General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Agenda.

Message started by zevenenergie on 10/05/23 at 02:52:40

Title: Agenda.
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/23 at 02:52:40

In Singapore, owning a car has become very expensive. you have to pay a huge amount just to have one. So only the rich can afford it.
This is a global trend that is taking hold.

The environmental excuse is abused to make transport very expensive. This fits an national plan to.
The rich have all the privileges and the poor have to go back to the factories.
It seems like a bad story, but it is tomorrow's reality.

Title: Re: Agenda.
Post by WebsterMark on 10/05/23 at 04:48:41

And that philosophy is the Democratic Party Agenda.

And the ironic part is that many leftists, including many on this forum, will be left behind and scratching their heads wondering what just happened.

Title: Re: Agenda.
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/23 at 07:07:36

That's why Biden is making healthcare more affordable and getting internet to all, and trying to help with student loans.  Trying to help the elites.
He's a plotter.
Oh yeah
R's just want more tax cuts for the rich.

Title: Re: Agenda.
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/23 at 08:18:27

7264736E76636E75010 wrote:
"That's why Biden ..."

Golly Gee Wally, does not

...making healthcare more affordable...

get paid for by the taxpayer ?
So someone gets benefits, by being lazy, not working, and saying Gimme, Gimme. Gimme, Gimme ...............

(Just for the WOKE, FDS, DFI's. YES. Help for people that need it
IS needed !  
And that 'help', is NOT for the LAZY, 'Gimme', Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, people !)

...internet to all...
Who pays for that ?
And who benefits ? with student loans...
And exactly who, pays for THAT !!!!!

Title: Re: Agenda.
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/23 at 09:20:42

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:
That's why Biden is making healthcare more affordable and getting internet to all, a
He's a plotter.
Oh yeah
R's just want more tax cuts for the rich.

You still don,t see that the democrat,s want to eliminate the republican party. To get to a one party system do you?

And that one party system is gonne give you a social credit system...

Make no mistake what is happening.

I live in one of the ricest countries in the world. The middle classes can no longer make ends meet here.

We had the best health care in the world. And we have had that for more than 65 years, which only cost 100 dollars per month (2 years ago).
In 2024 it will cost minimum 400 dollars a month.

But because the middle class is no longer able to make ends meet and low incomes have not been able to make ends meet for a long time. This means that more than 70% of people will no longer have health care in 2024.

In our country of 17 million people there is a shortage of 2 million homes. And it was consciously created. >:(
The homes that are being built now are unaffordable for those who need them, they are homes for the rich.

The farmers are robbed of their land. Livestock farming is halved. And food prices are increasing every day.

You will own nothing and be happy.” This is the motto of the World Economic Forum. Look It up.

Why do you doubt what they are doing??

Title: Re: Agenda.
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 14:44:09

5B4457444F444F4453464844210 wrote:
You still don,t see that the democrat,s want to eliminate the republican party.

Imagine if THEY had the capacity to be so effective! No, the only force capable of dissolving the Republican Party is the Republican Party- and the membership has been doing a fine job of it.   All anyone need do is stay out of the way as they exercise their god-given right to shoot their own feet. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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