General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Not under Trump

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/07/23 at 05:44:34

Title: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/23 at 05:44:34

would Israel be attacked like this. And they likely were funded by the money traitor Joe gave Iran. Steal money to enrich your family?  sure old man go ahead, but there’s no need to give money to a bunch of murdering terrorist.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 06:19:39

The Israelis are real mother crappity smackers as it comes to stealing land.
And the Palestinians can't do anything about it. A rocket here and there is not fun, but in nature I don't see them turning the other cheek either.

But it's not that strange what's happening now. It doesn't just come out of the blue.

Russia declared war on the West when Putin said the army would receive unlimited resources.

And this is one of its expressions.
Russia is waging war everywhere in the world where the West dominates.

The Third World War is a fact that is only slowly dawning on us.
And Biden pulled us in to it.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/23 at 06:39:12

796675666D666D6671646A66030 wrote:
The Israelis are real mother crappity smackers as it comes to stealing land.

And that's why Israel is such a huge country  ::)

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 07:26:17 is not NATO, and since Russia and its ally Iran can do their thing there, the occupied territories may be empty very quickly.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/23 at 16:01:13

I hope Israel doesn’t let up on Palestine until no one who wishes to attack Israel is physically unable to.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/23 at 16:35:43

Hamas really stepped it up... I think that will prove to be mistake.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 16:43:30

Some context: Almost 2 million people live in Gaza's 140 square miles. Governed by Hamas, the densely packed territory is largely cut off from the rest of the world by an Israeli blockade of Gaza’s land, air and sea dating back to 2007. Egypt controls Gaza’s southern border crossing, Rafah.

Israel has placed heavy restrictions on the freedom of civilian movement and controls the import of basic goods into the narrow coastal strip.

I think the Palestinians are fed up with Israel. But it is also striking how the Palestinians and Israelis see no salvation in peace. The battle there will never end.

I am convinced that Russia and Iran are behind this, more than 2,000 missiles have been fired. You can't just throw that together, especially not with Israel's perfect missile defense mechanism.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/23 at 17:22:03

Fuc& the Palestinians. Everything is their fault. All they have to do is stop killing people and this endless war for the last couple of decades would be over.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 20:47:08

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
And they likely were funded by-

While most all of what Mark disgorges is nonsense or petty provocation, this bit is just laze and stupid: it should be obvious to even him that this attack was many, many moths in planning- and if he bothered to discover, none of the assets unfrozen a few weeks ago have been transferred, as no humanitarian destination- a precondition -has been established.

Hamas has no interest in peace- nor has Israel under the Netanyahu Regime, prosecuting a relentless campaign of colonization across decades.   Folks on both sides are complicit.   More people on both sides are victims of politics and minority groups of extremists.   The reductive and sophistically simplistic "this is all their fault" is the hollow proclamation of a lazy partisan.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/08/23 at 05:29:22

When I see how negative and offensive you react to what others write, it doesn't leave me unmoved. That also evokes something in me.

This is the same mechanism that has been going on for years between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

I could also say that you have no desire for peace. And if I were to go along with this energy I would also have no disire for peace.

It all starts within. Can we remain at peace within ourselves?
If everyone could do that, there would be peace on earth.
That's why I say that everyone is responsible for what happens there in Gaza.

I know it is much easier to focus our attention on Gaza but we We could also spend a day with our inner peace. And then again tomorrow and the day after.

There is such a thing as the Parivatan. That means a shift in consciousness. An inner shift to inner peace.

It is said that if a large group of people do this, it is so powerful that a reversal movement occurs and everyone will automatically fall into inner peace.

That this will, happen is described in the Vedas.
But before that happens, the Vedas talk about the "great shaking" and we are all in that right now.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/23 at 06:16:01

When I see how negative and offensive you react to what others write, it doesn't leave me unmoved. That also evokes something in me.

One thing I’ve decided is I’m not going to engage with drive by shooters anymore which is what this Mavi guy is. I loathe the opinions of our “fair and balanced moderator” but I respect him as a person and fellow rider. He’s earned it.

Regarding inner peace, that’s true and valuable but I always remember a scene from the movie Aliens. They are under attack by monsters and a little girl asks why adults tell children there’s no such things as monsters when there are. The adult answers most of the time it’s true.

This is one of those times. As someone once said, the world contains violent men who must be met with greater violence. That’s the unfortunate reality. Not sure how they do it but this never ending Palestinian BS must end this time. There will be a lot of death in the coming weeks, some fair, some not fair, but one group is responsible for starting it and one group has the responsibility to end it.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/08/23 at 06:56:14

My favourite Aliens quote,... when Ripley is scolded for blowing up the ship to kill the alien before it reaches Earth...
"Do you know how much that ship costs?"
"You can bill me"  ;D

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/08/23 at 07:06:06

She has a good sense of humor.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/23 at 08:25:36

“Game over man, game over”

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by MnSpring on 10/08/23 at 09:18:35

784A4D5C5B4A5D624E5D442F0 wrote:
Fuc& the Palestinians ... All they have to do is stop killing people ..."

Yet it is Perfectly OK,
to KILL Random People,
Just because one says:

Just ask any,

;D.  ;D.  ;D.  ;D.  ;D.  ;D.  ;D

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Mavigogun on 10/08/23 at 11:39:42

407275646372655A76657C170 wrote:
One thing I’ve decided is I’m not going to engage with drive by shooters anymore which is -

Your practice of puking up baseless nonsense then running away at high speed is the exact definition of "drive by".   You rarely actually engage others, preferring deflection. "Fire and forget" is your weapon of choice, without apparent care of where anything lands, a long pattern of covering old garbage with fresh garbage, defying consideration for anything by anyone.

You could choose to have honest, considerate conversations, do basic research, or back up- but you don't; instead, you blame others for the consequences of your choices.

Really, you are hoping for nothing more than a 'drive by'- what you are actually complaining about is me stopping, getting out of the car, and holding you to account for your behavior.   This crying victim act fools no one.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/23 at 18:56:21

So we have ships heading that way now. Politicians never let a crisis go to waste, but this could get out of hand quickly. The brutality of the attacks on civilians might backfire on the terrorist.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 04:10:56


Nothing about the Palestinian operation is surprising or unprovoked. Neither is it just the result of gaps in Israeli security measures. It is a response that is to be expected from the Palestinian people, who have faced Israeli settler colonial rule and occupation for decades.

International law prohibits states from “any military occupation, however temporary”. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 37/43 also reaffirms that people struggling for independence and liberation from colonial rule have the right to do so using “all available means, including armed struggle”. In other words, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood is part of the armed Palestinian struggle provoked by the Israeli occupation and colonialism.

It is also not surprising that the Palestinian armed factions rely on asymmetric tactics and stealth. That is because they are up against one of the most sophisticated and well-funded armed forces in the world.

That the operation was launched from Gaza is also not surprising. The late Palestinian-American scholar Edward Said once called Gaza the “essential core” of the Palestinian struggle. It is an impoverished, congested place inhabited largely by Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes during the Nakba of 1948. It previously gave birth to the first Intifada and has been hosting the bulk of the Palestinian armed resistance over the past few decades.

Gaza has also been under debilitating siege for 16 years, which has taken a heavy toll on its people but has failed to destroy their will to resist. The blockade was imposed after Hamas won the Palestinian Legislative Council elections in 2006, but its Palestinian rival, Fatah, along with Israel and its backers conspired to prevent it from taking power.

After several months of fighting, Hamas was able to take full control of Gaza in June 2007, for which Israel and its partners decided to collectively punish the Palestinians living there.

For more than 16 years, the residents of Gaza have had no freedom of movement. They can leave through the Israeli-controlled checkpoints if they have an Israeli work permit or in rare cases if they have been given special permissions by Israel to receive medical treatment in the occupied West Bank for life-threatening conditions. To leave for any other part of the world, they must have a valid visa, which is difficult to obtain by stateless people, and then navigate the Egyptian authorities’ arbitrary decisions to close the Rafah border crossing and deny entry to Palestinians.

The blockade has brought the economy of Gaza nearly to a standstill. Today close to half the population is unemployed. Among the young, the unemployment rate is more than 60 percent. The food supply is also limited by the siege. From 2007 to 2010, Israeli authorities kept a calorie count of Palestinians’ nutritional needs to narrowly avoid malnutrition while restricting access to food for the people in Gaza.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/23 at 04:58:13

The Israeli Defense Minister has stated “no food, no electricity for Gaza. The people of Gaza will suffer for generations after this attack”.

I suggest their Muslim brothers in Egypt and surrounding countries pull a Biden and open their borders so they can escape to their lands.

That will never happen. The Arabs in control of the Middle East will never give up their human pawns.

It is a response that is to be expected from the Palestinian people, who have faced Israeli settler colonial rule and occupation for decades.

And that’s BS. The Palestinians have failed to develop a peaceful culture, instead allowing themselves to be used by Iran and others.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 06:02:11

Have It your way
I'm sending the armed forces..


But that is of course just as unrealistic as what you say.

I see that the West has no choice but to protect Israel because of its vested interests, but the rest of the world is also watching.
I can assure you that they do not share your opinion.
And so Amirika digs herself even deeper into trouble.

It has to do with the fact that Russia and its partners are doing everything they can to undo the west's position of dominance everywhere in the world.

I think this war in Israel could have major consequences. NATO cannot win a war on three fronts. After all, it's only a matter of time until China attacks Tiawan.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/23 at 06:38:16

I don't have "vested" interests in Israel.  I support them because they have a right to exist.
Killing of 260 unarmed, innocent people at a music festival is deliberate murder.
This is Israel's 911.
And some are defending it.
DO you also defend the 911 attacks?

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by thumperclone on 10/09/23 at 07:03:10

1300+ years ago a prophet started a religion that unified Arab tribes that decided the Hebrew tribe had no right to exist.
conflict ever since.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/23 at 07:37:15

“I think this war in Israel could have major consequences. NATO cannot win a war on three fronts. After all, it's only a matter of time until China attacks Tiawan.”

I agree with this statement.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 08:07:20

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
I don't have "vested" interests in Israel.  I support them because they have a right to exist.
Killing of 260 unarmed, innocent people at a music festival is deliberate murder.
This is Israel's 911.
And some are defending it.
DO you also defend the 911 attacks?

I do not defent the action of hamas. I what is say is that Israel is not an innocent victim.

Gaza is the largest prison in the world.
And when Israelis take over houses of Palestinians, attack schools or businesses, then the Israeli army looks the other way.

And in this way you create a breeding ground for things that are "not nice" to be confronted with.

If you look angrily into the eyes of a dog, you should not be upset if he lunges at you.
Am I defending the dog?
No, I'm saying you're doing the wrong thing.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by thumperclone on 10/09/23 at 08:31:38

defending their right to exist by any means
the Irian puppets don't want peace they want to destroy Israel and create an Islamic world no different than the crusades

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 09:46:00

We have to get to a higher plan.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/23 at 10:25:57

It’s incorrect to say Gaza is a prison. Inhabitants are free to leave or start their own civilized culture.
Why they’re not doing that is the key question. They’re not leaving because their fellow Muslim states nearby won’t take them in and they won’t start a civilized culture because their male dominated leadership insist on being manipulated to fight Israel.

Israel would prefer peace. I suspect most of the population of Gaza prefer peace. Unfortunately, terrorist groups control Garza by force so they refuse to quit fighting.

This time they went to far. This won’t stop for a while and there will be thousands perhaps tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza killed but what else is Israel supposed to do?

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/23 at 10:57:17

Two other things to ponder.

1) how great is it that Elon Musk bought Twitter. Can you imagine the censoring going on if everyone didn’t have access to Twitter. I’m not saying we wouldn’t know about this I’m just saying we wouldn’t know as much as we know right now.

2) and without comment, see the below:
Border Patrol arrests of suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern border:

FY’23 - 151 (so far).
FY’22 - 98
FY’21 - 15
FY’20 - 3
FY’19 - 0
FY’18 - 6
FY’17 - 2

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 10:57:36

About two million Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip. Israel captured the area in 1967, as well as the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel withdrew its military forces from the Gaza Strip in 2005, but continues to control its airspace and maritime area, as well as most of its borders. The United Nations therefore still regards the Gaza Strip as territory occupied by Israel.

In the Gaza Strip, Hamas is in power, a strictly Islamic Palestinian movement that is considered a terrorist organization by Israel and the West. Since Hamas took power more than fifteen years ago, Israel, together with Egypt, has blocked the passage of most people and goods in and out of the area. Partly due to this blockade, the economy of the Gaza Strip is in very poor condition.

I agree with you that one has to start by becoming wise.
But I think it is more difficult for a perpetrator to understand that he is in a perpetrator role than for a victim to understand that he is in a victim role.
Considering that they can't work things out together, I would say that the "civilized world" should separate the two children. And  provide both countries the education they need.
I think the Biden administration is proclaiming that it is morally suproir. But sending an aircraft carrier with ultra-modern weapons there to support the Israelis is, given the situation, babaric.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/23 at 12:23:39

Israel captured the area in 1967, as well as the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/23 at 12:54:15

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
It’s incorrect to say Gaza is a prison. Inhabitants are free to leave or start their own civilized culture.

The problem isn't that they can't leave, it's that they won't leave.  They ultimately want all of Israel and for all the Jews to die.

The Jewish people have a right to a homeland and a right to exist

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/09/23 at 13:39:21

That's not even what many people in Israel think.

There is a whole movement there that believes that things should change with the Palestinians.

I live in the Netherlands and we have always had a very close bond with Israel. But for more than 20 years there has been a live discussion going on here in the Netherlands because we see what is going on there. We are currently one of the few countries that is not stopping development aid to the Palestinians.
Maybe I am better informed than you, I don't know, but I am really surprised by your reaction.

Gaza is the most densely populated area of the world and there will be a massacre there, now that Israel is going to retaliate there.

I can imagine that you are traumatized after 911 and hate the Arabs. But what Israel has done to the Palestinians there is truly degrading to humanity.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/23 at 15:51:20

One of my best friends of 35 years is Lebanese... we were working on his daughters car in my carport for 4 hours today.
... both his daughters call me uncle.
You don't know me... you shouldn't make assumptions.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by Mavigogun on 10/09/23 at 20:09:55

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
You don't know me... you shouldn't make assumptions.

Then you should know that THIS-

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
The problem isn't that they can't leave, it's that they won't leave.  They ultimately want all of Israel and for all the Jews to die.

-is likewise apt to be a false presumption.   2 million people- yet the person you describe is no more representational than Mark is of a typical American.   Without doubt hate and enmity has been broadly cultivated- given the circumstances, there is fertile ground for an endless blood feud.   Yet, there remain folks who dream of better, and work toward it- despite forces within Israel and Iran that have perpetuated this madness.

I recall a Palestinian doctor who worked in Israel, home in Gaza.  What year was it?  2012, maybe. No, 2009. Israel was at war with the city again.  That doctor would regularly call into an Israeli TV station and report on the impacts of the war, pleading for peace.  In answer, the Israeli's shelled his apartment, up in a high-rise tower, murdering his 3 daughters.   Still he pled for peace.  I think he's in Canada now.

There are ready allies for peace within Israel and among the Palestinians- many, even.  Between Hamas and the Zionists, they don't stand much of a chance.  The notion that it is possible for all of these people to leave their homes, abandon what little they have and be completely stateless is easy to say from across the ocean, safe within the land-o-opportunity.   I can't discern choice from here- no more than I can weigh the decision to pile into a boat on the shores of North Africa hoping to land in Greece or Italy, or cling to the underside of a truck bound for the Chunnel.   Desperation, belonging, home- how could anyone discern the gravity of these things from outside clearly enough to judge what is choice?   I suggest you can't.

(A brief summation of the doctor's experience and advocacy may be found here-

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/10/23 at 01:27:28

2533243921343922560 wrote:
One of my best friends of 35 years is Lebanese... we were working on his daughters car in my carport for 4 hours today.
... both his daughters call me uncle.
You don't know me... you shouldn't make assumptions.

That's good to hear.

My neighbors are Palestinians who fled Gaza eight years ago and we get along nicly. Of course I don't know who you are, I don't want to label you either,

I just find it inconceivable that everyone is so into Israel, without looking at what their part in the whole is.

I live in a small village that values helpfulness. My neighbors a few houses away went to pick up refugees with buses when the war started in Ukraine. There are about 50 people living here in our village who we support where we can.

People from Syria also live here. We have pretty much reached the limit of what we can do. In the building where I live, we have an activity center that was intended for the elderly, but that has now become a lively place for anyone who needs help.
We kind of like how things are going here. :)

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/10/23 at 03:21:49

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/10/23 at 08:17:09

Holy $hit…..

Israeli soldiers shared details of unimaginable atrocities committed in a community where dozens of victims, including about 40 babies, were massacred by Hamas terrorists.

Israel's rescue service said 200 Israelis were found dead in Kfar Aza, i24 News reported.

Reporters with i24 News toured the "scene of devastation" in the community of about 700, where soldiers worked to remove bodies of victims who were brutally murdered in their homes. Some soldiers said they found babies with their heads cut off, according to i24 News.

"The community’s cars, parked outside, were completely torched. And it was just a small part of the destruction, with no exact number yet of how many people were murdered, as bodies are still being collected and removed from the homes," the report said.

More than 70 terrorists invaded the community and butchered residents, leaving naught but a "smell of death" behind, i24 News reported.

“It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mother, the father, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them,” IDF Major General Itai Veruv said. “It’s a massacre.”

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 10/10/23 at 08:42:59


NEW: Internal CBP data provided & confirmed by CBP sources reveals thousands of “special interest aliens” from mostly Middle Eastern countries have been apprehended by Border Patrol while crossing into U.S. illegally over last 2 years.

Syria: 538
Yemen: 139
Iran: 659
Iraq: 123
Afghanistan: 6,386
Lebanon: 164
Egypt: 3,153
Pakistan: 1,613
Mauritania: 15,594
Uzbekistan: 13,624
Turkey: 30,830

Date range 10/1/2021 - 10/4/2023

These are Border Patrol apprehensions between ports of entry only, this data does not include CBP encounters at ports of entry.

Border Patrol sources tell me they have extreme concerns about who is coming into the country because they have little to no way of vetting people from these special interest countries. I’m told unless they have committed a crime previously in the US, or they are on some sort of federal watchlist, there’s no way to know who they are because most of their home countries don’t share data/records with the US so there is nothing to match a name to when BP agents run fingerprints.

A special interest alien is a term used by the U.S. government to refer to people coming from countries that have conditions that favor or harbor terrorism, or pose a potential national security to the U.S.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by zevenenergie on 10/10/23 at 10:32:19

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
Holy $hit…..

“It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mother, the father, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them,” IDF Major General Itai Veruv said. “It’s a massacre.”

That's exactly what war is. I have a friend who is a therapist in a trauma center for war victims. He told a vieuw things. It is unbelievable what people do to each other. .it shows how thin the veneer of civilization is. That is also why so many veterans come back broken. PTSD and worse.

Title: Re: Not under Trump
Post by MnSpring on 10/10/23 at 13:32:11

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
“special interest aliens”
Syria: 538
Yemen: 139
Iran: 659
Iraq: 123
Afghanistan: 6,386
Lebanon: 164
Egypt: 3,153
Pakistan: 1,613
Mauritania: 15,594
Uzbekistan: 13,624
Turkey: 30,830

Date range 10/1/2021 - 10/4/2023

No No no,
can't be right.
Is NOT happening !!!

Just ask ANY
'WOKE', UL, DFI, FDS, Socialist !!!!!!!!!

(And the, 'woke', Puppet Media)

And when the above, commit a crime,
Kill someone with a gun,
it is the GUN"S FAULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just ask ANY UL, FDS, DFI, WOKE, Socialist ! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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