General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> ?

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/26/23 at 09:07:47

Title: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/26/23 at 09:07:47

We can’t punish all Palestinians for what Hamas did but we can punish all gun owners for what mentally-ill mass shooters do?

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/26/23 at 09:11:20

how so ?

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/26/23 at 11:09:33

Do you feel punished that you can't buy brass knuckles at Walmart?
Hand grenades?
... or crack?
How 'bout kiddie porn?
How 'bout cancer causing food coloring? or weed killer? (Only some people will get the cancer, maybe not you)

Some things are outlawed to all to protect the few from themselves and others.
That's how society works

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/26/23 at 12:45:08

And I’m fine with what we have in place now. I don’t think you should be able to go in and buy machine gun.

It’s just every time there’s a shooting like this one in Maine. It’s the same old crap repeated over and over. Ban assault rifles. You can’t ban assault rifles cause you can’t define assault rifles.

I just found it comical, well not comical at all, because I had read the statement where somebody had said too bad for legal gun owners, they’re just gonna have to suffer. Time to take out the good because of a few bad. That’s what the comment was. I just found it ironic.

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/26/23 at 12:51:54

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
"... things are outlawed to all to protect the few from themselves and others. That's how society works

When Will You, (and other GUN Banners)
      actually have a clue
of how PUNISHING a HONEST person/s,
    for the wrong doings
of a Mentally Deranged Person/s.

Does NOT WORK ! ! ! !

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/26/23 at 13:45:18

being punished how?

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/26/23 at 16:25:12

Any gun with a capacity higher than 10.

Done... that wasn't so hard.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/26/23 at 16:53:10

Why 10? Why not 9?

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/23 at 06:44:27

Until the advent of high capacity guns,.. a 10 shot clip was pretty standard.  Particularly 10 shot 22's.
Ruger, Browning, etc... most higher caliber were less.
Colt 1911 was 7 or 8... revolvers, 5 or 6.
10 shot covers a lot traditional weapons that predate mass shootings
Higher capacity was reserved mostly for military or mafia.
10+1 is not really a big ask, and wouldn't stop mass shootings but it would help reduce the body count.
There is a reason mass shooters use AR's

That would actually be 10+1... if you count one in the chamber.   So... 10 +1

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/23 at 08:38:38

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
Higher capacity was reserved mostly for military or mafia..."

Again, you don't have the first clue.

Punishing a HONEST Citizen,
    and 'expecting' it
to STOP a deranged Criminal.

Is the same as, BANNING, all RED cars,
Cause a Red Car was used in a Bank Robbery.

Point out when/where/how/who,
made a firearm SPECIALLY
 for organized Crime
which one name was, 'Mafia' ?

Point out HOW,
a firearm made specifically for the 'military' would get into Civilians hands ? Could it possibility be by a CRIMINAL ?????????????  Or perhaps by a 'NUT-CASE', or a TERRORIST, ??????????????????????????

Oh Wait, it is all those HONEST, Citizens !
Who use, own, buy, a Firearm.

Which of course, YOU don't have any.
 (Or DO YOU ?)

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/23 at 11:16:35

Oswald killed JFK with a mail order military surplus rifle.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/27/23 at 12:53:09

Crime in your country has reached a point in some places that it is no longer responsible to make changes to the law.

There was a little girl in the news asking why adults would go into a building and shoot people at random. Why do people do that? She asked sincerely.

Grown people all know why. And if you know why, you would want All weapons to be eradicated from the world.Would you not?

Why don't we deal with the insanity that we experience within ourselves?
Because if no one takes up that task, we will have to arm ourselves more and more heavily.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/23 at 12:54:05

From a big picture point of view, there are so few mass shootings that I don’t see this having any impact.

As far as why would someone want a clip with more that 10 rounds? Because they do.

Again, 99.999% are never used with ill-intent so why punish them?

The other thing is it would simply be a reason to not look deeper into why this happens. Why isn’t everybody screaming about mental health issues instead of the made up term of assault rifles? What’s causing these people to do this? The ones previous to this guy all had sexual identity issues. How many of them were on the same medication? How come we haven’t seen the Nashville shooters manifesto?

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/27/23 at 13:08:29

If you look at sexual identity issues. Then you can conclude that if you are a man you can call that your identity and the same applies to a woman. No problem.
But if you feel different, you fall outside the scope because there is a taboo on it and you cannot call it your identity.
And that is why they fight for their identity.

But having an identity is the problem the world is struggling with.
It is the number 1 cause of all the problems in the world.
All conflicts in the world are related to identity.
Democrat/Republican, Palestinian/Israeli, Black/White, American/Mexican.
There is nothing wrong with that designation, but there is something wrong with the identification with it.

We are willing to kill based on identity.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/23 at 14:18:53

6B7467747F747F7463767874110 wrote:
If you look at sexual identity issues. Then you can conclude that if you are a man you can call that your identity and the same applies to a woman. No problem.
But if you feel different, you fall outside the scope because there is a taboo on it and you cannot call it your identity.
And that is why they fight for their identity.

But having an identity is the problem the world is struggling with.
It is the number 1 cause of all the problems in the world.
All conflicts in the world are related to identity.
Democrat/Republican, Palestinian/Israeli, Black/White, American/Mexican.
There is nothing wrong with that designation, but there is something wrong with the identification with it.

We are willing to kill based on identity.

I don’t buy that.

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/23 at 14:31:01

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
From a big picture point of view, there are so few mass shootings that I don’t see this having any impact.

How many is enough?

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/27/23 at 15:58:43

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
[quote author=6B7467747F747F7463767874110 link=1698336467/0#13 date=1698437309]If you look at sexual identity issues. Then you can conclude that if you are a man you can call that your identity and the same applies to a woman. No problem.
But if you feel different, you fall outside the scope because there is a taboo on it and you cannot call it your identity.
And that is why they fight for their identity.

But having an identity is the problem the world is struggling with.
It is the number 1 cause of all the problems in the world.
All conflicts in the world are related to identity.
Democrat/Republican, Palestinian/Israeli, Black/White, American/Mexican.
There is nothing wrong with that designation, but there is something wrong with the identification with it.

We are willing to kill based on identity.

I don’t buy that.


Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/27/23 at 16:33:38

the bubs lord ronnie regan was against assault weapons

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/23 at 04:28:47

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
[quote author=724047565140576844574E250 link=1698336467/0#12 date=1698436445]From a big picture point of view, there are so few mass shootings that I don’t see this having any impact.

How many is enough?[/quote]

I guess one answer would be none of your business how much I think is enough.

In my opinion, we have enough gun laws. Number one we don’t enforce the ones we have, and number two, there’s always way around them.

Stop talking about the guns. Start talking about why people go off the rails. Again, we recently had four or five shooters who were trannys. Has anyone done investigation as to why? Do we really understand the drugs we’re given these sick people. Also, most, if not all of these shootings are males. To be fair, males are far more likely to own or have access to guns, or have shot guns in their past, but is there something else? Has anybody asked or looked into that.? Are we emphasizing the success of women so much that we’re leaving boys behind? I think that’s a distinct possibility.

And why are they almost always white? There seem to be very few black mass shooters even though from the violence point of view,  numbers will tell you the black population is far more violent with weapons. Why don’t we have a proportional number black mass shooters?

I’m not sure we really know what’s going on but hey, let’s “get the guns“ like we’re actually accomplishing something.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/23 at 04:29:12

5448554D504552434C4F4E45200 wrote:
the bubs lord ronnie regan was against assault weapons

Well, good to hear your Ronald Reagan fan.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/28/23 at 06:07:29

"madness in the name of freedom"..567 mass shooting in 2023

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/23 at 08:05:32

The Right's always talkin' about taking care a looneys before they go postal... but they're never willing to pay for it.

Time to try something new.  and it costs nothing.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/28/23 at 09:43:30

mar-a-lago is a gun free zone now that's' punishment  :D

Title: Re: ?
Post by Eegore on 10/28/23 at 13:23:36

Again, we recently had four or five shooters who were trannys. Has anyone done investigation as to why?

 Yes.  Medication is not likely the cause as millions and millions of humans are on the same medications, (they are not exclusively for transgender use) and have been for years.  Plus there have been more than 7 shootings so 5 out of 7 seems bad as long as we leave out all other shootings.

 Is being transgendered a contributing factor to violence, specific to firearms, and with an attempted murder rate high enough to meet the term "mass shooting"?  That's a hard one to prove since the data pool is so small.

Also, most, if not all of these shootings are males. To be fair, males are far more likely to own or have access to guns, or have shot guns in their past, but is there something else? Has anybody asked or looked into that.? Are we emphasizing the success of women so much that we’re leaving boys behind? I think that’s a distinct possibility.

 Yes there are studies ongoing in regard to this.  The overwhelming majority of transitioning humans are females transitioning to males.  If the idea is to make being a woman seem more desirable they are failing miserably.  The question I have is how do we explain all the violence before we emphasized the success of women?  It was certainly there, and in similar if not even more percentage volume.

 The term "going postal" has been around for decades, so obviously things other than acknowledging the potential of women caused violence in men.

 I think in cases like this it gets too easy to blame things that have been around for a while on the latest thing we don't like.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/23 at 14:05:16

263A273F223720313E3D3C37520 wrote:
"madness in the name of freedom"..567 mass shooting in 2023

There have not been 567 mass shootings. That’s a lie.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/23 at 14:07:22

6B7D6A776F7A776C180 wrote:
The Right's always talkin' about taking care a looneys before they go postal... but they're never willing to pay for it.

Time to try something new.  and it costs nothing.

I don’t think that’s true. I’m not willing to pi$$ money away on most of the useless $hit proposed by leftist. I’d support spending money for honest to God programs that produced.

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/23 at 15:29:52

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
I’m not willing to pi$$ money away on most of the useless $hit proposed by leftist. I’d support spending money for honest to God programs that produced.

How does one measure success?
A patient that doesn't kill will be wasted money on the wrong person.
A person that does kill will be failed treatment.
Any shooter not being treated is one that the program missed.
Any shooter that is being treated is obviously a failure.
100% failure rate

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 03:44:24

5244534E56434E55210 wrote:
[quote author=7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 link=1698336467/15#25 date=1698527242] I’m not willing to pi$$ money away on most of the useless $hit proposed by leftist. I’d support spending money for honest to God programs that produced.

How does one measure success?
A patient that doesn't kill will be wasted money on the wrong person.
A person that does kill will be failed treatment.
Any shooter not being treated is one that the program missed.
Any shooter that is being treated is obviously a failure.
100% failure rate

Do you have any idea the billions of dollars wasted on Covid economic recovery funds? It was an absolute joke. You could’ve sent every person in the country a check and it would’ve been cheaper and more effective. And it’s often cited and 100% true, if you look at the money, we spent on the war on poverty, my god, what a ridiculous joke. So no, I don’t want you, people, and yes, I said you people, to come up with some program that employs 100 people to “help” 1 person. No, I’m done with that.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/29/23 at 04:02:07

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
[quote author=263A273F223720313E3D3C37520 link=1698336467/15#20 date=1698498449]"madness in the name of freedom"..567 mass shooting in 2023

There have not been 567 mass shootings. That’s a lie.[/quote]


Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/29/23 at 04:29:00

It's really nice that we have a gun discussion again. We used to have it every week, but it's been a while.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 04:56:51

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
[quote author=5244534E56434E55210 link=1698336467/15#26 date=1698532192][quote author=7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 link=1698336467/15#25 date=1698527242] I’m not willing to pi$$ money away on most of the useless $hit proposed by leftist. I’d support spending money for honest to God programs that produced.

How does one measure success?
A patient that doesn't kill will be wasted money on the wrong person.
A person that does kill will be failed treatment.
Any shooter not being treated is one that the program missed.
Any shooter that is being treated is obviously a failure.
100% failure rate

Do you have any idea the billions of dollars wasted on Covid economic recovery funds? It was an absolute joke. You could’ve sent every person in the country a check and it would’ve been cheaper and more effective. And it’s often cited and 100% true, if you look at the money, we spent on the war on poverty, my god, what a ridiculous joke. So no, I don’t want you, people, and yes, I said you people, to come up with some program that employs 100 people to “help” 1 person. No, I’m done with that.[/quote]

Perfectly timed article this morning:
The Food Insecurity Scam Is Even Worse Than The Poverty Scam
October 27, 2023/ Francis Menton
Periodically I post updates here about how more and more government money thrown at so-called “anti-poverty” programs never seems to reduce measured poverty even by a little.  I call this phenomenon the “poverty scam.”  The persistent high rate of supposed “poverty” — in the face of well over a trillion dollars of annual spending supposedly intended to cure it — is then repeatedly used to sucker the voters and the Congress into another round of increases in the spending, none of which will ever reduce poverty as measured.  My latest post on this subject was on September 16, occasioned by the issuance from the Census Bureau of its “poverty” statistics for 2022.  (That latest issuance of poverty statistics showed a large uptick in measured poverty despite an approximately 8% increase in the spending supposed to cure it.). For dozens of more posts on this subject, go to the Poverty tag in the Archive section.

And yet, among the categories of federal statistics that are cynically crafted to deceive and manipulate the public to support advocacy for growth of programs, there is a category that is even worse than “poverty,” and that is the category of “food insecurity.”  The “food insecurity” statistics do not come from the Census Bureau, but rather from another agency, the Department of Agriculture.  Those are the people who administer the various federal food programs, like the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (“SNAP”, aka food stamps), the Women, Infants and Children Program (“WIC”), and others.  At the DOA, they have taken the art of creating fake statistics that can never improve no matter how much is spent to a whole new level.

Just the News has the scoop in a story dated October 26:  “Bidenomics Boomerang: Hunger explodes on Joe’s watch as 10 million more fall into food insecurity.”  Excerpt:

The number of Americans suffering from hunger and food insecurity exploded by more than 10 million under President Joe Biden, according to a U.S. Agriculture Department report this week that provided fresh evidence of inflation‘s impact of a basic staple of life.  The report found 44.2 million Americans were living in food-insecure households in 2022, compared to 33.8 million the year before.  “From 2021 to 2022, there were statistically significant increases in food insecurity and very low food security for nearly all subgroups of households described in this report,” USDA [sic] reported Wednesday.

More than 10 million households, and a more than 30% increase in the number of households, represents quite a huge one-year jump in this measure of “food insecurity.”  JTN mentions inflation as a contributing factor, and likely that has something to do with the increase.  But what is this statistic actually measuring?  JTN takes the opportunity to bash Biden about hunger supposedly exploding on his watch.  But does “food insecurity” really have anything to do with hunger?  

Probably your first instinct will be to infer that for “food insecurity” to increase so much there must at least have been some big decrease in the government benefits intended to address the issue.  Boy would that be wrong.  In fact, the first two years of Biden saw an incredible explosion of spending on the programs intended to cure this affliction.  Here are the data from the Department of Agriculture for the SNAP program number of beneficiaries and spending from 2016 (last year of the Obama administration) through 2022 (most recent year of data):

As you can see, during the Trump years (2017-2020) both the number of participants and spending went down substantially up to 2019, before rebounding in the pandemic year of 2020.  Then, during the two Biden years of 2021 and 2022, the number of beneficiaries further increased (by about 5%) despite the fading of the pandemic and the low unemployment rate; and meanwhile the spending skyrocketed, from about $79 billion in 2020 to almost $120 billion in 2022 — an increase of over 50%.

And here we have the true scandal of the federal food programs and the supposed “food insecurity” measurement.  How is it even possible for programs supposedly designed to address a problem to fail so completely?  During years when spending designed to reduce food insecurity increased by more than 50%, the number of people deemed to be in food insecurity not only did not decrease, but increased by over 30%.

I think that the answer to the question is that the “food insecurity” statistic was cynically created from the beginning to be impervious to decrease no matter how much gets spent on food assistance.  Despite ubiquitous references and claims that the “food insecurity” statistic has something to do with hunger (and even JTN falls for this in the quote above), in fact “food insecurity” has nothing explicit to do with hunger, and the questions in the questionnaire mention nothing about hunger.  Instead, the measure of food insecurity, devised during the Clinton Administration in the 1990s, basically comes from the answer on a survey to this question: “We worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more.” Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the last 12 months?  Some of the people who respond affirmatively to that may well have been hungry at some time during the period in question, but you have no way to determine how many, if any.

Somehow the number of people who give an affirmative answer to that question (44.2 million in 2022 according to the latest report) bears a remarkable resemblance to the number of beneficiaries of the food stamp program (41.2 million in 2022 according to the DOA data in the chart).  While there is no way to know that they are the exact same people, one might very reasonably look at the two numbers and infer that the large majority of the recipients of food stamps answer yes to the food insecurity survey question.  After all, the design of the food stamp program is that the beneficiaries get a monthly allocation that they must make last to the end of the month.  Of course many of them spend the allocation early and run low at the end of the month.  The incredible thing is that even with a near 50% increase in the monthly benefit level during the Biden years, the percentage of people who spend the money early does not go down, but rather up.

You would think that the disaster of seeing “food insecurity” go up by 30% despite a $40 billion jump in spending would bring loud demands from the public, or at least the Congress, for firing of the responsible bureaucrats and restructuring of the program to something that is effective.  But that’s not how this works.  In the great bureaucratic tradition, the failure of the big spending increase to ameliorate the problem will be used by the agency to demand another round of increases in spending and staff.  This time, they will argue, the increase in spending will work.  The way to succeed in your main goal — which is growing your budget and staff — is to fail, and the more spectacularly the better.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 05:00:11

5549544C514453424D4E4F44210 wrote:
[quote author=043631202736211E322138530 link=1698336467/15#24 date=1698527116][quote author=263A273F223720313E3D3C37520 link=1698336467/15#20 date=1698498449]"madness in the name of freedom"..567 mass shooting in 2023

There have not been 567 mass shootings. That’s a lie.[/quote]


Sorry but gang bangers shooting each other is not the same as Maine, Nashville, Las Vegas for example. Organizations lump those together for scare tactics as if one “solution” would solve the other. Radom mass shootings are very rare thank goodness.

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/23 at 07:01:35

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
[quote author=5244534E56434E55210 link=1698336467/15#26 date=1698532192][quote author=7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 link=1698336467/15#25 date=1698527242] I’m not willing to pi$$ money away on most of the useless $hit proposed by leftist. I’d support spending money for honest to God programs that produced.

How does one measure success?
A patient that doesn't kill will be wasted money on the wrong person.
A person that does kill will be failed treatment.
Any shooter not being treated is one that the program missed.
Any shooter that is being treated is obviously a failure.
100% failure rate

Do you have any idea the billions of dollars wasted on Covid economic recovery funds? It was an absolute joke. You could’ve sent every person in the country a check and it would’ve been cheaper and more effective. And it’s often cited and 100% true, if you look at the money, we spent on the war on poverty, my god, what a ridiculous joke. So no, I don’t want you, people, and yes, I said you people, to come up with some program that employs 100 people to “help” 1 person. No, I’m done with that.[/quote]
How do you measure success?
You're  the one that said the solution is is identification and treatment.
You're in charge.
What's the plan Stan?

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/29/23 at 07:27:45

GVA stats are based on a minimum of four victims
how many is in a mass?

gang shootings are still gun violence

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 08:39:27

2A362B332E3B2C3D3231303B5E0 wrote:
GVA stats are based on a minimum of four victims
how many is in a mass?

gang shootings are still gun violence

That’s different in the context of random mass shootings. You want to make it seem worse than it is.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/29/23 at 09:24:01

not much value in human life eh?

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/29/23 at 10:37:07

That's just childish arguing, no one here would just shoot someone.

The precedent thinks it is very normal that Amrrika supply,s weapons to Israel. And if in the current conflict they spend their missiles  very quickly, your president says he will replenish supplies very quickly and there is a carrier ship on its way to assist them.
Amerika thereby violates international treaties and acts against the
Israel is currently committing genocide.
But I haven't seen you speak out against that here.

In fact, I have the impression that you are in favor of it.
Democrat are you not? Biden the peace ful precident is he not?

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 11:13:11

495548504D584F5E515253583D0 wrote:
not much value in human life eh?

Why would you say that?

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 11:16:25

4E5142515A515A5146535D51340 wrote:
That's just childish arguing, no one here would just shoot someone.

The precedent thinks it is very normal that Amrrika supply,s weapons to Israel. And if in the current conflict they spend their missiles  very quickly, your president says he will replenish supplies very quickly and there is a carrier ship on its way to assist them.
Amerika thereby violates international treaties and acts against the
Israel is currently committing genocide.
But I haven't seen you speak out against that here.

In fact, I have the impression that you are in favor of it.
Democrat are you not? Biden the peace ful precident is he not?

I am in favor so Israel eliminating Hamas completely by virtually any means necessary. Every innocent death is on Hamas and no one else.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/29/23 at 12:06:47

Why are you in favor of that?

I find it quite strange that the Democrats watch CNN and see that Fox News spreads lies and that the Republicans watch Fox News and see that CNN spreads lies.

And that everyone realizes that they are both spreading lies.

But very few people realize that they are propaganda distributors for a small group of people who keep waging war under false pretenses.

Look at the war in Iraq, look at Ukraine, look at Israel.
Don't you see the illogic of it?

Did you know that the day before 911 the government announced that 2.6 trillion dollars was missing from the accounts and that after 911 someone asked about it; and that the answer was that all data was lost due to the attack in the pentagon?

Can't you see that Biden is just a puppet.
Can't you see that Trump threw a spanner in the works by not wanting to go to war anymore?

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/23 at 13:58:49

Did you know that the day before 911 the government announced that 2.6 trillion dollars was missing from the accounts and that after 911 someone asked about it; and that the answer was that all data was lost due to the attack in the pentagon?

Just stop.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 10/29/23 at 14:25:55

It came from Rumsfeld's mouth in 2001, clearly seen and heard here:

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/23 at 20:15:32

2539243C213423323D3E3F34510 wrote:
not much value in human life eh?

     Cheese and Rice !

Of course, Gang Banger, Turf Wars, Drive By,  Wrong Color hat,  etc,etc,etc. Shootings/Killings are gun violence.

As the DFI, Deranged, School/Nightclub/Theater, etc shooting.

So your, (and ALL the GUN BANNING SOCIALISTS), solution is to punish the HONEST Citizen, with more laws that are not enforced, (unless someone wants to), Banning a type of Firearm. Banning amount of Ammunition. Requiring delays, requiring more, ‘qualifications’, and a PENALTY as to a OUTRAGEOUS COST to buy a Gun.

Do you Really think that the, ‘Gang Bangers, Drive By, Dished Me, Wrong Colors in the Wrong Area,  etc, etc, etc,
Which are the, VAST MAJORITY,for Killing with a Firearm.
Actually have gone through Any, that is A N Y, type of , ‘Requirement’,  or Are even ABLE TO !!!!!!!!!

Ya wanna to stop Gun Violence.
PUNISH !!!!!!
 (2+2,= 4  -  2+2 does NOT equal 3 or 5)

Only the true, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialist, believe disarming the HONEST CITIZEN, will Stop Gun Violence from someone who does NOT follow, ANY LAW !

And don’t even think about assigning/adding the people committing Suicide. When they want to Kill Themselves, a gun, is only one of a  100+ ways it can be done.  A Gun has nothing to do with Suicide, that persons mind is made up and they will do it any way possible.

Ya wanna stop violence with a Gun ?
PUNISH, a person that had committed violence with a Gun.
   (Which is NOT HAPPENING)

AND !,  PUNISH, a person who has LIED and Violates the LAW, on possession of a Firearm.

  (Golly Gee Wally,
  Hunter BIDEN, SKATES ?????????)

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/30/23 at 08:39:36

11 more mass shootings over the weekend...580 for the year

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 10/30/23 at 10:09:47

362A372F322730212E2D2C27420 wrote:
11 more mass shootings over the weekend...580 for the year

So you have a magic wand and remove everything that you think is an assault rifle. (however it is you defined that)

Now recount. How many mass shootings do you have now?

575? Yay, good for you! You got rid of assault rifles yay!

That’s why you have to clearly define events or you’ll focus on solutions that do not address the actual issue.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 10/30/23 at 11:07:28

I have not mentioned any weapon of choice
a mass shooting is a mass shooting

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 10/31/23 at 17:42:52

273B263E233621303F3C3D36530 wrote:
a mass shooting is a mass shooting

So all those people,
that YOU say
Are Responsible
for what YOU call,
‘Mass Shooting’.

Are HONEST People ?

Or are they ‘Gang Bangers’, ‘Turf Wars’, ‘Wrong Color’, Drive By’s’, ‘Thieving/Stealing/Looting/destroying’, and totally mentally deranged people ?

Which group
  should one
PUNISH ??????????????

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 03:13:43

Punish? You speak like a small child who is afraid that his toys will be taken away. Is that what weapons mean to you?
Or were weapons to protect your family?

Because if we start thinking like adults, we have to realize that mass scooting is a very undesirable phenomenon.

Because otherwise you probably find it normal to, that 2 million people are murdered because there are individuals who belong to the promised people and need space.


Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/23 at 07:01:17

Zev... you're the most Right wing liberal I know

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/23 at 07:56:14

716E7D6E656E656E796C626E0B0 wrote:

Would that be before, or after Columbus ?

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/23 at 09:50:24

One thing I know is, the US government could not go rogue on its citizens and enslave us like China for example. And if Hamas-style terrorist tried to shoot up a bunch of people, in certain areas of the country for sure, they’d be outgunned. I’m fine with that. That’s why we have a second amendment.

Enforce the gun laws we have now. Stop giving trannies drugs, seal the border and cut down drug supply, stop ignoring men and their accomplishments, put more men in administration positions in schools, stop raising taxes and cut them especially for anyone retired, get rid of that criminal Joe Biden, and vote out traitorous leftist politicians.

There, that’s a good start.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 10:18:35

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
Zev... you're the most Right wing liberal I know

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 10:36:05

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
One thing I know is, the US government could not go rogue on its citizens and enslave us like China for example.

And if Hamas-style terrorist tried to shoot up a bunch of people, in certain areas of the country for sure, they’d be outgunned. I’m fine with that.Me too That’s why we have a second amendment.
If you knew the history of Israel. And if the Palestinians had the 2nd Amendment, they would have shot the Jews off their land,
While shouting 'get off my lawn' and you would have agreed.

Enforce the gun laws we have now. Stop giving trannies drugs, seal the border and cut down drug supply, stop ignoring men and their accomplishments, put more men in administration positions in schools, stop raising taxes and cut them especially for anyone retired, get rid of that criminal Joe Biden, and vote out traitorous leftist politicians.
Souds good to me
And I would make a change in the gun law. Anyone who shoots someone in self-defense will care for the surviving relative for a year and care for his or her children for a lifetime.

There, that’s a good start.

Title: Re: ?
Post by Eegore on 11/01/23 at 11:25:54

And I would make a change in the gun law. Anyone who shoots someone in self-defense will care for the surviving relative for a year and care for his or her children for a lifetime.

 So the man who entered my mother's home and murdered her, if I were there and killed him I would take care of his wife for a year and his kids for a lifetime?

 The man who killed the guy actively murdering people in a mall, he would now be supporting his wife for a year and his kids for a lifetime?

 The man who knifed 3 kids and was actively stabbing another, the woman that killed him would be supporting his wife for a year and paying his child support for a lifetime?

Title: Re: ?
Post by Serowbot on 11/01/23 at 11:30:00

607F6C7F747F747F687D737F1A0 wrote:
And I would make a change in the gun law. Anyone who shoots someone in self-defense will care for the surviving relative for a year and care for his or her children for a lifetime.

So,... don't shoot a Trump... the monthly payments would be a lifetime income  ;D

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 11:39:35

Damm... you understand why I want to introduce this law. [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 11:41:49

11320F2C2E35323B5C0 wrote:
[quote author=716E7D6E656E656E796C626E0B0 link=1698336467/45#47 date=1698833623]

Would that be before, or after Columbus ?

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D[/quote]

You killed your own ancestors.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/23 at 11:58:23

News flash Z, history didn’t start at 1948.

And while that’s important, it doesn’t really matter anyway.  England can claim the US is actually its territory for example but it doesn’t really matter. That war is over and this land BELONGS to the citizens of United States.

There’s an area of land that is known as Israel. That’s just the way it is.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 15:02:45

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
News flash Z, history didn’t start at 1948.

And while that’s important, it doesn’t really matter anyway.  England can claim the US is actually its territory for example but it doesn’t really matter. That war is over and this land BELONGS to the citizens of United States.

There’s an area of land that is known as Israel. That’s just the way it is.

It does matter.

Already 3,500 children have died in Gaza. And three classrooms of children die every day. And why? because someone once said that Jews are the promised people and that Israel is the promised land. By believing those thoughts there is war there. I call that insanity.
The West is historically wrong by giving Palestinian land to the Jews and helping them win every war.

No wonder Arabs hate the USA.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/23 at 15:12:52

In the sense of legitimacy, no, it doesn’t. The borders are set. Israel is a nation and that’s its territory. The Palestinians, unfortunately our group of people trapped and being used as pawns by Arab states. Do you want to kill every year on the planet.

As far as a ceasefire goes, there was a cease-fire in place on October 6.

And if the Palestinians in Gaza are tired of being killed by Israeli forces, here’s an idea. Point out where all the members of Hamas are hiding. Guide Israeli soldiers to the tunnels and where they can find the weapons that are stored.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/01/23 at 15:22:37

You are verry verry much uninformed aboud what goes on there.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/23 at 05:37:09

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/02/23 at 05:40:07

I would suggest you are over-informed in the sense you cannot see reality past your bias-glasses.

The hatred of Jews by much of the Arab world is plainly obvious. The fact they are celebrating an OFFENSIVE whose main strategy was brutal torture and slaughter should tell you one side in this conflict is beyond reason.

Again, if these innocent Palestinians want peace, then turn against Hamas. No, it won’t be easy. Look at the history of some of the countries in World War II, how they suffered fighting the Nazis. But it’s necessary. (As a sidenote, for all you anti-2nd amendment freaks, imagine if there really were innocent Palestinians desiring peace and they were armed and able to fight back against the brutal, totalitarian leader ship of Hamas, but that’s another story)

The Nazis were completely wiped out. That’s the only endgame suitable for Hamas and likely the ruling party in Iran. To be completely wiped out.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/23 at 05:44:39

See the video webster ...

0:00 - Intro
2:37 - Welcome Scott Ritter
3:19 - The Truth About Life in Gaza
7:44 - How Israel Security Plans Failed
11:22 - How Israel's Government Helped Create Hamas
16:22 - How Israel Can Defeat Hamas
18:30 - What Is the Exit Strategy for Israel?
26:20 - Will There Be a War Between US and Iran?
31:20 - Is There a Chance for Peace Now?
33:34 - Benjamin Netanyahu's Future is Uncertain
37:40 - The US Plans for the Middle East
40:17 - How Oct 7th Changed the Middle East Forever

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/02/23 at 13:34:20

594655464D464D4651444A46230 wrote:
See the video webster ...  

WOW !!!!!
Believe a Ultra LIBERAL,

CONVICTED multiple sex crimes offender,

And Russian propagandist.

Just WOW !!!!!!!

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/03/23 at 02:34:14

Outside America you could say that the whole world is ultra left. Because everyone sees Putin's reasonableness more and more.

Since the Second World War, America has had only one goal in mind for Russia and that is to eliminate Russia. And the war in Ukraine is a consequence of that.
Nowadays, anyone who is critical of the USA is a sex offender.

Too bad nothing came in of the video. You are too identified with being a right-winger.
And that makes you small-minded.

I don't recommend it to many people, but I recommend it to you.

Use something mind-expanding. A mushroom trip, LSD under good guidance.

Not to change your political opinion, because that's not my point.

But to discover that all that is in the world is bred in an all-encompassing spirit.
The art of life is to discover it and live from it. Because if you start to discover that source, you will also shatter all illusion in the world.
And a political orientation is nothing more than a filter through which you see reality distorted.

Once you realize "that", you will also see that everyone walks around with such a filter and that, it is the cause of all the misery in the world.

Because when all filters disappear you see that everything is one. We live in the universe.
And we are not separated from it.

Your identity is an illusion that makes you feel separate.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 04:46:01

I’ve been fortunate enough to work for two international companies and travel internationally quite a few times in my life. I regularly keep in touch with people across Europe and specifically those in the Nordic countries today. I’m aware of the rest of the world is quite a bit different than United States.

I’m also aware there’s no place better than United States. There’s a reason why everybody looks to the United States for leadership. I get we fail sometimes, and certainly now, with the demented old corrupt president we have today, but nonetheless, we are at the top of the flag pole. That’s just the way it is.

And I’m in my early 60s and I’ve been following the news regularly for 50+ years so I’m not going to invest 40 minutes watching someone’s YouTube video. i’ve built up a knowledge base as best I can on the Middle East and I’m comfortable with it. I listen to plenty of other points of view which occasionally change my viewpoint, but there are certain fundamental foundations that I know to be 100% true.

I’ve have not been to the Middle East, but I have a good friend in Canada who works for my company who regularly travels to Israel (because our European branches were too chicken and afraid of the Arabs to do it so we manage it out of Canada ) to build our business there and has built deep friendships. I’ve met a few of those people when everyone came over to the states for a meeting.

The Arab states are run by a male dominated, religion-based version of the Mafia. Recently being referred to as Nazis, which I think is an accurate representation. There’s  a great video you can watch, it’s a short one, not 40 minutes, that shows images of women in these Arab states in the 50s and early 60s wearing bikinis, walking in parks, holding jobs, driving cars, etc. Today they wear burkas, cover their head, and if her husband gets mad, they get beaten in public.

No one wants that type of living, except for the few men who are in power and young men who gather together and use that lifestyle as a way to bond with other men, because they don’t have anything else in their life.

Sure there are Arab countries that are slowly changing. If you’re a woman in Saudi Arabia, you can actually drive now, and maybe even become a doctor. But you’re never equal, you’re never actually free and don’t pretend otherwise.

So yes, I hope Israel completely destroyed Hamas and actually occupies Gaza not this ridiculous current definition of occupation, but a real occupation. Liberate all those people. Over 10 or 20 years they could actually turn them into their own functioning society. Now, the Arab states don’t want that. They want to use them as pawns in their little game.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/03/23 at 04:53:01

Well if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?

I mean you're in your early 60s.
You know your thoughts by now, there is nothing new, and you also know that they are usually wrong. Why do you stay in that small world?

In the Middle East they will have to open up if they ever want to have peace.

The countries surrounding Israel do not benefit from war. For a long time now, the chance for peace there has been greater than ever. This is also due to interference from China.
But the Palestinians need a free state.
but that does not benefit Israel. and neither does America. and neither do you, because then your thoughts are no longer correct.

If we want to see the world in peace, we will have to pay a very big price: our identity.

And you suffered quite a dent.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/23 at 07:09:14

And I’m in my early 60s and I’ve been following the news regularly for 50+ years so I’m not going to invest 40 minutes watching someone’s YouTube video.

using videos the way Z does is an attempt to  fill the hole left from the inability to form an original thought

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 07:38:19

Well if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?

1) what do you mean to say is if you can change my mind and show yourself to be superior of thought, then you don’t want to bother with me.

2) i’m open to new info, but I’m not going to invest 40 minutes in a YouTube video from someone I never heard of before.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 07:42:23

But the Palestinians need a free state.

1) They could live peacefully in Gaza if they didn’t try to kill Jews all the time.

2) and too bad, they need to deal with it. There’s a whole bunch of Native Americans who feel like they the entire western should be returned to them, but again , too bad. They should’ve fought harder. They lost, and I’ll deal with it.

3) and if they want a free state, ask any of the Arab states that surround them for a little bit of land, and they can carve out their own nation. Good luck with that.

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 07:46:02

using videos the way Z does is an attempt to  fill the hole left from the inability to form an original thought

Typical response. Because you disagree with me on other items, you think I don’t have an original thought. That’s a ridiculous position to take. I’m fairly successful in my work and life despite having come from quite literally complete and total poverty. I don’t have a college degree and barely finished high school yet I’m often confused for a consulting engineer. I’ve done plenty of public speaking events and I’m currently on quite a few standards committee in my industry. You would be surprised. I don’t think that’s possible without an original thought.

Maybe it’s I just don’t have “an original thought” that is the same as your “original thought”.

Title: Re: ?
Post by MnSpring on 11/03/23 at 08:10:13

zevenenergie Said:

“ …Use something mind-expanding. A mushroom trip, LSD…”
“…if you start to discover that source, you will also shatter all illusion in the world….”
“…if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?…”
“…You know your thoughts by now, there is nothing new, and you also know that they are usually wrong. Why do you stay in that small world?…”

That explains a lot.
Thought you were  just a Troll.
Now, a brain addled, Fairy Dust Sprinkler, Troll.

The longest WAR ever in the USA, will continue.
When allowed it, numbs people, makes them VERY susceptible to propaganda,  distorts critical thinking.
The US makes a great ‘show’, of doing something.
Not, because it can’t be stopped,

Many State’s have ‘dispensaries’, and more are/will be added.
Yet today, YET, their is no way to prove one in driving under the influence of Mary Jane.
The car accidents, ‘for mysterious reasons’, grow.
The Feds, have no proof of a person lying on the 4473
(GASP, the required gun ownership form)
Until the Feds TAKE all the records from the Dispensaries.
 (Which at some point they will)

Unless your name is Hunter !

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/23 at 08:13:09

read my post webby , didn't mention you..

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 09:57:12

A great comment
“Israel does not purposely kill civilians, Palestinian terrorists do. If Israel put down its guns tomorrow, there would be a second Holocaust. If the Palestinians put down their guns tomorrow, there would be a Palestinian state. That is the reality,” Ben Shapiro (Oxford debate)

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 10:01:49

1509140C110413020D0E0F04610 wrote:
read my post webby , didn't mention you..

You directly quoted me.

Title: Re: ?
Post by zevenenergie on 11/03/23 at 10:09:33

I'll stop discussing Gaza and Ukraine.
See you around.

Title: Re: ?
Post by Eegore on 11/03/23 at 10:50:47

thumperclone wrote on Today at 08:13:09:
read my post webby , didn't mention you..

You directly quoted me.

 True but he never "mentioned" you.  Just like in your response you never "mentioned" thumperclone.  So obviously you two aren't addressing each other when you directly quote each other... right?

 Is this how it's supposed to work now?

Title: Re: ?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/23 at 14:24:03

No, it’s supposed to work like common sense dictates. He was directing that at me, I answered. Not sure what’s up with his confusion and honestly don’t care. Weekend started.

Title: Re: ?
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/23 at 16:46:10

796578607D687F6E616263680D0 wrote:
And I’m in my early 60s and I’ve been following the news regularly for 50+ years so I’m not going to invest 40 minutes watching someone’s YouTube video.

using videos the way Z does is an attempt to  fill the hole left from the inability to form an original thought

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