General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’

Message started by Serowbot on 09/16/23 at 11:02:59

Title: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/23 at 11:02:59

Trump Warns That ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’ in Confused Speech (Video)

Ooooooooookay???  :-?

Trump also thinks you need ID to buy bread.

Trump Bakes A Loaf Of Nonsense With Bizarre Remarks About Grocery Store Purchases

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/23 at 12:16:17

Well, seriously? How many times did you lefties shriek about Trump gonna start a nuclear war?
How many New wars did HE get us into? Huh?
And how many times did you lefties cry about what a mentally dilapidated cook Trump was, while your boy can't read the screen, gets lost trying to get offstage and actually says he's
Following his orders
As he excuses himself to the reporters.
Good GOD man, have you No shame?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/23 at 12:47:42

Person, woman, man, camera, TV

...and Trump is still bragging about that.  ;D

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/23 at 13:37:46

You can't admit any fault in biden. None. It's all good and everything I said is False. Right?

I don't even Know WTF you're talking about.
Use real words. Make sentences. Explain what you are saying.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/23 at 13:59:24

He's old,.. and he has a stutter.
He's still in better shape than Trump.
And he's not charged with 90 felonies.

Can you admit that that's a bit of a problem?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/16/23 at 14:52:27

at least trump is beating obama in the polls !!!

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/23 at 15:00:22

You're beyond help.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/23 at 15:57:51

So that's a no then

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/16/23 at 22:38:48

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
You're beyond help.

help the one in your mirror

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by WebsterMark on 09/18/23 at 04:17:12

3325322F37222F34400 wrote:
He's old,.. and he has a stutter.
He's still in better shape than Trump.
And he's not charged with 90 felonies.

Can you admit that that's a bit of a problem?

He has a “stutter” and he’s better shape than Trump? Are you serious? Because Trump is fat? How old are you? Do you have dementia also? There’s absolutely nobody who believes that. Nobody.

Trump is not someone you’d want to put on a pedestal as an example of good health, but come on man, be serious.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/18/23 at 06:35:19

Trump is a delusional want a be dictator fascist

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/18/23 at 06:47:35

if Biden is so  cognitively impaired how can he be  the mastermind behind all the "election interference" charges?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by WebsterMark on 09/18/23 at 09:47:20

He wasn’t behind it, he was the recipient of it. Biden’s a well known idiot. He dropped out of his first Presidential campaigns cause he got caught lying about how high his class rankings were and for plagiarizing.

Title: Re:
Post by zevenenergie on 09/18/23 at 09:50:45

An economic world war has been going on for years. And America plays a major role in this.
Russia has been under massive economic sanctions for many years.
In addition, America provoked the war in Ukraine. And Biden plays a very important role in this, supposedly as a fighter against corruption in the Ukranian times during the Obama era.

They impeached a president there. One that had close ties with Russia. And then they installed Volodymyr Zelensky.

Putin then drew a line and NATO crossed it.
So there is now a war against the Western countries.
And when you see how many countries are involved, it is a world war.

So the statement that Biden will plunge us into a world war is a thing of the past.

Biden is not solely responsible for this, but plays a major role in it.

And speking about crap I have go and take one. Be right back 8-)

And,   he's overplaying his hand in Taiwan.
Big time, because a war with China and its allies is a 4th, world war.
And both wars together is a war that NATO will not win.

And so Amirika will find his waterloo in Taiwan...
I a war, or in a very painful political loss of face, resulting in enormous shifts in power.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/18/23 at 15:26:02

And the drooling CNN watchers have No clue.
Biden isn't running anything. That poor guy gets lost trying to get offstage.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/18/23 at 20:15:44

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
And the drooling CNN watchers have No clue.
Biden isn't running anything. That poor guy gets lost trying to get offstage.

 STILL better than that traitor tRump

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/19/23 at 01:47:02

372B362E332631202F2C2D26430 wrote:
[quote author=081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 link=1694887380/0#14 date=1695075962]And the drooling CNN watchers have No clue.
Biden isn't running anything. That poor guy gets lost trying to get offstage.

 STILL better than that traitor tRump[/quote]

Of course you can state that.

But is that true?
Is the Biden administration morally superior to Trump?

When you see that the war in Ukraine has already resulted in more than 10,000 civilian deaths. And half a billion soldiers. Billions worth of material damage. People all over the world are dying of hunger due to high food prices. And the end is nowhere in sight.

 and you can openly state that Biden has played a leading role in this. Hmmm...Idon,t know :-/

And if you look at it, Trump didn't want any more overseas wars. and wanted Europe to pay more to NATO.
with the result that they would never support the war in Ukraine.

Can you say that it would have been much better for world peace if Trump were in power?
I think yes.

Humanity would suffer much less.

And America could focus entirely on a real threat.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/19/23 at 05:59:56

give Ukraine to the Russians?  where should the line be drawn? Poland, the Baltics, Finland, Amsterdam, Germany.

Trump has no morals.
Trump doesn't give crap about world peace he only cares about his inflated ego  and what can profit him.

China is a threat and Russin aggression is just as real.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/23 at 07:11:56

More ignorant blathering from TC.
Zero reason for his opinion.
Apparently he totally missed the Abraham accords.
And the fact that Trump Did Not get America into any new wars.
Name another president who came close.
He didn't even take his paycheck.
Unlike EVERYONE ELSE, he LOST money while he was in office.
TC,your hatred for Trump is without merit.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/19/23 at 07:27:54

any supporter of tRump is truly delusional
he fits the definition of a autocrat

what other president has faced 91 FELONY charges none comes close

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/23 at 08:00:56

Yeah, I get ya. A corrupt doj manufacturing indictments and charges can't be a problem.
Russia Russia Russia was a PROVEN buncha bullschitt, but you can't see that,, because Orange Man Bad.
I stand by my earlier statements.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/19/23 at 08:32:23

yeah the doj were pulling the puppet strings controlliing tRumps actions

have some more kool aide

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/19/23 at 08:32:53

60 court judges in a row found Trump's election claims to be BS...
Dem. Rep, even Trump appointees, all... and none agreed with Trump.
What are the odds?
91 charges in 4 different indictments in 4 different places, and they are all against Trump?
More than 80 witnesses, all Right wing Trump confidants, and they are all against Trump?  His own people?
There must come a point when you realize you stand virtually alone

There's an old joke about a proud mum watching her son in a parade, and she observes... "Oh look at my Johnny... he's the only one marching in step"

Are you Trump's mummy?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/23 at 09:27:05

When you guys finally figure it out, it's going to be too late. America is being over run. And you support it. Suicide by kindness is still suicide.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/19/23 at 10:07:36

3B242225383F0E3E0E36242863510 wrote:
America is being over run.

Trump is the one denying elections.
He's the one looking to trash the Constitution
He's the one that tried to politicize the DOJ
He's the that befriends our enemies.

He's the one that wants to run over America

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/19/23 at 10:21:34

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
When you guys finally figure it out, it's going to be too late. America is being over run. And you support it. Suicide by kindness is still suicide.

what's the alternative to kindness.
keep your hate choke on the bile it produces

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/19/23 at 10:27:12

Have you guys even SEEN the racist mayor of New York saying the
Immigrants are DESTROYING their city?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/19/23 at 10:32:46


In December 2022, while continuing to push the false claim that he lost the 2020 election due to widespread voter fraud, Trump suggested the "termination of all rules...even those found in the Constitution" was merited.

While Chris Christie paraphrased Trump's argument, his characterization roughly fits what the former president said.

FACT CHECK BY Newsweek's Fact Check team

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by WebsterMark on 09/19/23 at 10:47:27

726E736B766374656A696863060 wrote:
any supporter of tRump is truly delusional
he fits the definition of a autocrat

what other president has faced 91 FELONY charges none comes close

History is full of individuals who have been charged by banana republics. Trump is just one of many.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/23 at 04:46:35

Joe Biden has taken at least 20 million in bribes since he was VP.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/21/23 at 06:55:56

;D ;D ;D

Are numbers abstract to you?
No wonder you have election denial

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/21/23 at 07:07:59

704245545342556A46554C270 wrote:
Joe Biden has taken at least 20 million in bribes since he was VP.

rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by MnSpring on 09/21/23 at 08:21:24

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
" When you guys finally figure it out, it's going to be too late. America is being over run. And you support it. ..."

And when the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE, Socialists,
finally fugue it out.
It will be, TO LATE !!!!

Because the, 'Useful Idiots',
will be the FIRST, to be,
Subject to 'Arnkiside',
or the Gulag !

Title: Re: Re:
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 10:57:37

647B687B707B707B6C79777B1E0 wrote:
Putin then drew a line and NATO crossed it.

While complicit cowards might respect the lines drawn across the home of a peaceful neighbor by a gangster state, cite it as cause for supporting genocide, those with moral integrity and values worthy of elevation do not.   Something to consider for those siding with Putler against the civilized world.   As always, we choose what we make of ourselves.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 11:15:32

76697A69626962697E6B65690C0 wrote:
And America could focus entirely on a real threat. China.

The Obama administration had negotiated a trade partnership- the Trans-Pacific Partnership -designed to check the power of the CCP; the agreement was years in the making, and the only substantive contemporary tool built for this purpose.   Killing the TPP was one of Trump's first acts- a gift of unprecedented size to the Chinese Communist Party.   Whether out of spite or in trade, Trump undermined US power and one of the only possible non-military tools we could have used to constrain China's expansionist ambitions.

Yet, here you are, pretending Trump's petty self interest didn't make things worse, fantasizing that, given another opportunity he wouldn't do even more damage.

Fools wanted to appease Hitler.   Fools want to appease Russia.  Only fools believe that Trump is any match for the totalitarian CCP.  Content, happy fools, high on self delusion as the only recourse for impotent old age.   You can say and believe anything that pleases you- and that's a profound comfort to the likes of China and Russia.

Title: Re: Re:
Post by zevenenergie on 09/24/23 at 12:02:00

6E62756A646C64766D030 wrote:
[quote author=647B687B707B707B6C79777B1E0 link=1694887380/0#13 date=1695055845]Putin then drew a line and NATO crossed it.

While complicit cowards might respect the lines drawn across the home of a peaceful neighbor by a gangster state, cite it as cause for supporting genocide, those with worthy of elevation do not.   Something to consider for those siding with Putler against the civilized world.   As always, we choose what we make of ourselves.


We must not forget that Russia is a country that is not like America and that it is many centuries older than America.

And you should also look at what kind of warlike policies America has practiced over the past 50 years, and continues to pursue. And many countries see America as the axis of evil.
I live in the Netherlands and when you see how America dictates policy here and how our country is assessed by America on important matters, you start to look differently. The American embassy here is not a building but a small village right next to the American school for Americans in the Netherlands. If the American ambassador disagrees with the government, he intervenes.

I don,t see moral integrity and values there. Just business and abuse of power.

It is very easy to take a moral stand when you are American. But American foreign policy is anything but democratic.
No wonder Putin doesn't like it.

The Ukraine has always been Russian territory.
I also don't agree with the Russian system, but I respect it in a way.
cumunism originally arose from idealism but went off the rails, just as democracy has been going off the rails for sometime now.

The only thing I mind in Ukraine is that people were able to enjoy their freedom for a while, and that it is disappearing again under Russian rule.
For the rest, Western interference there is mainly a power game that has caused a lot of death and damage.
And that story is as old as human history.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/24/23 at 12:12:19

0E02150A040C04160D630 wrote:
[quote author=76697A69626962697E6B65690C0 link=1694887380/15#16 date=1695113222]And America could focus entirely on a real threat. China.

The Obama administration had negotiated a trade partnership- the Trans-Pacific Partnership -designed to check the power of the CCP; the agreement was years in the making, and the only substantive contemporary tool built for this purpose.   Killing the TPP was one of Trump's first acts- a gift of unprecedented size to the Chinese Communist Party.   Whether out of spite or in trade, Trump undermined US power and one of the only possible non-military tools we could have used to constrain China's expansionist ambitions.

Yet, here you are, pretending Trump's petty self interest didn't make things worse, fantasizing that, given another opportunity he wouldn't do even more damage.

Fools wanted to appease Hitler.   Fools want to appease Russia.  Only fools believe that Trump is any match for the totalitarian CCP.  Content, happy fools, high on self delusion as the only recourse for impotent old age.   You can say and believe anything that pleases you- and that's a profound comfort to the likes of China and Russia.

Here too you have to see that this has a history of centuries and that Obama was indeed mistaken and the CCP mainly used the situation to give China world power, stole intellectual property and had been engaged in political warfare against the west, because they are masters in that and America neglected that branch of sport after the cold war.

Trump as a businessman saw that America had made very bad deals and that was a true thing. He was the first to realize what a threat China represented and immediately did something about it, but it was already too late.

If you told people 8 jears ago china would rule te word people looked at you funny, but not today.

Putin and Xi Jinping feel very powerful. because what they say happens. And they see that Precidents don't get anything done and only stay on for 4 years. So they are completely unimpressed by any government. But Trump that's a different story.
He had stopped Putin's advance in one go by saying if you threaten with nuclear weapons one more time, I will press the button.
And they are afraid of those kinds of actions.

Trump's personality is controversial but exactly what the world situation demands.

Trump had also not allowed China to exercise its 100 fighter jets near Taiwan. And that probably would have prevented the very difficult situation which will soon hit the fan.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 12:33:07

626E79666860687A610F0 wrote:
You can say and believe anything that pleases you- and that's a profound comfort to the likes of China and Russia.

726D7E6D666D666D7A6F616D080 wrote:
But American foreign policy is anything but democratic.  No wonder Putin doesn't like it.

By your reckoning, democratic adherence was a factor in Putler's genocidal ambitions, eh?   Incredible.   While the US is replete with political sin and moral failure, and hypocrisy of convenience, this is not a contest of failure: when you rape, murder, and destroy your neighbor's home, pointing across the sea to blame the US is a vapid deflection; of course, you don't actually expect anyone to swallow that- the absurdity is the point.   Like Putler, you wage war on reality, on truth, on ethics, disgorging excuses and justifications for the horror brought by Russia to Ukraine.    You disgust me.

726D7E6D666D666D7A6F616D080 wrote:
He was the first to realize what a threat China represented and immediately did something about it, but it was already too late.

That is a lie.  The record is clear that many, many better people had recognized China's threat, and had taken pained steps to check their power.   As previously made clear, Trump sabotaged those efforts as his first act as President.   Of course, you'll redact history to fit your fiction- these very lines erased without consideration, all in service to reconciling your choices with how you prefer to think of yourself.

Title: Re: Re:
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 14:17:31

67786B78737873786F7A74781D0 wrote:
The Ukraine has always been Russian territory.  I also don't agree with the Russian system, but I respect it in a way.

This is Sophia.   You might explain to her how her home isn't really her home, as it has "always been Russian territory".   Explain to her how she's not allowed to decide who represents her, that past conquest by the Russ means no one in her country will ever be allowed to determine their own future.  Explain to her how it's not really Russian missiles blowing up grain silos and preventing delivery of grain to a hungry world, that the REAL person responsible isn't the Russian loading the missile, picking the target, pulling the trigger, or ordering the attack, but some distant American.  Oh, wait, I almost forgot- you can't tell her that, because a month ago on the way to the theater Putler targeted that theater with a missile, then a another a little while later to kill first responders, and Sophia was turned to hamburger in the street.   Shame, shame on Biden, eh?  -while you reserve you "respect" for Putler and his ilk.   I have no doubt he thanks you for your support- without folks of your... character... he could never have achieved all that he has.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/24/23 at 14:38:35

Believe me when I say that I think Obama is an excellent world leader. He represents something that the world is in great need of. His way of leading was one of the future where powerful men should no longer have a place. I have him as a friend on face book. But there are forces going on in the world that should not be underestimated or denied. What the globalists want and what Xi wants is anything but conducive to the spiritual development of the world. And that's where we have our main focus. This whole world crisis is not a political or economic crisis it is a spiritual crisis.
If people were more in their hearts and grounded, they would see through all the wrongs in the world. And world leaders would not create these evil seams.

The world is in for a lot of commotion if we don't unlock our spirituality soon.

And as for Sophia, we all created this war, so you, tell her how we are all responsible for what she experiences. Including yourself.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/24/23 at 14:59:33

I don't really know how it works for others, but when I see Trump he touches my heart.

And when I see how much organized and disorganized negativity and hatred this man provokes in people...
I don't understand why these people don't go inside and solve that hatred within themselves. It's so easy to vilify someone outside of you.

People forget how big America is. And when so many people project their hatred, how big such a force field is. And all of humanity does it this way.
It is therefore not surprising that the world is falling deeper and deeper into war.
We have to see who we are and see that we ourselves are responsible for our feelings of hatred and that others only provoke them. The root lies within us. And there lies the solution.

But unfortunately that solution is not very popular and people like to blame others for how they feel.

And that is the cause of war right there. And it is going on for more then 10,000 years.  

The biggest taboo in the world is spirituality, it is better to tell your parents that you are gay or addicted to drugs than to tell them that you are investigating who you really are and trying to free yourself from your ego.

And that is the state of affairs.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 15:41:16

253A293A313A313A2D38363A5F0 wrote:
I don't really know how it works for others, but when I see Trump he touches my heart.

Respect for Russia, Trump touching your heart, blaming others for reacting to evil as if they were the source-

If only Sophie's parents didn't hate Putler for murdering their child, there would be no war, eh?   Silly people, blaming Putler for how they feel. If only they could look inward and solve the problem, as you suggest, their lives might unshatter, equanimity rendering them impervious to rape, bombing, and flames.

Blame Biden.  Blame the parents.  Blame me- anyone other than the people perpetrating the violence.  You're broken in a way that can't be fixed and fundamentally dishonest.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/24/23 at 15:50:24

Are you Yoda?  :-?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/24/23 at 15:54:22

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
Are you Yoda?  :-?

More like a Neo-Nazi stoner musing "would Hitler exist if the Jews weren't there to be murdered?"

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 01:27:02

Well there you have it.
Millions of people who project their negativity on Jews, and it only takes 1 man who doesn't want to live an average life and was rejected at the art academy, and off we go.

You project your hatred on Neo-Nazis and it blinds you, you even think I am one.

Civilization is just a very thin layer, And if you have never looked at the hatred that dwells in you, you should not be surprised that that hatred takes over you when it is provoked.
And that's what happened in Germany, a leader arose who incited that hatred, and the rest is history.

If you think only Nazis are capable of that? Then you should go and look at trauma clinics and talk to people.
There you see victims of abuse, urges, intolerances, violence and other forms of lovelessness.
Not from a remote country but from your own environment.

A dictator is made by the people around him. Anyone who carries hatred within them and never solved it (and that's everyone) rides the wave of unconsciousness.

It takes a lot of consciousness to see this, and not become part of it. And stoning Nazies is part of this.

Your in it, full swing and you don,t see it.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/25/23 at 05:01:46

By that measure, you believe Serowbot thinks you are Yoda.   I didn't label you a Nazi- insincere and a sociopath? absolutely.

7B6477646F646F6473666864010 wrote:
Well there you have it.

There you have it, folks- the Jews created Hitler.   If only they had loved their way out of genocide.   Tell us, sage, is it too late to hug Putler's army back into Russia?  What amount of peace, kindness, and understanding will sway the likes of Trump and Miller from fomenting hate and division?   If only we had embraced their leveraging of xenophobia, by your reckoning, hate crimes would have gone down instead of up, eh?

Meanwhile, in the real world, Sophia's parents confront the reality of a gangster state willing take everything they have- and you make excuses for the butchers.

With all the subtlety of performative flatulence or talking loudly into your phone at the theater, your aim is outrage, nothing more.   'You are to blame for the rapist/murder/thief by thinking ill of them!  Behold the beauty of the gross naked emperor!  Are not his clothes beautiful!'

Maybe, if Putler isn't to blame for genocide, and Trump for fomenting hate and division, then your faults are actually someone else's too, eh, Zevenenergie?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Eegore on 09/25/23 at 05:30:07

There you have it, folks- the Jews created Hitler.   If only they had loved their way out of genocide.

 While zevenenergie has some valid ideas, the application of them is very very limited.

 The outlook relies on everyone else changing how they behave.  If only Hitler had been more loving, if only the humans around him had been more loving, if only their parents had been more loving....

 Controlling your behavior and working on self-development is a good, and typically achievable thing.  Expecting positive results by having everyone else do it too is going to fail.

 As for Ukraine, blaming America/NATO is leaving out that the other side are criminals too.  It's like a guy shooting up his workplace because his idiot boss fired him for no good reason.  Only the boss should be held accountable and we should expect innocent humans to be killed as part of the response right?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/25/23 at 05:32:36

0121232B3621440 wrote:
 Expecting positive results by having everyone else do it too is going to fail.

They know that, Eegore: presuming sincerity is the fish-hook they want you to bite on.  Nice bread around feces is still a crap sandwich.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by MnSpring on 09/25/23 at 06:35:04

426260687562070 wrote:
"...   As for Ukraine, blaming America/NATO is leaving out that the other side are criminals too.   ..."

It is the only reason that the USA is giving BILLIONS.
(Far More than it's NATO share)
Because if Biden does NOT give BILLIONS of YOUR MONEY.
(Not His, YOURS)
Ukraine will make public to the world,
ALL the PROOF, of the Biden Crime Family.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 08:55:03

3834233C323A32203B550 wrote:
By that measure, you believe Serowbot thinks you are Yoda.   I didn't label you a Nazi- insincere and a sociopath? absolutely.

[quote author=7B6477646F646F6473666864010 link=1694887380/30#44 date=1695630422]Well there you have it.

There you have it, folks- the Jews created Hitler.   If only they had loved their way out of genocide.   Tell us, sage, is it too late to hug Putler's army back into Russia?  What amount of peace, kindness, and understanding will sway the likes of Trump and Miller from fomenting hate and division?   If only we had embraced their leveraging of xenophobia, by your reckoning, hate crimes would have gone down instead of up, eh?

Meanwhile, in the real world, Sophia's parents confront the reality of a gangster state willing take everything they have- and you make excuses for the butchers.

With all the subtlety of performative flatulence or talking loudly into your phone at the theater, your aim is outrage, nothing more.   'You are to blame for the rapist/murder/thief by thinking ill of them!  Behold the beauty of the gross naked emperor!  Are not his clothes beautiful!'

Maybe, if Putler isn't to blame for genocide, and Trump for fomenting hate and division, then your faults are actually someone else's too, eh, Zevenenergie?[/quote]

I think that if Putin had been in love he would have reacted very differently to the situation.
Being in love has its benefits.

The choice is yours.
And it is also your choice to distort what I write, but that says more about you than about me.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 09:07:22

032321293423460 wrote:
There you have it, folks- the Jews created Hitler.   If only they had loved their way out of genocide.

 While zevenenergie has some valid ideas, the application of them is very very limited.

 The outlook relies on everyone else changing how they behave.  If only Hitler had been more loving, if only the humans around him had been more loving, if only their parents had been more loving....

 Controlling your behavior and working on self-development is a good, and typically achievable thing.  Expecting positive results by having everyone else do it too is going to fail.

 As for Ukraine, blaming America/NATO is leaving out that the other side are criminals too.  It's like a guy shooting up his workplace because his idiot boss fired him for no good reason.  Only the boss should be held accountable and we should expect innocent humans to be killed as part of the response right?

I think everyone is fully responsible for what they do. Though the responsibility of a boss is different from that of an employee.

But if you are used to pointing fingers, it is difficult for you to know your responsibilities.

The current consensus is that it is all Putin's fault, but I see that is not the case. It is not without reason that there are huge fences around American embassies worldwide. I am now simply highlighting the side of NATO because we completely lose sight of that dark side in the West.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 09:24:59

[quote author=7E5E5C54495E3B0 link=1694887380/45#46 date=1695645007]There you have it, folks- the Jews created Hitler.   If only they had loved their way out of genocide.

 While zevenenergie has some valid ideas, the application of them is very very limited.

I don't think the effect is limited at all, just look at Nelson Mandela and see what an enormous effect his spiritual development has had on the world. And look at a man like Jesus, how much effect his enlightenment had on the world.
And he was a son of a carpenter.
That subtle power that everyone has within them, which is many times more subtle than thinking. Is stronger than anything in the universe.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Eegore on 09/25/23 at 10:28:59

I don't think the effect is limited at all, just look at Nelson Mandela and see what an enormous effect his spiritual development has had on the world.

 And the assassinations and necklacing where his wife ordered and observed men being burned alive.  I guess Mandela and Minnie just didn't have enough love to keep her from ordering things like that.

 Another example of love just not being enough to keep the innocent people alive.  Their life depends on somebody else having enough spirituality.  Expecting positive results by requiring everyone else be spiritual is going to fail.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/25/23 at 11:03:52

If you weighed tRump's spirituality against a feather, the feather would tip the scale.
He's never had an unselfish or compassionate thought in his life.

He's never even had a dog... I doubt he's ever touched one.
What kind of man creates a charitable fund, then uses it as his personal family checkbook?
The kind that is outlawed from ever having one again.

Ammut will devour his heart

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 11:08:54

Jesus had 12 disciples, just being near him was enough. but he also spoke to them, which has its disadvantages. His words were written down by the disciples and a doctrine was made of them. and you know what people are doing today in the name of Jesus.

Then who was wrong?
Jesus speaking his words spontaneously? the disciples who wrote them down? Or the people who didn't get the message at all.

You can't expect the world to change by voting for Binding or Trump, can you? Why then do we take every discussion to that level?

Isn't it better to go straight to the root and pull it out, regardless of the outcome?

I think so and thats why I keep making this point.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 11:25:31

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
If you weighed tRump's spirituality against a feather, the feather would tip the scale.
He's never had an unselfish or compassionate thought in his life.

He's never even had a dog... I doubt he's ever touched one.
What kind of man creates a charitable fund, then uses it as his personal family checkbook?
The kind that is outlawed from ever having one again.

Ammut will devour his heart

I like that you talk about Ammut. :)

When you "pass over", the day of judgment comes, where everything you consciously did right will be offset against what you consciously did wrong.
And now comes the fun part. :D

Do you know who your judge is?

That is you yourself.

And I bet you that you exactly know what's going on.

And then Ammut comes to check on you and asks you for your opinion.
If there is one thing you should not do when you are in the hereafter, it is lying.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by thumperclone on 09/25/23 at 11:34:56

0C2F123133282F26410 wrote:
[quote author=426260687562070 link=1694887380/45#46 date=1695645007] "...   As for Ukraine, blaming America/NATO is leaving out that the other side are criminals too.   ..."

It is the only reason that the USA is giving BILLIONS.
(Far More than it's NATO share)
Because if Biden does NOT give BILLIONS of YOUR MONEY.
(Not His, YOURS)
Ukraine will make public to the world,
ALL the PROOF, of the Biden Crime Family.  DEBUNKED IN 2019


Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/25/23 at 11:40:10

You are kidding yourself, Biden is just like Trump and not a whit better. He is just a bit more intelligent and much more experienced as a politician, the PR machine determines what he says. At least they hope so.
Tis is how it works:

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/25/23 at 15:17:07

312E3D2E252E252E392C222E4B0 wrote:
You are kidding yourself, Biden is just like Trump and not a whit better.

This is a page right out of the Kremlin's play book: 'everyone is evil as us, there is no difference.  We are not to blame. We are all sinners- so why shouldn't we have your house and children, while you take a dirt nap?'

And, just like the Kremlin, you'll say whatever is convenient in the moment.   You actually tried to smear me with the murder of that Ukrainian girl- not a word of castigation for the Russian ordering and perpetrating the attack, of course.   Accountability for the murderers is not your interest- at least, not these murderers.

6D7261727972797265707E72170 wrote:
...when I see Trump he touches my heart.

Or is that Biden, as you've indicated there is no difference?  Of course, you would know best who you let stroke you.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/26/23 at 04:37:02

Here is a link to go fund me.

Set it up, and I wil be the first to to donate so jou can go to a prostitute to get laid.

Cause darn...

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/26/23 at 05:03:16

I have lived long enough to have few illusions. If someone says something to me, don't go any further otherwise I will blow your head off, then I will be the one who pulls the trigger if I continue.

Bad people also have something good in them. And good people also have something bad in them.
Everyone has a soul.

And I'll have to see if you get as much negativity as Donald does, how you would hold your own.

And I would like to talk to your friends and family members and see if you walk your talk.

I think that you are using Sophie to win a political battle by playing on emotions.

My question is when you read the news from Sophie, what was your appropriate response?
Have you taken a homeless person off the street? Did you start doing community work and working in a shelter for abused children?

What was your answer?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/26/23 at 05:52:59

1B0417040F040F0413060804610 wrote:
Set it up, and I wil be the first to to donate so jou can go to a prostitute to get laid.

Unlike sex workers, who provide a service in trade, your prostitution is purely self serving.   Sadly, there will certainly always be a market, as the examples of those who have walked your path and returned are very, very few.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by MnSpring on 09/26/23 at 05:55:53

594F58455D48455E2A0 wrote:
"... What kind of man creates a charitable fund, then uses it as his personal family checkbook?  ..."  

That would be the Clinton, FAMILY and friends !

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/26/23 at 06:23:43

697665767D767D7661747A76130 wrote:
My question is when you read the news from Sophie, what was your appropriate response? Have you taken a homeless person off the street? Did you start doing community work and working in a shelter for abused children?

This is ever the course of the morally bankrupt, pleading the case for those perpetrating genocide: they start with disgorging REASONS for mass murder, rape, destruction, and theft (as you have), move on to whataboutisms (as you have), then, when those ploys fail to mask the choices they've made, move on to blaming others for their acts (as you have), and, finally, when accusing others of fault proves to be grossly absurd, discount reflection as insincere.  As.  You.  Have.

That progression is an admission, a proclamation of awareness of exposed debasement- desperate to distract and deflect, lest held to account for what you've made of yourself.   Why then show your ugly core if only to shrivel when examined?   It's perverse.

697665767D767D7661747A76130 wrote:
If someone says something to me, don't go any further otherwise I will blow your head off, then I will be the one who pulls the trigger if I continue.

Women have been hearing this from your ilk for as long as there has been rape.   The contortions you are willing to perform to blame the victim mirrors your character.   'I warned them- if they didn't agree to be my slaves, they would suffer.'

You stand with gangsters and blame their targets for not agreeing to servitude.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/23 at 08:20:11

...and Hitler liked dogs... that must be of great comfort to the Jewish race

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/26/23 at 11:21:59

565A4D525C545C4E553B0 wrote:
[quote author=697665767D767D7661747A76130 link=1694887380/60#60 date=1695729796]
My question is when you read the news from Sophie, what was your appropriate response? Have you taken a homeless person off the street? Did you start doing community work and working in a shelter for abused children?

This is ever the course of the morally bankrupt, pleading the case for those perpetrating genocide: they start with disgorging REASONS for mass murder, rape, destruction, and theft (as you have), move on to whataboutisms (as you have), then, when those ploys fail to mask the choices they've made, move on to blaming others for their acts (as you have), and, finally, when accusing others of fault proves to be grossly absurd, discount reflection as insincere.  As.  You.  Have.

That progression is an admission, a proclamation of awareness of exposed debasement- desperate to distract and deflect, lest held to account for what you've made of yourself.   Why then show your ugly core if only to shrivel when examined?   It's perverse.

697665767D767D7661747A76130 wrote:
If someone says something to me, don't go any further otherwise I will blow your head off, then I will be the one who pulls the trigger if I continue.

Women have been hearing this from your ilk for as long as there has been rape.   The contortions you are willing to perform to blame the victim mirrors your character.   'I warned them- if they didn't agree to be my slaves, they would suffer.'

You stand with gangsters and blame their targets for not agreeing to servitude.[/quote]

I used to do encouter groups. Then you sat in a circle and people confronted each other. The nice thing about that was that you really got to know people because while they were venting loudly about what they thought of the other person, we all knew that it was more about them than about who they were talking about.

Everything fine there with you?

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/26/23 at 14:35:44

485744575C575C5740555B57320 wrote:
Everything fine there with you?

It's too late to distract with petty insults and insincerity- you've shown too much of yourself.   "Can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by zevenenergie on 09/27/23 at 02:33:12


Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Mavigogun on 09/27/23 at 07:42:25

What a perfect summation of character and "substance"- a 'meme' image, parsing all meaning/truth to a simple self-serving equivocation.  You are not engaged in a battle- no mythic struggle of dark vs light.   You haven't just surrendered integrity, but champion the evil work of genocide.   There is only one figure in your portrait, one person responsible for what you have made of yourself. Regard the mirror.

Title: Re: Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’
Post by Serowbot on 09/27/23 at 07:46:38

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