General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> No conflict There

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/23 at 12:55:22

Title: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/23 at 12:55:22

This Is GOOD!
Melania was an embarrassing tramp.

You lefties have no shame.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/23 at 13:09:39

if it wasn't for sex you wouldn't be here

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/23 at 14:04:21

I'm Shocked!
You completely refuse to see the obvious.
Of Course you don't remember how you lefties were just So Offended by Melania and her history.. But this pos streaming sex is Just FINE!

I wouldn't fight a cripple.. And I'm not going to continue to argue with you. You're obviously not intellectually capable of an actual conversation.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by thumperclone on 09/13/23 at 14:29:32

your fears are obvious in your rantings.
you don't want to converse only argue and ridicule just
like the rest of the bubs degrade, point fingers never any solutions to REAL problems..
stew in your vile conasse

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/23 at 15:03:59

Close the border and deport illegal aliens!

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by MnSpring on 09/13/23 at 16:31:07


Recognize good guys with guns.

Punish criminals.

Don’t give Billions to KNOWN terrorists.

Spend tax dollars Responsibly.

Stop lying to those that pay you.

And so much more.

Problem is the UL, DFI, FDS, WOKE Socialist’s,
Can’t see the forest,
Cause the trees are in the way.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Eegore on 09/13/23 at 17:32:55

 I don't personally care much about what goes on with US human citizens engaging in completely legal activities.  In this case I could care less as I am only interested in her political policy.

 This same logic is why I could care less if Trump slept with an adult performer.  

 However I do completely expect there to be hypocrisy.  If you like Trump, he can sleep with whoever, just look at his policy, but Biden - no way, what he does that is legal in his personal life is not to be ignored.

 If you like Biden, then what he does, legally, in his personal life is nobody's business.  But what Trump does has to be scrutinized, policy means nothing.

 This situation with this lady here is the same thing.

 If we really want to deep dive on this we could be examining the frequency and consistency of independent adult film making and the social acceptance in regard to how it impacts the potential careers of the massive numbers of youth engaged in such film making.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/13/23 at 19:16:54

Your thinking is not the POINT.
The absolute HYPOCRISY of the left is.

Melania was treated like trash,Right Here in This forum.
Where is the condemnation for this tramp?

Thumperclone, condemnation is people saying she's Wrong.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by thumperclone on 09/14/23 at 03:16:26

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
Close the border and deport illegal aliens!

why isn't Gov. Abbot doing that?

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/23 at 03:21:04

He has added buoys in the river. And some fed judge Tried to make him remove them. Other states have tried to protect their border, doing the job the federal government is Charged with, only to get Sued By the federal government.
Why isn't BIDEN protecting the border and shipping the illegal aliens home?
It's ACTUALLY his Job.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Eegore on 09/14/23 at 05:12:05

Your thinking is not the POINT.
The absolute HYPOCRISY of the left is.

Melania was treated like trash,Right Here in This forum.
Where is the condemnation for this tramp?

 Its exactly where I said it would be.  People who like Biden will ignore this and scrutinize Melania/Trump or anything they do not like.  People who like Trump/Melania will ignore Melania/Trump and scrutinize this, or anything they do not like.


Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/23 at 05:18:32

You keep pretending everyone is unfair. It's not true. The cheap, small minded people do what you are continually saying everyone does. Honest people don't operate on that level.
Do You?
Do YOU see what I am talking about? Do YOU see the hypocrisy?

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/23 at 06:55:08

Trump has heard and now wants to grab her by the *****,...
Matt Gaetz is having thoughts.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Eegore on 09/14/23 at 07:57:12

You keep pretending everyone is unfair. It's not true. The cheap, small minded people do what you are continually saying everyone does. Honest people don't operate on that level.
Do You?
Do YOU see what I am talking about? Do YOU see the hypocrisy?

 Yeah and I don't have the audacity to think I am excluded from it.

 If some random human hits my car I will be more concerned about it and less likely to assume the cost than if an employee did it.  I don't have a habit of lying, I consider myself to be an honest person, but I do dabble in hypocrisy just like everyone else.

 I can't imagine anyone from the outside looks at the complaining that goes on in this forum and doesn't see some forms of political hypocrisy.  

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Serowbot on 09/14/23 at 08:18:05

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Why isn't BIDEN protecting the border and shipping the illegal aliens home?
It's ACTUALLY his Job.

Not all immigration is illegal... these people have a legal right to apply for asylum or citizenship and must be treated as such.
All Americans were immigrants at one time.
"The words of Emma Lazarus’s famous 1883 sonnet “The New Colossus” have seemed more visible since Donald Trump’s election. They can be found on the news and on posters, in tweets and in the streets. Lines 10 and 11 of the poem are quoted with the most frequency—“Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”—and often by those aiming to highlight a contrast between Lazarus’s humanitarian vision of the nation and the president’s racist rhetoric.

This crosses a line BTW... you should apologize.
... or do you want your soapbox in a vacuum?

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
I wouldn't fight a cripple.. And I'm not going to continue to argue with you. You're obviously not intellectually capable of an actual conversation.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/14/23 at 10:18:26

Not all immigration is illegal

Good God,man. THAT is your argument for allowing people to flood America to the Absolute Destruction of our schools and structure of society? You believe That is what America was intended to be?
Hell, there is no hope for you. I Really do hope you wind up just Wrecked by the unchecked, unregulated influx of people who are Not ever going to be Good FOR America.
You can ban me, I don't care. You are not ever going to figure out anything.
Run get the boosters!

And TC? Not apologizing.
So, spank me.

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by thumperclone on 09/14/23 at 11:17:03

[quote author=6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 link=1694634922/15#15 date=1694711906]Not all immigration is illegal

Good God,man. THAT is your argument for allowing people to flood America to the Absolute Destruction of our schools and structure of society? You believe That is what America was intended to be?
Hell, there is no hope for you. I Really do hope you wind up just Wrecked by the unchecked, unregulated influx of people who are Not ever going to be Good FOR America.

you're talking about Ron DESANTIS

Title: Re: No conflict There
Post by Eegore on 09/14/23 at 11:41:35

 I would like to think it is pretty clear that the issue is "illegal" immigration.

 Immigration in itself is not really a problem, and for that matter illegal migrant work force is not really a problem either.

 Illegal general immigration is simply unsustainable.  I look at it in the same way a business engages in unsustainable practices.  The first guy to feel it is the ground level worker that can barely get the job done, while Middle Management hears about it but doesn't feel it.

 As it goes on, Middle Management has to start making cuts, and dealing with a smaller workforce and less money to get more done.  Upper Management hears about this and sees spreadsheets.

 Eventually Upper Management feels it when the business starts to enter Chapter Bankruptcy and attempts any salvage it can. This is where the general public that cried the company charges too much also cries the company might not be around anymore.

 The CEO(s) may never feel any of it, they see it but their financial security may keep them afloat until more money starts coming in.

 TX/AZ/NM citizens are ground level workers.  Including CBP/ICE etc.

 Sanctuary cities like NYC, or Denver are Middle Management.  They feel it later.

 State Politicians are Upper Management.  They feel it when it get's unrecoverable.

 POTUS/Congress/Senate are CEO's.  They just move along.

 Don't be the general public in this example, demanding the need for unsustainable practices. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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