General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Biden voters

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/27/23 at 06:10:20

Title: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/23 at 06:10:20

On vacation in God’s country out west in the middle of nowhere with no Wi-Fi most of the time. Got to civilization last night, flipped on news this morning in time to see Biden voters destroying Philadelphia.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 09/27/23 at 07:56:40

What are they going to do next?  Attack the Capital?  Attempt to subvert democracy?  Promote White Supremacists on the national stage? Sabotage government, civic institutions, and actively place impediments to the democratic franchise?  Deny science and forbid use of the same to confront climate and firearm catastrophes?  Encourage the spread of disease while propagandizing against simple precautions?

That would be your ilk.   As ever, you remain a reliable indicator of truth- merely look in the opposite direction to where you point.   Nothing more is expected- morally bankrupt, in the twilight years, spending these last few remaining moments blathering excuses for what you have made of yourself, justification in the suffering of others.   Sneering.  Poisonous. Vile.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 09/27/23 at 10:47:19

100 youngsters looting stores
1,000 adults attempting an insurrection in the US capitol building

I see your inflammation
I question it's direction

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/23 at 05:37:04

There was no insurrection.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/23 at 07:17:51

How do you breathe with your head so deep in sand?

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/04/23 at 08:10:39

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote:
There was no insurrection.

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
How do you breathe-

Recall, this fossil shuffling toward the exit claimed to have voted for Trump hoping to catalyze a civil war, is pathologically allergic to sincerity, inhales and exhales poison exclusively-

If their septic tank happens to fill with sand, it will make no difference.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by thumperclone on 10/04/23 at 09:33:02

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
There was no insurrection.

it was a beautiful peaceful one died no glass was broken no pepper spray no chants of hang mike pence nobody arrested and sentenced to jail.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/23 at 10:47:38

One person was shot and killed. The shooter was never officially identified and was adjudicated in secrecy. The others who died that day died of natural causes.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/04/23 at 11:17:05

"Drinking?   No, osifer-I boofed every drop."

Tell it to the judged.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/23 at 12:03:52

Again for the slow ones….

One person was shot and killed. The shooter was never officially identified and was adjudicated in secrecy. The others who died that day died of natural causes.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/23 at 12:36:07

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
The others who died that day died of natural causes.

One officer lost an eye... naturally

“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained brain injuries,” Papathanasiou said. “One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs. One officer is going to lose his eye, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake.”

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by MnSpring on 10/04/23 at 14:11:04

6C7A6D70687D706B1F0 wrote:
1,000 adults attempting an insurrection in the US capitol building ..."

As Webster Mark said  "there was no insurrection"

That is just what some people are saying,
they were told to say it.

As the puppet masters said;

'...Take those use-full idiots to the Train Station...'

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/04/23 at 19:12:29

INSURRECTION: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

There is no "but they failed to murder" clause.   You know this, of course- you just don't care.   When WebsterMark says "there was no insurrection", he means 'I didn't get the insurrection I was hoping for'.   He is a self-proclaimed traitor to the United States of America, cheer leading for civil war in this very space.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Eegore on 10/04/23 at 20:43:53

 I think the issue is if you are Pro-Trump then your standard for insurrection won't be met by anyone from Jan 6th.

 If you are pro-Biden, then the standard for insurrection fits everyone.

 For people who don't care who the POTUS is, then some humans on Jan 6th, were there for purposes that would meet the legal definition of insurrection.  Most would not meet that criteria.  

 Math and simple logic would indicate Some humans on Jan 6th were part of an insurrection.  Most were not.

 If we go amateur-hour on this and simplify it into majority value of the collective present on Jan 6th, then no there was no insurrection.  There can't be until 51% of the collective are there for the same reason.    If we use our brains and examine intent of each human, then yeah a few were insurrectionists.  

 The problem here is that POTUS preference erases logic.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/23 at 01:48:27

I think you are right.

There are two sides to a coin. And if one side influences elections, it has an equally strong reaction on the other side of the coin. And when one side of the coin storms the capitol, it has an equally violent reaction on the other side of the coin.

Sooner or later we will have to step back and see the whole coin.
And you don't do that by pointing to one side.

How should it be done? I think that's an art. But practice makes perfect.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/05/23 at 04:42:08

2925322D232B23312A440 wrote:
INSURRECTION: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

There is no "but they failed to murder" clause.   You know this, of course- you just don't care.   When WebsterMark says "there was no insurrection", he means 'I didn't get the insurrection I was hoping for'.   He is a self-proclaimed traitor to the United States of America, cheer leading for civil war in this very space.

Then all these should be tracked down and prosecuted?
The only difference I can tell is that the police didn’t stand aside and let them in.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/23 at 07:01:40

The proof that it was an insurrection is not just the raid on the capital,.. but combined with the plot to replace electors with imposters and the calls to find 1170 votes,... among other things.
In combination they expose a plot.  If you were any part of that, you are in the plot.  

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/23 at 08:00:51

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
" Then all these should be tracked down and prosecuted? ..."

No they should NOT be punished
    NO. NO. NO
It is perfectly all right to ‘express’ one’s opinion by;

BLOCKING, all traffic on a Interstate, (All traffic, Ambulance, Fire trucks, Babies being born, serious injured or ill)
STEALING, from stores.
BURNING, down buildings, stores, cars, etc.
INJURING, people by throwing bricks, concrete milk shakes, etc, etc, etc.
THREATENING people !!!!!
DESTROYING property !!!!
Requiring people to adhere to dumb AZZ rules , (which ALL were against civil authority, and established government), in the many, ‘autonomous” spaces created in many cities.
KILLING, people !!!!!!!!!

And in doing above, causing, BILLIONS of dollars in clean up/repair, throughout this Nation.

2,000 cities and towns in all 50 states were affected.
Yet the long, hot summer of 1967 and the King assassination riots, only saw riots in 10 cities across the United States.

(Just ask any ‘WOKE’, DFI, UL, FDS, Socialist !)

OH, does anybody know how I can get the job of,
Then get paid
$15,000.00 +
from the city of Denver ?

"The city of Denver approved a $4.7 million settlement to more than 300 Black Lives Matter protesters over accusations that local law enforcement used excessive force and violated their First Amendment rights."

Just one of MANY reports,
showing one can get PAID, for doing the above.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/23 at 08:03:54

and isn't it shocking that Orange Jesus didn't fix all that  :-?

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/23 at 08:24:19

3325322F37222F34400 wrote:
and isn't it shocking that Orange Jesus didn't fix all that

Tough to do,
when all the
DFI, UL, FDS, WOKE, Socialists,
stand in the way !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 09:49:02

5B784566647F7871160 wrote:
2,000 cities and towns in all 50 states were affected.

Any number selected by Minimal Effort Spring would have been equally meaningless.  

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 09:54:43

193A0724263D3A33540 wrote:
Tough to do ...

In other words: Trump was incapable. The attraction of Fascists to folks like you is the promise of vengeance over neighbors that make you feel small.   Problem is, of course, this is democracy- which, by definition, requires collaboration... which Trump is incapable of, which is why he is your champion.  The "best" your authoritarian cheer leaders can deliver is dysfunction, having sworn off the basic premise of democracy long ago. Kevin was just shown the door for merely attempting consensus.   What is broken in your ilk can't be fixed- relegated to the waste bin of history, yes, but not fixed- and while these sociopathic indulgences may make you feel all warm inside, folks are tired of your disability, carrying your dead weight, and obstruction.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/05/23 at 10:45:12

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
The proof that it was an insurrection is not just the raid on the capital,.. but combined with the plot to replace electors with imposters and the calls to find 1170 votes,... among other things.
In combination they expose a plot.  If you were any part of that, you are in the plot.  

Attempts to replace electors have been done several times throughout America’s history.  Losing politicians have often demanded efforts to “find” more votes which has before always meant exhaust every possibility to make sure your votes were counted. The difference this time was it was Trump who they’ve never forgive him for beating Hillary. Trump wasn’t asking to fabricate votes, he was asking to find them because he knew, of course the Democrats were cheating.  I read the transcripts of that call and it’s obviously what he was asking for. But then again, we’re talking about leftist. People so f’ing stupid, they think Trump really told people to drink bleach and when forced to read the transcript of those comments, they’re so darn psychotic they refuse to believe what they’ve read. No different than to “fine people” hoax. What are you gonna do, can’t cure stupid.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/23 at 10:58:35

Yeah dumb,... he never said bleach... he said disinfectant  ::)

Watch as Dr.Birx try to make herself disappear

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/23 at 12:42:16

414D5A454B434B59422C0 wrote:
"... indulgences may make you feel all warm inside ..."

That is exactly why I am tired of the, GROWING amount of people, that ‘claim’, disability,  are dead weight, and relish in obstruction of a FREE United States, because they have been TOLD,
Socialism is Wonderful.

All they have to say is:
Gimme Gimme Gimme !!!!!!
And the UL, DFI, 'Woke' FDS, Socialists just can't rip money out of the pockets of the people that work, and GIVE to to those who are to LAZY to work, fast enough.

And yes Virginia, people from 35% left of center, to the people 40% Right of center.
KNOW, and HELP, the people that need it.

It is the 30/35% of people on the FAR LEFT, that STEAL a working persons money and give it to the Gimme Gimme Gimme's.

Mavigogun, how many ILLEGALS, are living in your house ?
How many do you give free Food to?
Free Cell phones and service to?
Free Transportation to ?
Free Healthcare to ?
Free Housing to ?

I have NEVER, "...sworn off the basic premise of democracy...", that is the Role taken up by the UL, WOKE, SOCIALISTS.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 12:55:19

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
Attempts to replace electors have been done several times throughout America’s history.

Trump is definitely the most perfect representative you will ever have had in your life.  The con man attempted the same ploy in his financial fraud conviction- 'this crime is like a thing that is not a crime, ergo, not a crime' rational did not fly.   People defecate all time time, Mark- your guy did it on the Constitution.   It was what you were HOPING for when you voted for him.   Now, here you are, pretending.   What a profound lack of courage- watching you attempt to tap dance out of the wallow you've made for yourself doesn't engender respect.   Of course, ownership for fault, responsibility, and adhering to your word are not capacities you enjoy.  

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 13:05:06

11320F2C2E35323B5C0 wrote:
I have NEVER...

Dude, you've decided to spend your waning moments mythologizing yourself- inexplicably, as a victim.   Is there any more hollow compensation for disappointment?

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/23 at 14:54:33

505C4B545A525A48533D0 wrote:
"... Dude, ... "

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

You have learned deflection Well Grasshopper !!!!!

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/23 at 15:58:06

64477A595B40474E290 wrote:
[quote author=414D5A454B434B59422C0 link=1695820220/15#21 date=1696524883]"... indulgences may make you feel all warm inside ..."

That is exactly why I am tired of the, GROWING amount of people, that ‘claim’, disability,  are dead weight, and relish in obstruction of a FREE United States, because they have been TOLD,
Socialism is Wonderful.

All they have to say is:
Gimme Gimme Gimme !!!!!!
And the UL, DFI, 'Woke' FDS, Socialists just can't rip money out of the pockets of the people that work, and GIVE to to those who are to LAZY to work, fast enough.

And yes Virginia, people from 35% left of center, to the people 40% Right of center.
KNOW, and HELP, the people that need it.

It is the 30/35% of people on the FAR LEFT, that STEAL a working persons money and give it to the Gimme Gimme Gimme's.

Mavigogun, how many ILLEGALS, are living in your house ?
How many do you give free Food to?
Free Cell phones and service to?
Free Transportation to ?
Free Healthcare to ?
Free Housing to ?

I have NEVER, "...sworn off the basic premise of democracy...", that is the Role taken up by the UL, WOKE, SOCIALISTS.

Don't forget free lawyers
MAGA morons sent Trump more than $40 million in charitable donations this quarter, to pay his law fees and fuel for his jet and Big Macs.
'Cause billionaires need charity too.
Screw the kids with cancer

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/05/23 at 16:46:44

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
'Cause billionaires need charity too.
Screw the kids with cancer

They KNOW he's a grifter-that's why he is their champion.   'If Trump steals from veterans, students, children, and voters, then my moral failures must be OK too.'   Only to the morally bankrupt.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/23 at 04:47:16

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
[quote author=64477A595B40474E290 link=1695820220/15#24 date=1696534936][quote author=414D5A454B434B59422C0 link=1695820220/15#21 date=1696524883]"... indulgences may make you feel all warm inside ..."

That is exactly why I am tired of the, GROWING amount of people, that ‘claim’, disability,  are dead weight, and relish in obstruction of a FREE United States, because they have been TOLD,
Socialism is Wonderful.

All they have to say is:
Gimme Gimme Gimme !!!!!!
And the UL, DFI, 'Woke' FDS, Socialists just can't rip money out of the pockets of the people that work, and GIVE to to those who are to LAZY to work, fast enough.

And yes Virginia, people from 35% left of center, to the people 40% Right of center.
KNOW, and HELP, the people that need it.

It is the 30/35% of people on the FAR LEFT, that STEAL a working persons money and give it to the Gimme Gimme Gimme's.

Mavigogun, how many ILLEGALS, are living in your house ?
How many do you give free Food to?
Free Cell phones and service to?
Free Transportation to ?
Free Healthcare to ?
Free Housing to ?

I have NEVER, "...sworn off the basic premise of democracy...", that is the Role taken up by the UL, WOKE, SOCIALISTS.

Don't forget free lawyers
MAGA morons sent Trump more than $40 million in charitable donations this quarter, to pay his law fees and fuel for his jet and Big Macs.
'Cause billionaires need charity too.
Screw the kids with cancer

Trump would never had invoked a wor whit Russia.You know his stands against NATO and how European countries should pay more to NATO. He wouldn't have gone this way.

Biden, he just went along whit it all the way. Do you want to know how manny children suffer becouce of that? Worldwide...
Do You?

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/23 at 05:02:00

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
Yeah dumb,... he never said bleach... he said disinfectant  ::)

Watch as Dr.Birx try to make herself disappear

Changing, disinfectant to bleach, changes the meeting intention tremendously. That’s a pretty significant difference. He didn’t say anything out of line it’s just your Pravda buddies saw an opportunity to damage Trump regardless of the cost. They changed what he said to bleach and I’m sure some people actually drank bleach so good for you.

And I’ve said before, my job puts me in contact with plenty of high-level healthcare people and yes, there were experiments using ultraviolet and disinfectants inside the body, but unfortunately they never really panned out, but they were looked at.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/23 at 05:06:28

404C5B444A424A58432D0 wrote:
[quote author=043631202736211E322138530 link=1695820220/15#22 date=1696527912]Attempts to replace electors have been done several times throughout America’s history.

Trump is definitely the most perfect representative you will ever have had in your life.  The con man attempted the same ploy in his financial fraud conviction- 'this crime is like a thing that is not a crime, ergo, not a crime' rational did not fly.   People defecate all time time, Mark- your guy did it on the Constitution.   It was what you were HOPING for when you voted for him.   Now, here you are, pretending.   What a profound lack of courage- watching you attempt to tap dance out of the wallow you've made for yourself doesn't engender respect.   Of course, ownership for fault, responsibility, and adhering to your word are not capacities you enjoy.  [/quote]

I’m not attempting to dance out anything. I was very specific with my support about Trump. Number one, he was far better than Hillary, and certainly as we’ve seen so far far better than that worthless old man Biden.

And as I’ve plenty of times before, I do not want Donald Trump as president in 2024. Right now I prefer DeSantis.

Donald Trump absolutely loathes people like you so if he’s my only option , absolutely I would support him.

Title: Re: Biden voters
Post by Mavigogun on 10/06/23 at 06:51:31

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
Donald Trump absolutely loathes people like you so if he’s my only option , absolutely I would support him.

The hate-based voter.  Impotent to build anything more than a mob.  Conspires to foment civil war. Traitor to country, but not conscience, that first victim of their narcissism long dead. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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