General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Biden speech

Message started by zevenenergie on 10/11/23 at 03:31:38

Title: Biden speech
Post by zevenenergie on 10/11/23 at 03:31:38

When will we stop choosing dionosaurs as world leaders?

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 04:34:09

For one thing, when we have legitimate elections, that would help.

And it’s not the age, it’s the corruption. Joe Biden has been a thief and a corrupt public official his entire life.

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/23 at 06:37:05

That's why he's indicted and facing 90 charges, not to mention sexual molestation and defamation... with a history going back to the 70's of discriminatory rental practices

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by MnSpring on 10/11/23 at 07:17:48

3721362B33262B30440 wrote:
That's why he's indicted ..."

The real reason is he has PAID off, and been protected !!!!!

What do the, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Woke’ Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Dumb Fuczen Ultra Liberal Idiots, say ??????
“…a skirmish broke out between opposing demonstrators near the United Nations compound after a large group of Palestinian supporters rallied in Times Square. Palestinian Americans protested outside the Israeli consulates in Atlanta and Chicago…”
“…police ringed the United Nations compound as scores of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered a block away, chanting and waving flags…”

“…people demonstrated at the Israeli consulate Sunday afternoon, chanting slogans in support of Hamas and calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel…”

“In Chicago, Priscilla Reed was among hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators who rallied outside the Israeli consulate. Many waved Palestinian flags or wore keffiyeh, the black and white checkered scarfs that have come to symbolize Palestinian solidarity. Their chants, in both English and Arabic, included, “Netanyahu you will see, Palestine will be free!”

“A group of 31 Harvard organizations, including the Ivy League institution’s affiliate of Amnesty International, has placed the blame on Israel for Hamas’ brutal surprise attack that has killed at least 700 Israelis.”

A letter signed by 31 Harvard University student groups blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ heinous attacks

Cindy Flash, an American, and her Israeli husband Igal vanished into the violence, presumed kidnapped by Hamas.
Info on just ONE person, (A US Citizen), that for YEARS, (a retired teacher), said the attacks by Hamas were in response to Israel’s “systemic daily violence against Palestinians.”RS has supported Hamas as an administrator in a local college, as someone who had the "sweetest biggest heart," who everyone knew and loved, and who had spent a lifetime advocating for the rights of Palestinians, including those who live in Gaza where she may now be held.  Flash, 67, originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, … lives in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel near Gaza, where some of the most harrowing and grisly stories have been emerging during the last few days.
"They are breaking down the safe room door," Flash said in one of her final messages to her daughter Keren, 34. "We need someone to come by the house right now." She had been communicating with her parents from a few houses away.
And then, no more messages came.

- - - - - - -
Golly Gee Wally, Iran stating it ‘helped’, is not enough info, for the ULTRA LIBERAL puppet, called Chicken Noodle News ???????????

- - - - - -

“Our missiles, drones, and special forces are ready to direct qualitative strikes at the American enemy in its bases and disrupt its interests if it intervenes in this battle,” Ahmad “Abu Hussein” al-Hamidawi, head of the Kataib Hezbollah militia, said in a statement obtained by the Associated Press.”
“Hamidawi also threatened to launch missiles at Israeli targets and called on fellow Iraqis to collect donations to support Hamas terrorists who, just days ago, massacred nearly 1,000 Israeli civilians and brutalized thousands more, including women, children, and the elderly.”

Death toll is several times higher than that of 9/11,
Factor of surprise is greater than at Pearl Harbor.
     EXACTLY what Mush For Brains WANTS !!!  

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 08:19:15

7462756870656873070 wrote:
That's why he's indicted and facing 90 charges, not to mention sexual molestation and defamation... with a history going back to the 70's of discriminatory rental practices

No, he’s indicted because he beat Hillary in 2016 and leftist have never forgiven him. He’s indicted because they’re terrified. He would win election again in 2024. That’s why he’s indicted.

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/23 at 09:10:10

Trump couldn't win his way out of a paper bag

He only beat Hillary by the electoral college, then lost the Senate, the House, the midterms, and reelection
...and now think he can't lose?

That's TDS MAGA style  ;D

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 10:16:37

The world was a lot more peaceful with Trump, just saying.

Look, Biden is a thief. He sold access to his VP office for millions of dollars which went to all of his kids including his grandchildren. He’s a thief.
If Biden were Republican, first off, he never would’ve been elected, but secondly, it would be long gone by now.

At least do me the courtesy of admitting there’s a vast double standard when it comes to “journalism” . Admit that any Republican president where a congressional committee had documents showing millions of dollars were sent through shell companies to his family members, including minor grandchildren, would have been force to resign by now. Imagine a Democratic committee showed bank statements were all of trumps kids and his grandkids got payments direct from shell companies were money came in from foreign countries. What do you think the response would’ve been? What do you think your response would’ve been?

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by zevenenergie on 10/11/23 at 13:17:48

Lets spent two minutes and get a lot wiser:

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/23 at 14:58:22

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
The world was a lot more peaceful with Trump, just saying.

This wouldn't have anything to do with tRump giving away classified Israeli military secrets to the Russians would it.  Because he did.
Putin's pretty chummy with Iran.


Worst hair day EVER!

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 15:07:21

If I had a dollar for every time you repeated something from a news report that said allegedly in which 99.99% of the stores of permed out to be false, I’d be able to retire tomorrow.

Giving away classified secrets to the Russians is a new one from you. I haven’t heard you repeat that nonsense story.

Seriously, did you ever consider how many times he repeated something about Trump which is shown to be false?

TDS….a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/23 at 15:15:51

FLASHBACK: Trump Admitted to Sharing Classified Intelligence from Israel to Russia
In 2017, Donald Trump divulged classified intelligence about Israeli’s Mossad spy agency and ISIS to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a meeting at The White House. Trump admitted to sharing the confidential intelligence, tweeting that he had an “absolute right” to do so.

Deny it all you want, tRump admitted it

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 16:12:41

Yea, never heard that before. He’s right, the President can declassify whatever he wants to.

And nothing came out of it and you know Israeli leadership would much rather have Trump and Republicans in charge instead of a corrupt old man and Democratic like AOC crying over Palestinians….

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by WebsterMark on 10/11/23 at 16:15:18

You think they like leftist fuc& ups like this clown in the majority party?

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/11/23 at 16:30:29

What if Biden had done it?

Trump himself said it was punishable by death.
He was all about keeping classified secrets secret,... until he got some.
Remember "Lock her UP, lock her Up!"

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by MnSpring on 10/11/23 at 17:03:14

697F68756D78756E1A0 wrote:
[b][i]"... He only beat Hillary by the electoral college..."[/i][/b]

REALLY !!!!!!!!!

Do you actually UNDERSTAND  there only TWO States,
That apply the, “electoral college”, the way it was Meant to be ??????

Do you understand that Calf, has 55 ‘electoral ‘ votes.
        If. That is IF,
The UL DFI FDS SOCIALISTS of Calf applied the, “electoral college”, the way it was meant to be, (Instead of CHANGING IT to BENEFIT ONLY the Gimmes, Gimmes, Gimmes), it would have been, 20 Trump, and 35 Hillary.  YET Hillary got ALL 55, and STILL LOST !

Minn, 10 Elect Votes, the actual ‘electoral‘ votes should have been 5 & 5, But Hillary got All 10. AND STILL LOST !
And 46 other States, the UL, FDS, DFI, Socialists, SWUNG the vote !

And you are actually CRYING about, the MAJORITY, of Working,  tax Paying CITIZENS, VOTING  !!!!!!!

Open your eyes.
See what is happening.
AND will be the FIRST ones,
To be ‘Arklinside’ed’, or to sent to the Gulag,
After the, ‘Usefulness’, of the Idiots is no longer needed.

(Complain that Trump Won,  because off the, ‘electoral college’,  absolutely un fuccken real)

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by Serowbot on 10/12/23 at 06:44:48

Hillary got 3 million more votes...
Fight your way out of that paper bag

Title: Re: Biden speech
Post by MnSpring on 10/12/23 at 07:40:56

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
Hillary got 3 million more votes...

Dead people votes.
Votes from ‘gathered’ mailed ballots.
  (Just like Omar does & Wellstone taught)
All the care/nursing homes.
 (Here let me help you fill that out, now just sign here)
And don’t forget all the votes from people not registered, yet had a recent bill  showing their name, and a person who, ‘vouched’ for them. Who had a dozen different, ‘bills’ from different districts and ‘voted’ in all those districts. As they were bussed about town.
 (Just like ACORN showed it worked)

And again,
you do not understand,
how the Electoral Collage Works,
how it was meant to work,
How it should work today.

But that’s OK cause so many useful idiots believe a ride to the train station, is actually a ride to the train station.

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