase the collective labor to such an extent that the police intervene.

The police, in turn, are also looking forward to this opportunity to release the frustration they have built up over the past year. The fight that follows is truly like being in a real war zone. Only with rubber bullets  tear gas, flying stones and fireworks bombs.

Everything that was not allowed and withheld throughout the year comes out, under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
It is not without risk to go out on the street because all laws are overboard this evening, you are on your own.

The next day you can see the damage that has been done and often the paint on the window frames is peeling from the heat, broken windows and burned cars everywhere.
Must say that it has been a bit quieter in recent years, but with all the unrest in the world this year, I expect it will be old-fashioned fun for the youth.

Those who are going to die salute you.

Title: Re: Why
Post by Serowbot on 12/31/23 at 12:10:59

Sounds lovely... enjoy.


Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 01/02/24 at 10:27:40

Stability is no longer possible. The entire institution of Politics has collapsed.
It will take some time before this will dawn on everyone.
2024 will be a very strange year, almost accopoliptic.

I don’t believe that. 2024 will indeed be strange and if Republicans win, there will be violence, but not apocalyptic in nature.

It’s important to remember that all of us who participate on this forum are oddballs. We are not normal. The vast majority of the population does not pay attention to events swirling all around them the way we do and certainly they don’t filter everything through their individual partisan lens the way all of us do. That’s a good thing.

I’m not saying we’re more stable than we were 25 years ago because we absolutely are not. I’m not saying the potential isn’t there for some level of social upheaval because it is. I’m saying while it will likely be wider in scope and more intense than the past 3 years, it will not be an end to The Republic.

My brother asked me one time what would it take for me to get out on the streets and protest for a cause and I said if Washington decided to pay off nation debt by taking my 401(k) retirement, then yes, I’d act like a George Floyd protester on steroids (I mean fentanyl, see what I did there?) . Something like that would wake the sleeping giant I am a part of. There could be an actual insurrection, not like the fabrication of Jan 6th.

But we’re not there yet. There is no national divorce coming next year. If I found myself in Arizona near where Sew lives, I’d buy him a beer, I wouldn’t start swinging. When average people take to the streets and start fighting, then we’re facing an apocalyptic future.

Title: Re: Why
Post by zevenenergie on 01/02/24 at 10:53:19

Just back from an apocalyptic situation, I can say it is also very refreshing in a certain way.
No sense of security for a moment. People who all show their true colors through alcohol and are open through drugs.Intens primal energy everywhere. It does something to you. There is also a sense of relief when you ride through on your bike.
This time it was especially very festive.

I hope for your sake that you don't have to lose your 400,000 to feel refreshed too. I would say go and dance with Sew before there is a reason to do so.
It may never come and that would be a pitty.

Title: Re: Why
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/24 at 05:02:20

796675666D666D6671646A66030 wrote:
Just back from an apocalyptic situation, I can say it is also very refreshing in a certain way.
No sense of security for a moment. People who all show their true colors through alcohol and are open through drugs.Intens primal energy everywhere. It does something to you. There is also a sense of relief when you ride through on your bike.
This time it was especially very festive.

I hope for your sake that you don't have to lose your 400,000 to feel refreshed too. I would say go and dance with Sew before there is a reason to do so.
It may never come and that would be a pitty.

I have no idea what any of that means but glad you enjoyed yourself.

Title: Re: Why
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/24 at 13:17:39

Why can
Scientific American discern voter Fraud, in other Countries.
Outlining ‘why/when’ for other Countries ?

“…That appears to be the case with the results of Turkey’s 2017 constitutional referendum and its 2018 presidential election, which Klimek and colleagues analyze in a paper published earlier this month in PLOS ONE. Using their own set of statistical tools, the researchers identified multiple irregularities in both elections that they attribute to systematic ballot stuffing, and voter rigging…”

“…“The way elections take place and are administered in the U.S. is not really up to the quality standards in other countries,”…”

“…The most unexpected takeaway from electoral forensics may be that it is easier to analyze Russian elections than those in the U.S….”

Then NOT outlining in this country, ‘why’, S.A. believes,
“…unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud…” concerning 2106 » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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