General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump blabbed Nukular secrets

Message started by Serowbot on 10/06/23 at 08:55:01

Title: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/23 at 08:55:01

Why am I not surprised? :-?
If Biden had done that, the outrage would be deafening.
...but with Trump,... it means it's a Tuesday,.. or some other day ending in "Y"  :P

“Tip of the iceberg”: Experts sound the alarm after Trump blabbed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
Trump allegedly told an Australian billionaire potentially sensitive info — which he then shared with 45 others

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/23 at 09:41:51

Something like that would only be shocking if it were true. But if it were true, it is clear that Trump would have made a mistake.
How serious such a mistake would be... I don't know, but I think the Russians and the Chinese know exactly how many screws there are in each military vehicle and to how much torque they need to be turned.

What was the deal with that with that son of a president story in Chinatown again?

Anyway, I'm sure all Democrats will be jerking off to this news.

And the Salon news and polotics Tab is al about trump  ;D

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by thumperclone on 10/06/23 at 09:42:16

punishable by death

exile the jerk to a remote isolated island with no internet  where he can be king dictator

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/23 at 09:47:29

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
Why am I not surprised? :-?
If Biden had done that, the outrage would be deafening.
...but with Trump,... it means it's a Tuesday,.. or some other day ending in "Y"  :P

“Tip of the iceberg”: Experts sound the alarm after Trump blabbed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
Trump allegedly told an Australian billionaire potentially sensitive info — which he then shared with 45 others

Outrage would have been deafening? Are you serious? Biden is a thief and a traitor. He sold his office for money. He withheld government funds to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s criminal behavior. But you have to dig deep to find any of this in the media. There is no outrage. The house oversight committee has bank records where millions of dollars were sent to all of his kids and you haven’t said a word.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by thumperclone on 10/06/23 at 09:54:13

Outrage would have been deafening? Are you serious? Biden is a thief and a traitor. He sold his office for money. He withheld government funds to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s criminal behavior. But you have to dig deep to find any of this in the media. There is no outrage. The house oversight committee has bank records where millions of dollars were sent to all of his kids and you haven’t said a word. [/quote]
nothing in the media because its all fake news
btw Putin is needing another propagandist

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/06/23 at 11:27:54

677B667E637661707F7C7D76130 wrote:
nothing in the media because its all fake news

Truth isn't even an obstacle for their ilk, having forsaken integrity entirely.  They hate "the media" for reporting anything that punctures their fiction, and puke up more hate for not endorsing fantastic narratives.   Any expression of integrity is a mirror to be smashed, reflecting their stature by contrast.   Again, this is the root of their adoration of Trump, taking power as vindication of low character.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/23 at 11:49:52

There is the word of the person he told, plus two eye witnesses... plus the 45 people the guy then told.
That's 48 people to testify against Trump's denial.
... and Trump can't testify because he knows he'll purger himself... 'cause he knows can't not lie.

Washington could not tell a lie
Trump cannot tell the truth.

I can't for the life of me see what spell the Orange Jesus holds on you.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by thumperclone on 10/06/23 at 13:34:47

I can't for the life of me see what spell the Orange Jesus holds on you.


it's the Kool aide they're addicted

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/23 at 15:42:26

6D5F58494E5F48775B48513A0 wrote:
Biden is a thief and a traitor. He sold his office for money. He withheld government funds to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s criminal behavior. But you have to dig deep to find any of this in the media. There is no outrage.

There is no outrage... because there was no outrage.
Biden was acting with the full support of Congress and the President.  Even the former/then current President of Ukraine says it was founded and proper.
Biden's "quid pro quo" was US government sanctioned.
Trump's was self serving and against US policy.

So once and for all... lay this to rest.
Constantly repeating this lie only reinforces Trump's crime.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 02:20:50

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/23 at 05:34:28

Allow me to point out Sew that repeating lies is your primary identity trait.
And using the Biden dismissal phrase that “this issue has been reviewed and nothing was found” is comical. Who’s to say all those other people aren’t involved? That’s what you would say about Trump. In this case, there’s a high likelihood it’s true about Biden.

Joe Biden is a thief. He may get away with it and die before it all comes out but he’s a thief.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by MnSpring on 10/07/23 at 06:13:44

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
"... get away with it and die before it all comes out ..."

 Exactly the SAME as JFK boinking MM !

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by thumperclone on 10/07/23 at 08:06:35

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
Allow me to point out Sew that repeating lies is your primary identity trait.
And using the Biden dismissal phrase that “this issue has been reviewed and nothing was found” is comical. Who’s to say all those other people aren’t involved? That’s what you would say about Trump. In this case, there’s a high likelihood it’s true about Biden.

Joe Biden is a thief. He may get away with it and die before it all comes out but he’s a thief.

what facts has the impeachment hearing produced  NADA

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 08:31:49

Make no mistake about the circles Biden moves in.
It is not the case that people can simply provide information and evidence without consequences.
The metoo movement shows how effective blackmail can be.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 08:49:45

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
Who’s to say all those other people aren’t involved? That’s what you would say about Trump.

Mark's standards are wishful fantasy, fueled by hate- not for the individual, but for himself as mirrored by those he fears are judging him.   A sociopath, he understands the world through his own warped motives, presumes every one else is as morally bankrupt as himself.

Which is not to say sociopaths can't have standards and their own sort of integrity- that's just not Mark.   Like a child claiming the "F" on their report card could have been a conspiracy of the entire education system ("Who’s to say all those other people aren’t involved?"), hearing how idiotic that sounds in his own head, he follows up with 'that's what you would have said, too'.

No, Mark- that's just who you are.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 08:54:58

3B2437242F242F2433262824410 wrote:
The metoo movement shows how effective blackmail can be.

In your world, being held to account for sexual assault is "blackmail".   Oh, poor victims of civilization!  You and Putler should form a support group.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 13:22:01

What I said was;
That in certain circles people are filmed during sexual acts. This is to give them access to their organization. As soon as they break the codes of that organization, there is material available to blackmail them. This is done to ensure that they will never betray the organization. If evidence of crimes is sought, it will never surface.

If you really want to know what is going on at the top of governments and business, secret services and mafia. Then I recommend Ronald Bernard. He was an unscrupulous businessman who was approached by even more ruthless figures who liked how he did business.
He was no longer mentally able to participate in that world and wanted to make up for the damage he had caused.

I got to know him and he opened my eyes to what goes on behind the scenes of money. Years later he came out with it and gave many interviews. What he has to say is truly shocking.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 14:18:06

3A2536252E252E2532272925400 wrote:
What I said was...

...diaphanous camouflage for failures of character.  Incapable of concealing your nature, floundering about for excuses, justifications, distractions, and, as always, abundant fictions.  All the opportunity life has to offer, and this is what you've made of yourself.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 14:34:41

You keep making negative and derogatory comments.

I understand that you have a different perspective on issues.
I appreciate it if we can have our conversation in a respectful manner. Let's try to discuss our diferences constructively and be open to each other's viewpoints. If you'd like to discuss specific points or arguments, I'm all ears.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 15:08:13

46594A59525952594E5B55593C0 wrote:
You keep making negative and derogatory comments.

Blaming me for the reflection of what you offer is a ploy to deflect.   If you actually want something substantive and honest, that is a space you will have to choose to inhabit.   Your want has been to puke up sophistry and salacious fictions, then to feign valuing civil discourse and respect when the inevitable reaction to your character is elicited.

Your proclamations are inextricably mired in your character- discourse inevitably devolving into obfuscation as you race away, time and again, from anything resembling an honest exchange.

46594A59525952594E5B55593C0 wrote:
If you'd like to discuss specific points or arguments, I'm all ears.

That's a bald lie: your record shows a consistent pattern of rebuffing address of your specific proclamations. You have demonstrated hostility to making the good faith effort you now call for.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/23 at 15:32:24

It seems to me that you are still responding in a negative and attacking tone.

I understand that we don't always agree and that this discussion can be pasionate. However, my goal is to have a respectful and constructive exchange of ideas. If you would like to discus specific points or delve into certain issues in more depth, I am open to that conversation. Let's try to improve the tone of our discussion and focus on actual arguments and ideas rather than personal attacks.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by Mavigogun on 10/07/23 at 15:50:54

4C5340535853585344515F53360 wrote:
It seems to me that you are still responding in a negative and attacking tone.

You eat the meal you prepare: make choices that deliver the outcomes you claim to value.

Title: Re: Trump blabbed Nukular secrets
Post by MnSpring on 10/09/23 at 07:11:06

Said in several posts,
about zevenenergie.

…diaphanous camouflage for failures of character…
…Blaming me for the reflection of what you offer is a ploy to deflect…
…floundering about for excuses, justifications,…
…distractions, and, as always, abundant fictions…
…Your want has been to puke up sophistry and salacious fictions…
…You have demonstrated hostility to making the good faith effort…

My question is;
 If you choose to accept it
(Said in the voice of the old Mission Impossible)

Who is telling you to say these things ?

       OH,  do you believe,
Teddy was, or was not, Drunk,
       When he drove off the Bridge ?

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