General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> never forget

Message started by thumperclone on 11/11/23 at 05:44:28

Title: never forget
Post by thumperclone on 11/11/23 at 05:44:28

a shout out to all our fellow vets

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/23 at 09:27:53

Why would any vet vote Trump?
I just don't get it.


Title: Re: never forget
Post by thumperclone on 11/13/23 at 10:15:19

why would ANYONE ?

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/13/23 at 10:45:26

Good point
Best regards  8-)

Title: Re: never forget
Post by zevenenergie on 11/14/23 at 02:31:10

It is quite difficult for the very elderly not to vote for a peer even if he makes a mess of it ;)

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/14/23 at 04:32:14

I’m aware Trump says ridiculous stuff, but I highly doubt he said either of those  things. Much like the story that he grabbed the wheel of his limo, I doubt it. It was “reported “ he said those things but honestly, people are deranged enough to believe he said “Nazis are fine people” or those “with Covid should inject bleach” and you can actually watch video of those incidents yet fools still “hear” those word. Even Biden said he decided to run for President when he heard that which is doubly BS because that was during Biden’s nap time.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/14/23 at 06:03:29

You have to doubt a lot to defend tRump

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/14/23 at 06:12:28

During his speech, Trump promised to “root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

Vermin?... Really?
...and try to find me a definition of fascist that doesn't start with "extreme right-wing".

Title: Re: never forget
Post by thumperclone on 11/14/23 at 07:19:58

[quote author=7B6D7A677F6A677C080 link=1699710268/0#7 date=1699971148][i]During his speech, Trump promised to “root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

this can't be true, diaper don never said that, cause I didn't see it happen. :D

Title: Re: never forget
Post by thumperclone on 11/14/23 at 07:24:03

the head rat calling out vermin   precious
"steal and cheat  on elections" does this include bubs gerrymandering?

the  FACIST will root himself out!

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/14/23 at 09:53:35

584E59445C49445F2B0 wrote:
During his speech, Trump promised to “root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

Vermin?... Really?
...and try to find me a definition of fascist that doesn't start with "extreme right-wing".

I wasn’t really talking about a recent speech now was I? I was talking about you reposting rumors reported as fact from compromised news outlets that aired a couple years ago.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/14/23 at 09:53:59

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
"... definition of fascist that doesn't start with "extreme right-wing".

What is the definition of,
" extreme LEFT-wing "

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/14/23 at 10:14:56

You better find out, but it's definitely not fascist

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/15/23 at 09:10:35

You guys are laughable. When Trump was running for president, you said he was going to destroy the country. You said he was going to be a be a dictator. You said he’s gonna start World War III.

He did none of those things.

Biden gets elected, and inflation is awful. He waves his hand to dismiss billions of dollars in student loans that we’re gonna have to pay for even though the Supreme Court already told him no, he did it anyway. Sounds like a Sounds like a dictator. And funny but nobody started crap in Ukraine or Middle East when Trump was president but now look where we’re at.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/15/23 at 09:47:29

He waves his hand to dismiss billions of dollars in student loans that we’re gonna have to pay for even though the Supreme Court already told him no, he did it anyway.

 This is still categorically false.  People ignore this because of who they like as POTUS, again meaning facts don't actually matter.

 Biden addressed loans made 30+ years ago with US Citizen humans that PAID for 30 years, who had written contract, that they would have those loans forgiven after paying for a certain amount of time.  Then the government said "oops" we messed up your application/credit for this 20 years ago, so you still pay, no forgiveness.

 The Supreme Court never ruled on this.  They ruled on new loans.

 Biden honored an agreement the government made with US Citizen humans decades ago.  If Trump did this the same people would be saying what a good job he did instead of lying about a Supreme Court ruling - on a different issue decades apart.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/23 at 11:13:20

When Biden's bad, he forgives student loans
When Trump's bad he tries to overturn elections


Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/15/23 at 15:28:03,they%20had%20standing%20to%20sue.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/16/23 at 05:26:20,they%20had%20standing%20to%20sue

 Ok so there you go.  That's proof the Supreme Court did NOT rule on the loan forgiveness Biden implemented.

 So we are going to hear how people are being intentionally delusional about Trump saying to inject bleach and then also are provided empirical evidence indicating the Supreme Court ruled on a totally different loan program than what is claimed?

 Biden shows Dictator like behavior, your proof is a Supreme Court ruling about a different program.  So do you expect us to just pretend it's the same one?  How exactly are we supposed to take this?

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/23 at 06:57:04

6A4A48405D4A2F0 wrote:
"... That's proof the Supreme Court did NOT rule on the loan forgiveness Biden implemented. ..."

Can you point out where it said, which program it was talking about ?

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/16/23 at 07:11:15

"Can you point out where it said, which program it was talking about ?"

 Yeah the whole article but people would have to read it.  

In Biden v. Nebraska, which was decided 6-3, the court struck down the administration’s student loan forgiveness program and agreed with the six challenging states that they had standing to sue.

"In the second case, Department of Education v. Brown, the court ruled that individual borrowers who challenged the plan lacked standing to bring their case."

The court held that the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act, does not authorize the administration’s student loan forgiveness plan.

the education secretary received a memorandum from the Office of the General Counsel determining that the HEROES Act “grants the Secretary authority that could be used to effectuate a program of targeted loan cancellation directed at addressing the financial harms of the COVID–19 pandemic.”

A few months later, the secretary invoked the HEROES Act to reduce or eliminate student loan debt of most borrowers nationwide.

The court rejected the administration’s argument that the secretary had authority under the HEROES Act to cancel student loan debt on the grounds that the statute permits only a waiver or modification of financial assistance, not a rewriting of the statute

The court also rejected the idea that the loan forgiveness plan was a waiver of provisions under the HEROES Act because the “plan specifies particular sums to be forgiven and income-based eligibility requirements.

The court reasoned that the Congress that enacted the HEROES Act did not grant such power to the education secretary.

They think the plan a very bad idea, but they are no worse off because the Secretary differs.” In her view, the text of the HEROES Act makes clear that the plan is legal.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/23 at 07:28:12

The court held that the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act, does not authorize the administration’s student loan forgiveness plan.

the education secretary received a memorandum from the Office of the General Counsel determining that the HEROES Act “grants the Secretary authority that could be used to effectuate a program of targeted loan cancellation directed at addressing the financial harms of the COVID–19 pandemic.”

A few months later, the secretary invoked the HEROES Act to reduce or eliminate student loan debt of most borrowers nationwide.

The court rejected the administration’s argument that the secretary had authority under the HEROES Act to cancel student loan debt on the grounds that the statute permits only a waiver or modification of financial assistance, not a rewriting of the statute

The court also rejected the idea that the loan forgiveness plan was a waiver of provisions under the HEROES Act because the “plan specifies particular sums to be forgiven and income-based eligibility requirements.

The court reasoned that the Congress that enacted the HEROES Act did not grant such power to the education secretary.

So how are those findings not a rejection?

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/16/23 at 08:02:05

So how are those findings not a rejection?

 They are.

 The Biden Dictator "did it anyway" reference you are using is about a different loan program from over 30 years ago.  Biden ordered the government to honor loan agreements made 30 years ago for people that already PAID the term required for forgiveness.  If Trump did this people would be calling him a hero.

 People ignore the fact that it's different loan programs so they can say Biden ignored a Supreme Court ruling.  They pretend the Supreme Court ruling is about the older loan programs just like they pretend Trump said to inject bleach.  It's willful ignorance in both cases.

 Its not difficult to understand there's a difference, all one has to do is look at the information provided, but why be honest and accurate if it's about a POTUS you don't like?  Just go with a headline and repeat repeat repeat... but that's not ok if it's done about the guy we like.. in that case we want accuracy.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/23 at 11:56:33

624240485542270 wrote:
"... reference you are using is about a different loan program from over 30 years ago.  Biden ordered the government to honor loan agreements made 30 years ago for people that already PAID the term required for forgiveness.  ..."

Had the opportunity to 'take out loans' many years ago.
Do not remember a condition that a number of payments would satisfy a loan.
It was always a repay of the amount borrowed, (plus interest) which satisfied the loan.

Can you supply a copy of the reference that a, time period vs a amount, would repay a loan.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/16/23 at 19:49:15

Had the opportunity to 'take out loans' many years ago.
Do not remember a condition that a number of payments would satisfy a loan.
It was always a repay of the amount borrowed, (plus interest) which satisfied the loan.

 Yeah me too.  We obviously weren't part of the programs thousands of other human US Citizens were.  Failing to Observe these loans exist won't change the fact that they do.

Can you supply a copy of the reference that a, time period vs a amount, would repay a loan.

 You mean like the hundreds of thousands of loans that have existed for decades where humans that work at a job for X-amount of years get their schooling paid off?  Or where the Dept. of Education issued income repayment plans with term-forgiveness but massive Government incompetence screwed them over?  Or the term-payment programs where human US Citizens PAID their loans for 25 years but the Government "miscalculated"?

 Deflection here won't change the fact that the Supreme Court ruling Webstermark is referencing is not about the loans the Biden Administration honored.  They are:

"loan forgiveness programs for public servants, borrowers who have been in repayment for many years, and those who have been defrauded by their school.

 But if we choose to not Observe that, and people do, then we can continue the narrative (a constructive way to say lying) that Dictator Biden forgave loans the Supreme Court ruled against.  Just another example of repeat repeat repeat, say what you are TOLD to say.

 To be clear I don't think Webstermark is intentionally lying, I just think he was given incorrect information that was "too easy to believe" and is just going with it.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/17/23 at 05:35:57

I saw “news” reports from both political spectrums that the Supreme Court ruled against Biden’s loan forgiveness plan so, yes, I repeated that. If it is wrong, I’m puzzled how, and more importantly why, Biden’s patriot guard, the news media, didn’t point out these rulings were not about his primary plan to use to paper money to pay off the financial institutions who made college loans to future Democratic voters for majors with little chance of future employment.

If I’m wrong I apologize.

I do take offense with the suggestion this is on par with the fine people or drink bleach hoax. Those are flat out lies and those on here regularly repeat those lies as facts. You can show the transcripts but they’ll still deny it. There’s no way what I said is in the same solar system as that.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/17/23 at 06:02:45

I saw “news” reports from both political spectrums that the Supreme Court ruled against Biden’s loan forgiveness plan so, yes, I repeated that. If it is wrong, I’m puzzled how, and more importantly why, Biden’s patriot guard, the news media, didn’t point out these rulings were not about his primary plan to use to paper money to pay off the financial institutions who made college loans to future Democratic voters for majors with little chance of future employment.

 I don't know why you never witnessed specific things, I saw plenty of accurate reporting referencing the correct loan programs.

 Bottom line is there are two different loan programs.  The Supreme Court never ruled on the one's Biden approved loan forgiveness for.  Really it was nothing more than honoring approvals made 30 years ago.

"I do take offense with the suggestion this is on par with the fine people or drink bleach hoax. Those are flat out lies and those on here regularly repeat those lies as facts. You can show the transcripts but they’ll still deny it. There’s no way what I said is in the same solar system as that."

 That's why I said I do not think you are intentionally lying.  To be clear:  I do not think you are intentionally lying.  You were repeating inaccurate information you thought was true.

 The difference here is you will actually look at or discuss information like an adult instead of trying to find a way around a simple fact because you want Biden (or me) to be wrong so badly that truth doesn't matter.  Instead of trying to imply that thousands upon thousands of humans are lying about their loans for the past 25 years because you never had one like that, (or some other method of implying this is not true), you at least consider it could be plausible that the information You witnessed was wrong on this one specific issue.

 Biden can still be incompetent and also the Supreme Court could have ruled on a different loan issue.  If you had severe BDS or AWES you would not be capable of acknowledging this.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Serowbot on 11/17/23 at 06:08:17

I officially forgot.

Bless our vets  8-)

Title: Re: never forget
Post by WebsterMark on 11/17/23 at 06:32:56

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
I officially forgot.

Bless our vets  8-)

That’s the fair and balanced moderator I’ve come to know and love!

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/17/23 at 07:31:42

Yep a handful of ‘SOME’ loans were mishandled.

They, “… could be potentially eligible for IDR forgiveness …”

“… GAO found that about 7,700 loans in repayment (about 11 percent of loans analyzed) could be potentially eligible for IDR forgiveness …”

If one takes out a loan,
Does the word,
come into play here ?

Or does one hope a mush for brains POTUS will sprinkle some Fairy Dust and say, ‘POOF” your loan is now forgiven.
  (Then in gratitude you will vote for a bumbling puppet)

“… could be potentially eligible …”
“… to be potentially eligible …”
“… potentially eligible …”

“… borrowers may make uninformed decisions and be unable to correct inaccurate counts, potentially delaying forgiveness …”

“… Borrowers who do not receive this information may be unaware that months in forbearance and most types of deferment generally do not count …”
62,600,  NOT eligible, NOT ELIGIBLE !
7,700,  Potentially eligible.
Again Potentially eligible.

End result, the UL Media, 'implying', Biden is a nice guy.
Implying he 'gave' forgiveness, when in fact he simply required the 'government' to honor the agreement made on 7,700 loans.
Then down played, the FACT that he wanted to GIVE AWAY more, and was told he could not.

6747454D5047220 wrote:
"... but massive Government incompetence screwed them over ..."  

Oh, and this was the ONLY time, that ever has happened ?

Like I say when someone cries to me about how their identity was stolen, and I ask for the details of how.

After they tell the story, I say,
"Your identity was not stolen,
you GAVE it to them"

Title: Re: never forget
Post by thumperclone on 11/17/23 at 07:33:38

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
I officially forgot.

Bless our vets  8-)

thank you!

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/17/23 at 09:15:33

If one takes out a loan,
Does the word,
come into play here ?

Or does one hope a mush for brains POTUS will sprinkle some Fairy Dust and say, ‘POOF” your loan is now forgiven.
 (Then in gratitude you will vote for a bumbling puppet)

 You are mixing two DIFFERENT loan types.

 The humans who PAID for 25 years were "RESPONSIBLE" they met their agreed upon terms.  The Supreme Court ruling was NOT about these loans.  Claiming he defied the Supreme Court and that loan recipients qualified for forgiveness were not RESPONSIBLE makes no logical sense.

Implying he 'gave' forgiveness, when in fact he simply required the 'government' to honor the agreement made on 7,700 loans.
Then down played, the FACT that he wanted to GIVE AWAY more, and was told he could not.

  Two different issues.  The Supreme Court did not rule on this.  This could however explain why Webstermark saw no media information about this.

Oh, and this was the ONLY time, that ever has happened ?

 No.  Why would you even ask that?

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/17/23 at 10:40:25

7050525A4750350 wrote:
"...  The humans who PAID for 25 years were "RESPONSIBLE" ..."


Only 157 people were responsible.
 (of that kind of loan)
7,700 were not, because they did not keep track.
And a FDS came to their rescue.

(According to the information you provided)

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/17/23 at 11:02:54

 Incorrect.  If we look at the entire information and not just the first line it is clear that the Dept. of Education failed as well, not all borrowers besides the 157.  It is most likely a mix as without Judicial Order a human can not audit the Dept. of Education's calculation systems to begin with.  

 However, my statement was in regard to the lie that the Supreme Court ruled on this issue.  
 But lets deflect and argue about an issue nobody disagreed about to begin with.

The Department of Education approved forgiveness for a total of 157 loans under Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans as of June 1, 2021, but has not taken the steps necessary to ensure that all eligible loans receive IDR forgiveness. IDR plans generally lower monthly payment amounts and extend repayment to 20 or 25 years of qualifying payments, after which borrowers become eligible for forgiveness of their remaining loan balances without needing to apply. However, GAO found that about 7,700 loans in repayment (about 11 percent of loans analyzed) could be potentially eligible for IDR forgiveness. Education's repayment data do not provide enough information to definitively determine why these loans—totaling about $49 million in outstanding debt—had not been forgiven as of September 1, 2020 (see figure). Education officials said data limitations make it difficult to track some qualifying payments and older loans are at higher risk for payment tracking errors. Until Education takes steps to address such errors, some borrowers may not receive the IDR forgiveness they are entitled. This risk will increase as Education data show loans potentially eligible for IDR forgiveness will climb to about 1.5 million loans by 2030.


...has not taken the steps necessary to ensure that all eligible loans receive IDR forgiveness.

 The image you provide as reference is the Dept of Education's data.  The data established as inaccurate and insufficient.  Why are you using data that is an example of inaccurate counting?

Education does not provide information about the requirements for receiving IDR forgiveness, including what counts as a qualifying payment toward forgiveness, in key communications to IDR borrowers.

 Does not provide information about the requirements.  

 The entire document is how sh!tty the Dept. of Education's data is, and how they refuse to let humans with loans know how to calculate their loan parameters towards credit.  None of the article indicates humans had ample information and opportunity to audit their loan status.


Education determined these borrowers were eligible for IDR forgiveness after making a one-time IDR payment count revision to address past inaccuracies, among other issues. This included counting additional months toward forgiveness, including for certain statuses that our report identified as being hard to accurately track in the past. Education stated that it will continue to identify and notify borrowers when they reach the threshold for IDR forgiveness.

Again:  were eligible for IDR forgiveness

 No Supreme Court ruling though.

Title: Re: never forget
Post by MnSpring on 11/19/23 at 08:21:28

6646444C5146230 wrote:
 "...  If we look at the entire information ..."  


From information, you have supplied, to ‘prove’ your case,
That the Government was crooked, and Biden was a Hero.

70,457 loans (of that kind) were done.
The Government, (through purpose, incompetence, or something else)
Decided to screw with those loans.

Again the ‘proof’ you provided,
157 were responsible people who had a brain and could manage their own affairs.
7,700, just ‘cried’, then waited until a mush for brains POTUS sprinkled some Fairy Dust and said, ‘POOF’.
62,600 completed, died, were foreclosed on, (what ever the case was)

"... No Supreme Court ruling though ..."

Would it be possible that,
"The court held that the HEROES Act does not authorize the administration’s student loan forgiveness plan"
Was done to STOP a Pudden-Head from sprinkling F.D. ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: never forget
Post by Eegore on 11/20/23 at 12:42:06

From information, you have supplied, to ‘prove’ your case,
That the Government was crooked, and Biden was a Hero.

 Incorrect, I never said Biden is a Hero.
 I said if Trump did this exact same thing people complaining that Biden approved this would call Trump a Hero.  This is a who a person likes as POTUS concept not a logic and ethics one.  Facts wont matter.

 Since it was Biden people will claim, incorrectly, that humans receiving the loans could have known they were not getting credit.  There is no way they could have known, that is acknowledged by everyone, except You of course.

Again the ‘proof’ you provided,
157 were responsible people who had a brain and could manage their own affairs.

 Incorrect.  157 humans receiving a forgiveness loan contract had it calculated correctly by random chance.  Those humans were not involved in managing those calculations in any way as there is no way they could.  The process does not exist.  They managed nothing different about their affairs than anyone else.  You refuse to Observe this even though it is referenced multiple times.  If you did, you can't claim it's their fault.

 So instead you "POOF" make up this scenario that they "managed their affairs" even though there is no way they could have in this case.  Not even the people holding the loans could.  You refuse to Observe this.

"7,700, just ‘cried’, then waited until a mush for brains POTUS sprinkled some Fairy Dust and said, ‘POOF’."

 If you had a contract with the Dept of education and they did not honor it due to their incompetence - would you just pay the extra thousands and thousands of dollars?  Again, you refuse to Observe this, but there is no way the humans paying loans could have known the Dept of Education was not calculating credit correctly.  There is no way they could have known, no method existed.

 Also there is no "POOF" the forgiveness is calculated in.  It's part of a contract, you are pretending this is the same as the newer loans where the forgiveness is magically created out of thin air.  Those loans are bullsh!t "POOF" loans.  The older loans are a contractual pre-funded agreement.  

 If you had a contract that after 20 years of paying on your house, they would forgive the last 10, would you "cry" if the bank said they miscalculated in their private accounting, they lost most of it, sold other parts, and now you have to pay?

 Would it make sense for someone to say You should have been getting search warrants to audit private networks and dumping thousands of dollars of your own money to investigate the loan integrity and accounting accuracy of multiple organizations even though literally every month you had proof of loan payment and that's all the contract you have says you need to do?

 None of this changes that there was no Supreme Court ruling on these loans, the claim on here is that there was a ruling on them.  This is incorrect. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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