General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Doesn't this make Him a Racist?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/23 at 03:34:48

Title: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/23 at 03:34:48

I'm pretty sure it does. If I said it, it would make me racist,, and Surely the rules are the same for everyone..

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/08/23 at 03:59:04

I fixt your link:

I don't think so, and I think he's quite right.

Incidentally; A racist is not something that you are, as much as you can be a mother or a father.
Racism is more like hunger.

When you see a hamburger like an African one with a loud radio on it. Then you suddenly get hungry.

I wouldn't worry too much about that, because that is not up to a nationality. Everyone has that. Welcome to the human race.

You also have people who are hungry, all day long, but I would rather label that as a personality disorder.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by oldNslow on 09/08/23 at 05:24:42

"Eric Adams says illegal immigrant crisis will destroy NYC"

It makes him correct. Sometimes reality slaps even a dumbsh*t like Adams upside the head and wakes him up.

Sometimes when you get exactly what you wish for it turns out to be not all that wonderful.

"Sanctuary City" How's that workin' out for you Mr. Mayor?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/23 at 07:35:23

Well, WE agree that it is simply Correct. But if a white boy said that stuff in the presence of a lefty, Then it would be racist.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/23 at 08:08:33

Let's send all our immigrants to the most expensive places in the world to live.
...'cause... we care

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/23 at 08:22:48

"..."Eric Adams says illegal immigrant crisis will destroy NYC"..."

It is, TOTALLY Racist !
According to all the people that say we ALL must  be a "Sanctuary".

And requirements are ignored. And Illegals are GIVEN thousands of YOUR dollars, just because they LIE.

OH WAIT, if one STEALS, KILLS, DESTROYS, etc. etc. etc. They WILL GET PAID, BILLIONS, of YOUR money !!!!!!

Yea, OK,  everything is perfect. According to the  Fairy Dust Sprinkling Ultra Liberal Dumb F ucking Idiots.

So Eric Adam, NOW, saying. ILLEGAL'S are bad for this country.
Is now, most like NOT Racist.

 ' ' 'god save the queen ' ' '

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by oldNslow on 09/08/23 at 08:36:04

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
Well, WE agree that it is simply Correct. But if a white boy said that stuff in the presence of a lefty, Then it would be racist.

According to the catechism of the religion of the left racisim is the Original Sin of white people. It cannot be absolved by confession and acts of contrition. No number of Hail Marys or sayings of the rosary will fix it. Not even falling down on your knees and kissing leftist a*s will get it done.

Original Sin can only be absolved by the grace of God and, since leftism is a godless religion, there we are.

You white; You racist. No way out. Might just as well embrace it and move on.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/23 at 08:39:17

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
Let's send all our immigrants to the most expensive places in the world to live.
...'cause... we care

I Know, let them run amuck in AZ.
Making the News, EVERY DAY.

Bot, have you posted your address yet ?

Have you made cards with your address on them,
and distributed them in the Arroyos, cut holes in the fence, and the Numerous TUNNELS ?

You have apparently opened your house to be a Sanctuary !

Oh Yea, Again, I forgot.

    Serowbot wrote on Today at 10:08am:
        ...'cause... we care

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/23 at 09:03:01

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
Let's send all our immigrants to the most expensive places in the world to live.
...'cause... we care

If you're unwilling to acknowledge that they ADVERTISED to Be Sanctuary for illegals and Pretend that Texas is just supposed to be destroyed but NY should Not have them shipped to them, then you go ahead and play that stupid game.
You are at least consistent. Always wrong

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by thumperclone on 09/09/23 at 09:22:16

illegal immigration is illegal  no matter the race of the immigrant

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/23 at 09:22:40

This, just one of many, accounts of actions across the Nation.
That are Defiantly, NOT, Raciest !
 (according to the UL, FDS, DFI, WOKE, Socialists)

NOP,  Not a Bit !

 "...  Minneapolis, MN – The cop-free, autonomous zone set up around the intersection where George Floyd died posted some rules “for white people in particular” after the guilty verdict came down for former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin on Tuesday.

The intersection of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue where Floyd died as he was being arrested on May 25, 2020 has been named George Floyd Square and access to a several-block area around has been for almost a year been blocked by barricades put in place and continuously manned by activists,

Multiple people have been shot and several have died inside the Minneapolis autonomous zone in the past year and first responders were unable to get to them to help when protesters blocked access.

Since the most recent death in March, city officials have tried multiple times to retake the area, thus far without success.

On Wednesday, FOX News National Correspondent Matt Finn posted a flyer that he spotted posted to the barricades that block access to the police-free area.

The flyer welcome people to George Floyd Square, calling it “A Sacred Space for Community, Public Grief, and Protest.”
The sign said it was the area where Floyd “took his last breath under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer.”Sponsored:    
A Hennepin County jury found Chauvin guilty of murder on April 21, FOX News reported.
The signed invited people to “enter with reverence, humility, and openness, as an invited guest” and “honor the space as a place to connect and grieve with other humans.”
All visitors are asked to wear masks.
However, the white people who visit George Floyd Square must also adhere to another set of rules, according to the flyer.Sponsored:

White visitors are supposed to “decenter” and “come to listen, learn, mourn, and witness,” according to the sign. “Remember you are here to support, not to be supported.”

Also, “be mindful of whether your volume, pace, and movements are supporting or undermining your efforts to decenter yourself.”

The rules called for white people to “seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it.”

And if white people wanted to talk about their feelings and how they’re “processing” things, they should take it to “other white folks so that you will not harm” people of color, the flyer demanded.Sponsored:    
     There was a thinly-veiled warning about taking photos and video in the public place inside the autonomous zone.

And finally, the flyer ended with an admonishment for white people to speak up and lecture to anybody else white whom they might witness doing something “problematic.”

White people are supposed to intervene and “speak up with compassion to take the burden [off of] black folks and our siblings or color whenever appropriate.”

The sign also said that white people should “seek to engage rather than escalate, so that it can be a learning moment rather than a disruption.

There were more anti-white signs posted near the barricades and throughout the Minneapolis autonomous zone ..."  

Don't know what a FDS, UL, WOKE person was doing with a, (GASP) gun.
But one was in a shooting group the other day.
He asked me if I was Predigest, (after a remark I made), I said 'YES".
 He got a smart azz SMUG Smirk look on his face.

Then I said:  
"Don't care about skin color, heritage, religion,
Do care if they are a DFI.  (words said),
And if they are a DFI, (words said),
    I am TOTALLY Predigest."

And the rest of the group heartily laughed!

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/09/23 at 12:11:52

The rules called for white people to “seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it.”

What Energy would that be? The Energy to run the lights? Air conditioning? Raise crops?
The White's Energy in South Africa has been under pressure. The White's have been being run off of the farms. Some killed. Famine abounds. Turns out that hating people for their abilities doesn't translate into being able to Do what they were doing.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/09/23 at 12:16:38

The rules called for white people to “seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it.”

 Who knows.  I help fund a builder space and gallery for people that don't have access to tools, welders etc. and I was not allowed to attend a gallery opening (by the people running just the opening that night) I helped set up, because I was a "Cisgender White Male" and the opening was supposed to be a "safe space".

 So my money is cool, but my physical presence wasn't.  I thought it was funny, hypocritical, but funny.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/09/23 at 12:58:58

The problem with basing everything on racism is that you then turn it into a racial problem.
Of course there is such a thing as discrimination.

It is actually a distorted quality. Originally Discrimination was the art of being able to determine whether something came from thinking or from intuition and creative inspiration. Humanity has not always been as it is now. We live in a very dark period, namely the Kali Yuga.

Being able to distinguish between the divine in us and the identified thinking is something that completely eludes us.
This is because we no longer realize that we are divine beings.

So everything we do is laced with selfishness.
Some of us wake up from this state on our deathbed.
But most of us do not separate from the body and identified mind until we have passed over.
Ultimately we return to what we really are and no one is excluded.
But it is also possible to do this during our lifetime.

In other times, that was people's priority.
The result was that people lived in a state of abundance.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/09/23 at 13:04:10

1434363E2334510 wrote:
The rules called for white people to “seek to contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it.”

 Who knows.  I help fund a builder space and gallery for people that don't have access to tools, welders etc. and I was not allowed to attend a gallery opening (by the people running just the opening that night) I helped set up, because I was a "Cisgender White Male" and the opening was supposed to be a "safe space".

 So my money is cool, but my physical presence wasn't.  I thought it was funny, hypocritical, but funny.

Rewarding bad behavior.. That'll teach them

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/09/23 at 19:55:06

 I guess it depends on how one see time and space.  Paying for a building before an event, to me, is not rewarding any behavior since the behavior happened after the reward.


Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/10/23 at 08:26:01

7151535B4651340 wrote:
"... Paying for a building before an event, to me, is not rewarding any behavior since the behavior happened after the reward. ..."  

Couple of questions.

You routinely give money, (for free), to anybody that asks?

You had no inklings that the group you funded would suddenly turn on you ?

After that group turned on you, you did not hand them a 'paper' that said, 'here is your pay back schedule' ?

"...  I thought it was funny, hypocritical, but funny. ..."

No, it was not, 'funny', it was CLEARLY Raciest !

If the group was white, and excluded a black person, all hell would break loose, and people on the Moon would know about it.

When a white person says 'Aaaa it's OK', to RACIEST behavior from a black person/s to a white person.
While screaming to the clouds about RACIEST behavior from a white person/s to black person/s.


Is not the goal to eliminate it ?

"... (by the people running just the opening that night) ..."

When that, 'group', said (in essence) 'you could not attend because of the color of your skin', you saying it is 'funny', IS enforcing Raciest behavior.

If the rest of the people said, (to the like), 'oh it was only that little group',.
Then let the rest of the people, 'scold' the opening night few, and TEACH them, their behavior is not acceptable, because their selfishness negated the 'free' money to make the space.

Oh Yea, Never Mind.
It was Funny !

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/10/23 at 12:00:11

You routinely give money, (for free), to anybody that asks?

 No.  I select who gets money I do not distribute it to "anybody" that asks.

You had no inklings that the group you funded would suddenly turn on you ?

 No.  I actually don't think they "turned on me" as they do not even know who I am.  I think the phrase "turned" implies an agreement or expectation that was altered or changed.

After that group turned on you, you did not hand them a 'paper' that said, 'here is your pay back schedule' ?

 No, that would be illegal and completely unenforceable.  I can't hold a few people accountable financially for a decision made about a privately held event in abuilding I helped build.  Nobody can.

No, it was not, 'funny', it was CLEARLY Raciest !

 Yes it was funny.  Racism can be funny to some humans.  I don't presume to tell you what is funny to you, and what is not.


Is not the goal to eliminate it ?

 Not for me.  Being a racist is not illegal, I rarely spend any time worrying about it.

When that, 'group', said (in essence) 'you could not attend because of the color of your skin', you saying it is 'funny', IS enforcing Raciest behavior.

 Agreed.  I also don't care because being racist is not illegal.  They did not violate my rights, and hypocrisy at art gallery openings is not worth my time.

If the rest of the people said, (to the like), 'oh it was only that little group',.
Then let the rest of the people, 'scold' the opening night few, and TEACH them, their behavior is not acceptable, because their selfishness negated the 'free' money to make the space.

 I don't agree that the action negated the money used to make the space.  There was never any agreement as to admission neutrality for events when the structure was built.  Sure a group of white guys having an exclusive event would cause a media firestorm, but that has little to do with the building of the space a decade earlier.

 My POINT is when I helped build the place a decade ago, I was not rewarding the bad behavior I referenced as it would be impossible.  The behavior did exist yet.  But then again time and space as we know it never really mattered here.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/10/23 at 14:14:24

4464666E7364010 wrote:
"...  My POINT is when I helped build the place a decade ago, I was not rewarding the bad behavior  ..."

Missed that part about, "...a decade ago...", in the first post so I went back and looked again.  

Nop, didn't miss it !

I just have to remember when you say:
"... I was not allowed to attend a gallery opening (by the people running just the opening that night) ..."
It means, the people, using the space,
      Ten Years After
  I helped build it,
forbid me from attending a event.

"... I also don't care because being racist is not illegal.  They did not violate my rights, ..."

LOL, Several, rather vocal groups, would say different !

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/10/23 at 21:41:46

Nop, didn't miss it !

I just have to remember when you say:
"... I was not allowed to attend a gallery opening (by the people running just the opening that night) ..."
It means, the people, using the space,
     Ten Years After
 I helped build it,
forbid me from attending a event.

 Change decade to 1 minute ago.

 Does that change the fact that time and space as we know it, would dictate that one can not "reward" bad behavior before the behavior happens?

 Change decade to 1 second ago.  The building I built and opened one second ago had an event where I was not invited.  Did I reward bad behavior?

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/11/23 at 08:18:41

Serowbot wrote on Sep 8th, 2023, 10:08am:
Let's send all our immigrants to the most expensive places in the world to live.
...'cause... we care

“ICE is the agency that breaks up Mexico-U.S. cartel trafficking of humans and drugs. ICE is the agency that detains violent criminal aliens and returns them to their home countries.  ICE is the agency that does the most to deter cross-border crime and illegal immigration by enforcing immigration law in the United States. “  

… Biden is demanding the ability to totally neuter ICE in exchange for simply keeping the government open for several weeks…

… a provision that would allow all ICE funding to be redirected to "fund community-based residential facilities, and to provide services and support to refugees, asylum seekers, or other migrants," including through "contracts or through the award of grants or cooperative agreements to non-governmental organizations."  This would effectively convert ICE from a law enforcement agency into a U.S. travel agency for illegal aliens and into a grant-making bureaucracy for sanctuary cities… 

… this provision would allow all past, present, or future ICE dollars to be used to buy airplane tickets and hotel rooms for illegal immigrants as they are permanently resettled across the United States…

… Airplane tickets that ICE had been buying to return violent criminal aliens to their home countries will be converted into airplane tickets to fly them to a community near you…

… Biden, serving as a Trojan Horse for the radical left and having set the stage for the abolition of ICE since taking office, is now using the chaos of a government-shutdown fight to sneak it across the finish line…

… Biden’s scheme would also specifically allow ICE’s remaining resources to be sent to sanctuary cities for resettlement.  These ICE taxpayer dollars will only add to the $104.6 million mountain of federal funds that New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries slipped in earlier this year for New York City Mayor Eric Adams to resettle illegal aliens…

‘’’ Immediately upon taking office, President Biden dismantled the commonsense border security measures put in place by the Trump administration. These actions included halting construction of the border wall, eliminating the "Remain in Mexico" or Migrant Protection Protocols," lifting prohibitions on sanctuary cities.  Biden has even proposed legislation granting U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants.  He has removed enforcement and removal tools from law enforcement agents and blatantly disregarded requirements for detaining and removing criminal illegal immigrants in the United States.  All this while dramatically cutting the deportation of illegal aliens…

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/11/23 at 08:31:44

0626242C3126430 wrote:
 "...  Change decade to 1 second ago.  The building I built and opened one second ago had an event where I was not invited.  Did I reward bad behavior?


One can not reward bad behavior before the behavior happens.

Yet when it happens, one can think it's funny, or one can punish.

Raising a child, they do, 'bad behavior',
One can think it's funny,
one can correct.

Will,'It's Funny', make it happen again ?
Will, 'correcting/punishing', make/help, it stop ?

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/11/23 at 18:35:07

One can not reward bad behavior before the behavior happens.

Yet when it happens, one can think it's funny, or one can punish.

 I'm not going to punish people for having an event I am not invited to just because I helped pay for the building.

Raising a child, they do, 'bad behavior',
One can think it's funny,
one can correct.

Will,'It's Funny', make it happen again ?
Will, 'correcting/punishing', make/help, it stop ?

 Raising a child is different than grown adults in a free society doing something that is not illegal.  I see no reason to "punish" grown adults because they are doing something completely within the bounds of the law just because I don't agree with their logic.

 That's a pretty entitled type of thinking right there.  


Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by MnSpring on 09/11/23 at 19:09:43

I'm not going to punish people for having an event I am not invited to just because I helped pay for the building.

Spinning and deflection,
people will forget
it is all about RACISM !

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/11/23 at 20:57:02

Whatever,, say it however makes it feel better.
I wouldn't Punish them for excluding me from what I paid for.
I just wouldn't Pay for it.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/11/23 at 21:30:35

Whatever,, say it however makes it feel better.
I wouldn't Punish them for excluding me from what I paid for.
I just wouldn't Pay for it.

 Except I paid before the bad behavior.  Time and space as we know it dictates that behavior could not have been rewarded by my actions.

 MnSpring discusses punishing them.  This makes sense if one is raising a child, but does not make sense when applied to my situation.  I won't "punish" humans that don't let me into one art gallery showing just because I helped build the building.

 I will just laugh it off, being in that one opening is not important to me.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/11/23 at 21:32:21

Spinning and deflection,
people will forget
it is all about RACISM !

 You brought up "punishing" people.  In my case, that you referenced, they did nothing illegal.

 Being racist is not illegal, so no, I will not attempt to punish anyone for that.  

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/12/23 at 02:00:48

The funny thing is that people who say that it is all about racism think that they are not racist.
But if you ask colored people if they are racist, they freely admit because they openly discriminate against other races including the white race.

They find the denial of the white race hypocritical.
Colored people usually feel much better about themselves.
They are more grounded, they are more beautiful than white people. And they can be proud of their race.

The white race can never be proud of itself.
The damage that the white race has done to people of color is a stain that will never go away.

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/23 at 08:37:54

Not By ME,, so I have no guilt or shame about the color of my skin.
And the truth is, I never understood how having some reasonable Guess about where someone's Great grandparents were born would somehow mean someone could weigh and measure their value as a person. It just never made sense to me.
But after the years of being TOLD what an absolute piece of SCHITT I Am, because I am white, after DECADES of Measure me by my character, not the Color of My Skin, BEING measured BY THE COLOR OF MY SKIN has really affected my attitudes.
And TuffFUKKINschitt..

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/23 at 08:43:09

Here's a question..

If blacks are around 13% of the population, AND America is Racist, just Exactly HOWNAFUKK did Obama get elected?

C'mon,, splain it to me Lucy

Title: Re: Doesn't this make Him a Racist?
Post by Eegore on 09/12/23 at 09:47:48

They find the denial of the white race hypocritical.
Colored people usually feel much better about themselves.
They are more grounded, they are more beautiful than white people. And they can be proud of their race.

 Boy that's not a generalization of millions and millions of people.  

The white race can never be proud of itself.
The damage that the white race has done to people of color is a stain that will never go away.

 I don't know a single white human that feels responsible for anything that happened in the past.  Do modern Germans go around feeling bad about the holocaust?  Do modern Mongolians feel bad about Genghis Khan and the hoards?

 This whole white guilt thing seems pretty ridiculous to me.  My cousin murdered someone, how long should I feel "guilt" for that?  Zero seconds is my assessment. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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