General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> So,is they is or is they ain't?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/23 at 13:38:56

Title: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/23 at 13:38:56

IIRC Someone toooold us the stories about the Number people being held in jail waiting for a trial was a buncha lies, only a very few were actually being held . Seems like the story was They were offered bail, but chose to not accept that.

Why would anyone do that?
And how many people are incarcerated waiting for trial?
So what is going on?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/03/23 at 14:37:22

Not sure what you're talking about specifically,.. but why not look it up yourself instead of waiting for someone you'll probably disagree with to do it for you

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/03/23 at 18:13:52

IIRC I tried. Been a while, but I'm Thinking some of us regular folks who have been told there's quite a few people rotting in jail waiting for trial. I said they were denied bail. Then told I had been lied to and they Chose to Not take the bail offer. I'm wanting someone to tell me that is what happened.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/03/23 at 21:33:31

IIRC Someone toooold us the stories about the Number people being held in jail waiting for a trial was a buncha lies, only a very few were actually being held .  

 You recall incorrectly.  They were being held, but not being held in a manner that violates their 6th Amendment rights.  There were no "stories" but "somebody" provided actual real court case documents.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/23 at 08:08:37

What about bail?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/04/23 at 09:01:54

Just some clips from, current Web Sites reports about Jan 6.
  Counteracting each other, and clearly showing the
     ’Trumped’ UP Charges !

But the, ‘OFFICIAL’ explanation comes to, (something like) They WILL Be Punished, so we will never have this again !
(Never mind is HAS happened in the past, and will again in the future.  Well until Complete SOCIALISM takes over)

Every U.S. Attorney's office has been involved, as well as every FBI field office.

Number of people charged, federal: 1,139
Number of individuals who have had jury, bench, or stipulated bench trials: 139

Number of people charged, federal: 994
Number of individuals who have had jury or bench trials: 67

more than 1,033 people have been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6,

28 months (May this year) after the attempted insurrection, a significant number of rioters are still awaiting their sentencing.

Justice Department has indicated that it believes around 2,000 people were involved in the attack

Who are the 1,000 alleged rioters?

More than two years after rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, prosecutors have now charged more than 1,000

Investigation has estimated that 2,000 people

considers the attack an act of domestic terrorism
(LOL yet NONE of the BLM/ANTIFI, ‘events’, were even remotely considered as such)

842 suspects have been federally charged in the Justice Department’s probe of the Capitol insurrection
218 defendants, have been sentenced so far
half of the defendants have been charged with at least one felony

Charges were dropped against one man who further review showed did not enter the Capitol.
Only one defendant has been acquitted of all charges … (former Energy Department contract engineer)… saying the defendant plausibly argued that police officers allowed him into the building.

As of mid-July,(This Year) more than 200 people who participated in the riot at the Capitol have been sentenced … Twenty-four defendants have been sentenced with felonies and 194 with misdemeanors … All of the defendants sentenced with felonies face incarceration; on average, each defendant was sentenced to about two years of prison time

Prosecutors follow through on threat to seek ‘terrorism enhancement’ for those who reject plea deals
Citing terrorism, U.S. seeks 15-year prison sentence in Jan. 6
The significance of Jan. 6, as an attempt to undermine democracy, is playing a part.
considers the attack an act of domestic terrorism
some of the judges do worry this could happen again
"If people start to get the impression that you can do what happened on Jan. 6, you can associate yourself with that behavior and that there's no real consequence, then people will say why not do it again,"

(LOL yet NONE of the BLM/ANTIFI, ‘events’, were even remotely considered as such)

July (This Year) the FBI was still requesting the public’s assistance in identifying more than 350 individuals

(March this year) 1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot

$2.6 billion was allocated to the U.S. Attorneys to support the Jan. 6

the guy who just walked into the Capitol, took some photos and walked out, it risks missing the forest for the trees," he says. "It's just becoming whack a mole at a certain point." ...

What do we learn?

The Vast Majority of people go to the Capital to protest, (The Like Of), 'Don't Lie To me', then go peacefully away.
 And they learn the Great HAMMER comes down. .

The Vast Majority of people at BLM/ANTIFA/like protests, Steel, Destroy, Block, Kill, Attempt Killing, Throw bricks, Burn, Threaten, etc, etc, etc,.
 And they learn all that is perfectly OK !  (Because NOTHING, even remotely like Jan 6, is done)

It is  the direction this Nation is going.
"Survivor" "Big Brother" just Two of popular TV shows, which there are a dozen spinoffs of, teach that, the BETTER YOU CAN LIE, the more money you will win !

    "I am from the Government,
            Trust Me,
    I am here to help you"

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/04/23 at 09:24:00

"I am from the Government,
            Trust Me,
    I am here to help you"

Perhaps (today) it should be be:

“I receive Grants and Subsidy’s,
                 Trust Me,
          I am here to help you.”

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/23 at 09:44:01

One guy awaiting sentencing offed himself.

Tell me how these people are being treated is anything like anyone else. It's atrocious what is being done to these people.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/04/23 at 11:24:50

Remind me again when BLM and AntiFA attacked the US Capitol building while Congress was in session for the purpose of overthrowing an election and chanting "Kill Mike Pence!" and "Where's Nancy!" and injuring 140 police an causing multiple deaths. ...and planting bombs

Street protests, violent or not, just don't reach that standard.
Nothing has reached that standard since the Civil War.
They're lucky to not be getting the death penalty.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/04/23 at 11:54:24

What about bail?

 Some posted it some did not.  None that were held had their 6th Amendment violated.  I posted many documents here showing the proceedings and waivers.

 You were lied to about their speedy trial violations.  But it makes the money that they need if they say they are having their rights violated.  Another example of using lies to expose the truth.

"Tell me how these people are being treated is anything like anyone else. It's atrocious what is being done to these people."

 This depends on if you are willing to acknowledge a difference between charges applied and judicial process.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/04/23 at 12:04:38

Remind me again when BLM and AntiFA attacked the US Capitol building while Congress was in session for the purpose of overthrowing an election and chanting "Kill Mike Pence!" and "Where's Nancy!" and injuring 140 police an causing multiple deaths. ...and planting bombs.

 That's like asking someone to remind them of when BLM was torching Atlanta or Portland or other cities, how many were chanting "Kill Mike Pence!" and "Where's Nancy!"  It's the violence, and it was violence, that is the problem.

 I don't recall any BLM/ANTIFA checking to see if there were any disabled humans or kids in those buildings they were trying to burn down, or any of the ones they actually did.

 In CO you can use lethal force to protect private property in one situation:  Arson.  So had it happened in CO, they would have been candidates for the death penalty.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/04/23 at 12:06:10

Guys Guys, You guys completely forgot that the election was stolen. They tried to put everything right again. To save America, etc ect...

I understand that stealing the election was convenient for you because you hate Trump. But it doesn't work that way.

Your personal preference cannot be at the expense of the work of your ancestors and democracy.

Shame on you.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/04/23 at 13:43:49

...except it absolutely wasn't  

Verified by 60 legal challenges, dozen's of recounts, Republican and Democrat alike, even Trump appointees.
The most investigated election of all time,... and Biden won.
Trump is the biggest loser EVER!

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/04/23 at 14:42:21

It is childish to start a well-noss discussion.
Grow up.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/04/23 at 14:56:31

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
".... and Biden won. ..."

60 (+/-) years after JFK/Boinking MM and Teddy Driving Drunk. The Vast Majority of US Citizens do not believe the, ‘official government’, narrative.

50 (+/-) years later, 61-69% of Americans believe JFK was  not killed by Oswald, or him alone.

Heck even a few years later, 51-56% of Americans don't believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.

Perhaps 50-60 years from now, it will be discovered the Biden/Harris PUPPET MASTERS, plot to put two clowns into office to coverup a orchestrated play to move this Nation closer to Socialism.

   Useful Idiots,
just keep touting things,
They Have Been

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/04/23 at 15:16:57

  Useful Idiots,
just keep touting things,
They Have Been

 Like all those death certificates from car wrecks that are listed as dying FROM Covid because the CDC said to do it that way.  

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/04/23 at 15:20:45

4A6A68607D6A0F0 wrote:
Like all those death certificates from car wrecks that are listed as dying FROM Covid because the CDC said to do it that way.  

And again,
Deflection !

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/04/23 at 16:42:13

And again,
Deflection !

 Coming from the guy bringing up JFK/Boinking MM and Teddy Driving Drunk, and Jeffrey Epstein.  It's not different.

 Some people just say what they are told.  Like how Jan 6th defendants are having their 6th Amendment violated.  It's stories, not facts.  Stories not their own court filings.


Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/04/23 at 18:02:15

I'm not familiar with people not accepting bail.
Why are they still in jail?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/04/23 at 20:42:23

I'm not familiar with people not accepting bail.
Why are they still in jail?

  Most aren't.  Or maybe read it this way: They Ain't.

  Some made bail, and were then sentenced.  PG's source, and many others, simply categorize them as "incarcerated" and leave out that they were free, went to trial and are now serving a sentence.  Telling us they are held against their rights is a lie.  Many of them are actually free by now.

 A small percentage of defendants were held without bail, like the guy on video shoving two police officers, kicking one on the ground and stealing riot shields just to go brag about it, that guy was held.  This does not violate his 6th Amendment rights as his defense filed a waiver to have more time to prepare his case.  

 Another is held as a suspect on a murder trial. (something he left out on his fundraising page)

 People walking around, were out on bail, and many are free now.  The claim hundreds are held without trial is a lie.  These people are roaming around free.  The claim that people walking in peacefully are still being held is a lie, not even one misdemeanor charge, not one,  was held without bail.

 Many of the Defendants chose to change Counsel, and that involves waivers of trial time calculation as well.  Again, not a violation especially since the Defendant made the choice to extend.

 Individual breakdowns of every case:

 Update from the Dept. of Justice as of Aug 6 2023:



Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/05/23 at 07:28:42

From the date a person was charged, to the date of Arraignment.  Should be (+/-) 2 Business days.
Just in the first couple of pages, that time was MUCH longer.

Looked at it that often quoted, “Oh Look What We Did”,  report.

A tremendous amount if information is missing.

Not Provided was the Time elapsed between the two.
        (Proof, not a guess)

… where that person was, between those times.
      (Proof, not a guess)

…  how many ’Plea Deals’ were the result of:
“… Prosecutors follow through on threat to seek
          ‘terrorism enhancement’
   for those who reject plea deals…”

          (Proof, not a guess)

For those that are unfamiliar with a, ‘plea Deal’ below are tiny parts of a Federal Government one.

“… Your client understands that by pleading guilty in this case your client agrees to waive certain rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States and/or by statute or rule.
Your client further understands that the sentence to be imposed is a matter solely within the discretion of the Court. Your client acknowledges that the Court is not obligated to follow any recommendation of the Government at the time of sentencing.
Your client understands that the Government’s recommendation is not binding on the Court.
Your client acknowledges that your client’s entry of a guilty plea to the charged offense(s) authorizes the Court to impose any sentence, up to and including the statutory maximum sentence.
The Government cannot, and does not, make any promise or representation as to what sentence your client will receive. Moreover, it is understood that your client will have no right to withdraw your client’s plea of guilty should the Court impose a sentence that does not follow the
Government’s sentencing recommendation.
The Government and your client will be bound by this Agreement, regardless of the sentence imposed by the Court. Any effort by your client to
withdraw the guilty plea because of the length of the sentence shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.
Your client also agrees to waive all constitutional and statutory rights to a speedy sentence and agrees that the plea of guilty pursuant to this Agreement will be entered at a time decided upon by the parties with the concurrence of the Court.
Your client expressly authorizes the United States Attorney’s Office to obtain a credit report on your client.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/05/23 at 14:09:52

Not Provided was the Time elapsed between the two.
       (Proof, not a guess)

 It is provided in the referenced documentation.  None of those omitted time calculated towards speedy trial, so no violation of the 6th Amendment there.

… where that person was, between those times.
     (Proof, not a guess)

 There is no obligation for the DoJ to monitor the locations of humans that are not in custody.  I imagine you would need to contact each person individually to find out where they were.  Humans in custody had their time calculated towards speedy trial, so no violation of their 6th Amendment rights there.

…  how many ’Plea Deals’ were the result of:
“… Prosecutors follow through on threat to seek
         ‘terrorism enhancement’
  for those who reject plea deals…”
         (Proof, not a guess)

 I imagine you would have to contact each of their legal representatives to see why they made the decision.  Verify their statements match the trial documents and cross reference them with the charges.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/23 at 14:53:39

33 years for Enrique Tarrio  (correction, 22 years)

That's a pricey 15 minutes

Trump led them,... what should he get?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/05/23 at 15:27:35

7462756870656873070 wrote:
33 years for Enrique Tarrio

That's a pricey 15 minutes

Trump led them,... what should he get?

The Oval Office again?

I say it’s 51% to 49% Trump will be your President again.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/23 at 15:35:15

You keep on tellin' yerself that...  ;D

More than 60% of voters say no way they vote Trump

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/23 at 18:10:57

Yeah, 81 million people, who can't be found, right,

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by zevenenergie on 09/05/23 at 23:46:19

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
You keep on tellin' yerself that...  ;D

More than 60% of voters say no way they vote Trump

Anyway still pretty good for a candidate with multiple lawsuits against him.
It strengthens my confidence that Trump wil be elected.

People want a better life:

Thay want to wake up like this:

How is your precident conne do that? He is demented.

And when he says god save the queen, what does he actually mean by that?

So you want a puppet as the president, Hmm Intresting....

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/23 at 02:57:53

I didn’t say it was a sure thing and more than half of me doesn’t want Trump, but he’s a better option than any Democrat and all but DeSantis as I see it now.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/23 at 03:04:48

And Biden isn’t going to run. Kamala isn’t going to create enough enthusiasm to pull big numbers and Democrats won’t be able to cheat this year like last time.

Democrats best chance is Newsom although running for the top job when you’ve destroyed your state is going to be tricky.

Their best bet is to get behind JFK Jr. They’d have to get the media to switch 180 degrees from calling him a vaccine denier to the second coming of his uncle, but they’d have no problem doing that.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/23 at 07:35:24

"... Their best bet is to get behind JFK Jr. They’d have to get the media to switch 180 degrees from calling him a vaccine denier to the second coming of his uncle, but they’d have no problem doing that. ..."

I believe they will never get behind Jr.
He will never, 'cow down', to the puppet masters.

"... Democrats best chance is Newsom although running for the top job when you’ve destroyed your state is going to be tricky..."

That is who they will put up, and with their Fraud, Deception, Illegal, Dead, manipulation of the vote.
It could be another tough 4 years, further dividing this Nation.

Unless Patriots and Freedom Defenders, turn off the Opra reruns, shut off the TV, and put down the Pizza.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/23 at 07:43:41

"... So you want a puppet as the president, Hmm Intresting....  ..."

And the Fairy Dust Sprinklers,
were worried about Trump,
having the Nuke Codes  ?????????????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/23 at 07:54:19

5B784566647F7871160 wrote:
"... So you want a puppet as the president, Hmm Intresting....  ..."

And the Fairy Dust Sprinklers,
were worried about Trump,
having the Nuke Codes  ?????????????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I doubt if they ever gave him the real ones     ;D

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/23 at 08:12:45

1635082B2932353C5B0 wrote:
"... Their best bet is to get behind JFK Jr. They’d have to get the media to switch 180 degrees from calling him a vaccine denier to the second coming of his uncle, but they’d have no problem doing that. ..."

I believe they will never get behind Jr.
He will never, 'cow down', to the puppet masters.

"... Democrats best chance is Newsom although running for the top job when you’ve destroyed your state is going to be tricky..."

That is who they will put up, and with their Fraud, Deception, Illegal, Dead, manipulation of the vote.
It could be another tough 4 years, further dividing this Nation.

Unless Patriots and Freedom Defenders, turn off the Opra reruns, shut off the TV, and put down the Pizza.

You might be right, Newsom might be the guy. And if Trump is the Republican nominee, the most effective organized crime organization, aka Mainstream Media, will lie, cheat and steal to push him over the finish line.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/23 at 08:13:53

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
[quote author=5B784566647F7871160 link=1693773536/30#30 date=1694011421]"... So you want a puppet as the president, Hmm Intresting....  ..."

And the Fairy Dust Sprinklers,
were worried about Trump,
having the Nuke Codes  ?????????????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I doubt if they ever gave him the real ones     ;D[/quote]

Who is this “they” you speak of because no one voted for “they”.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/23 at 10:43:58

The majority never voted for Trump

How do you feel about that?
It's just how the system works?

Then you need to accept the system.
I'm sure you wouldn't have if Hillary had won by a negative 3 million votes.
You can't even accept Biden who won by 7 million.

If Trump runs again, he'll lose by 12 million.
It's not like he's gained any voters.

Overturning of Roe v Wade lost him some women votes, Aging voter base, more young voters, more educated voters, 90 criminal felony charges, sex crimes.
Orange rapist Jesus is going down in flames.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/23 at 11:20:46

A demonstration of the pointlessness of trying to show them anything.
Everyone knows if the parties were reversed, Everything would be lefties burning more cities.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/06/23 at 11:49:45

 So where's the complaints about "deflection" now?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/23 at 12:15:35

4161636B7661040 wrote:
.  So where's the complaints about "deflection" now?

Post 34 was not a deflection.
It was just a outright lie,
repeated by someone,
who was TOLD what to say !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  ;)

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/23 at 13:11:50

Pointing out the obvious is now a problem.
More evidence of the pointlessness

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/06/23 at 13:40:16

Post 34 was not a deflection.
It was just a outright lie,
repeated by someone,
who was TOLD what to say !

 Kind of like how people repeat what they were TOLD  about the CDC saying to code people dead in car wrecks as dying "From" Covid but have no evidence of it?  

 Like that kind of lie that is repeated?

 Or to be more on topic, that all these Jan 6th Defendants had their 6th Amendment rights violated?

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/23 at 15:36:02

TOLD  about the CDC saying to code people dead in car wrecks as dying "From" Covid but have no evidence of it?

Explained, more than once.
YOU keep lying.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/06/23 at 16:29:32

Explained, more than once.
YOU keep lying.

 Easy to prove.  Just reference the policy from the CDC stating this.  Show where the coding states Covid takes priority over PCOD.  Should be easy to find since, if it were true, pretty much every anti-vax website would have multiple references to this documentation.

 Prove me wrong.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/23 at 18:15:24

4452455840555843370 wrote:
The majority never voted for Trump

How do you feel about that?
It's just how the system works?

Then you need to accept the system.
I'm sure you wouldn't have if Hillary had won by a negative 3 million votes.
You can't even accept Biden who won by 7 million.

If Trump runs again, he'll lose by 12 million.
It's not like he's gained any voters.

Overturning of Roe v Wade lost him some women votes, Aging voter base, more young voters, more educated voters, 90 criminal felony charges, sex crimes.
Orange rapist Jesus is going down in flames.

Your ability to analyze reality is terrible. You’ve been wrong on countless accusations. And, as I like to point out, you’re foolish enough to actually believe a 17 year old high school student organized gang rape parties where the same girls were raped repeatedly all summer long. Honestly, that’s a tie with 9/11 conspiracy people.

And I understand how the Electoral College and I accept honest results.

And again, to demonstrate your ignorance of reality, this last election was not “ the most secure in history’.

But, let’s just follow events as they unfold.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/23 at 19:08:27

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
Explained, more than once.
YOU keep lying.

 Easy to prove.  Just reference the policy from the CDC stating this.  Show where the coding states Covid takes priority over PCOD.  Should be easy to find since, if it were true, pretty much every anti-vax website would have multiple references to this documentation.

Goddammit, you're saying I'm saying something I'm NOT. I explained it and not again.

 Prove me wrong.

Title: Re: So,is they is or is they ain't?
Post by Eegore on 09/06/23 at 19:20:16

Goddammit, you're saying I'm saying something I'm NOT. I explained it and not again.

 I was referencing MnSpring's consistent claim the CDC "said" to code humans dead in car wrecks as dying "From" Covid.  They never said that, but websites TOLD us they did.  It's not cool for other humans to do this about other topics though.

 Your situation is different.  I repeatedly explain I never said anyone should take the vaccine and you say I did because I didn't accept the lying websites claims that millions were documented as dying "from" Covid when they were actually documented as dying "with" it.  So it looks like we both keep insisting the other guy "SAID" something they never did. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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