General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Nothing to see here

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 04:28:27

Title: Nothing to see here
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 04:28:27

So the largest Democratic donor stole hundreds of millions of dollars and funded Democrat’s elections is going to jail for decades……but remember the 2020 election was the fairest election ever and Joe Biden is a totally legitimate president.

And an mayoral election was overturned in CT for the exact same things we saw in Georgia., Oh, interesting. But nothing to see here, the 2020 Presidential election was the first election history and Joe Biden is totally legitimate….

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 05:49:54

 But when the guy you like wins using similar strategy its ok.

 It's only corrupt when you lose, when you win it's superior strategy.

 When a candidate calls for investigation of election fraud in all 50 States, instead of only claiming it happened in the one's that would change results, I would think they are on to something.  When it's only an issue in cases where it changes outcomes, then it's pretty clear it is strategic and not a true concern.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/23 at 07:17:30

Maybe I'm just old but, Crypto currency just sounds like Monopoly money to me
Can anyone explain WTF it's really about?  

...using child words if you please ... :P

Totally off topic but...
PS... Eric Trump saying he don't know da' bidness, he just pours concrete... ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
I can't stop!
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 07:35:33

1E3E3C34293E5B0 wrote:
 But when the guy you like wins using similar strategy its ok.

 It's only corrupt when you lose, when you win it's superior strategy.

Not true.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 07:36:04

Nobody can explain cryptocurrency. That’s purposeful!

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 07:52:26

Maybe I'm just old but, Crypto currency just sounds like Monopoly money to me
Can anyone explain WTF it's really about?  

 It's money that is not physically printed, that has no central bank controlling it.  It's encrypted by using a blockchain, a method of verification where many many sources verify a transaction, thus eliminating the problem of people duplicating their digital currency.  

 The advantage is it takes the government out of your money.  The disadvantage is that makes crypto more market-driven and thus more volatile in value.  This is why prices go up and down so easily.

 Crypto is real, you can use it to buy things.  It's value however is unstable because there is no central bank stabilizing the market.  For people that actually use it, there is no real question as to how it works.  the only people I know that question it are people that have nothing at all to do with it.  Much like the people I know that have the most concerns about motorcycle safety are people who never rode a motorcycle.

 So basically crypto is what all the anti-Federal Reserve pro-gold standard humans want, but it also has all of the disadvantages.  I find it interesting that of the people I know that hate the Federal reserve, none of them will use the very alternative they have been asking for.


Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 08:25:26

"So the largest Democratic donor stole hundreds of millions of dollars and funded Democrat’s elections is going to jail for decades ..."

Na, Prediction:
Sleepy, Rattlebrained, Pud-den Head
will PARDON him,
when he leaves office.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/23 at 08:27:12

My wallet has no slot for that  :P

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 08:31:16

"... the people I know that hate the Federal reserve, none of them will use the very alternative they have been asking for.

It is SIMPLE to do !!!!!!!!
Just work for CASH only,
Do not become a Citizen !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 08:38:00

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
Can anyone explain WTF it's really about?  

It's a Scam, (Just like Berni Made Famous), only instead of 1 or 2 at the top, their are Thousands.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 08:54:45

It's a Scam, (Just like Berni Made Famous), only instead of 1 or 2 at the top, their are Thousands.

 Considering how many people use it to buy things it's a pretty useable scam.  The only people I know that think crypto isn't real are people that already decided before they ever looked at what it is.  Can people scam using crypto?  Yes.  They can scam using cash too.  Is cash a scam because I can get scammed by people using cash?

 The problem is you can't have decentralized money and also have the stability of governed money.  It's not possible.  

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 09:59:48

1B3B39312C3B5E0 wrote:
" Considering how many people use it to buy things it's a pretty useable scam. ...".   

Consider the people/business who took Crypto for a thing.
They took 100.00 Crypto, for a 50.00 item.
They kept the crypto, and now it is worth 25.00.

The scam works because there are SO MANY PEOPLE !!!!!!!

Gold/Silver/etc can Easily
NOT be,  “governed money”

You know this !!!!!!!

One can NOT, ‘Make Up” a currency out of thin air.

Why are Diamonds, held, and traded in a very, Very, VERY, tight, controlled, and structured environment ?

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 10:41:54

Consider the people/business who took Crypto for a thing.
They took 100.00 Crypto, for a 50.00 item.
They kept the crypto, and now it is worth 25.00.

 Or people like me made thousands of dollars profit and still do today, make purchases and sales using it.  No scamming needed, just verified transactions just like a bank does, but no requirement for a private bank.  The problem is the human agreeing to pay 100 for a 50 item, not the medium used to do it.

Gold/Silver/etc can Easily
NOT be,  “governed money”

 Agreed.  Go ahead and use gold to pay for things instead of cash so you aren't using money from a centralized bank.

"One can NOT, ‘Make Up” a currency out of thin air."

 If that was what was happening then I'd agree.  The problem is your lack of education on this.  It's a lot like people that don't own guns using the internet to tell them how guns work, so they can tell real gun owners how dangerous it is.  They decided guns were dangerous before bothering to educate themselves or even try using one, so now anything anti-gun is true.  There is a criminal element to gun ownership/sales/use but that does not make every gun sold/bought/owned dangerous.

 Crypto is no different.  Having a portion made out of thin air (which it isn't) doesn't make all of it made out of thin air.

 Crypto is not a scam because people can use crypto to scam.  I was called over a phone and they tried to scam me.  Are phones a scam?



Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 12:37:59

4767656D7067020 wrote:
"...  The problem is your lack of education on this.    

Please describe where the Crypto money comes/came from.
And how it can be mined by using electrons ?

As for making money. Hundreds of Thousands Made, and can still make a lot of money by watching and cleaver trading.

Just like the 1st 3/4th of the Ponzi Scam investing people did !

"Why are Diamonds, held, and traded in a very, Very, VERY, tight, controlled, and structured environment ?"

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 13:17:05

Please describe where the Crypto money comes/came from.
And how it can be mined by using electrons ?

 By primarily using 5 types of cryptography.  How is gold mined?  Is the issue electrons?  Is it because you want to have a physical item?   Most money today does not physically exist.  It's no longer possible to warehouse enough physical product for exchanges, the world moved on.

 As for making money. Hundreds of Thousands Made, and can still make a lot of money by watching and cleaver trading.

Just like the 1st 3/4th of the Ponzi Scam investing people did !

 Incorrect, cryptocurrency itself is nothing like a Ponzi Scam - but you can create a Ponzi scam using crypto, just like you can with physical cash, gold, marbles or grain.  I was emailed by a scammer, is email a scam?  Guns are used in crime, are guns for criminals?  

 People just want to believe it is "made up" out of nothing.  You are acting like all crypto is just magically made up and somehow placed onto SEC regulated crypto exchanges.  This is not true.  It is decentralized, tracked currency, and there are disadvantages to that, in exchange for not having a single point of failure like a government or a bank.  "Crypto" that does not share these properties is not crypto at all.  

 In July courts ruled that cryptocurrencies are considered securities when purchased by institutional buyers but not by retail investors purchased on exchanges.  This would not be possible if exchanges allowed just any made-up crypto on the market.

 Again this is no different than a guy who researched how bad guns are, never once owned one, and is telling a gun owner that uses it regularly how dangerous they are.  Any day now that gun is gonna hurt someone, you just wait and see! - said the guy that never even held one.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 16:02:31

5474767E6374110 wrote:
"...   Incorrect, cryptocurrency itself is nothing like a Ponzi Scam ..."

And it goes On and On and On and On  ...

I guess, no information to be gathered from all the reading/statements/sites/articles, about Crypto currency.
And it is a totally real thing, which one can buy a gallon of milk with, or a house in Carefree AZ.

Cryptocurrency is software. Every function, from how transactions are recorded to how data is stored, is dictated by code.
Especially for cryptocurrencies whose main function is to act as money,
What we think of as cryptocurrency, for example 1 Bitcoin, is just numbers recorded on a cryptocurrency’s blockchain. Another word for that stand-in for value is “token” (often also called a “coin”).
Lastly, the code for almost all cryptocurrencies is public, so anyone can check how coins are created.
How to Make a Cryptocurrency
If you want to create a cryptocurrency, you have a few different options.
Anyone can create a cryptocurrency,
Making a cryptocurrency is the easy part. Maintaining and growing it over time is usually more challenging.
You can make your own cryptocurrency. Usually creating a new coin or token requires some computer coding expertise, but you also can choose to hire a blockchain developer to create a digital currency for you. Launching a token on an existing blockchain platform like Ethereum can be accomplished with relatively little technical expertise.

There are more than 23,000 cryptocurrencies, according to CoinMarketCap. That's a far cry from a decade ago, when there were just seven.

there were over 9,000 as of 2023, although there were many more digital coins in the early months of 2022. Note, however, that a large portion of cryptocurrencies might not be that significant. There are other estimates of roughly 20,000
Due to how open the creation process of a cryptocurrency is, it is relatively easy to make one. Indeed, the top 20 cryptocurrencies make up nearly 90 percent of the total market.
A league table of the 120 cryptocurrencies with the highest market cap reveals how diverse each crypto is and potentially how much risk is involved when investing in one. Bitcoin (BTC), for instance, had a so-called "high cap" - a market cap worth more than 10 billion U.S. dollars - indicating this crypto project has a certain track record or, at the very least, is considered a major in the cryptocurrency space. Interestingly, Bitcoin is one of the (very) few coins listed as "store of value", or crypto designed to hold or even increase purchasing power over time. Simply put: Bitcoin somewhat functions like a digital gold but has limited functionality or applications elsewhere.

     So glad I am now, ‘educated’ on Cripto'

Can you answer this question ?
""Why are Diamonds, held, and traded in a very, Very, VERY, tight, controlled, and structured environment ?""

(Asked 3 times now)


Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Serowbot on 11/03/23 at 16:46:49

I got none of that  :-?

... but that fuzzy headed nerd and his girlfriend sure duped a lot of people

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 16:59:11

I guess, no information to be gathered from all the reading/statements/sites/articles, about Crypto currency.
And it is a totally real thing, which one can buy a gallon of milk with, or a house in Carefree AZ.

 Yes crypto currency is real and you can use it to buy things, just like you can use gold.  Go ahead and go buy a gallon of milk with some gold.

 The issue is crypto is not a scam just because you don't like how it is entered into the market.  Not all crypto is valuable, or reliably useable, just like not all money on the planet is universally valuable or useable.  If I were complaining about fools gold, fake gold plating, and gold-holding scams to show gold in itself is a "scam" that would be ridiculous right?  That's what is going on here with crypto.  

 People can use crypto to scam people.  I got a letter with a scam on it.  Are letters a scam?  

Can you answer this question ?
"Why are Diamonds, held, and traded in a very, Very, VERY, tight, controlled, and structured environment ?"

 No.  Diamonds aren't even close to the same commodity.

 Can you answer any of the ones I asked of you?

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 17:46:55

537371796473160 wrote:
"...   Can you answer any of the ones I asked of you?.

I have,
just that you did not understand them,
or like them.
Simply no reason to go on.

Let's see, anyone, that is ANY ONE, can "MAKE" Crypto.
Just like Anyone can Mine, Diamonds/Gold/Silver etc.
Difference is, one is real, and one is, MADE.
 (What was that guys name that tried to make Gold out of Lead ?)

"... Is the issue electrons? ..."

Electrons used all the time.
One buy's stock in a company, electrons record the transaction, the company sends electrons proving you own x shares of stock, that stock value goes up and down. You buy and sell it, using electrons.  If that company goes out of business/dissolves/bankrupt, you have a pile of electrons, worth ?????????

Same with a 'MADE' Currency.

Difference, one SEES, the company, sees the product, etc, etc, etc.

One can not, 'see', crypto. It is only someone (Thousands) saying, Yea It's their.  

Both are a risk.
A company can go out of business, ending your possible profits or losses.
(Their ARE signs of that happening if one is paying attention)

You have money in Crypto, you trade it/use it, money can be made.
Difference you NEVER have any proof of the, Anybody Can MAKE, 'money'.
So the people that held ALL that real money can say in a second,
 "We are Now Super Rich, and you are not"

I gotta start looking for some Ocean Front property in CO

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 21:14:59

I have,
just that you did not understand them,
or like them.
Simply no reason to go on.

 I can see no answers for the following:

I was called over a phone and they tried to scam me.  Are phones a scam?
I was emailed by a scammer, is email a scam?
Guns are used in crime, are guns for criminals?  
I got a letter with a scam on it.  Are letters a scam?  

 Crypto is not in itself a scam, but people can use it to scam people.  Millions of people use crypto daily with no problems.

Let's see, anyone, that is ANY ONE, can "MAKE" Crypto.

 But not anyone can put crypto into SEC regulated exchanges.  It's like saying anyone can sell guns at a gun show anonymously.

Just like Anyone can Mine, Diamonds/Gold/Silver etc.
Difference is, one is real, and one is, MADE.
(What was that guys name that tried to make Gold out of Lead ?)

 So you don't think things that are "MADE" are real?  A dollar bill is "MADE" and it seems to work just fine as "REAL" currency.  Crypto has been used for over a decade as money, how can it not be REAL?

"You have money in Crypto, you trade it/use it, money can be made.
Difference you NEVER have any proof of the, Anybody Can MAKE, 'money'.
So the people that held ALL that real money can say in a second,"

 This isn't even close to being true.  You do have proof, that's how blockchain works.

 This is an example of a gun-control person believing anything bad about guns because its scary to them and not educating themselves.  Then arguing with gun owners that have used guns for over a decade about how dangerous a guns are, how many loopholes there are, how they are untraceable etc., etc.

 I guess crypto is another one of those topics where someone can read about it and know more than all those people that actually use it.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 22:03:19

Eegore Said
" phones a scam?,  email a scam?, guns for criminals? letters a scam?  "

Not relevant to the topic. Nor did I ever say they were.

" not anyone can put crypto into SEC regulated exchanges "

Don't know, never have done it.
Sure does look like it can with the Billions of, "Missing" Crypto

"A dollar bill is "MADE" and it seems to work just fine "

Granted it was first made to exchange for gold/silver.
Yet it still has more behind it.

" You do have proof, that's how blockchain works."

OK, no one has ever, 'faked', 'blockchain'.

 "This is an example of a gun-control person believing anything bad about guns because "

Not, even close.
"  I guess crypto is another one of those topics where someone can read about it and know more than all those people that actually use it."

So you are now saying,
that all the information,
from all the sources,
from all the venues,
saying guns are bad,
are NOT true ?

Conversation over.
You Just keep using Crypto,
believing in it,
defending it,
and saying you believe the 2nd needs to be rewritten.

And I'll keep using GUNS for recreation,
as well as standing for the freedom of this Nation.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 23:10:42

Not relevant to the topic. Nor did I ever say they were.

 The relevance is that you are referencing Ponzi schemes and other scams.  Crypto in itself is not a scam, its that people use crypto to scam.  Like email.  So if email isn't a scam because scammers use it, why is crypto?

Don't know, never have done it.
Sure does look like it can with the Billions of, "Missing" Crypto

 I have.  You can't use any random nonsense crypto equally.  What happened with Bankman for instance is not because of crypto exclusively, he could have done this with any exchange based medium, even cash, gold or diamonds.  

Granted it was first made to exchange for gold/silver.
Yet it still has more behind it.

 And it can no longer be exchanged for bullion because that system can no longer meet today's monetary standards by a long shot.   There is more security in government backed currency, thus the tradeoff between non-centralized currency and centralized currency.  Both however are REAL.

OK, no one has ever, 'faked', 'blockchain'.

 Nobody has ever made fake gold or paper currency.  See how that sounds?  Blockchain is considerably more advanced and harder to replicate than any physical component used for modern currency.  There was a time when PayPal was a "scam" and would end money as we know it.  Now it's commonplace even though its not perfect and people can be scammed or use it criminally.  Crypto is no different, it has advantages and disadvantages, lack of education about it does not make it a scam.

So you are now saying,
that all the information,
from all the sources,
from all the venues,
saying guns are bad,
are NOT true ?

 As much as you are saying email is a scam.  

What the words I actually used mean, is that this discussion is no different than a human that reads about guns online that never even handled a gun, trying to tell a gun user for over a decade how bad guns are.  

 I thought crypto was nonsense too, but once I educated myself, and used it, I found out how it has advantages, and disadvantages.  What I did not do is decide before educating myself and trying it, that it was a scam and was not real.

 I definitely did not buy into the whole "certain people" can just say it no longer exists and you lose everything nonsense.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/23 at 09:36:11

 I have NEVER heard a Jew say:
“If you are Not a Jew, I will KILL you”

Yet I have hard, (MULTIPLE times/places):
”If you are Not Muslim, I will KILL You”

Never have I, or anyone’s blog, influence, site, opinion, said:
“you CAN NOT use/have crypto”
  Never !  (Just opinions on bad or good)

Yet the (often made statement) comparing my non user opinion,
about Crypto,
with an uneducated gun hater,
where that persons OPINION,
   is a statement
I should NOT have guns.

So again, not a problem to defend Crypto, saying my opinion is wrong.

I will continue to defend
Gun Ownership/use,
the FACT it is a RIGHT !
Of this FREE Country.

(Until the FDS Socialists take over and REMOVE rights of the Citizens)

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/04/23 at 12:14:23

So again, not a problem to defend Crypto, saying my opinion is wrong.

 Your opinion for the most part regarding risk types are right.  The technical components of crypto risks are wrong such as how blockchain works, that crypto can anonymously be "MADE" and eliminated and that crypto in itself is just a scam.  It's used in scams, but also used by millions per-hour every day normally and has been for over 10 years.  On the other side though, many will devalue to zero.

 I was sent a scam by email, is email a scam?

 Gold is used in scams too, but nobody is going to haul around gold to go by milk so it's less likely we will be exposed to that.  The bank seizures and bank runs in CA can't happen with crypto since it's decentralized, but on the flip side it's remarkably less stable.  

I will continue to defend
Gun Ownership/use,
the FACT it is a RIGHT !
Of this FREE Country.

 Great.  You have asked about other humans, besides humans on this forum, that use uneducated opinions, because they don't actually use guns, only saying what they are TOLD to say about guns, often times with claims that are false.   This conversation is an example of that.  A human with zero real world experience using the internet, and inaccurate information, to argue how bad crypto is with a human that regularly uses crypto after doing about 3 years of dedicated research and financial experimentation with it.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/23 at 13:20:41

00231E3D3F24232A4D0 wrote:
Yet the (often made statement) comparing my non user opinion,
about Crypto,
with an uneducated gun hater,
where that persons OPINION,
   is a statement
I should NOT have guns.

How many abortions have you had?

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/23 at 14:20:35

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
How many abortions have you had?

Totally irrelevant.

Especially from someone who had Said,
they have a (GASP GUN)
Yet will NOT tell anybody if they 'sold/gave/destroyed' that gun.
While implying in MANY posts, NO ONE should have a gun.

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/23 at 16:19:53

3523342931242932460 wrote:
How many abortions have you had?

How many Abortions KILL a human being?
 (Oh, it's EVERY ONE !!!!!!!!)

Title: Re: Nothing to see here
Post by Eegore on 11/04/23 at 21:35:23

Yet will NOT tell anybody if they 'sold/gave/destroyed' that gun.
While implying in MANY posts, NO ONE should have a gun.

 It would have to be implied since there is no actual reference of that statement. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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